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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25138180 No.25138180 [Reply] [Original]

Unilock has been gaining traction recently in terms of development and usage. Great things are on the way (including monster gains). Unilock is currently around a $300k market cap with a working Dapp that has and is facilitated rug proof presales. If a presale doesn’t get to it’s soft cap then all funds are returned. If the presale is a success, then an amount gets locked into a Uniswap liquidity. It’s genius really. I don’t understand how the price is so insanely low for something already being used and no way to get rugged since the liquidity on Uniswap is locked for almost 3 months and there isn’t a minting function. I can easily see this hitting $5k near term ($2.5m market cap)


>> No.25138270
File: 44 KB, 498x683, gvt7gbuvv9t7v9t7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3XT did their sale on this platform.
DYOR. Both are great projects.

>> No.25138279


>> No.25138448

Great project, 100% all in Thanks !

>> No.25138688

One of the most honest projects lately!
Huge potentials

>> No.25138744

Get in on BBASE before it’s too late

>> No.25138916

IDK anon... You sure this can take off?

>> No.25139001

Do we know that its not made by a pajeet by anychance?

>> No.25139263

Lol, it's the most honest project out there. Getting liq locked immediatly. No more instant rugpulls!

And dev rven thinking about going public. $250k mcap lol

>> No.25139434

BBase is a scam. The github code contains code that should not be in a production system. Do NOT invest in it. You will be rugpulled when it has hit the soft cap.

>> No.25139506

the thing is, just because someone hosts a presale on here doesn't mean its not a dog shit worthless scam. the "devs" are still going to run away with your ETH.

It's legitimately worthless

>> No.25139736

Very sound project easily 5k-8k potenial in coming months

>> No.25140215

Literally one of the most legit projects out there...50-100k per coin not impossible in a bull run.

>> No.25140259

unironically all in

>> No.25141140

500 supply

>> No.25141221

Doesn't unilock prevent this, for a few months at least

>> No.25141414

>tfw I sold my 3XT after a measly 2x
feelsbad man
how do I stop doing this? im 40x my cripto initial,but it could be multiple times more if I didn't get out early out of everything