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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25156237 No.25156237 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm going to go to the most affluent area in my city (average family income is $180k)
>church gets $75 million a year from it's patrons
>Go to church every Sunday and joining as many of their little groups they have and dressing my absolute best whenever I go there in order to reel some rich person.
>I am 23(m); 7/10 looks.
Feedback appreciated.

>> No.25156268

You didn't mention the most important detail. Do you have a penis?

>> No.25156266

That'd only really works if you have a good pedigree. Why would a wealthy man want to talk to some kid?

>> No.25156269

No condom, always cum deep inside, knock her up asap.

>> No.25156292

Rich people will know right away you aren’t rich

>> No.25156329

thats a good plan. are you extroverted?

>> No.25156334

My dad makes $220k a year so we're not exactly slouches either.
I'm going to University as well so I'm not a total loser...
Yes I do and I did mention it
If I were a woman this would be EASY mode, I know.
Keeping this in mind as well.

>> No.25156345

their kids wont care

>> No.25156353

Congrats you are having the same plan as every bum in your city. I encourage you to find out why non of the bums actually go to that area

>> No.25156355

my father makes $220k a year but we practice relative frugality (most of the income goes to properties and what not, we own about $1.5million worth of it).
Not really and that's where I feel like I'm going to get fucked.

>> No.25156356

post face to confirm looksmax status

>> No.25156380

Its not about the looks or the money.

Well, not just the looks and the money.

>> No.25156384

>going to university
>thinks he is not a loser
The irony.

>> No.25156440

Explain anon
No shot
Can you elaborate?
Don't understand what you mean

>> No.25156487

They're smarter than you and will catch onto your scheme pretty quick, especially if you're not naturally charming.
Realistically, just buy Bitcoin and stop being an idiot. Once you're rich from crypto then go to business conventions and fancy parties and find a woman that's as successful as you.

>> No.25156496

Imagine revolving your life around money. Pathetic

>> No.25156516

Most knowledge/information can be attained via the internet, books, and mentors. Universities are only worthwhile if you're going to learn STEM, or if you know how to network (mainly party like an idiot) with rich kids. If you want to become rich then it is not wise to take on a mountain of debt in order to get a piece of paper that won't guarantee a high paying career. The only way out of the rat race is to start a successful business, or multiple.

>> No.25156530

My dad makes 400k as an executive chef for Wendy’s

>> No.25156543

if your goal is to meet a rich girl, i cant think of a better strategy. and any strategy you dream up will require practice socializing, so i think youre on the right track.

why is it so important to you to meet a rich girl at 23 years old? i think many people arent looking for serious relationships around then?

>> No.25156567

The better option is to be humble and straight forward with them. Most will probably reject you, but that doesn't matter if some accept you. The key is to have something of value to offer them. Natural charm is an easy one if you have it.

>> No.25156583

If you need me to tell you, no.

Try meditating and figure it out.

Sorry, Azure has someone else on her mind but give it a shot, basedboy

>> No.25156595

How would they catch onto me though?
Forgot what board you're on?
You realize you could have all the knowledge in the world but without that paper you're not getting your foot in the door anywhere.
My University is payed off, I'm studying Neuroscience with the hopes of going to Medical school or just going straight for a PhD. And yes I've done maths up to Diff EQ for Engineering but it's just not very interesting, much more prefer the human body.

>> No.25156604

rich neighborhoods are not rich neighborhoods because they let every bum join their community. Best case you will politely get asked to fuck off, worst case, you go missing

>> No.25156640

>> (average family income is $180k)
That's lower-middle class for a family of 4

>> No.25156669

Lost there fren? This is /biz/

>> No.25156678
File: 239 KB, 1334x452, 943DEF8C-FEDF-4BCC-857D-52779FCEC47A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually 240k a year
And then like 30-40k a year for the rent he collects
I want to marry someone with the same social status as myself but I want it to be controlled. In the sense that she's a Christian and that she recognizes that money isn't all that life matters. I was befriended before for my parents having money once they went to my house and I don't want that "WOW!" Effect anymore. It's too easy to get divorce raped and I don't want that.
How do I work on being an extrovert?

>> No.25156705

I'm not a bum dummy. I've already proved here >>25156678

>> No.25156737

You know you can make more money running a plumbing business than you can as a medical doctor/physician?

>> No.25156763

It's what I want to do though

>> No.25156765

What 3rd world shit hole are you from that you think 180k a year for a family is affluent?

>> No.25156802

How about we do this. You tell me where you are from where $180k (American dollars not your Ugandan paper clip money) isn't a lot of money.

>> No.25156814

Fair enough, and for your path university would be necessary, so its all good. At least you're not some business administration major.

>> No.25156865

Out of curiosity, what's wrong with BAs?
A masters in BA is pretty good, or are you just talking about a Bachelors in BA?

>> No.25156895

>How do I work on being an extrovert?
practice mostly, but it may be easier to start by autistically treating it like a game. there are pick up artist guides and youtube channels on how to appear confident

>> No.25156973

also keep in mind that you are on a career path that would endear you to the parents of the girls youre trying to meet. later as your income increases, it will actually be easier to get the kind of girl youre looking for now

>> No.25156980

I didn't say it wasn't a lot of money but it's not rich, it's middle class for a family. So you're essentially annoying the piss out of these churchgoing working stiffs. Kek

>> No.25157009

Do you think my reasoning for why I want to do this is right? I've just heard nightmares about divorce and marriage that I don't want that for me. For reference this is a Presbyterian Church and they're very much against divorce, the church's view is very orthodox in all aspects of social life so that's a plus when looking for a partner imo

>> No.25157068

from there perspective you are a bum, or in your case even worse, a low middle class leech

>> No.25157083

I was referring to Bachelors in BA. If your professor really knew about business then he wouldn't be teaching at a university. There are exceptions though, like the ones who are very well off and decided to teach anyway. Masters are good but you can still get all the knowledge for free/at a much lower cost.

>> No.25157209

It is middle class, I'd say on the upper end. Never said I was affluent either. Just comfortable living.
You're repeating the same thing without any substance.
Agreed, a bachelors in BA isn't the best bang for you buck.
Even though the knowledge is all there, most places will want that MBA degree. That's what I like about CS and IT, as long as you have projects under your belt and certifications you can still get ahead in your career

>> No.25157228

i can see the appeal of trying hard to meet a traditional girl, but chances of divorce wont decrease much just because you both come from money. plenty of non gold diggers get divorced too. also, you would need to find someone who is active in church of their own volition, not someone who just attends with their family. I would judge someones values on an individual basis for best chances in marriage. but your plan does put you in the best location for a rich trad girl, statistically speaking

>> No.25157268

That's why I was thinking of going into small groups! They have this ,,young adults" and ,,College students" groups that meet up on Wednesday and Thursday respectively and I'm guessing that's where the more dedicated individuals find themselves going. I could also join the worship team since I'm a decent piano player...

>> No.25157317

>I could also join the worship team since I'm a decent piano player...
ye its a good plan, and any role where your skills are on display would be a massive help breaking ice and meeting people

>> No.25157455

if youre refering to like hanging out with rich lads and going to expensive trips out of their pockets, it could work. But you'd have to make at least one bff there

>> No.25157859

Thanks for the good suggestions anon
Any other places you think I should go to?
I mean like marrying someone rich

>> No.25157899

Whay exactly do you expect to happen when you meet this rich person?

>> No.25157999

That seems like a lot of work to at best get some spoiled daddy’s girl who will make you constantly buy her stuff

>> No.25158106

This is my reasoning, as horribly shallow as it might seem I genuinely do have good intentions.
>I want to marry someone with the same social status (middle-upper middle class and above)as myself but I want it to be controlled. In the sense that she's a Christian and that she recognizes that money isn't all that life matters. I was befriended before for my parents having money once they went to my house and I don't want that "WOW!" Effect anymore. It's too easy to get divorce raped and I feel that someone from a lower social class would see me more as a potential victim of this ruse.
I'm a Uni student so i can't do that. Plus this church that i'm going to is traditional so hopefully that'll help me find someone of quality

>> No.25158400

Polahh bear

>> No.25158540
File: 32 KB, 735x443, E0C974BF-9B6A-47ED-8786-F416DB545CF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that 7/10 is the self rating of delusional retards that are average at best. It’s always 7/10

>> No.25158559

If anything I might be an 8/10

>> No.25159166

Necro bump