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25129094 No.25129094 [Reply] [Original]

How come all anyone is talking about is the illegal selling of securities side of this case, arguing over what is and isn't a security, etc. But then when I mention the fact that the SEC is actually suing Larsen and Garlinghouse directly for stealing $600 million worth of investor's funds, and it's just radio silence?

You guys are fucking delusional. The cuck in pic related HAS BEEN STEALING FROM YOU. This isnt JUST about selling an illegal security to investors, it's about misleading them, saying you're selling for "operating costs" or "partnership deals" or whatever the fuck and then POCKETING THE MONEY.


I bet this thread goes straight to page 10 because it's actually talking about the real reason the SEC is suing ripple (but moreso Larsen and Garlinghouse directly). I'll repeat, they printed off basically an infinite number of currency they created, and sold it at a discount to people over the counter, pocketing 600 MILLION DOLLARS IN THE PROCESS

>> No.25129219

they didnt steal a single dollar from me, and good for them for stealing from genetic dead end

>> No.25129273

Obviously you're a shortsighted idiot as well if you can't see how bad this is for the crypto industry as a whole. That's like saying "heh, Bernie Madoff didn't steal a single dollar from me" and being too delusional to see the effects it left on the entire financial industry

>> No.25129300

>The stole
Its actually bigger than that....it undermines COMPLETELY all of their claims.
It shows that RIPPLE as a company was 100% dependent on retail purchases of XRP. There are "no banks using it" there are no customers at all. Its a giant fucking fraud where they sold internet pixels to retards and pocketed the money.

>> No.25129344


You're right, I kind of left that out, they were also totally lying and making stuff up to pump the price and milk investors as much as they could. Any partnerships they did have, they were literally paying for with subsidies from their investors, lol

>> No.25129429

The collapse of the Ripple ponzi will be the best thing to ever happen to crypto. Imagine the BTC bull run without scams like this weighing the market down. Good riddance, Brad is a fucking faggot loser.

>> No.25129541

nobody uses anything in crypto at all. literally nobody. there is zero adoption because of lack of regulatory clarity. price is entirely speculation. the entire crypto business model is for the devs to keep a significant portion of their token that they can sell off to continue development of the project. what you're saying can be applied to literally any crypto project.

>> No.25129902

Who starts a company to work for free?

>> No.25129994

I gotta just tell the truth. I'm a 4-year HODLER but the SEC is going to cut and gut XRP and Ripple. This is no joke and no small thing, Baring a miracle, this is the end of XRP. It's done for and I'm sorry but it's the truth.

>> No.25130022

They did steal from you though. Every dollar they stole from the XRP scam was a dollar that could’ve been invested in something legitimate, increasing the value of those coins.

>> No.25130091

so? link did the same why arent they getting sued?

>> No.25130114

pretty much

>> No.25130122

like what? what's something legitimate that's actually being used right now, where the devs don't sell off their supply to fund the project?

>> No.25130128


>> No.25130144

this is good for the market. time to shake out all the remaining scamcoins

>> No.25130155

Brave uses BAT as outlined and if anyone says otherwise you're a bold faced liar.

>> No.25130202

where is bitcoin being used? even satoshi pre-mined thousands of btc. he would be a billionaire if he didn't an hero.

>> No.25130235

Sergay is totally not dumping coins to enrich his fat ass

>> No.25130245
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>> No.25130259
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>> No.25130281

Eth has smart contracts and supports other projects/dapps, link has oracles, even fucking kleros has an attempt at a revenue model, lol. XRP/ripple made no real attempt to actually run a profitable business, and just lied or alluded to fake partnerships that were at most paid promotions. That's the big difference. You cant just keep shoveling money to yourself from a token you can print out of thin air. There's no proof of anything

>> No.25130379

>Eth has smart contracts
with no adoption outside of powering new shit tokens
>link has oracles
with no adoption
>even fucking kleros has an attempt at a revenue model
no adoption
>XRP/ripple made no real attempt to actually run a profitable business
all of the projects you listed are only profitable due to token sales. every single one. paying banks to use ripplenet is in fact a business strategy.

>> No.25130390


Yeah, this is pretty damning.

>> No.25130415

>with no adoption

Do people fall for that?


>> No.25130448

Satoshi mined 5% of the supply. Bitcoin is being used by millions around the globe as a hedge against inflation and a store if value. If you still don’t get this you are not making it son.

>> No.25130493

This thread is fud. Tons of high profile heavyweights have left their finance jobs and joined Ripple (See Sandie - Former C Suite at JPM - Regulatory Affairs team). Further Ripples Lawyer is the former director of the SECs Enforcement Division...

Why would an ex high level member of the SEC be willing to take on the SEC in a case that could ruin their future career?

Why would Ripples CEOs decline not one but TWO settlement agreements and instead decide to fight this in court
hmm...I wonder...

>> No.25130567

so your definition of "adoption" is that other shitcoins with no adoption are using it?

>store of value
not arguing with that, but that's not adoption. gold is a store of value, but i can't use it anywhere without selling it for fiat.

>> No.25130590

You could say the same thing about any of the early internet protocols from the 80s/90s (or even 70s in the case of SWIFT). Also, people using smart contracts for borrowing and lending is adoption, SIA (the tech company who has all the European Central Bank contracts) partnering with blockchain companies also says otherwise...

Ripple was paying people to use it, yet banks STILL wouldn't. What does that tell you lol? The only reason you don't hear about other ICO premined exitscams getting sued by the SEC is because they aren't american or weren't large enough to be on their radar. I'm not saying it's only ripple that's doing this shit. Honestly, if Satoshi was still alive and dumped his premined tokens, he would probably be in a similar position (if not already imprisoned). The ONLY thing that made it somewhat ok was the fact that he didn't and the tokens are still untouched

>> No.25130649

You deserve to be broke.

>> No.25130659

They literally bought Moneygram, a revenue-raising company....

>> No.25130674

>they printed off basically an infinite number of currency they created, and sold it at a discount to people over the counter
isn't this how crypto works?
what project does not follow this model.

>> No.25130812

>You could say the same thing about any of the early internet protocols from the 80s/90s (or even 70s in the case of SWIFT).
>Also, people using smart contracts for borrowing and lending is adoption, SIA (the tech company who has all the European Central Bank contracts) partnering with blockchain companies also says otherwise...
Partnerships != adoption. Please apply your own logic regarding ripple here.
>Ripple was paying people to use it, yet banks STILL wouldn't. What does that tell you lol?
It tells me that they can't because of regulatory uncertainty, the same reason literally zero crypto projects are used for anything outside of other crypto projects.
>The only reason you don't hear about other ICO premined exitscams getting sued by the SEC is because they aren't american or weren't large enough to be on their radar. Honestly, if Satoshi was still alive and dumped his premined tokens, he would probably be in a similar position (if not already imprisoned). The ONLY thing that made it somewhat ok was the fact that he didn't and the tokens are still untouched
You seem to be agreeing with me here. Ripple did nothing wrong.

>> No.25130903

Not broke, and my bags are filled with more link than xrp. My point is ripple didn't do anything wrong, at least not compared to literally any other project.

>> No.25130964

what is Tether.


>> No.25130986

these people are emotional retards. every regulator in the world looked at xrp and said it's a currency. all of a sudden, the sec alone says it's a security and now alts are getting shredded.
wow, good job, great regulations.

>> No.25131384

I see xrp dumping to 0.18 before EOY

>> No.25131530

So its going to 10k right?

>> No.25131587

people only buy BTC - they never sell.
Tether is far more used for shitcoin wash trading.
Only >133iq white ppl understand this.

>> No.25131732


Nobody is using it, this was an elaborate pajeet pump and dump scam. I wouldn't be surprised if the spark token turned out to not even be real.

>> No.25131867

nobody is using any crypto. your logic can be applied to any other project.

>> No.25131921

Imagine putting tether marketcap and btc price next to each other and then typing that out LMAO you are either a lying rat or you are DELUDED but dont worry? The SEC will soon bring you back to reality

>> No.25132008

Ripple was asking governments to regulate crypto for years, retard. This is what they deserve.

>> No.25132093

Institutions can't use any crypto until there is regulatory clarity, which is why no institutions use crypto. If it's not regulated it will not be adopted. If it's not adopted then the speculative bubble that is all of crypto at the moment will eventually burst, or the industry will just move to China entirely.

>> No.25132456

Move on you salty bank simping nigger, you fell for a scam.
>regulatory clarity
What a meme. Banks aren't going to wreck their own profits to use a pump and dump shitcoin.

>> No.25132489

yes and they were successful -- outside of america.
BTC will never break 100k without a regulatory framework so just rip that bandaid off right now.
the problem isn't regulations, it's american regulators and their excessive reach.
again: the sec is the ONLY regulatory body in the world that looked at XRP and said it's a security.

>> No.25132530

>again: the sec is the ONLY regulatory body in the world that looked at XRP and said it's a security.
And what a world of difference that has made.

>> No.25132899

yeah, fuck america. what's your point exactly? you a cum toilet for their regulators? hate ripple/XRP all you want but you better hope they win this one.

>> No.25133128

There’s no way this can be true no one could get away with that shit billionaires or not and if they do it will be the last time anyone does

>> No.25133555
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The rest of the crypto community hates these Kikes. Stop acting like this was bad for the community.

>> No.25133587

One correction: in your scenario cryptos would burst aside from the cryptos that are not designed to be adopted, which don't *need* to be adopted. Kinda like XMR.

>> No.25133610

*adopted by institutions that is
All cryptos need to be adopted by ordinary people otherwise they have no purpose

>> No.25133672


>> No.25133826

Guys I have a question. Brad Garlinghouse said that the SEC proposed to settle this out of court multiple times, yet ripple declined and WANTED to go to take this to court. Since ripple planned for all this, what does it mean? I thought it was just a dead pajeet scamcoin? If thats the case then why does ripple want this lawsuit to happen?
Furthermore, why are top banking execs like the former chief regulatory affairs of JPM quitting their jobs to join ripple? This is a dead scamcoin and yet top bankers are flocking to ripple. Its just because they're stupid and less informed than the people on this board right?
Also, Jay Clayton, the only person at the SEC who expressed interest in suing ripple, has resigned. T-the lawsuit will still happen right? And will the SEC be able to properly represent their case despite there being no one left with any interest in it?
Please tell me I didn't just transfer my xrp from my cold storage to the exchange for nothing...

>> No.25133834

Bump for maximum pain and suffering

>> No.25133857

Ripple the company was gifted the XRP dumbass.

>> No.25133892

They owned the XRP I don't see how selling it is stealing. That's why you shouldn't buy tokens with shit distributions though.

>> No.25133951

literally anything could happen. it's roulette at this point.
kik settled instead of letting the trial run and look what happened to kin.

>> No.25133982

you're a midwit

>> No.25134052

This whole thing stinks of FUD. So many niggers out full force.


Kill yourselves

>> No.25134062
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XRP was used to fleece the goyim nigger cattle, steal BTC from the public, and re-direct it to the banks. It is perhaps one of the most brilliant reverse transfers of wealth in modern day kikery. I actually can't think of a more befitting partnership than WEF/Ripple - quite genius really.

"You will own nothing and you'll be happy."

>> No.25134174
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pic related, the typical xrp holder.

>> No.25134806

Maybe I’ll start a company that leases buttplugs on credit for all the XRP holders who lost everything

>> No.25134832

Just like all crypto.

>> No.25134839

>ignored the millions he dumps on the weekly

>> No.25135139

more regulation may not be a bad thing. once we can cut out these scam coins and blatant pump and dumps more normies will be able to enter with out fear of losing their money. the more normies enter the higher the price of BTC goes.

>> No.25135979

>all of the projects you listed are only profitable due to token sales.
None of them are profitable because they are all foundations. They arent for profit businesses like Ripple was. Plus all of those projects didnt discuss price action, the main issue with the Howey test. Ripple execs are seen trying to pump the price and telling others it will go up.
>Expectation of appreciation
The main point Ripple failed from the Howey Test. Keep buying you crippletards. I want all of you to lose all your money and keep wage slaving forever.

>> No.25136027

>Why would an ex high level member of the SEC be willing to take on the SEC in a case that could ruin their future career?
>Why would Mattis and others join Theranos
People in government arent always smart, plus theyre greedy.

>> No.25136228

never read "store of value" in the whitepaper. BTC was designed as a payment system. It seems the BTC community went astray. the coin that follows the whitepaper is either bcash of bsv.

Store of value title is just a curtain that prevents the masses to realize btc is nothing. It gives no value to world.

>> No.25136304
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>It's December 14 2021
>Bitcoin at $150,000
>dollar looking weaker and weaker
>XRP execs lose lawsuit and go to jail
>US Government decides to use XRP as a cudgel to take down exchanges

Crypto will get banned make no mistakes

Bitcoin will win, but it's going to get ugly on the way as the power- that-be lash out