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File: 581 KB, 1600x1000, tokyo-mud-bath-bar-mudbath0716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2515059 No.2515059 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that "cashing out" is for cucks

Real men will HODL until they can live on crypto and pay for everything in crypto


>> No.2515075

faggots dont get this
we made it when we can buy a fucking house in bitcoin (itll probably cost 1-2 bitcoin by then)

>> No.2515078

Damn, I want to live in Tokyo now. What are some states in the US where crypto is more widely accepted? I live in Florida.

>> No.2515084

>"Anon you made a lot but when will you cash out?"
People keep asking me this
triggers me everytime

>> No.2515092

so all you whiny cucks gtfo with your fuckboy shit asking about taxes
you boipuccis better hodl on to them coins

>> No.2515104

>we made it when we can buy a fucking house in bitcoin (itll probably cost 1-2 bitcoin by then)
this anon gets it. I would say 5-10 btc but otherwise I agree

>> No.2515105

Jesus this shit is making people literally delusion
As if this isnt going to crash hard

>> No.2515121


keep coping nocoiner

>> No.2515128

Daily reminder that you haven't made anything until it's fiat.

>> No.2515146

Taxes are only problem for fiatcucks
We Patrician HODLers will simply hold massive amounts of crypto when crypto becomes the norm
never pay taxes agaijn

>> No.2515155

>you cant buy the fucking dip if you cash out
Sound logic in my books

>> No.2515156
File: 16 KB, 600x581, 1102963115659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, now this is what crypto should be all about. This is our future if we choose it.

Biz will carry on pumping every shitty meme coin they can, ruining trust in the medium of crypto

>> No.2515168

nocoiner, you better change your ways and invest NOW before it's too late, or you won't be able to afford to pay for your wife's son's college

>> No.2515184

>Daily reminder that you haven't made anything until it's fiat.
this is what nocoiners actually believe

>> No.2515192

Have fun paying your crypto VAT to the merchants

Also do you really think governments wont, in the dying days of fiat, just buy millions of GPUs and commandeer land and steal electricity to premine their own legal crypto or mine their own bitcoin themselves to keep a reserve?
If land and electricity matter then china will still dominate in crypto?

>> No.2515211

I have coins but I don't live in fantasyland with bagholders and shills.
I haven't made anything in an online casino either if I keep gambling without withdrawing my money. Sure, I may be up but I haven't made any money yet.

>> No.2515231


preach it my brudda!

nocoiners gonna offer us their wives and daugthers for mere satoshis in the future

>> No.2515350
