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25156017 No.25156017 [Reply] [Original]

i panic sold XRP at 26 cents. Tell me it'll be back to sub .30 soon.

>> No.25156038


>> No.25156055


>> No.25156074

It will, no idea why the fuck idiots are still buying this
>being sued by SEC
>all partnerships exposed as fraudulent
>100b shitcoin supply
>3rd in mcap at 35 cents
>this looks like a good investment!

>> No.25156076

Shall i tell him?

>> No.25156119

you answered your own question, anyone buying this is a fucking idiot kek

nothing good will come from this lawsuit but schizos keep saying it's "bullish", it's almost like they don't understand what words mean. it's like they're literal NPCs

>> No.25156126


>> No.25156133


>> No.25156201


i dont feel so good xrp bros

>> No.25156211

They mostly are, Cripple benefits from its position in market cap and low price, NPCs and 80 IQ normalfaggots just see it as a penny bitcoin because they're fucking retarded even though XRP isn't even a cryptocurrency and should be delisted from every single exchange

>> No.25156252

bitstamp halting trading on the 8th kek, short now and make out like a bandit, hope my money goes through in time to short before it dumps below 30 cents

>> No.25156273


>> No.25156290

Be greedy when others are fearful

>> No.25156296

It is bcuz of the FUD that makes it easier to pump.
Git gud scrub

>> No.25156304

Xrp =/= ripple

>> No.25156311


>> No.25156321

sure, but you can't be greedy if you can't sell your shitcoins because they get delisted or trades are halted KEK retard

>> No.25156494

>bitstamp halting trading on the 8th kek
Wew lad that was a massive red dildo just now kek

>> No.25156629

This is your chance, OP. You made it.

>> No.25156648

some insiders knew and fuckin' pumped the shit out of it last night, i was watching it in disbelief and now it makes sense.

>> No.25156651

>Tell me it'll be back to sub .30 soon.
just hit it

>> No.25156675

it will be sub .10 soon

>> No.25156710

How does it feel to wait 3 years only to do a meager 2x and then fall flat on your face? I'll never understand schizos.

>> No.25156795

First the McDonald's application and now this. Will ripplebros ever catch a break?

>> No.25156855

you got your wish granted

>> No.25156879

this truly was a xmas miracle for OP

>> No.25156907


>> No.25157752

Congrats for getting out above 0

>> No.25157790

It's not just a different cryptocurrency. It's a centralized and illegal scam that has been an IQ test for years. It's the same as Theranos (the only difference that Theranos kept its fraud behind close doors while Ripple had the audacity to pull this off in front of everyone).

The Ripple community is comprised of imbeciles who worship a bunch of criminals who run the company and enrich themselves. These braindead bots will never question whether their bags are actually worth more than zero.

Schwartz, Garlinghouse belong BEHIND BARS. They've been telling us with straight face that XRP is more decentralized than "Chinese" Bitcoin for years despite controlling XRPL's UNL.

They are corrupt, they are shameless, they are dangerous.

The SEC lawsuit is even more bullish for Bitcoin than all institutional investors combined because there's finally a good chance that Ripple and XRP will be finished off for good.

I wish nothing but pain, misery, and suffering for every single member of the XRP community.

>> No.25157811

lol it already recovered again...

>> No.25157821


>> No.25157831

it is sub 30 stupen

>> No.25157854

>I bought more at .33
Now it's dumping

>> No.25157873


>> No.25158029

They're shaking out the weak hands, Melon taught about it. 2k EOY

>> No.25158041

Fuck off

>> No.25158719

oh it definitely will, just have patience.

>> No.25158784

Seriously why are people still buying XRP? When does the market cap just bleed out into other cryptos?

>> No.25159381
File: 3 KB, 307x164, Defimm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were so late to panic sell. I don't get why you're so goddamn retarded. Dyor on dmg now, and hope you'll gain it back.

>> No.25159497


Partnerships exposed???

post link or end up like pic related

>> No.25159534
File: 29 KB, 615x487, 1606344921809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25159550

XRP is the longest living scam in crypto so far.

>> No.25160255


hopefully you learned your lesson just walk away from the computer for 10 minutes next time retard

>> No.25160285

Buy when it gets to .24 so I can laugh when it goes to .00