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25145587 No.25145587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25145607

White people dying on the streets thankfully

>> No.25145637

My state extended it to July lol

>> No.25145652

oh no won't anyone think of the poor niggers? expecting BIPoC to pay rent is racist

>> No.25145657

>$600 to every American
>$7 quadrillion to Pakistan for gender reassignments

Thanks, Dems.

>> No.25145993

It’s actually 10 million for gender studies programs in Pakistan and 15 million for general gender programs.

>> No.25146012

what about money to clean the shit from street?

>> No.25146021

lol good. fuck humans

>> No.25146029

Riots, looting, killings. I expect it to be really bad.

>> No.25146039

deflation starts

>> No.25146057

>the effect of this?
Our sides hurting from loling so hard

>> No.25146070


Populist wave 2022, UBI implemented, hyperinflation, the ruling class lose control of the country and fuck off to Belize.

Bitcoin standard rises from ashes of the global economy, and a New World Order begins.

>> No.25146075

>jews plunder and loot a nation by worming their way into its highest positions
>leaves the natives homeless and starving

this has NEVER happened before

>> No.25146289

Since we live in a democracy they only have themselves to blame.... If you're against democracy you would have made certain lifestyle decisions that did not make you dependent upon the Federal government, with the understanding that the political system's incentives were irreparably broken and corrupt making the state more of an accelerator of entropy than anything else. These people probably consistently voted in such a manner as to make this outcome inevitable while living beyond their means. They entered into a vicious cycle of voting for more and more statism which created more problems which they then cried for the incompetent state to solve, forming the economic noose around their necks.

I think the effect will be decreased legitimacy of the government and more overall political instability and unrest, which is highly correlated with governments that have hyper-inflated their currencies. If we're lucky some balkanization of the US will occur, so that at least there are more localized political options for Americans to suffer under.

>> No.25146306

>countries start implementing 60% tax on crypto capital gains

>> No.25146344

of you have money this will mean a lot of women willing trade their soft buttholes for a warm meal and a place to sleep for the night, cant wait desu

>> No.25146393

You'd think it would make house prices go down but my gut feeling says jews aren't going to let the middle class buy any property at good prices

>> No.25146415

Housing market will still skyrocket.

>> No.25146437

I'm Black and I'm going to be homeless soon. I have $8000 in unpaid rent that will probably go into collections.

>> No.25146477
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hit up the plug before that happens

>> No.25146489

>40 million
>13% of the US population

lol sneaky

>> No.25146491

this happened during 2008, my relatives are going to use their degrees to keep their job and buy a bigger house.

>> No.25146511

the case against USG on kleros courts is gonna be massive

>> No.25146839

I'm not a fan of niggers, but I can sympathize with those who are about to suffer. My favorite chicken place is Popeyes. You should order two boxes of their 7pc chicken tenders. Make sure you pick spicy because their mild chicken tastes like shit. Pick fries for both of your side. Order 6 biscuits. You will get two biscuits by ordering two boxes of the 7pc. Get yourself a large mac and cheese with two large lemonades. This is my favorite meal from that place. This should be your last meal before you get evicted. Good luck, nigger

>> No.25146856

You have really good taste in Popeyes. I'm a liberal myself, and dislike racism, but I would eat dinner at Popeyes with you.

>> No.25146866
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>40 million
>The ride is just warming up

>> No.25146898

It will make more Americans open to UBI, total compliance with the state, and banning private property for common people.

>> No.25146919

I am racist, but I don't discriminate against people unless you give me a reason to. I am weary of niggers ngl, but I acknowledge that normal productive members of society do exist who just so happen to be black.

>> No.25146923

Let the real estate market crash.

>> No.25146933
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boating accidents are bitch

>> No.25146955

It won't sorry. It will skyrocket to trillion of dollars.

>> No.25146978

Can someone explain the actual endgame to an eviction moratorium? Like how the fuck is the average ameripoor going to afford paying back 8 months of rent? Average American literally doesn't even have $500 in their bank account but they're going to be in rent debt?

>> No.25147007

>Ugly shitty houses built from stick frames and cardboard sheetrock from the 40s will be worth millions
No wonder these fuckers are trying to popularize tiny houses and now living in literal PODS

>> No.25147029

The revolution will sweep people like you away.

>> No.25147038

It's going to cause mayhem and nothing else
They create the problem so they can provide you with a solution. Their solution is Ubi and enslaving you and your lineage forever. I rather be dead than a slave

>> No.25147059

I'm confused
One post hates on Niggers, and the other hates on Whites
What is your position? Pacifist?

>> No.25147068


>> No.25147071

Wypeeple are evil.

>> No.25147075

Opposition to shitposting.

>> No.25147086


>> No.25147106

UBI is literally fucking awesome and I wish I had it. Opposite of UBI is slavery.

>> No.25147111
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>tfw tens of thousands in savings that I was gonna spend on shitcoins and stocks and metals

The average retard can simply pay their landlords in material goods. But more importantly the catastrophic collapse in rent prices means the future might suck less. OR it would, but since boomers own all the apartments they'll keep screaming they 'know what they got' and refuse to drop the prices until they default, ensuring corporations buy up foreclosed apartments on the cheap.

>when a boomer claims they 'built everything' even though the country was already prosperous in 1945

Dumbest generation ever.

>> No.25147114

I know you're just practising for next year, but the Dems aren't actually in charge yet.

>> No.25147152

>what is the constitutionally mandated power of the House over national finances

You are the reason society sucks and I guarantee you will never MAKE IT.

>> No.25147154

>I am racist, but I don't discriminate against people unless you give me a reason to
very based, we need more people like you

>> No.25147194

You're low IQ though and probably shouldn't reproduce so as to increase the odds humanity somehow stumbles its way to a brighter and less dystopian future. But the political and banking elite want people like you reproducing because you're so easily managed and manipulated to ensure their hegemonic power.

>> No.25147289

waste of digits

>> No.25147378

My post is based, fuck you boomer. Christmas discounts will be mine for the taking when BTC shits itself over the next few days.

>> No.25147406

UBI is a terrible idea, instead the government should require all job postings to actually lead to a job with only 1% of jobs posted by a company being allowed to go to non-citizens. There should be a government jobs website that links you up, with mandatory "in between" work the government offers where you get paid.

UBI is something useless neets dream about, UGE (universally guaranteed employment) is the real shit.

>> No.25147414

Don't worry, I'm gay. I don't want to reproduce. I just want to not work. Also I'm not low IQ, I invest in crypto for a reason. However, give me my free money and inflate the dollar more, please. It will be YEARS before normies catch on to what's happening. Normies will just buy new iPhones be happy until it collapses.

>> No.25147419


>> No.25147466

Lmao I can't believe America is collapsing. Its such a weird feeling to be living through it. Our grandkids will ask what the fuck happened. What will we say? Fiscal irresponsibility? Jews? What if the real enemy was our own blind patriotism all along...

>> No.25147518

Two factors: We basically rewrote the Constitution in the 60s (taking on the deadweight of Medicare and integrating blacks) and we sold out a bunch of key industry in the 80s-2000 (Reagan globalization to China joining the WTO).

Could afford one or the other, not both. Especially once the fumes of economic growth from tech and finance sputtered out.

>> No.25147582

Corporate lobbying, blind greed, overpopulation of largely uneducated people as more intelligent people bred less, reversal of the flynn effect, normalization of marxist ideas, normalization of needing two people in the workforce post-WWII, endless wars, trump, covid-19, binary ideas of the two party system leading to political extremism, inflationary currency, Bitcoin overtaking USD and the world's global currency for store of wealth, etc.

>> No.25147608

only if you're calling following capitalism blind patriotism
it was a lot of different shit and 9 11 was the weirdest inside job ever

>> No.25147612

Ah that explains it. You're probably not that low-IQ I take it back, your incentives as a gay man are just totally removed from caring about the health of civilization in the long run so you are very short term and selfishly oriented. Not a coincidence that John Maynard Keynes was a faggot and he's been one of the most influential economists in leading us to this situation.

But I agree with you in hoping for the death of the dollar because I have no reason to expect this monetary system can be salvaged anyways nor would I want it to be.

Many things lead to this but adding to your comment about patriotism, I do think that is one contributing factor yes... Just think of how utterly ridiculous the patriotism of boomers ten years ago would seem in light of where the country was heading. If you described things as they are now to people 10-20-30 years ago etc, they would be horrified, but if you pressed them if they were willing to take radical actions to steer us away from that outcome they would not have been willing to do so (partly out of patriotism, believing in the story of the United States which is really just jerking-off the Federal government whose incentives are so broken).

>> No.25147619


>landlords crying about not being able to kick out renters
>renting to people that don't have pandemic proof careers like technology

Kek, do landlords really?

>> No.25147622

overthinking desu
hard times > strong men > good times > soft men > hard times
rinse, repeat throughout history

>> No.25148040
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hard times > strong men, obedient women > good times > soft men, basedism, feminism > hard times

>> No.25148091


Not against Bitcoin it won't. In fact, measured in satoshis, the real estate bubble is popping this very moment.

>> No.25148111

Why would you assume anyone would want to cash out their crypto for fiat in this scenario?

>> No.25148135

Real estate market begins a multi year unraveling exasperated by Bitcoin becoming a de-facto store of value which will suck capital from traditional stores of value like RE, Gold, Treasuries etc.

>> No.25148196
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too bad bottom surgery won't sweep away your chromosomes

>> No.25148208
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>2 7pc tendies
>large mac n chee
>8 biscuits
>2 large lemonades
jesus christ nigger what are you doing, your blood must be a viscous pile of chicken grease and fructose

>> No.25148235

>UBI is the opposite of slavery
Yeah, and one day I'll be a woman

>> No.25148272

Do you really think all those are real human beings?

>> No.25148289

People buying gold are penniless millennials anyway.

>> No.25148307


Correct. It doesn't need to crash in dollars though, and probably won't - just against BTC.

>> No.25148315

Your an idiot

>> No.25148317

I took over ownership of my dads rental properties to mostly low income people and out of 17 properties, only one is a month behind. If you are working or had a job and were laid off due to covid, you're fine. I have tenants who im sure were making near two grand a week due to covid protections and general government aid.

Alot of people losing their homes are just lazy and never held a job or are unwilling to get a job or living in a really rural area. I read a story about this woman who was being evicted. It was a sob story but then mentions she never discussed covid protections with her landlord so now she's fucked.....if you're that retarded where you don't think to look into that then you're deserve what happens.

>> No.25148336

Jokes on you we have ubi now.

>> No.25148342

>white people
do people really think whites are the majority of renters?

>> No.25148348


>> No.25148354

You could just say it’s the Jews. Because it is

>> No.25148357
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Based. Fuck white people!

>> No.25148371

Based manlet

>> No.25148389
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I don't eat like that everyday

>> No.25148405


>> No.25148416

LMAO at posting that
Fast for like 40 days and come back

>> No.25148435

looking joocy brah nohomo work on your traps and forearms though

>> No.25148499
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fucking kek, good on you for poasting fizeek, not bad honestly

>> No.25148523

I have noticed that the general “woke” normie has become more distrusted of the government. And the far left “Bernie bros”? Some that I know have become even more radicalized than before. They have become so disenfranchised that their stance on the government is more aligned with those of libertarian ideas. I do agree, we are headed to Balkanization. But as to what and how is the question. Who will be the next dividing contender, the next catalyst? Money seems like the hotpot issue, I even have a normie coworker mentioning that evil China is starting a currency war with the US. Well, those who depend on government are forced to feel the wrath of its incompetency.

>> No.25148540

i don't know man. i do know you should stop asking the government to do more things and let the free market do its thing. you know before the minimum wage laws. well back to saying i dont know, after every boom bust cycle of generations, you know roman empire had theirs, whatever came afterwords. i'd expect that after our generations boom bust cycle, government would still be plenty, but maybe in a future boom bust cycle 2100-2200+ there will be way more automation, and the best thing your great grandchildren could conceive is all the education spilt from our past mistakes and roles in the government. really my conclusion is we need to see automated government -- ah hell itll be a dystopia either way, the automation wont be in favor of the people but against with just more laws.

anyways if you want to make a lot more sense out of it, you should stop making suggestions of how to control people and let the free market act free. austrian economics peter schiff for president

>> No.25148546 [DELETED] 

>tldr : jews

>> No.25148562

Likely nothing other than tarnished renter's history and possibly a civil suit for most. Most people pay around a grand a month in rent so even if they stopped paying in March it's probably less than ten thousand in back rent. Worst comes to worst landlords will have to sell their properties. Likely to be a buyers market by 3rd quarter 2021.

>> No.25148589

the free market isn't built for slaves and that's where we're heading

>> No.25148592

FED printing isn't the same as a sustainable system in which every good is subject to a federal VAT tax and importation taxes in order to make neet retards in their mom's basement pay for free money for poorfags through sin taxing.

>> No.25148615


How about we abolish the dow jones altogether and force people to raise capital based on the quality of their products, you lolbergtardian jewslave?

>> No.25148616

Alien posting on human internet again.

>> No.25148624
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>normal times
>lose job
>can't pay rent
>die in a gutter goy
Why should a ""pandemic"" be any different?

>> No.25148651

Will likely stagnate in dollars terms but purchasing power of USD is going to continue tanking.

>> No.25148790

dangerous freedom or peaceful slavery

>> No.25148932


That doesn't matter because you don't have to pay your taxes in BTC, food is not priced in BTC and so on.

>> No.25149013

It's not so bad, I guess. There's still plenty of vacant jobs that need to be filled but white people can't take digging ditches because it dirties their skin.

>> No.25149079

nice gyno

>> No.25149100

*liberal democratic capitalism

>> No.25149156

why are americans so poor?

>> No.25149165

Outrage bait headline.
Nothing happens as usual.

>> No.25149188

Fema camps

>> No.25149377
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fema, martial law after the hubger sets in

>> No.25149416
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thats the dummest thing I have ever heard. You probably think ubi is communism right? you do know that "universally guaranteed employment" is litteraly communism thats why they had 3 clerks in a store that sold 1 bread a day.
There is no way around ubi unless you want to starve on the strees in a few years the jobs will be gone and wont come back. the jobs that will be left (until they will also die) will be competed for and thus drop the sallery to match the price of the lowest bidder. If you are against ubi because "muh I need more toys n things" you will become pic related without a doubt. Ubi doesnt mean you are not allowed to get a job it only means that competition for the few remaining jobs wont be as bad because a lot of people will just say fuck it I will take my neet bucks because I dont need a Mc Mansion.
UBI does not mean you are not allowed to work anymore if you have something of value that other people want you can still sell it

>> No.25149700

Thank you

>> No.25149837

Dow& SPY new ATH

>> No.25149939


You can just sell small amounts as you go. It's easy.

>> No.25149991

I own my house cash and never have to work. Feels great man.

>> No.25149997

>but really...whats going to happen?!?
it should be obvious: more money printing.

this is incredibly bullish for bitcoin. If you have 1-2BTC you've made it by 2025.

>> No.25150104

I think the blatant election fraud is going to have far reaching effects that will ultimately lead to balkanization.
Just wait until Biden makes some perceived anti-texas moves (fracking ban, etc) the internal state pressures will spill out to force open noncompliance between state vs feds.

The SC were cowards to not hear the case. They think its just all going to go away. Instead they've created a point-of-no-return mentality. In the long run tho....more local control of gov is a very good thing.

>> No.25150165

America :D Best country. Best economy. Best currency. Best health care.............. kekcountry

>> No.25150171

This, companies should just payout double their ipo price to investors over a set time then shares disappear, passive income is synonymous with leech

>> No.25150212

t:edgy white troll

>> No.25150217

Biden was trending today, libtards are already getting angry with Biden. This presidency won´t be as easy as the Obama presidency. They taught the people for 4 years to constantly complain and bitch about everything and blame all the problems on Trump. You think they will suddenly change their behaviour?

>> No.25150303

Its hard to know the true percentage of libtards tho...due to blatant election fraud is CA really a blue state? I wouldn't be surprised if country is really 60R / 40D.

I think this realization is occurring to lots of people....its an interesting game theory dynamic because the fraudsters now need to double-down on power grabs which only increases pushback.

In the end, its perversely BTC positive

>> No.25150444

Hahahahaha there are very few Rs outside the shit middle states. Hahahah

>> No.25150583

The same way the average American is allowed to participate in the market in any way.
By acquiring debt and becoming a serf.

Americans are really oblivious to the literal feudal system they have going on lmao

>> No.25150598

my country might not be the best, but sometimes news like that make me proud of living in it

>> No.25150697

if bitcoin is just about sore due to inflation in fiat you won't be able to afford more goods with bitcoin. if you mean by "you made it" that you're a millionaire by nominal amount in fiat, I'd propose to invest in simbabwe dollar...

>> No.25150748

Cheap whores.

>> No.25150757

I now fully agree with herd immunity. Old folks be extra careful and everyone else go about their lives as usual. Reopen everything, wear masks.

>> No.25150765
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just once I want the government to let this keep going instead of slapping a band aid on it
only when normals and dullards are physically uncomfortable will shit change
I hope 100 million go homeless

>> No.25150837


The federal stay MIGHT go in January, depending on what president Harris does, but there are still state moratoriums. New York for example has theirs up until March last I heard.

>> No.25150983

Ha nothing will happen

>> No.25151002

Won’t happen

>> No.25151693

Real estate big boys buying up all the properties from broke landlords.

>> No.25151860

this person can vote

>> No.25151862

is Popeye's open on christmas?

>> No.25151872


>> No.25151943

You probably don't know the definition of capitalism and just use it a vague watered-down notion that just amounts to the present system. Whatever the moving target of the present is, that's your definition of capitalism regardless of how much government intervention warps all aspects of our society and economy.

If your envisioning some dumbass pol-inspired rearrangement of the political system that still has an element of democracy in it then don't pretend to agree with me even slightly. That's usually what polfags argue for is rearranged democratic statism where guys they happen to like are in power, with no awareness of how fleeting their little snapshot image of an ideal government would prove to be before it degenerated into the nonsense they complain about at present. It's so naive I'm disgusting when someone pretends it's red pilled.

>> No.25152832

Most people think capitalism = le greedy evil corporations. What the US has isn't even remotely close to capitalism anymore. It's some unholy incestuous mega-corporation/government oligarchy neo-commie bureaucracy and it's 100% the fault of the people who continuously demand the government expand its power to fix all their problems. They are then shocked to find the power was expanded, but their problems remain unfixed, and worsened, and then what do they demand?. Fuck the people and fuck democracy. If you don't pay taxes you shouldn't vote.

>> No.25152880

Get a job normies!
What do you mean the government made working illegal?
Pay up now, or else the government will evict you!

>> No.25152906

>What will be the effects of this?
Europeans laughing

>> No.25152977

Based, I support your revolution

>> No.25153054

Extremely based, I have similar tastes when it comes to Popeyes.

>> No.25153078
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Oh helll nawww nigga we ain't gettin da fuq out dis dam house mothafucka getcho honkie ass out from under my porch

>> No.25153194

No empire lasts forever. China took over thanks to USA and Europe using them as slaves thinking they are retarded. Now we have no industry. Shows how retarded CEO's and governments are. Short term profits in exchange of long-term losses

>> No.25153309

How do americans eat this much? Not mad, just impressed.

>> No.25153322

>expecting normies to make a conscious decision
most of them are retarded nigger cattle.

>> No.25153337

Big Guts, hi-protein & low carbs

>> No.25153388

Don't worry Super Biden will save us!

>> No.25153405

White people are like the mortar between the bricks of society, without them everything will fall apart. This is why white flight leads to destruction.

>> No.25153469

faggot commie

>> No.25153474

What strange looking droopy pecs. Do you nurse babies with those or something?

>> No.25153486


If anyone had any balls, it would be 40 million Americans beheading our political leaders in the public square for what they have done to us. Unfortunately nobody has any balls.

This honestly feels like the US Government WANTS a revolutionary event to happen. I mean this election bullshit on top of the COVID lockdowns, destroying everyones businesses, no tax refunds or gov help, and now they have set up a huge number of people to be homeless.

Of course, whats going to happen is they will "miraculously come to an agreement" and "save everyone" at the 11th hour so we all turn around and thank them.

>> No.25153514

based. also, the decline of cultural/social cohesion reinforced by muh diversity and tens of millions of illegla spics, the normalization of mental illness through entire industries (psychiatry/psychology) which pump mind-altering chemicals like antidepressants into >10% of the population, the destruction of unions and other wage-bargaining entities, and healthcare and post-secondary education which profited at the expensive of the citizenry and created a less capable, less educated, less competitive populace to compete in the global economy.

>> No.25153531


Glad someone understands. People blame capitalism for what is ultimately a government problem. NONE of this shit would be happening if government hadn't come in and assisted all of this. Including interstate banks, huge corporations etc. No going back now though.

>> No.25153559


Oh shit, Kek, I lost my digits in an unfortunate boating accident as well!

>> No.25153562
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There’s no feasible way to evict all these people. The courts can’t process that many evictions. Some people will break leases and move in with family just to avoid any legal hassles, but many will likely squat for awhile. It’s all a matter of whether or not we can get people back to work in the next 4-6 months. The issue is that for these landlords renting to low income people, there is no one to replace these tenants even if they evict for non payment. So this causes a cascading mortgage default crisis which means more bank bailouts from the fed. All this is going to accelerate the death of the petro dollar as world reserve currency. So it’s going to help the global reset, which was the point. But the question is whether elites are capable or intend a soft landing or are crashing this economy with no survivors, which is more dangerous for them. They don’t really have the monopoly on force to risk riots and civil unrest.

>> No.25153567

>tens of millions of illegal spics

I have illegals living near me. They really aren't a problem. They work harder than many Americans I know, attend church, give back to the community, and help out in projects neighbors are doing. The problem is not illegals. The problem is government letting illegals vote and distributing tax money to them in the form of welfare and social projects.

You ever seen a homeless illegal? I haven't. Not one. Seen plenty of deadbeat whites and blacks with full citizenship begging for loose change to buy weed and 40s though.

>> No.25153585
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I’ve been waiting for a housing collapse. Where I can find foreclosures or house Liens in an area?

>> No.25153595

Agreed. We have too many retards that have the right to vote. 1 vote per house hold, have to be a tax payer and property owner.

>> No.25153601

>into >10% of the population
I think its much much higher due to water pollution.
Does it seem strange to you that suddenly out of nowhere millions of males have been feminized and are chopping their dicks off yet no one looks for an obvious causes like environmental contamination?
If you have kids, get a reverse osmosis water filter and use that for cooking and drinking and try to limit plastics, bottled water, and tap water.

>> No.25153604

Lmao what a fucking meme. We had workers come into our community to work on a roof. Loud music all day, pissing everywhere, and trash all over the block. For a week the block was as clean as Detroit, when normally no one litters. Fuck you and fuck them. Or the ones that seem to do nothing all day but sit on the edge of their neighborhoods and smell.

>> No.25153616


zillo (idk if the spelling is right here). Also check stuff like landwatch. Look up bank and gov auctions also.

>> No.25153629


Each their own experience I guess. I'm southeast VA, so when illegals make it this far they have to have wanted it. They don't just squat, they start lives here.

>> No.25153646

>government letting illegals vote
I'm from tx so we have lots of illegals. You are right....90% of Mexicans are good (central americans meh)
the entire solution should've been "Sell citizenship". Set a reasonable price...say $100K and you can pay over 20 years interest free, and then strictly enforce it.
This solves several problems at once.

>> No.25153677

>average rent :1600
>average fuck 200
>1600/200 = 8 fucks/mth
>2 fucks/wk/unit
Wat do when have 20 units bros?

>> No.25153755

Lmaooo hopefully I get picked for the Kleros Jury

>> No.25153767

ok pedro. 50 years ago working in a slaughterhouse paid a livable wage, even if it was a shitty job. today it's a $12/hour hell where you're surrounded by short brown guatemalan goblins jibbering in their slave language.

t. cargill has a massive plant in my hometown

>> No.25153863
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pic related is a white person
they are rare
whites novadays aren't too different from the black niggers you all seem to hate so much

>> No.25153877

kek. this went over most anon's heads

>> No.25153895

t. Californian, sent from iphone

>> No.25153966


You are blaming other workers for that issue rather than the company paying the wages or the government who keeps minimum wage etc low? It's 2020. 50 years ago almost everything was done by hand. If you want to get paid more, the only thing stopping you from doing so is becoming more skilled and learning. In other words: it is a "you" problem. Much like all modern misery, it is created by each person for themselves.

>> No.25154475

Populist wave and UBI are not compatible.

>> No.25154590

>You are blaming other workers for that issue rather than the company paying the wages or the government who keeps minimum wage etc low?
it's a two way street. if there weren't millions of unskilled brown retards here legally (or more likely illegally) then there wouldn't be anyone who would want to debone chickens 50 hours a week for $12/hour and wages would rise.

>> No.25154746

Probably gonna be really easy to find a cheap blowjob

>> No.25154816

I’m not sure, ask the local governments why they are shutting down places of employment. What did they think was going to happen? Did they really not see this coming?

>> No.25154840

Dyel lol

>> No.25154881

of course not, prices are juuuust right so that first time homebuyers are out priced, but low enough that rental companies can scoop up 5-10 houses and put them up for rent and never sell.

they're already inflated. an average home here in [flyover state] with 3 beds 2 baths runs around 160k-200k. now they're going for around 250k-300k

>> No.25154905

we can't all get section 8 housing

>> No.25155078
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>> No.25155094

>they're already inflated. an average home here in [flyover state] with 3 beds 2 baths runs around 160k-200k. now they're going for around 250k-300k

jews will tell you it's supply and demand due to the lack of new construction. the same shit is happening in my hometown in rural pennsyvalania. wages have been stagnant for the past decade, population has decreased, and yet the price of a home has gone up like 30-40%. really does... make you... think...

>> No.25155124

>Not NEETing or living off autismbux
I swear you people hate money

>> No.25155136

who are they gonna sell to? 40 million homeless who now can't work? each other?

>> No.25155146

>effects of this
People pay their rent on time from now on and have savings.
Hopefully niglets die but i doubt it, there willl be white christians freding and housing them and telling their daughters to date them.

>> No.25155162

sure are some butthurt wagies in here
I guess when you and everyone around you is a wageslave, Christmas morning is suicidal

>> No.25155168
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uh oh! retard alert!

>> No.25155647

> americans
> white
laughs in russian

>> No.25155718

Nothing. They can't enforce it on 40m families and it'll take years for courts to even get through the backlog on actual cases much less civil claims. Come back in August maybe when the regular-non essential people start getting their vaccines.

>> No.25155726


>> No.25155728

the higher the desperation the lower the rates. if poverty its, 30-50$ for non crackheads

>> No.25155733

Can you Russians just make up your goddamn minds whether you want to be European or Asian? You've been going back and forth on this for five hundred years now, just pick a fucking side already.

>> No.25155761

Ruski anon can I move in for a while? Already learning russian

>> No.25155781

i have the same droopy pecs as you. what do?

>> No.25155784
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Based Russkibro.

>> No.25155808

At least we are white.
Can you muttos please just make up wether you are niggers or spicks?

>> No.25155822
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>> No.25155831
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Found the hooker

>> No.25155845

So 25 million too much. Sending a single dollar anywhere out of the country in this stimulus should be punishable by death

>> No.25155947

>sorry goy, looks like you've lost 20 CitizenPoints for hate thoughts, your UBI will be cut off for this month
imagine letting yourself become a slave of the Feds and thinking you would be free

>> No.25155954

cheaper rent?

>> No.25155973

Not likely

They need the housing bubble to remain or at least reinflate.

>> No.25156008

Red states and blue states don't really exist, in nearly every state the urban areas are blue and the rural areas are red, with very few exceptions. Even the most stereotypical blue states like California and New York are hugely Republican in the countryside.

>> No.25156014

thats fuckin gay. looking to buy a house and dwant some cheaplies

>> No.25156040

Russians aren’t white, ivan gonzalez mueller bjornsson

>> No.25156045

housing market will never crash again. Buy now or cry later.

>> No.25156097

We slavs don’t like foreigners and white people, so leave our women alone

>> No.25156195


Millions of leftist cucks are going to have to dip into their onions budgets and pay their rent overlords, the jews. The boomer golems can't be expected to pay their own interest, oy vey!

Everyone remotely redpilled has spent the time to prepare for the Communist takeover.

>> No.25156232

i've been hearing a lot about new construction. apparently its cheaper to build new homes rather than remodel existing ones because building codes/standards have lowered. if these houses won't sell, they'll simply build new ones with shittier practices and even shittier materials

>> No.25156260

i think you just missed it, these companies don't "have" to sell the properties. they can sit on them for years, in fact they will.

>> No.25156294

This. Why would you ever devalue assets on your balance sheet (that you use to obtain further leverage) by selling low?

>> No.25156331

>Immigration to Russia involves foreign citizens seeking permanent residence in the territory of the Russian Federation. The standard immigration procedure consists of the following steps: obtaining a temporary residence permit; obtaining a permanent residence permit and obtaining Russian citizenship.[1] Under current law, one can receive citizenship of Russia after five years of residence and after passing an exam in Russian language. Immigration to Russia is regulated by the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs.[2] Immigration plays an important role in modern Russian demographic processes, accounting for the increase in the population from 2011.[3]
>Russia maintains one of the world's most liberal immigration policies; anyone who works in Russia for five years and develops fluency in the Russian language can become a citizen, provided he or she has not committed a crime. Almost anyone who is hired by a Russian firm can stay in the country and work indefinitely [4] This reflects a policy change, in response to declining birth rates, on the part of the government of Vladimir Putin from the more restrictive policy enacted after the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union.[5] The large non-Slavic immigrant populations arriving in response to Putin's liberal policy have sometimes encountered xenophobia. To counter this, pursuant to Russian hate-speech laws, the Russian state has shut down various anti-immigrant groups, such as the Movement Against Illegal Immigration.
>Russian-language native-speakers, those married to Russian citizens, highly-qualified specialists, businessmen and refugees are eligible for a simplified immigration procedure. It allows gaining citizenship in 3 years (instead of 5 under the standard procedure) or sometimes skipping temporary or permanent residency.[6]

Can you refute this?

>> No.25156446

>Believing anything written about in Russian policy for one second
>Believing any piece of documentation Russia has ever released for one second
>Getting the Russian COVID Vaccine
>Even buying Russian Vodka
It's all a scam. It's even a bigger scam country than China at this point.

>> No.25156831


>> No.25157070

Finally! I've been waiting for this day

>> No.25157264

Kek, this is true BTW Popeyes is based

>> No.25157298
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>> No.25157465
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holy shit Russia is going to be even more Mutt than the US at this rate

>> No.25157572


I don't even understand how we came to this point. Do you want to buy a house? Well, get ready to hand over 30 years of your life to working and if you happen to lose your job and as a result you are unable to pay your bills, we'll take your house.

Getting cucked by interest, declining wages, astronomical amount of debts.

Who is winning? Corporations.

>> No.25157717

That's why Trump rejected the current stimulus package and told the Dems "no foreign expenditures, just give Americans more money!"

Don't worry, when Biden gets in, he'll tell Americans how Evil Trump stopped them from getting stimulus money, but now he's gonna give them all the two grand Trump demanded and Biden will ALSO send billions overseas to fight climate change and promote transgenderism.

The real enemy was all the leftist fuckwads who wanted fabulous gay space communism.

No worries, we'll just start killing them during the chaos they caused.

>> No.25157758

the fault is on everyone accumulating debt and investing in negative interest. Its very easy to blame "mah corps" when you only make bad decisions

>> No.25158505

This is what I don't understand. It makes sense if prices are crazy in SF or Seattle when every soiboi wants to live in an area with limited space. But the rural area I grew up in home prices have increased over 50% in a decade. Average starting wages are still only $12-15 hr. How does this make sense.

>> No.25158689

Me being glad for the 24th year in a row that I'm not an amerikek

>> No.25159102


>> No.25159233


>> No.25159493

have you seen how many jews Russia has? obviously they'll push for multiculti shit

>> No.25159755

Rampant corporate lobbying.
Whoever tells you otherwise is literally retarded

>> No.25159866

realistically it's low mortgage rates, the normalization of consumer debt, and jewish real estate marketing at work.

>> No.25159996
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Severely underrated post. But we're the foundation as well as the mortar. kek

>> No.25160219


>> No.25160540

Duh, it's called the great reset, you will own nothing and be happy.

>> No.25160854

>Americans realising that they are living in a bubble.
Your country is imploding and will never recover.
That's what happens when you move your industry to cheaper countries. Literally transfering your wealth to chinks for decades.

>> No.25161074

And we will still rape your country.

>> No.25161099

cringiest image ive ever seen, you retards need psychological help, at least sjws are oversocialized bugpeople who can function in society, you are retarded, and not in the youre dumb way, actually retarded autism brain way

>> No.25161551

you're a technologically retarded zoomer who refuses to realizes that the ridiculous and hyperbolic image is not far from the truth. https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2015/12/11/how-we-lost-the-ability-to-travel-to-the-moon/?sh=7e8947fa1f48 i remember reading a similar article on merlin v12 engines from ww2 but i can't seem to find it anymore. at any rate, the point is: as societies get dumber and less focused on r&d and manufacturing, technology is lost -- and recovering that technology is not as simple as "lol just read the manual" or "lol just read the blueprints" or "lol just reverse engineer a working relic."

>> No.25161604

Nope. Europe doesn't give a fuck about America. The only downside about your collapse is having to learn Chinese.

>> No.25161634

Sounds good.

>> No.25161655

Of congress they are

>> No.25161935

Ivan's too busy dying of AIDS at a rate that would make some African countries blush to read 3 paragraphs.