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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2514972 No.2514972 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, XBY i'm out. The leadership team is braindead. Dutchdude was right. The slack is filled with ignorant individuals of how shitty their attitude is. I'm sorry /biz/ for shilling everyday.

>> No.2515298

this coin has been so fucking confusing lately.

>> No.2515341

Sure has. I still think it has some potential, but it could be a while, and the website definitely shook my confidence. Going to hold onto the majority of my XBY, but going to sell some just in case.

Might rebuy if this hits the 700sat level.

>> No.2516099

Dutch here, welcome to reality. Now, watch as a few days completely changes your perspective, and you begin to see it the way I do.

If anyone has any doubts, go through the slack general channel from yesterday, till today. At this very moment they are at each others throats, even attacking those who once held their standard up high. The knives are out, and slowly the truth is slipping

>> No.2516139

Just sold 150k of 250k
Going to hold the rest just to see. But it feels much better to be diversified. Don't want to get DGB'd or worse.

Hopefully I don't regret it.

>> No.2516301

yeah man i got 250k xby but i had 540k and no diversification and it was stressful as hell

i still believe in xby so i'm gonna be holding to the bitter end

>> No.2516395

Consider diversifying further... 50% of your hodlings in this is pretty reckless

>> No.2516541

Ships current status: Sinking

watch all those coins move! Theres about to be a whole lot more coins dumped.

>> No.2516659

i've got half a static node with a friend and since we got in so cheap we made a pact not to sell since if it drops we only lose a small investment but if the project is a success we have a lot to gain

>> No.2516892

Any more updates?

>> No.2517040

new, more professional website is produced by the community and is on the way

after this incident it is clear the majority of the community is very passionate about the project and want it to succeed, some people who have less faith are selling their coins, which is fair, this has always been a risky investment

hopefully ccr is dropped as a marketer and replaced by vanfly, and then it would be nice to see an actual roadmap from the devs

development is clearly happening which is reassuring

>> No.2517046

Bought in at 1250 and now it's at 775 sinking... fml

>> No.2517068
File: 89 KB, 725x483, ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you admitted it op come on over to the ark side and hodl for 2 years for lambos and cool as fuck projects being built on ark

>> No.2517078
File: 489 KB, 1034x1500, 1423182786452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck didn't they just have lost design this shit from the get go? I implore those who sold to check the work that Lost did in slack its very good. When CCR gets on we need to spam him so he gives us a fucking actual update on the progress.

>> No.2517120

One person without much dev experience endevoured to do it themselves unfortunately.

Now there are three potential new sites made by the community. All of them look amazing to be honest. a million times better than the current.

>> No.2517278

List's design looks like shit imo and I'm pretty sure he did the current website, I might be wrong though.

Why don't they just hire a pro web designer?

>> No.2517285

OK best of luck then

>> No.2517512

Check out this site by tom from slack its really good

>> No.2517807

Heres CCREV tying that noose a little tighter


Lol, this just keeps getting better

>> No.2517830

that guy is just a walking disaster lol
I can only hope for another troll patrol videohahah

>> No.2517839

Buy back in if the tech is real. this shit is unreal

>> No.2517872

Fuck selling now, its almost down 50%

Going to wait till it hits bittrex

That marketing guy is fucking retarded

>> No.2517879

I hope he makes another one hahaha he got so butthurt over some guy making fun of vitaliks face. The first troll patrol vid makes me laugh every time.

>> No.2517885

yes. sell now while it hits a floor and 4 new options for sites pop-up in a single day from the community for this coin.

it has no potential.


>> No.2518048

Statics just announced to be coming online
Node busters on suicide watch

>> No.2518066

Poudino did nothing wrong

>> No.2518100

They can't even get a website right, but sure, they will beat out btc

>> No.2518213

Oh, so it's Hungarian... Now I know why it sucks so bad.

>> No.2518216

Btc beating itself it's barely even the dominant coin will be overtaken by the end of the summer

>> No.2518325

The fact that you can't see the absurdity comparing either btc or eth to a project who cant even agree on a website is hilarious

>> No.2518498

I didn't compare it to btc I just made the observation that btc will lose dominance soon
No shit though this easily a 1$ coin

>> No.2518764

>However, being a Community Corporation does not entitle anyone to try to overthrow, manipulate or control the narrative. The 3 people who have tried to orchestrate this mutiny are being banned forever.

>> No.2518781


>> No.2518874

Idiot panic sellers. XBY is going to sky rocket very soon. Nodes are about to go online. All i cqn do is just sit and laugh at the sellers.

>> No.2518878

i dont like CCR that much but he was right with that post. there is a line between constructive criticism and the shit that went on in the Slack last night. the outcome right now has proved it: the community is now creating the website with open development, and CCR is taking a back seat in other affairs now. check out the slack if you dont believe me

>> No.2518965

25 years in marketing, scammed on a hail mary ICO, winds up the boss of a hail mary scamcoin because got scammed the hardest, can't produce a website or manage a small community.

No surprises the "community corporation" thing is nothing more than a meme. Even if this is not a scam there is no way this guy is capable of managing it to the moon, nobody except desperate newfags will put a dollar in the hands of this fucking clown.

>> No.2518982

>literally does what he is saying no one is entitled to do

>> No.2519044

Not going to fucking constantly going to "look at the slack now", I fucking saw it yesterday and I saw seedit raising fair points. CCR probably has a problem with that now because half the fucking people in there felt the same way.

If CCR cannot accept he may not be the best leader for the coin it will struggle, in a regular company he would be ousted by the shareholders, in a community company he has no right to such a position in the first place. Niggers the fucking kim jong un of crypto minus the advisers.

>> No.2519071

>Literally has no idea what he is doing

>> No.2519147

then you have no idea what has changed and what is going on right now do you? fucking retard, i literally just told you what is happening and you just threw it back in my face. there has literally been a community and board decision for massive changes in regards to community development and what CCR does now

>> No.2519227

So what he's stepped down and banned those who suggested it?

>> No.2519228

Ccr is going to tank xby. His bitcointalk threads, slack posts, and website text don't add credibility to the project. He needs to relinquish control of the marketing stuff.

The used car salesman comes across too strong in his marketing and it's extremely off putting.

>> No.2519267

The best thing he can do is step away from the marketing and hire someone who can write above an eighth grade level ;-)

>> No.2519312

that is what is happening. some of his tasks are being delegated to other project leaders now.

>> No.2519497

Then why the fuck ban those who suggested It?

What? Chairman Revs fee fees were hurt?

>> No.2519524

One can only hope he goes full time to troll patrol video producing. It is comedy gold!

>> No.2519591

I don't think it is. I'm in the slack and read his latest bitcointalk post, which just sounds vindictive, and that's not mentioned at all. It's true that there's a community revamp of the website, but no mention of him easing off of the marketing.

Seedit and pudino were raising valid points last night and didn't deserve to be banned. They weren't calling for a mutiny, just a shuffling of responsibilities.

The relentless accusations of FUD have to stop too. The term FUD is stupid, of course people are going to express uncertainty and doubt. It's a new project with a really odd beginning.

They also need to remove bikerlezno as a mod. His incessant FUD frothing and poor English comprehension make XBY look extremely bad

>> No.2519726

Dude. Honest xby holder here. I reduced my 616k position significantly a couple weeks ago because it was stressful but still have some left. My biggest problem is CCREV, plain and simple. This guy is fucking retarded. The fact that he tries to pass himself off as a so-called "20 year veteran in marketing" blows my mind. And his most recent post is just showing his insanity even further. Is no one going to stand up to this guy? He's single-handedly destroying this project and what's worse is he's too dumb to realize it. He tries to claim that this is a "community corporation" and dismisses us when we want him to step down. This guy has all the power and he's a fucking moron. Look at vanfly's community concerns release (https://www.docdroid.net/7PUeQtl/community-concerns.pdf.html)) they want to move him to CEO? What the FUCK? We should be firing this idiot. There's a difference between shooting down fud and actually listening to the community opinion and criticisms. I dont know, this post isn't articulated the best because I need to vent right now.

Fucking idiot....I mean the countdown and everything all for that horrid site. I would be embarrassed to work for a month and deliver a pile of shit like that to my team.

>> No.2519788

Well said. Same sentiments from a holder.

>> No.2519867

why did you pinpoint on that one three letter word and ignore everything else that was in there? CEOs are worthless, they dont do any work. they are just the spokesman of the company and have a board to do decisions for him, which is what is happening now.

>> No.2519868

lezno continues to demonstrate extraordinary ignorance, ANYTHING not fitting a full blown fucking cult results in him mooning

>> No.2519893

>CEOs are worthless
This idea is entirely working class imagination

>> No.2519924

lezno got booted from admin

>> No.2519926

it is true, i spoke with a board member. the proof will be in the pudding though.

also biker has been removed as a mod already i think

>> No.2519960

I guess another part that concerned me was that reportedly not a single member of the board could see what we all can quite clearly, which is that this guy shouldn't even be within a stone's throw of getting involved with this project, if we want it to be something serious.

CEO/Visionary is out of his league. If we HAVE to keep him on a leash make him a director of whatever simple-minded bullshit he can handle. Those positions can be superceded by a more professional executive officer down the line.

>> No.2519996

Please make him do more troll patrol

>> No.2520045

from what i have seen, there were concerns in the board but it was this website nonsense that sped the process up a lot.i am pretty happy with the resolution they have come up with right now though, it is definitely in the right direction

>> No.2520056

Fuck off fag

>> No.2520110

Hey Now, that's FUD. You know what FUD is? Fear Uncertainty and Doubt. And it's not right. </crymoar>

>> No.2520117

wait they making vanfly marketing now is that what that google doc means so what is ccrevolution now

>> No.2520229
File: 13 KB, 674x77, scamcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was supposed to go on bittrex last night?

Any day the nodes will come online LOL

>> No.2520233


>> No.2520250

KEK get your profits secured boys and join another moon mission

>> No.2520266

If there's no premine where did the 650 million coins come from? Can I mine new coins?

>> No.2520268

Obvious troll is obvious. If you can't discern sarcasm you might be autistic.

>> No.2520295

>i was only pretending to be retarded
nobody corrected him at the time

>> No.2520299

why would you believe that shit? it has been stated time and time again by all the devs on Slack that bittrex will happen when the tech is ready. you just got fucking larped by a tripfag

>> No.2520308

So he's the XBY dev? Confused

>> No.2520365

They were secured by the devs for 1 sat each on the exchanges then re-distributed upward to the goys

>> No.2520373

> that bittrex will happen when the tech is ready.
just like the whitepaper will happen when the tech is ready, right?

what a laugh

>> No.2520445

gotta laugh, this has been a pretty hilarious and successful pnd

so successful that people will defend the devs dumping on them kekek

>> No.2520485

will they push cc out? looks like community and board are try to push him out

>> No.2520515

when the tech is conceptually complete yes, you do know how whitepapers are made right?

it is hilarious how none of you read the ANN

>> No.2520532

CCREV btctalk:

So, let me ask you all this:

When this project is finished and you realize that you were all wrong and you should have been more patient, who is going to take back all the mean and bad things they have said about the person who was 50% of the reason you are all potential future millionaires if you have purchased enough XBY?

The millionaire talk sounds scammy af

>> No.2520593

he is still there, just taking a lesser role in dev functions.

he isn't wrong, any coin that is successful can make holders millionaires. people are in crypto to make money in the end

>> No.2520595

i read the ANN. all 100+ pages

it reeks like a pnd scam with technobabble buzzwords dressing it up, if it was legit you'd wait till the tech is finished, release a white paper and THEN start shilling it. you also wouldn't use the same coin supply as a former 1sat ICO scamcoin

community is circlejerky

the founder CCR is a massive incompetent faggot

the sole developer is a drupal coder lmao

it's garbage and if you're not a developer/dumper and you're a bagholder because you sincerely believe in the project, i'd suggest you reevaluate your approach to crypto

>> No.2520689

True, the majority of us wouldn't be in crypto otherwise, but this:
At this point, nobody really understands what
is really happening here... We are developing
in BLOCKCHAIN technology and our man
Borzalom is the Genius Mastermind who
thought of it.
combined with the chasing out of people who ask questions and the CCREV's "I don't know what it does, but you'll be sorry that your not a millionaire when it does it" attitude, is not professional and, imo, hinders the project

>> No.2520775

you cant release tech and the whitepaper without funding you fucking FAGGOT. there was no ICO for the current iteration of XBY. every fucking community has circle jerk faggots. oh and of course you pretend that drupal is the only thing the programmer has ever done. nice out of context info there.

on the slack there is a comment from one the devs that said it is a left over from the old site and was missed when pushing the new site it was supposed to be changed to this apparently

>Proof of Signature is the latest innovation in blockchain technology and our lead programmer and co-founder, Borzalom, is the man who conceived this new breakthrough.
To all of you who are already with XtraBYtes, we the development team would like to give you all a sincere thank you for all the support you have given us so far. Your loyalty and passion has allowed us to get to where we are today, and we hope you will enjoy what the future has to offer.

>> No.2520787


>take back all the mean and bad things they say

Jesus what a fucking child. Nobody is going to apologize for saying what needs to be said. CCREV had a huge hand in kick starting this affair back when it was nothing but a smoldering pile of ash from Bitmox, I'll give him that much. But if had more brains than a moronic cheerleader he would have realized the time has come for him to step down and let someone with actual business experience take over.

I will admit that I am a bit jealous. This guy probably hasn't had a real fucking achievement in his entire life and he lucked out into becoming one of the top five holders for xby. From where he stands now, he's already made a killing compared to his original position.

>> No.2520846

too bad its impossible to sell that many coins without bittrex.

>> No.2520912

>there was no ICO for the current iteration of XBY
If the tech is so revolutionary, why use an old ico scam coin supply for it?

If there's no premine, where did the 650 million supply come from?

>> No.2520936

They say they bought it all on the exchange, all 650 million coins exactly

>> No.2520961

calling somebody a Faggot because you get upset in a business role...

yup... thats something alright.

professionalism totally ready for this coin to hit 10 cents.

>> No.2521015

i.e. it's effectively the same as 100% premine

top kek

>> No.2521016



>> No.2521117

Dutch I will be making an apology + reveal post on XBY tomorrow. Make sure you're on around this time because you are gonna want to read it.

>> No.2521215


>inb4 CCREV is ousted and trades places with his archnemesis

I will say one thing about this coin it has been a wild ride in just a few months

>> No.2521264

Larping faggot just post it already

>> No.2521322

"reveal" post. you mean the same that shit is being parroted in this thread? i'm sure you will sway a lof of people

>> No.2521389

I will just be revealing the mechanisms behind the scam. I'm crashing this coin with no survivors. I could make more money selling it off in increments but I already made so much money my head is spinning and the community deserves to know the truth.

>> No.2521449

Looks like you've already started

>> No.2521606

He's not out of his league. Kek. That's the biggest mistake everyone made.

Most XBY holders are still in denial. BAKA after reading this thread, lol. You dont get it. You're being played.

What kind of man, even the most incompetent, releases a website like that for his baby? For his project? For his vision.

I'll answer for you: No one does.

You think its technical incompetence or ignorance? Heh.

>> No.2521797

You're full of shit... If you wanted to crash the coin so bad, you would have done so already... Fool.

>> No.2521831

I'm 50/50 on this being a scam or not, but it looks like the vitals network is being worked on and progress is being made. I want to believe, but ccrev's self-sabotaging actions make me think otherwise.
Link to vitals initial commit on github:

>> No.2521971

It is crashing, half the pre website price now and reached as low as 1/4 of it

>> No.2521985

Yeah, I agree. there is progress being made so I am going to ignore kiddies and their arguments and just enjoy the ride.

>> No.2522024

Lel I sold what I had, Im not a developer so I dont hold the tens of millions that they do
I used to be 50/50. Until today.

The vitals network is not being worked on. The only progress that is being made is the fact that the scammers, I mean uhhh devs are making bank while keeping the whole ruse afloat.

There is an initial commit and that's it.

There are

1) No Devs working with him to confirm code. None.

2) The project manager never even revealed himself

3) Borz' email links to a hacker forum (HUGE RED FLAG)

4) There is absolutely NOTHING, nothing there that confirms borz' technical skill besides his static node registrations.

And what do you do with those registrations? Lock your coins up. It's brilliant really, and they managed to lock up 40% of the coin supply creating artificial scarcity. While everyone holds, they sell. While everyone buys, they sell.

The whole thing is one big ruse. They are making a killing. Who was selling you those coins? They were. Of course they were.

>> No.2522045

Are you suggesting that he released a shit site on purpose to push the price down?

Im honestlynot sure what you're saying...

>> No.2522070

Everything is kept ambiguous to keep the ruse going on as long as they can. "Level 2" nodes already being hyped.

They say they dont have the tech, but yet they already came up with fancy, catchy names "VITALS" network, "Static nodes" "Shock rewards" its designed to make you think its different, new technology - it's all an illusion.

If this was groundbreaking technology then the right way to do it would be to - get this - build it on a brand new coin.

Why choose an old scamcoin?

Think about it for a moment.

>> No.2522074

Okay, dutchdude

>> No.2522102



There is no point in me selling now, id be down so much!

>> No.2522106

No, I'm saying that they simply dont care. They are smart scammers, but they are still scammers and greedy. They want the pump, thats why they had the countdown timer. Sell the rumor, buy the news. The website itself doesnt matter.

If he was for real, if he really loved XBY and the project, he would have never in a million years released that. Think of real entrepreneurs and how passionate they are. You really think if he was for real he would release that? Hell no! No one would. You take pride in your work. There was no pride in that website. The writing was on the wall.

That's what got to me. When I saw it, it didnt make any sense. And then I did research into Bitmox and it all became clear.

>> No.2522118
File: 144 KB, 512x512, 34324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you called people dutchdude for fudding a few weeks ago
>TFW you get called dutchdude

well I guess I deserve it.

>> No.2522125

It's not >>2521389 that is crashing it.

>> No.2522130

I guess my verbiage is wrong, by initial I mean non-empty. There's network code in vitals.cpp and vitals.h

>> No.2522145

Why don't you guys just buy XRB, less market cap than XBY and the dev worked at amd, qualcomm, and dell

Where is the fucking proof that these guys can pull this off?

>> No.2522166

There is no network code. Just skeleton code.

If there was real code you'd have at least some developers posting on the BTC talk thread. You see none of that. Because the whole thing is an illusion.

>> No.2522195

I'm with you here, but then again I don't have any faith in ccrev's technical ability. He's essentially a boomer and he was a used car salesman and most definitely at least slightly retarded. So, that piece of shit, four year old bootstrap template might look good to him.

>> No.2522214

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.2522294

But see here's the deal. He was being played as being technically incompetent in the chat, and a boomer.

What the hell is a boomer doing in crypto? A technically incompetent one?

He's not a boomer, and he's not incompetent. You cannot be technically incompetent and still participate in crypto. He's the frontman scammer and its his job to do either 2 things, delay you selling so they keep the supply low, and generate demand. You get those 2 ingredients and bingo, you get XBY, the magic coin that pumps to front page coinmarketcap. Bravo CCrev, bravo.

And if Borz is this great coder, how did he even get scammed in the first place? If he was an expert cryptographer, surely you think he wouldnt be investing in shit coins in the first place?

>> No.2522308 [DELETED] 

Looks like XBY needs to dump more losers. Those cheap coins those idiots dumped on their way out, lined some already stout pockets.

>> No.2522333

Look dutchy, are you selling, or not?

>> No.2522335

Ok you know what fuck it I'll tell you right here: He invested in that shit coin because it was HIS shit coin.

Bitmox is an inside job.

Create the coin, do an ICO - and then all of a sudden - whoops! It's a scam. After the scam, you then buy up all the coins when they are cheap and sell it off later after you claim you are rebuilding it.

Bitmox was never an actual scam coin. Take a look at the ICO and how many people actually participated. Next to none. This is because the whole thing is one big setup.

>> No.2522354

The whole thing was staged fools

>> No.2522369


go outside man. get some vitamin D. relax. it will be ok.

>> No.2522399

Possibly. I have the same concerns. fwiw, I think ccrev heard about bitcoin, google'd it, then, over the course of a year or so, started looking for get rich quick alt coins on bitcointalk.

I think he needs to be replaced in his current role for xby to go anywhere.

If you look at vitals.cpp in the github core repo, there's connection code and code for fetching blocks. It's not fully complete, but it''s something

>> No.2522423

I was in denial first when I saw the red flags. But the Bitmox scam was staged. Go look it up for yourself. Hey man no skin off my back if you dont believe me, but I gotta get this shit off my chest because I know its the truth.

>TFW I get called Dutchdude after arguing with him a few weeks ago


>> No.2522425

If it is, bravo

>> No.2522426

If you have any position in XBY I would seriously consider selling now. The sheer incompetence from management and lack of any form of pride in their work is an indication of where this coin is headed. That wesbite countdown was an insult to the project. I'm no web developer but give me a day in front of a PC and I could no doubt produce something to a much higher standard. I'll be making my own post on my findings at a later date but this is a warning to get out now.

They are beginning to become tangled up in their own lies to the point they are contradicting themselves with any informational that is released. Borz himself said the original code from Bitmox was 'copy and pasted'. The master programmer, Borzalom then proceeds to invest in this copy and pasted code, why?

Find me an investor from the original Bitmox ICO besdies CCrev and Borzalom and I may change my tune on this project. Until then, you've been warned to get out.

>> No.2522427

So to confirm you're not selling ?

Look man just say so. ffs

>> No.2522457

We're all dutchdude.

I don't see the utility of being behind BItmox. Why not start fresh, premine or whatever, then proceed with scam? I think a fresh, untarnished ANN would be more convincing.

>> No.2522491

It would be much more convincing but if this were the case you would need to run an ICO or some form of funding. XBY is a very smart way to pull off a 100% premine. Every coin that has been purchased has been purchased from the guys behind the coin. Why was Bitmox called XBY?

>> No.2522543

Because you can work with a nearly 100% premined coin. You can scam with an ICO too, but an ICO takes alot of work and effort to market, you need to write a whitepaper, etc. An ICO is also a one time sale, wheres they get to sell so many more coins right on the market.

With a nearly 100% Premine (probably more like 80%), they get nearly total control of the prices. The whole thing is controlled - when they announced about the static nodes, they made a killing because of the pumped price. Pump and dump.

You also get more people to lock up supply, artificially inflating it even higher.

It's another take on pump and dump. It's smart, too.

>> No.2522544

There's more evidence that points to a scam than otherwise. Even if you want the now 1% chance that this is for real there is still an extremely fucking high probability that CCR has no fucking idea what he is talking about and on top that, that borz has no fucking idea what he is talking about, which you will never be able to find out as it would require going via CCR.

There are literally hundreds of projects to choose from where all you need to ask is 'can they do this?', where you can fucking grill the devs themselves if you like to get an accurate reading. Why the fuck you would want something without having the slightest idea what it actually is AFTER having mooned is just fucking desperation.

Expect another fucking hype play for the next 'milestone', watch it dump if you have to and get the fuck out.

>> No.2522554
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Look dutchdude(s) can you please just tell me how low you're dumping to? I need to go to bed and I need to set buy orders somewhere.

>> No.2522673

If you still think it's only 1 person with doubts about this coin then you deserve to go down with it

>> No.2522742
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz respond.


>> No.2522778

Already sold I'm out, have at it

>> No.2522929

Vindication. Told you they are cultish. I know oh so much more already than I had bestowed before, just waiting for the right moment when all of the henchmen were overleveraged in xby

First, I got the pawns out of the way, the innocent who defended until I showed them some truth.

Next came the horsemen and bishops as they came to defend their mighty king. Slowly I have peeled you all away.

During this time the king has castled and now only has left his queen and rook left open on the board, with a few pawns guarding the castle.

In the end, it will be the castled rook who delivers the final blow...much too late for any of them to really exit, and they will learn their harsh lesson.

You here that Borz. I am coming for you.

>> No.2522959

get him dutch, end this tragic comedy

>> No.2522999

In the end it will be mens greed that exposes mens greed. An end unto itself, as they finally realize they were pulled into the scam themselves as well.

Truly can't write better stuff than this :)

>> No.2523024

Doesn't c-cex own the wallet address that the coins were mined to?

>> No.2523032

The plot thickens

>> No.2523039

They didn't listen about PoSW
They called everyone that spoke out FUDders

They didn't listen about DGB
They called everyone that spoke out FUDders

They didn't listen about XBY
They called everyone that spoke out FUDders

What won't they listen to next?

>> No.2523103

You know its kinda funny when people joked that CCR sounded like a car salesman. Because the Static nodes are essentially a high pressure sales tactic.

"Get your nodes while they are still on earth", the super special Static nodes, that are critical to the network and the hallmark of XBY, but they will never ever be purchased again, so you better buy them RIGHT NOW.

Straight up high pressure sales. Another red flag.

>> No.2523133

So how do we make him pay?

>> No.2523143

Where did you buy in anon?

>> No.2523163

150-200 range

>> No.2523170

Not really possible, likely a lot cashed out already, he's already won

>> No.2523174

Agree with everything except dgb.

that shit is still 12x what it was a month ago.

just got pumped to high heaven. There's gonna be another pump that's gonna go waaaay further than previous ath.

>> No.2523180

lol....you weak handed noobs are goin to be shitting yourselves soon. Keep trying to make yourselves feel good about selling though.

>> No.2523197

seems like cashing out is pretty good revenge eh

>> No.2523199

In the end, you are still but a fool.

>> No.2523253

^This is a literal shill.

Could even be CCR himself.

>> No.2523426

if this is a scam, people in the slack will kill borz and ccrev 100%.

>> No.2523433
File: 31 KB, 500x376, 1496533892735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>h-haha j-just wait, revolutionary tech is j-just around the corner
#1 sign of a scam is devs that keep stalling like this so you buy more bags instead of dumping them yourself

>> No.2523452


>> No.2523469

we dont even know who they are. The lookup on borz could just be false lead for all we know

>> No.2523471

It's not a scam. I talk to cc almost daily. He has been extremely patient and helpful for me for a lot of technical issues like setting updating wallets and how to dump private keys. He gets a lot of slack...but most devs aren't nearly as helpful as him.

>> No.2523501
File: 164 KB, 1500x1425, 34307513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a scam. I talk to cc almost daily. He has been extremely patient and helpful for me for a lot of technical issues like setting updating wallets and how to dump private keys. He gets a lot of slack...but most devs aren't nearly as helpful as him.
>He has been extremely patient and helpful for me for a lot of technical issues like setting updating wallets and how to dump private keys
>like setting updating wallets and how to dump private keys
>how to dump private keys
>how to dump

>> No.2523502

He went out of his way to help you and give you confidence in him? Well I guess that settles it, he must not be a scammer.

>> No.2523533

I know a scammer when i talk to one He is not.

>> No.2523549

he may not be a scammer, but he is the most monstrous faggot i've ever encountered

t. XBY holder

>> No.2523567

your personal anecdote means little on an anonymous imageboard compared to a litany of scam redflags that come from this coin

but if you want to get dumped on then go ahead, like >>2522544 said there are hundreds more coins with better ROI and more transparent development than this, so

>> No.2523664


waht else you got

>> No.2523705


>> No.2523729

I'll be making a full post myself which I'll post on here and a few subreddits. Borz and CC don't cover their tracks well. If you're going to lie you at least need a good memory.

>> No.2523767

Timeframe? I'll wait up for the hell that will break loose

>> No.2523990


they have scam before as team?

is it just them 2 or other involved

>> No.2524079

Hate ADZ please? That's one (insanely shitty) coin with grotesquely cult-like extremly dumb retards.
Actually don't, they are miserable enough already, as it is.

>> No.2524107

So you see what happens

>> No.2524203

Been in the XBY bandwagon for a while. Bought under 100 satoshis. Sold almost all a while ago. Still not sure what to think of the coin. Kind of legit but kind of weird at the same time? I'm having a cognitive dissonance. Don't know if I should feel ashamed because I've spoken good of the coin several times (if it's a scam i feel ashamed because even though i've never said much i've unknowingly contributed to it) or feel bad for the dev team because there is so much fire surrounding the whole situation (if it's legit and solid).

>> No.2524234

>devs come to agreement over what needs to change
>CCR still part of the team

CCR is the ONLY problem.

>> No.2524286

I think that over time borz will get to know more members of the dev team and eventually when XBY really starts blowing up we could have a massive protest and borz could replace ccrev with someone he trusts

>> No.2524355


ARKbros unite. BLOCKNET is another very good project.

>> No.2524420


so ccrev and borz are known scammer? i hope not dragging the other team memebers scam too?

some of other team seem real about makin xby work. or they all scam group together? is board member scam group also?

>> No.2524443


Comfy 5 ARK a day, sometimes even twice a day.

>> No.2524730

Github code looks legit? Even wtitten in C++ although many coin developers code mainly in Java and JavaScript. Makes it more compliated. More skill required.
Damn I need to study highly advanced math and information theory. BRB in 1000 years coding the best coin in existence ever.

>> No.2524857

No they're not known scammers you fucking idiot.

>> No.2524969


guy above say he make reddit posts about how the board and everyone is scammers and ccrev and borzalim are known scammers and now they have other scammers with them?

so whole board thing is scammers?