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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2515557 No.2515557 [Reply] [Original]

HOLY SHIT, CHECK OUT MYSTERIUM NETWORK!! Lambotown here I come!! Don't miss out. In about a month you'll be crying when this literally quadruples.

Decentralized VPN is going to become a huge thing.

>> No.2515621

Wait for it to drop bit more, the price is still settling

>> No.2515638

>Literally huge ass walls every 50k sats

This shit needs to drop to 30k minimum to "moon"

>> No.2515666

Just wait. It has potential, but if you buy in right now when it has just been listed and after a price discrepancy between liqui and Bittrex you are fucking retarded.

>> No.2515709

Hory shet the price difference is huuuge. Surely it will settle on bittrex unless normies keep buying

>> No.2515714

myst is one of the few good coins out there imo

>> No.2515763

Tor is already a thing

>> No.2515776

>tor is safe

>> No.2515807
File: 177 KB, 436x361, 1490506573923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one of those coins that is pre-hyped and then just stagnates? Don't really want to be a bagholder desu

>> No.2515862


55btc wall down to 11btc, sell wall coming in strong too at 15 btc. Look slike its gonna go up for now. Threw some LTC gains at it

>> No.2515873

>chinks make up huge market of crypto buyers
>all chinks use vpn's
think about it
t. chink

>> No.2515910

Mysterium's idea is fantastic, they've publicly stated that it will probably take about 5 years to completely implement the fucker though. I'm in though, I like the idea

>> No.2515951

just bought myst, although i learned not to listen to you faggots.

>> No.2515958

fucking sent all my Myst over from Liqui.io after I generated the wallet on Bittrex and even though it's off pending on Liqui.io I don't see any incoming transfer on Bittrex

did I fuck up somehow?

>> No.2515988

first big wall down, clear to 13.

>> No.2516016

Bought in at 12 did I fuck up

>> No.2516041

fuck off

>> No.2516072


May just take a while bro. WOuldnt worry about it. Whales are keeping price down atm so you're g

>> No.2516102

No you didn't. There's such high volume that it takes a while for it to reach bittrex. Everyone's experiencing the same problem. Relax.

>> No.2516137

thanks fellas

>> No.2516285

Looks like its gonna fucking moon though lol

>> No.2516319

Too many bots trying to minipulate this coin, move to CFI if you want quick proffits. gained 400 in less than 3 minutes and still increasing

>> No.2516465

holy fuck its mooning.
Hold through the night or sit up awhile and sell high? how fucking far will this moon?

>> No.2516540

I think it's good for 100 - 250 million

>> No.2516668

90 btc wall at 19k, but a 50 btc wall got eaten in 15 mins, and a 20 btc wal got eaten in 2 bites. IDK bro