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25133969 No.25133969 [Reply] [Original]

But yet I do hate woke places like Reddit/Twitter.
Where do I go on the internet to find winners, who don't NEET/self-pity/act like incels?

I mean forums and such, specifically for business/life.

>> No.25133993


>> No.25134031

Instagram and Facebook unironically

>> No.25134059

Where do I go on the internet to find people who dont spam useless fucking garbage 24/7

>> No.25134066

go to linkedin

>> No.25134082

Check out my myspace page

>> No.25134099

Try Resetera, a comfy community to talk about video games

>> No.25134118

>self-pity/act like incels?
Why this shit dropped 1.5%??? WHYYY?
Fuck this I am a virgin and this POS is only dropping!(too lazy to insert pink crying toon guy)

>> No.25134126

Linkedin is literally the wokest cesspit of them all

>> No.25134157

Might be true, tips on good Instagram's to follow or any good Facebook groups?

>> No.25134168

yeah start posting on linkedin and engaging in conversation if you want to end your career forever, that's literally the last place I would ever talk about my REAL views.

>> No.25134218

Most stuff seems spam/fake/gay there.
I've joined groups for my interests but all the posts are spam and/or shit.
Exception would be some articles by Ray Dalio, but that literally it.

>> No.25134246

Good point.

>> No.25134264

>Where do I go on the internet to find winners
you're literally never making it bro, I'm so sorry

>> No.25134312

I've already made it more or less, got $1.2M net worth.

>> No.25134375 [DELETED] 

Discord, there are good ones.
And no I’m not telling you. Learn to network.

>> No.25134407

Imagine the smell

>> No.25134587
File: 185 KB, 816x1436, Widesmile_Body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I try to say, I'm called a faggot. But I suppose that's the point.

>> No.25134589

>another Dan Bilzerian thread

>> No.25134605

Fastlane, look it up.

>> No.25134644

tall girls fetish or a short man fetish - which one is it anons?

>> No.25134797

Youtube comments section

>> No.25134801

Most people on there are at beginner level.
Surround yourself with successful people.

>> No.25134875

You find those kind of people out in the world, They wouldn't come to 4chan.

>> No.25134929

I was working on starting a community where you have to verify your wallet balance for entry. Hit me up at Lxjw@protonmail.com I’ll probably get it completed by tomorrow.

>> No.25135231
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>> No.25135488

God I wish that were me

>> No.25135666

no idea, I have a guttural hate for emojis so the only safe place is this one and a few zuccbook reserve groups in my native language that shitpost stuff relatable to the mongolian forum anyway

I miss 2007's forum

also what do you mean by woke, we are posting about bill gate nanomachines vaccines and some german star wars cosplayer being the leader of the NWO

that's pretty 'woke' if you ask me

>> No.25136145
File: 9 KB, 219x230, po.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried /biz/ ?

>> No.25136709

“Pink crying toon guy” leave newfag

>> No.25136803

I know the guys short but is he really short (5ft) or are these sexy sluts 6 feet plus? I mean they aren't even wearing heels.....Wtf?

>> No.25136928

pilot and stewardesses

>> No.25136993

Cheerleader effect

>> No.25137043

stop posting

>> No.25137051
File: 6 KB, 250x173, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.25137089

fintweet is ok op

>> No.25137104
File: 229 KB, 750x1000, AC270F7C-DEEE-4B32-B8C6-0241EDC649BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he’s not a Nazi
Holy shit desu

>> No.25137308

One on far left is 6"5 iirc, Holly Burt.
She competed for America's longest legs or something you can look it up on YT.

>> No.25138194

what smell

>> No.25138311

so the guy is probably around 5'8-5'9 as the height of head is around 8 inches i think

>> No.25138682


>> No.25139451

Just create a word filter from "sad" to "happy" and "suicide" with "hang out with friends" and "XRP" to "ADA" and this is a good board.

>> No.25139482

Example: I'm so happy I have ADA. I want to commit hang out with my friends tomorrow, but it's Christmas.

>> No.25140060
File: 19 KB, 316x400, hitchhickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forums and such, specifically for business/life
Try smaller communities like indiehackers and apply to ycombinator. Good luck fren

>> No.25140107

The internet itself is useless garbage spam

>> No.25140140

The average man is better looking than the average woman.

>> No.25140159


>> No.25140212

Winners don't spend their time F5'ing a forum. They go out and live life.
You claim to want not be a NEET self-pitier, but you still want to live the life of one.

>> No.25140219

>Most stuff seems spam/fake/gay there.

KEK. Holy shit, no wonder you find yourself on /biz/. Real bright one

>> No.25140286



>> No.25140335
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Next step is XSG