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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2513980 No.2513980 [Reply] [Original]

Antshares will go the same route as ETH.
Those who sell now will regret it horribly in ~1 month (Maybe even less) when we see ANS reach over $100 easily.
Screencap this. You won't regret it. Buy and hodl, boys

>> No.2514011

>he fell for the Chinese Ethereum meme
It's crashing as we speak. Just sell now and be happy with your profits.

>> No.2514030

The only thing i regret was only buying 55 at 100 sats. oh well.

>> No.2514032


>> No.2514044

>Chinese ethereum
How is that a bad thing?

>> No.2514046

>when down to $9.00 but shot back up to $11.00 in literally a minute

nice cope

>> No.2514057

I have 300 coins of it
you better be right OP, already made 2.5K on it, even tho I'm a nucoiner with no real money in the game

>> No.2514061

Never buy a coin with stupid childish artwork anon.

>> No.2514083

Just made 8.5k on one trade of it today. I'm cool with that. I'd consider buying back in when it dips

>> No.2514136

Waiting for a dip

>> No.2514146
File: 139 KB, 1887x649, repeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol notice how it repeats to make the community look big

>> No.2514158

You're going to miss out.

>> No.2514181

who cares? this shite is going to moon

>> No.2514237

Just wait until the chinks wake up. It'll hit $15 after a crash. Screenshot this.

>> No.2514282

not even memein'g this kinda makes me less confident in it too ...like shrek or dogecoin....childish shit can't be accepted by the masses enough to moon

>> No.2514345


This is a Chinese coin. The Chinese culture is different from ours.

>> No.2514348

good point

>> No.2514373

this shit will replace ETH
ill see you faggots on Ganymede

>> No.2514389


>> No.2514407

How is this "child's artwork"?

It's a fucking logo. Plenty of huge company's have cartoony logos

>i don't buy anything with a goofy logo

we'll be laughing at you when it's hits $20

>> No.2514416

HODL you morons

>> No.2514586

This is literally just whales trying to make you sell out. Stay with it boys

>> No.2514636

Correct, chinks are ants. It's not even ironic to depict themselves as insects at this point.

>> No.2514657

Anyone else bought at 490k? Should I kill myself?? sell?? What do I do ?

>> No.2514692

either sell or hold. That's what you do

>> No.2514712

or she could hold half and sell half.

>> No.2514715

fucking this
glad I didn't invest in Google, childish fucking logo

>> No.2514719

Yes I also fell for the chinese ethereum meme. now we have only option to HODL

>> No.2514730

im not buying your bags Pajeet

>> No.2514732

You're just hopping on the latest bandwagon coin friend. Ppl said the same thing about strat. This coin will commence to dump in a day or so, and no one will remember it. And once bancor shits the bed, ppl will avoid ans like the plague

>> No.2514736

might be for a few hours might be for a day or two days but this baby is on the up and up

>> No.2514760

damn that correction is real, back at bag holding again

>> No.2514792

its 4am in beijing and the prices are divebombing, halp

>> No.2514816

stop selling weakhands

>> No.2514817


Flash crash. Go do 20 pushups, come back and it will look better.

>> No.2514822

thats just a mini dip, be strong and make in one month 2000%
i work for an crypto investement bank in europe, and trust me i know what i am talking about, just a tip.
we are just fucking around with the normies ;)

>> No.2514861


Why couldn't you stop at like half your post?
At least it would be just pathetic, but you went the extra length, with a phrase that even the worst retard would never attribute to someone that actually has any decisional power over these things

>> No.2514870

hes joking you dense motherfucker :)

>> No.2514882


I don't know if you've seen the shills lately, but it has become impossible to discern between ironic posts and genuine desperate bagholders

>> No.2514919

Guys is there a pajeet ETH, there are 1 billion+ pajeets in the world and they will be all over a pajeet ETH like a chicken curry with rice.

>> No.2514964

Chinese gonna dump so hard when they wake up. don't buy now

>> No.2514981

fuck off ANON, did they dump the last two days? Normies gtfo

>> No.2514997

It's another winner. These cucks are scared. Sell now fuckers I'll sign your welfare checks

>> No.2515010

They're rebranding on the 22nd fucking retard anon

>> No.2515066

buy now if you want some heavy bags.

>> No.2515069

What about the ans coin tho ?

>> No.2515249

Why would they dump the coin and not pump it instead? I don't get you

>> No.2515398


because they bought it low. we pumped it, they dump it. weak handed faggots sell them out of fear, causing it to dump further. they buy it lower. we pump it, they dump it. weak handed faggots sell them out of fear, causing it to dump further, they buy it lower, we pump it. etc etc

>> No.2515419

This is wrong. The chinese people will pump the Antshares.

>> No.2515428

oh noes what will happen when they wake up and see ANS post pump super cheap coins not liekly buy again no that ridicuurous

>> No.2515437


>> No.2515453

It's at 450k again

>> No.2515473

where is everyone buying ans?

>> No.2515474

here we go

>> No.2515477
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this will be for a day around 11.5$

>> No.2515482


>> No.2515483


will they now? it's trading considerably lower on their exchange. they buy a fuck ton of it there, send it to bittrex, and dump it harder than a /b/tard's cock on a trap thread. thus, causing the price do dump. sell now if you don't believe, I'm waiting until 1h30/2h00 am to dump it at a new ath

>> No.2515486


Bittrex unless you're Chinese

>> No.2515494

this shit is ridiculous.
Thanks Trump.

>> No.2515525

wtf I love Trump now

>> No.2515531

>over 12 right now.
Kek you got BTFO very quickly

>> No.2515533
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Don't forget /biz/, stay determined and never let go of your little ants


>> No.2515554

I sold my first bloods for the ants. Not sure if I did the right thing

>> No.2515565

Do you know why it's called Ants?
Because a billion chinks will be bumping it to the top like ants when it's out in the public

>> No.2515599
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So what's the wallet like for ANS? Is there a light wallet that doesn't need to sync every time you open it?

>> No.2515659

Remember to sell before the 22nd and buy back later
Buy the rumour sell the news anons

>> No.2515696


very basic core wallet. takes forever to sync and syncs automatically when you open. it's also got a weird glitch where to redeem antcoin (like ether) you have to send yourself your balance of antshares. crap wallet but whatever, i'm rich.

>> No.2515698

inb4 the price skyrockets on 22nd and you will be left behind, that would suck wouldn't it? It's not another pump & dump run you have to realize this is China you are dealing with and ANS is heavily backed by the Chinese. It's a gamble, but starting to think hodling might actually be the right play on 22nd.

>> No.2515753


This divides me. I was present in both dgb pumps. ended up lucky because I got out in a profit and didn't end up with bags.

however. this one scares me. If I sell the news, for sure I'll have made great profit and can always buy back later if it does indeed dump.

however, this isn't the same kind of hype dgb got. this one is more solid, and the project seems better. so Idk what to think. and I most certainly do not know what to do

>> No.2515758

I only have 78.9 ants.

Bought at 130k and 270k sats.

Do i buy more? Cause right now i need this to hit $1000 to quit my job

>> No.2515810


You obviously weren't here last night

>> No.2515820

They did both.
A decent dump and then bring it back up again, going even higher.

>> No.2515837

i was.. whatever time zone you mean.. it always went up and when i woke up it was more up and now its more up to and chinese will see bitrex price is higher and will buy more cause they think their exchange will reach that too and than,., thair exchange is higher and we will buy more cause "look chinese price is allready higher" and so on until ant eats up bitcoin

>> No.2515841

I have 3 ants and I bought at 445k. The real money is going to be made when the next US financial crash happens. The thing to do is already be in whatever people will flock to. That's why I have 350 ark. Gotta lay some in a few different places, it's hard to say where people will go. I'd wager the chinese financial system collapses the same time as ours, so will they be more likely to seek refuge in a chinese coin? I think so. I think I'm going to start stacking these things next.

>> No.2515860
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>he sold his ants at 400k

>> No.2515863
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>> No.2515869




>> No.2515892

rocket is still flying a few days before it hits an unknown atmosphere

>> No.2515947
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>> No.2515959

Is it a good idea to move my RDD into ANS?
I've lost 30% and don't really want to sell low.

>> No.2515960


>> No.2515980

Pump time baby

>> No.2515983

ATM yes, probably gonna shoot to 55k before dipping again

>> No.2515993

Here's how this works for pumps and dumps:
Build huge wall.
Get everybody waiting in front of it.
Take a good 90% out.
Everybody rushes ahead.

>> No.2516010

Shits being pumped harder than Mexican bitches pumping out kids. Having said that, I'm fucking in

>> No.2516014

there is still time invest, invest as much as you can. its equal to a place in the luggage place in the rocket

>> No.2516018

Yeah, leave that gimmick scamcoin

>> No.2516021


>> No.2516030

why would a huge sell wall be good?

>> No.2516036

For a day trader it is

>> No.2516042

this sell wall ho lee fok

>> No.2516045

Alright anons, its done. Got in at .00449.

>> No.2516051

good lord that sell wall was worth $600000

>> No.2516060
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rip ants faggots

>> No.2516063
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holy shit

>> No.2516068
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ive seen this before with eth and btc, basically its someone saying this what the price will be from now on, nothing less

>> No.2516078

wall is gone now and the price went up?! wtf, im a newfag, can someone explain? Shit while Im typing this its there again and price went down, wtf there is some fucker afoot

>> No.2516085
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Is there air?
You don't know!

>> No.2516086

If there was ever a time to get in on something, buy ANS now...

>smartcontracts released on Thursday
>chinks buy chink shit
>Chinese government will pump ans hard after the release of 2.0

Honestly this is like getting in on eth before vitalism met with putin

>> No.2516088

nothing happened ;_;

>> No.2516091

Most likely it's a Chinese guy/group that doesn't want the price to go higher until he/they started their day.

>> No.2516093

nigga that ain't shit

watch the ants eat that motherfucker like a dog in a chinese restaurant

>> No.2516098

Yup, been in since $.50 and just bought more at $10 (too bad I was a bit slow on accumulating). If it goes to $100 this is my $100K coin.

>> No.2516101

It wont hold. 12$ is all for today. A new perhaps bigger? pump will happen tomorrow after the chinks drive the price down.

>> No.2516112

its to fuck with trading bots, basically, well in simple terms ant will never go lower now, and now it will moon again, and right now a lot of fukin lost money, those who where using bots because their bots just are now selling their sht

>> No.2516121


mother of god

>> No.2516122
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he's prepping the bull

>> No.2516124

They are rebranding on the 22nd. This is the coin that the Chinese government is backing so they can have an Asian coin up against BitCoin.

>> No.2516128
File: 34 KB, 292x257, manykek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5:17 AM in ching-chong land, prepare to go back to .003 zone in 2 hrs max

>> No.2516157

Shit looks like Putin placed a wall for the time being and killed the fun

>> No.2516161
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>u take ur first step into lambo land and you see this

>> No.2516165

I missed this rocket, can't catch em all, no point in chasing now will wait until it firms up and assess

>> No.2516166

The government wants to be a player in this game. This is not the Chinese ETH it is the Chinese BTC.

>> No.2516169

yep i think august 1 will be the first Word Coin War which will last a few days and then we have a new superpower coin.

crypto business is getting serious, its unstoppable

>> No.2516174

The government wants to be a player in ETH as well

>> No.2516175


I wouldn't worry. Most of those walls are single individuals who will drop their position once there's enough push against them

>> No.2516178

Everybody is calling it the Chinese ETH.

>> No.2516181

>he can't afford some insects
Pathetic desu.

>> No.2516184

I did too. I think ANS has a good long term proposition and government backing.

>> No.2516215

>14:35 - 14:45 "Microsoft Loves Blockchain - Microsoft's vision about blockchain technology"
Mr. Srikanth, Microsoft China DX Leader
>14:45 - 15:00 "Microsoft in the eyes of China's block chain industry" Microsoft China Lijiang speech
>16:00 - 16:05 New brand launch ceremony
>16:20 - 16:50 "NEW ant new intelligent contract system" Zhang Zhengwen small ants founder and core developers
>16:50 - 17:00 "New digital currency exchange platform"
Zhao Changpeng Technology CEO than Czech Republic
>17:00 - 17:10 "Block chain and crowdsourcing (NEW ant intelligent application case)" white medical founder
>17:10 - 17:30 "Nest Smart Fund (NEW Ants Intelligent Asset Application Case)" Tao Rongqi small ant co-ordination, Nest sponsor

This is where moon missions are born boys. Even if it dumps do not forget the little ants.

>> No.2516249

Sure, but they won't want to settle for second. They want one of the premier coins on the market and this is it.

>> No.2516250

https://yunbi.com/markets/anscny sweet baby jesus

>> No.2516278


>> No.2516282






>> No.2516296


What does that moonspeak mean?

>> No.2516311

Soo.. sell or hold after Mr Chang wakes up?

>> No.2516314

pepper thy angus

>> No.2516318

"buy now faggots or you'll be poor forever"

>> No.2516321

Holy fuck, it's mooning hard on Yunbi


>> No.2516325

accumulate until the conference then either sell or hold longer

>> No.2516331

Why does the chink exchange look so much cooler than ours?

>> No.2516334


Tasty meme aside, good sir, is it good for a humble hodler like me?

>> No.2516345

When is the conference? At what time? Thanks for the tip anon.

>> No.2516347


What fucking conference? Any link? Please tell me it isn't citibank shit

>> No.2516357

thursday, not sure on the time. it's in china so probably gonna be pretty late in the west

>> No.2516371


Here's the count down

>> No.2516372
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>> No.2516374

Wait and see if a dump happens.
Alternatively, sell now and praise the RNGods that a dump happens and rebuy at a lower price.

>> No.2516400

no there is an actual conference

>> No.2516419

Its graph seems relative uncorrelated to BTC/ETH which is pretty nice. Definitely buying this as a hedge.

>> No.2516421

Thanks a lot guys!

>> No.2516436

Do you guys think a lot more money is going to pour into this after the conference? The market cap has gone up by hundreds of millions in the past few days and more rich Chinese investors might want to get in?

>> No.2516438

I know from Trump that the Chinese artificially manipulate their currency.... If they want this to be the next eth or btc they will succeed

>> No.2516466

>wall down
Alright, get ready for the next pump.

>> No.2516476
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these hands were built for hodling senpai

>> No.2516479
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Is there enough steam to reach 600?

>> No.2516481

Should I sell my strat to buy more ans? I feel like this is going to $20 soon.

>> No.2516483

Next pump you say? Can we see $18?

>> No.2516495

May go up to 500k, but I expect a decent Chinese dump after that.

But man, nobody can say for sure with this huge market.

>> No.2516496

neets will inherit the earth.

>> No.2516500


>> No.2516504


>> No.2516505

its is posturing to go to 100$ by conference

>> No.2516508

I think you should

>> No.2516514

>>2515802 for rinks

>> No.2516527

if it hits ETH market cap we are looking at a $960 coin

>> No.2516533

It's either going to keep pumping when hype builds even more or correct hard immediately after. But honestly this thing sounds like a beast ready to be awakened with all this hype.

I'll have my finger on the trigger ready to sell and buy back in on that day

>> No.2516535

he's saying (with reason) that it's a meme to call it the chinese ethereum, it isn't even remotely comparable.

>> No.2516542

Woah got out at 490k topkek

>> No.2516546


Why would they dump below an ATH from hours ago?

>> No.2516556

only 100million coins made

good point senpai. its like eth, but deflationary... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME

>> No.2516564

HODL, still mooning on Yunbi, new ATH

>> No.2516566

coinmarketcap says 50 mil

>> No.2516589

Back to 500 next hour?

>> No.2516600

kek @ whales trying to deflate the price without success

Never before had I seen something like that, this shit is unstoppable

>> No.2516605

holy shit this is fucking amazing


>Thanks Trump

Filthy retard

*laughs in chinese*

we chinks nao

>> No.2516615
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>> No.2516616

Would you gift me two?


>> No.2516625

I was thinking the same, I have my sell set at 0.00499999

>> No.2516643

weak hands

>> No.2516644

This is fucking amazing. All you poorfags have a chance now to become rich if you invest. Unlike a low sat meme coin like rdd/xvg/dbg that mooned, this one isn't a meme but is the main crypto currency of china so it's not going anywhere. Literally a gold mine.

>> No.2516647

I see, nevermind then it would be $480 a coin to hit eth market cap

what is the difference between circulating supply and total supply?

>> No.2516672

all coins have not been created yet... either way, there is a hard cap on the coin, unlike ethereum which is in a sense like fiat in the fact that they can create an unlimited amount.

>> No.2516685

It's about 3USD less on Yunbi than on Bittrex. What's to stop someone from selling ANS at this peak on Bittrex for BTC, moving BTC to Yunbi, then buying more ANS at a discounted price and moving it back to Bittrex?

>> No.2516693

I wasnt here when ETH mooned?! Was it the same atmosphere here on /biz/ or is the chink moon even better?!

>> No.2516704

Sold almost all my other coins for them shares. No regrets!!!

>> No.2516710

jesus is it really $3 cheaper??

>> No.2516711

various fees and the volatility of the market. there is no way you would be able to transfer BTC in time to catch a sick gain unless you were 100% lucky

>> No.2516717

Soo, predictions for how many more leg ups?

>> No.2516721

Its called arbitrate anon, and you can bet that there are some people doing just that.

>> No.2516727

Websites like Bittrex have mechanism to prevent you from doing that.
If you're just doing it personally, probably no problem and nobody will notice, but they definitely have algorithms to detect if you're trading that way and then they're just going to block you.

>> No.2516731


>> No.2516748

They basically copied the best parts from ETH and BTC. It's a platform for smart contracts that can handle mainstream programming languages and has a hard supply cap.

>> No.2516754

Cmon poloniex

>> No.2516760

thats what theyre doing

>> No.2516769

lol, bro im on yunbi... try to do that transfer rn and see what happens. you miss 20% gain trying to chase a 3USD increase that wont even be there by the time you transfer.

>> No.2516779

can someone give me a quick rundown on antcoins (not shares)? i'm generating them in the core wallet but what are they for? like gas or something?

>> No.2516816

>inb4 dump

>> No.2516827

from whitepaper

###3.1.2 AntCoin (ANC)

In total, there would be 100 million AntCoins, accurate to 10-8. ANC represents
the rights to use the Antshares protocol. ANC will be, under certain mechanism,
distributed to ANS holders. ANC is capped as well.

Distribution of ANC can be calculated as follow:

Issued Amount at Current Block Height=(Total-Issued Amount at Last Block Height) x 2.4297257e-7

ANC is for:

a) Extra Service Charge Payment
b) Basic Byte Fee Payment
c) Bookkeeper Nominee Deposit as collateral

>> No.2516836

yes. will not matter until 2.0 is release with "intelligent" contracts

>> No.2516844

Hard supply cap is completely and utterly retarded and serves precisely 0 purpose except dooming the coin.

>> No.2516846

so what's the deal with bittrex charging one ans to move to wallet? i have to pay 12 bucks just to move my shit? what if these things end up being worth 100? hope they fix that soon.

>> No.2516868

its spelled mooning

>> No.2516904

1. 1 ANT transfer fee
2. BTC is slow and fee also high if they're using that
3. If not BTC really shit rates to trade other coins with
4. Chinese government blocks most western sites, you need a VPN for this at least (no bittrex proxy exists obviously)
5. Less than 1% of china men would even attempt this

In other words this shit won't be dropping.

>> No.2516917

AntShares are used to generate AntCoins which are the equivalent of gas. So there's a decent chance we would never run out of the 100m antshares for at least a few hundred years. If it somehow survived until then, it would probably be easy to port over any existing software to AntShares 2.0 or whatever

>> No.2516940

You guys ready to buy the epic dip tonight?

Ching Chong ling ling going to give us some cheap ants

>> No.2516948
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>Bought 103ANS at 481001

What the fuck is wrong with me
I let you guys FOMO me into buying before the inevitable correction
God fucking damnit
Now I'm stuck hodling this for months until it either becomes a new ETH or I get fucking nothing

>> No.2516950

there will be no big dip

>> No.2516957

what dip?

>> No.2516959


Yea there will. 7$ ants for everyone

The Chinese are going to shakedown all the weak handed Americucks tonight bb

>> No.2516961

in 24hours your face will have a big smile if you hodl

>> No.2516964

It will pump tomorrow too. By the 22nd it will be at .01.

>> No.2516970

i'm sorry I'm not currently at the level where I can afford charity, however I saved your address

>> No.2516972

It's just to protect from arbitrage from chink exchanges

>> No.2516989

you'll be fine anton, we're all gona be just fine

>> No.2516991


It went up too fast to avoid a correction
I'm not saying it'll crash, just that it'll have a correction pretty soon
Touting otherwise is disingenuous, unless this is your first coin and you have no idea how this rodeo works

It'll surely go up again right after, but buying now was pretty damn stupid of me
Should've just let an overnight buy order do its job

>> No.2517020

Just went 50% in on this bug-eyed fucker.
Palm are sweaty

>> No.2517023


Trade it into another coin dummy

>> No.2517024

We still have about 48h before a correction probably.

>> No.2517032

I wish the conference fucks it up and it turns out to be a shit coin, so I could just dump it and make my profit.
If it turns out to be legit then I'll have to worry when it goes up or down

>> No.2517054
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>> No.2517055

Unless it gets added to Poloniex. Then there won't be a major correction for at least a week probably.

>> No.2517079

Both Ethereum and Bitcoin are open source. You think it would be hard for professional copycats like the Chinese to just steal the code?

>> No.2517097

Guys, should I go to sleep while holding ANS? Could pump even more or the chinks could dump on us. Last night nothing really major happened, but I could also hold comfy ETH overnight, which also should rally soon.

What do?

>> No.2517102

Dude the price will go up or down or whatever and will not feel obligated to obey your lines.

>> No.2517105


>> No.2517108

it honestly doesnt matter if they can pull off mass chink adoption overnight.

This is where we make them pay senpai

>> No.2517121

if its legit you only have to worry about your lambo

>> No.2517123

get the bitcoin checker app and set alarms

>> No.2517127

This buying before conference thing smells a lot like the Digibyte disaster

>> No.2517134

I just sold half and put it into ARK.
Holding the other half.
Your profits should be big enough so that even if the holding part drops drastically you will still be in a plus.

>> No.2517139

figure out a price when you sleep. better gain than lose

>> No.2517148

in 20 minutes 500k will be a sought after entry point.


>> No.2517165

dont you wanna wake up wondering what mad gains you might have got? its gona be like christmas!!

>> No.2517168

correct, but rather than attending a conference by a large company, a large company is attending THEIR conference (Microsoft Asia devs)

I also read somewhere that theres a talk by some people from the top engineering school in China (the world probably) Tsinghua University

>> No.2517169

DGB had a presentation for something, this is a whole conference dedicated to ANS. V 2.0 releases, public announcements, Microsoft talking about it etc.

>> No.2517173

guys i need to put more money on this before i go to sleep, but i hit my 320€ coinbase weekly credit card deposit limit. Where do i get BTC now?

>> No.2517190

Here we go!!

>> No.2517192

someone explain AntCOIN
how much do i get and are they worth any money?
is it worth it get the client?

>> No.2517197

except we have the itinerary confirming long term this is a good bet

14:00 - 14:30 Admission check-in
14:35 - 14:45 "Microsoft Loves Blockchain - Microsoft's vision about blockchain technology"
Mr. Srikanth, Microsoft China DX Leader
14:45 - 15:00 "Microsoft in the eyes of China's block chain industry" Microsoft China Lijiang speech
15:00 - 15:20 "Public chain - block chain technology test area"
Tsinghua University i-Center tutor Han Feng speech
15:20 - 15:40 "Intelligent new economy (cum NEW small block area chain brand reorganization release)" Dahong Fei small ants founder
15:40 - 15:50 Alexander Norta Agrello Foundation · Eindhoven University of Technology
15:50 - 16:00 Adam Coindash Co-Founder
16:00 - 16:05 New brand launch ceremony
16:05 - 16:20 Tea break
16:20 - 16:50 "NEW ant new intelligent contract system" Zhang Zhengwen small ants founder and core developers
16:50 - 17:00 "New digital currency exchange platform"
Zhao Changpeng Technology CEO than Czech Republic
17:00 - 17:10 "Block chain and crowdsourcing (NEW ant intelligent application case)" white medical founder
17:10 - 17:30 "Nest Smart Fund (NEW Ants Intelligent Asset Application Case)" Tao Rongqi small ant co-ordination, Nest sponsor
17:30 - 18:00 Media exchange

and the backing of the peoples republic

>> No.2517200

You can only get them if you have your own wallet.
It's like Ether's gas.

>> No.2517203

Even ignoring that this isn't the same a lot of people made good money by buying DGB and selling right before the conference. There were tons of people advising to sell right before it, particularly when it was a failure for DGB but bagholders are going to baghold.

>> No.2517210

waves platform. you can buy through a credit card.

>> No.2517228
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>> No.2517231

i jumped back in

saw 600k sat orders

the future is bright

i have a new strategy

entry point before the exponential growth, sell the peak, wait

that way no fear of doing retarded shorting

>> No.2517238

Sell the rumour buy the news, DGB made me cash, hopefully this will too...

>> No.2517239

I had this fucking coin on my next buy but stupid me was ok with Coinbase purchase limits..

Only managed to buy 42 of these when it was just around $1.. I was going to dedicate this whole week to putting $50 a day into it.

Learned my fuckin lesson, fuck coinbase.

>> No.2517249


>> No.2517255

fuck man I have the same problem. But not sure if I can sleep. I literally began 5 days ago with this crypto shit and making 5k in just 2 days got me so hard that I wont be able to sleep. I got a rush like Im cocaine right now!!!!!!!!!!!! And while Im typing this I made like 50 bucks....SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIITTTTTTTTTTTT

>> No.2517258

>trying to time the market
good luck

>> No.2517261

buy walls taken out by whales

>> No.2517263


>> No.2517271


>> No.2517275

holy shit antbros.... were making it right before our very eyes,

>> No.2517277

it's the opposite anon
i'm not timing the market

it's obvious when the coin is going to moon or not
you only need to be in front of te screen

>> No.2517280

how many ants are you holding boi?

>> No.2517287

>waiting for a dip at 420 to below 400k again
>instead goes to 500k

well fuck

>> No.2517293

200€ limit, i want to put 500€. Any alternatives?

>> No.2517301

man sold 200 last night at 280 hoping for a dip. Should have known better. Luckily still got 550 ans left

>> No.2517302

inb4 everyone drops it during the tea break

>> No.2517303

See that 530 wall?
You can climb it.

>> No.2517304
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>> No.2517309

can a murican make an account on yunbi to get 30% discount on ants?

>> No.2517313


>> No.2517314

dont wait for dips, wait for entry points

>> No.2517315

don't have enough capital to hodl big bags, anyone feeling generous?


>> No.2517322

>hoping for a dip
Why do you people do this?
You buy as it starts to go down, not when it still goes up.
NEVER buy/sell against the trend.

>> No.2517324 [DELETED] 
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its god dam scam coin, prove me wrong!

>> No.2517330

a whale just put up a buy wall

they will take this to 600k

>> No.2517348


>> No.2517349

Read the thread you lazy nigger.

>> No.2517353

OUT AT 520!

I feel a dip coming.

>> No.2517361
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big numbers

>> No.2517370

>tfw only 19

i-it'll hit $1000, r-right guys???

>> No.2517375

little under 800 boiiiii

>> No.2517382
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fucking dwarfing the ETH volume.


someone send me rosetta stone

>> No.2517383


>> No.2517387


>> No.2517394
File: 1.63 MB, 275x227, 1465354067795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just went 50% into ANS /biz/

$9.5k of my money is in this shit

>> No.2517396

Antshares going kill Ethereum?

>> No.2517400

This will get eaten faster than I eat your mother out for breakfast.

>> No.2517402


That's good idea, wanted to do it last time went over 50k. Splitted it now up 50%/50%, and I think both will do good overnight, or at worst stay where they are.


I like this thinking, instead of worrying you want to go to sleep fast to see how much you made!

Thanks anons

>> No.2517408

big volume
if you have 19 ETH today would you be happy?

>> No.2517409

just download it for free, you meme

>> No.2517415

welcome aboard ching chong

>> No.2517419

kek dogs are hilarious "LETS GO FOR A WALK OWNER"

>> No.2517420

smart move

>> No.2517430

Holy crap my hands are shaking. Do I SELL?!?

>> No.2517432

Put up some buy orders on low values like 420k or 370k.

If it dips, that got you covered.

Antshares is a coin that will definitely go up in the long term.

>> No.2517435
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dip incoming

>> No.2517438

>people panic selling now

>> No.2517448


>> No.2517450

what dip, the chinese are waking up, they're buying in

not only the chinks are wakig up, the new yorkers are coming back from work

>> No.2517454

Feels good buying in at 4 dollars aud.

>> No.2517455

already almost $2k profit fug

>> No.2517463
File: 91 KB, 640x360, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their faces when these walls are removed

>> No.2517464

You people are pathetic.

>> No.2517466
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>> No.2517467

kek what comes next? 4 GREEN CANDLES

>> No.2517475

They're buying in at $9.5 to transfer to Bittrex to resell. You can't read chink but they can read English

>> No.2517480

wow free money

>> No.2517489


>> No.2517490

If you think you should sell a coin that's gone up nearly 10 dollars overnight I don't even know what to say

>> No.2517496


>> No.2517500

2 Bittrex ANS/BTC $57,043,600 $12.65 21.93% Recently
3 Jubi ANS/CNY $51,780,400 $11.42 19.91% Recently
4 Yuanbao ANS/CNY $23,406,700 $11.44


>> No.2517502

but thats good for us right? Cause they filling up our market

>> No.2517506

ANT is actually an amazing hedge against all the BTC august 1st drama. I was hoping ETH would be too but it still mainly follows BTC at this point. It's way safer than LTC for this too.

>> No.2517518

you goyims its gonna dip

>> No.2517522


>> No.2517530

Good thanks for the money

>> No.2517531

Sorry meant AntShares*

>> No.2517533

to make weak hands sell

>> No.2517536
File: 27 KB, 1218x377, 121564984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell shadows to long

>> No.2517545

You mean ANS? ANT has been dipping since the BTC dip :(

>> No.2517550

Oh look it just dipped a lot, so fuck you.


>> No.2517555

What are the shadows actually? I still don't know how to read the graph lol

>> No.2517558
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Alright, my Chinese overlords, let it happen.

>> No.2517565
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before you panic

>> No.2517575
File: 821 KB, 3072x1728, 32d8966c52311460b0930b610db6d6137bc692e7_s2_n15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok just grabbed 12.99 ANS after selling my 2.5 ANS accidentally

Hopefully it moons by tonight, I sold all my litecoin for this.

>> No.2517580
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>> No.2517585

Only got 10 ans wat do

>> No.2517586

>he wasn't here three hours ago when it was $11.50 then dipped to $9 then shot back up to $11.80 in less than a minute


>> No.2517592
File: 24 KB, 1179x349, 1251894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and wtf did i said you fuckers

>> No.2517608

yea, good luck timing buying/selling into that mate

>> No.2517618

I've been trading this since yesterday no sleep.

>> No.2517619
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>> No.2517623

keep it coming

>> No.2517624

yeah but it didnt dip over 150k like last time...

>> No.2517625

and... nothing.
Please stop being such an edgelord.

>> No.2517630

Go away shill

>> No.2517631


>> No.2517635

im only buying doggu gonna ride on a golden skelter

>> No.2517636

it's a joke cunt

>> No.2517637

What was the difference between bittrex and yunbi yesterday at this time?

>> No.2517644
File: 65 KB, 460x763, 1496864874407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please make it dip to 0.00487200
so I can buy 10 worth of ans? Pretty please.

>> No.2517650

I have an idea...you got a girlfriend or wife?

>> No.2517655

chance on dip at 15$ other than that ans is in a upward trend doggus

>> No.2517658

how much do you guys think will be the biggest dip be on upcoming night?

>> No.2517666

I don't know, it seems to be growing quite steadily right now. Chinese market is also starting to wake up.

>> No.2517667

If ou guys need bitcoin fast go to www.buysomebitcoins.com. Verification takes 5 minutes and you get btc instantly. Srs fags have used this over a dozen times.

>> No.2517669


>> No.2517671

Lost 3 coins daily trading i will put my 2.8 ANS on a sell order at 990
Im probable the poorest fag here

>> No.2517689


Heads up bros, the china central bank just made an announcement to remind people that some crypto developers are making fake news about the central bank releasing its crypto to scam people, the CEO of ants is interviewed (he's warning against it, saying people need to look at the tech behind it and what problem it fixes brahbrhabrah)

>> No.2517690

TFW waiting for your BTC to show up in pending deposits & become confirmed.
There is nothing worse.

>> No.2517694

I said it would dip, and I sure wasn't joking. That 35k "dip" will save me over 0.5BTC, if I buy in at 500k.

I'm also now able to access whether it will crash without worrying about financial failure.

>> No.2517695
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>> No.2517705

>bids are going back massively
The Chinese are planning something.

>> No.2517710

Could dip to 400-425k, honestly don't see it going lower than that. Especially with the Chinese market awakening.

>> No.2517713

fuck, I cant read chink. Hope you are not fucking with us anon. Are people in this thread who can read it and confirm?

>> No.2517716


>> No.2517719


>> No.2517724

Yes and the peoples bank of china also is incorporating crypto into their five year plan, with ANS being a main priority as their public blockchain. Get ready lads

>> No.2517727

ANS next ETH, buy now or get rekt later

>> No.2517728

We all gonna make it brah, make sure you always earn money by the end of the day, and this shit is just gonna be piling UP. from 1 to 10 to 100 to 1000 boiii

No. but seriously get some more cash from real life invested into it. either this, or learn to day trade succesfully

>> No.2517734


>> No.2517739

Fuck yes rebought at 45k dip, nice gainzzzzzzzz

>> No.2517740

And there was the dip to 450.
That was a nice little rebuy.

>> No.2517742

thanks china-anon. got any more inside tips? do you believe in this coin?

>> No.2517745

Guys dont listen to these fucking shills. Weak hands will weep later faggots

>> No.2517747

massive shakeout

>> No.2517750

Gonna wait till 22th. Sell news and wait for next big coin or/and buy myself back in after.

>> No.2517757

Teach me how to day trade correctly when to exit and when to enter

>> No.2517758

its fucking obvious that you invest in this shit or stay poor like a doggu

>> No.2517759

guys i need help please

>> No.2517765

what are you implying

they interviewed the CEO as a trustworthy one or as a false rumors example?

>> No.2517770

let the bodies hit the floor
let the bodies hit the floor

>> No.2517773
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probably this going on

>> No.2517774


>> No.2517775

It dips every day when the Chinese wake up and get into trading and then starts mooning again when they go to sleep. Despite this pattern, the moon trajectory is stronger than the chink trajectory overall which is why those who hodl and don't give in to the pressure are gonna be rich.

>> No.2517814

this, you have a high chance of fucking up when trying to buy and sell into dips and then you lose instead of make money

sure if you're 100% confident in your ability to make gains daytrading go for it - you will make money but it is super high risk and you can get eaten alive

>> No.2517817

Just about to convert 90 dollars of bitcoin into this shit.

Don't disappoint me, biz.

>> No.2517818

m,assive green candle appeard hold tight

>> No.2517822

The announcement didn't specify which crypto company is scamming people, and the CEO of ANTS were interviewed to warn people against it, so I think they're good, but from what it sounds like it doesn't look like it's backed by the government like some anon suggested

>> No.2517826

I'm not so good myself, however It's best to come up with plan before execution transaction and never let your emotions get in a way. coin will still probably come back next day so you wont lose most of the time if you just hold

I mostly earn like $1 to 5 sometimes more per trade, however never day trade with good coins, I learned it the hard way not to fuck with anc,ltc and etc - they can just moon the fuck up and leave you with your $5 profit

Overall it's best if you try it yourself, it's not that hard - just risky

>> No.2517837

Bought 15.5 at the little dip. Gonna let it ride for a while. Lets have some fun boys!

>> No.2517842

yeah i havent seen any evidence of that beyond some officials attending the conference, which isnt evidence imo

>> No.2517843

lambo with that $1-5 profit.

>> No.2517844

Yes. I have been fucking Scorched Trying to short this market, lost 50 fuckin ANS. For the love of god hold niggas

>> No.2517845

We are going into space, no time to even take a piss, but I'm making sweet gains of weak hands here.

>> No.2517851
File: 8 KB, 304x317, ww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck does this even happen?

>> No.2517858

alright but at this point would the news be enough to stop the momentum? so many people involved at this point that eve if we heard of news it's possible it wouldn't dent the coin's mometum

it would be the rumour outliving the news

>> No.2517859

Already made 100% of my bankroll today with day traiding

>> No.2517860

If ans turns out to be a scam,
should we all just meet up for public sudoku?

>> No.2517871

there is whaleshark swimming here and there

>> No.2517873

I can read chink someone give me the link

>> No.2517877



>> No.2517878

Look at the national standards test. ANS is the first public blockchain for a reason. Too lazy to google the link but look it up anons. Why are people shilling FUD when they haven't researched shit? Btfo

>> No.2517892

Did you go all in like 3 times?
If so, on what coins?

>> No.2517912

positive new then? da hongfei is //their guy// on this topic. the link between ANS and govt is somewhere on reddit, it's more to do with the parent company and ANS winning some safety award

>> No.2517917

If you really want to do this you need to watch charts,buy/sell walls 24/7.
and you are ready to sell little bit loss but buying in the next dip

>> No.2517933

141BTC sell wall coming up at 530k. You guys better sell and rebuy the dip before then, because there's no way it's getting through that.

>> No.2517934

have face glued to monitor the whole time

>> No.2517941

I answered on a post with the link. But nevermind, i thought its way worse and ANS is actually scamming people. So the guy posting the link is probably not lying

>> No.2517953

15 $ today

>> No.2517954

It will get through it when the Chinese want it to.

>> No.2517962

Today i have been so fucking scared even to go a CIGARETTE!!
ANS moving so fucking fast that i cant stop thinking about it

>> No.2517963

hodl and buy!

>> No.2517969
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>> No.2517981

Well it's barely 7 o'clock in chinkland, so I think it will be a while.

Also the chinks don't even buy. They always sell.

>> No.2517984

I feel like bots that have good latency and are adjusted rightly can generate a lot of money during those kind of mooning sessions...some fucking 15 year old nerd is making probably bank right now...

>> No.2517986

you don't want to look at those walls

the wall you want to catch is the one they put up right before the just dump everything

it's so obvious when they do it, all of a sudden the wall goes from 30 btc to 150 to the last ask order, then boom they sell everything off

i managed to get in front of the whale 3 times already

>> No.2517991


>> No.2517993

how is anyone holding ans going to sleep tonight desu?
no one sleeping when that thing gets released at 22

>> No.2518006

the real quesion is what will happen after the conference

>> No.2518018

what if the chinese try to mix it up and don't sell today and continue to pump? Maybe they are trying to outthink us

>> No.2518021

An interesting read of the Antshares CEO talking about crypto.
He says "all non-open source cryptos are basically thugs", then he compares EThereum as the Batmobile in the cartoon, fancy but non functional, then said what they were making is like Nolan's Batmobile, cool and practical.

>> No.2518030

It would probably be wise to sell some of your ants before it

>> No.2518035

every anon in this thread right now will drive a lambo

>> No.2518041

whatever happen if you see an exponential growth be ready to hit that sell button then buy back in

>> No.2518050
File: 401 KB, 557x412, DQmdPrUy94YCGJHvQDGNfKzx8TeCgGSefaZgRQq52fyJfb7_1680x8400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I can really see it just from this photo

>> No.2518056

>cartoon ant mascot and batman comparisons
>vitalik wanders around with an animu bag
Well. At least we'll get more entertaining shit out of the Rothschilds' replacements.

>> No.2518069

just sleep and next mornung price is 700k

>> No.2518083

fuck that 530k sell wall

>> No.2518084

I really need to sleep but I don't wanna loose this shit... will I wake up as a poorfag or with women sucking my dick for ants?

>> No.2518086

i picked a good week to be off work,but i gotta just try block this thing out soon and get some sleep, check my gains in the morning

>> No.2518093

i'm selling at 1/3rd when it hits 3-4x value then leaving the rest to moon at no risk

>> No.2518096

fuck, the fucking wall is approaching. What happens if it goes beyond 535K??? Got a stop limit sale order @510k right now...is that wise?

>> No.2518104

set up alarms for price changes

>> No.2518111

If it breaks 535 we're going to rocket to 600

>> No.2518120

jesus h christ, 161 BTC worth of walls. Lets tear it down mofo's

>> No.2518125

Oh I'm sure there's some phrase to describe such a situation. Idk ... um ... oh yeah ...


How many post-conference crashes do you people need before you'll understand this?

>> No.2518128

No that's retarded. Cryptos are so volatile so your 510 sell could easily get triggered for just a moment and then the price rushes all the up to 600, and you're left high and dry.

The better move is to place a limit sale at 600 or 620 and then get back in when the price drops for a minute after then keeps rising.

>> No.2518143

Should I buy now or wait for a dip?

>> No.2518161

You cant really know about this when volume is 25k btc

>> No.2518163

Watch the sell wall at 530k. If it looks like it's going to break, then BUY BUY BUY!

Otherwise do like I'm doing and wait for the dip.

>> No.2518171

wow shit. dont think we will brake this

>> No.2518173

ans in top 10 by 21.6?

>> No.2518180

You probably won't save that much by waiting for a dip, and you could potentially lose out on a ton if the dip never comes

>> No.2518187

Don't need to. It'll move when the whale feels like moving it as it has been all day.

>> No.2518206

It's at a wall. There really are only two ways it can go from here.

Massive dip or massive rise.

>> No.2518229

The wall just got to 38k ants.

>> No.2518230

now its 242 btc

>> No.2518243

240btc sell wall now

>> No.2518279
File: 48 KB, 1196x400, 1251894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high chance chinks will break this when the wake and open their eyes

>> No.2518283


>> No.2518285

300 now..

>> No.2518297

they cant open their eyws.. its genenticaly... we are doomed

>> No.2518298

>chinks will break it when they open their eyes

so never lolol

>> No.2518317

this fucking wall bounced us back

>> No.2518322

If you sell youre pretty much an idiot literally

>> No.2518337

sold at 528
bought in at 506 dip
whos the idiot

>> No.2518341

huge seller gap inc

>> No.2518342

>what is rebuying the dip
Lmaoing at your lyfe 4reel. I've made 4.5x my initial investment from buying the dip and selling high.

If you don't sell and rebuy, you're never gonna make it.

>> No.2518352

I'm too scared to go to bed

>> No.2518364

Unless you got in at 1500 Sat like yours truly. Best of luck, but for most normies please dont short this market you will get fuckin burned worse than hillary this year

>> No.2518392

>short this market

>> No.2518431

someone is waiting for something to happen

what if it's a whale waiting for more BTC to be trasferred?

>> No.2518444

The great Chinese wall

>> No.2518445

whats the whale going do?im new

>> No.2518463

They will be waiting for a long time.

>> No.2518464

Fuck off, nobody got into this at 1500 sat

>> No.2518483

scoop up more

they probably know this is the next ETH

>> No.2518496

What will happen when they scoop up more?

>> No.2518514


>> No.2518519

lmao we are all playing chinese casino now welcome to china

>> No.2518531

that 530k wall keeps getting bigger

>> No.2518533

Wall isn't going anywhere

>> No.2518536

dows that mean masive crash?

>> No.2518549

it means the whale who put it up wants to accumulate more ANS, so yes hes trying to make it crash

>> No.2518552

What's the wall mean? Someone has a fuck ton of ans for sale at that price? What's the significance?

>> No.2518595

Check what happens every time the wall gets touched.
There's a dip.

>> No.2518620

It means the price won't get any higher because the whale is keeping the price down.

If someone is selling 50k ants for 530 nobody will buy for more.

>> No.2518648
File: 41 KB, 1211x403, 999897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thyll breakit

>> No.2518665

Just be patient you pussies.

Some whale puts up a giant wall so that coin below 530k can be slowly accumulated, when enough is bought up the wall will get pulled and voila, all that sub 530 coin you accumulated is worth a lot more.

>> No.2518699

Whale is going to take that sell wall off soon watch out anons

>> No.2518707

So red wall is bad... Green wall good? What about the area under each mountain? What do those imply?

>> No.2518708


>> No.2518751

bittrex is taking too long in accepting my deposit i want to go to fucking sleep i have to wake up at 7:00

>> No.2518993

dont bother, it's too late
not worth risking for the low hike ur gonna get.

>> No.2519107

it's dipping nigga i'm buyin

>> No.2519136


>> No.2519151

what the fuck

>> No.2519194

holy fuck its mooning

>> No.2519198

There goes my money...

>> No.2519239

only a bot dump.... calm down guys

>> No.2519256

lol wrecked, sold mine at the top