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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25120676 No.25120676 [Reply] [Original]

>do I buy more
>do I sell for XLM?
>do I just sell and go tether
I’m so confused

>> No.25120690

/biz/ has been warning against XRP for like 3-4 years, you absolute cunt. What you fell for was a paid for shill group that makes up the schizo general.

>> No.25120764

Lmao he fell for the xrp meme

>> No.25120816
File: 188 KB, 828x1402, 1E8883FC-6EFB-4A66-B8BC-E12AB9427CE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS ISNT FUNNY it’s literally lower than it was when I went to work wtf is this how low is it gonna go? Someone help I put so much money thinking it was gonna go to at least $1 by January and now this? Why didn’t we know about the lawsuit in advanced?
>now I’m reading the owners were dumping?
is this true? Please

>> No.25120890

Again, /biz/ has been warning about this. They've been dumping on XRP holders for years. Why do you think it's never had any run ups? The SEC lawsuit accuses them of price manipulation and they're entirely correct. Let this be a lesson to you.

>> No.25120900

the owners were dumping for 3 years straight, buddy
you lack of research is honestly amazing
this shit will go sub 0.1 before weekend ends
merry christmas

>> No.25120905

lmao thank you for this
I shorted XRP as soon as the SEC thing came out
get out before it goes to 0

>> No.25120914
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>2k EOY

>> No.25120924

>asking the people who told you to buy ripple at $0.70 for advice

>> No.25120958

>how low is it gonna go?
unironically sub 1 cent and delisted

>> No.25120965
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>> No.25121446

Wake up

>> No.25121561

cut your losses. team is blaming discord for recent market dumps even though it's been them all along. they were hiding this news for months and then offered xrp holders an airdrop so they could artificially pump xrp right before announcing the bad news about SEC lawsuit. now they want to blame discord group so they don't get hit with another lawsuit for price manipulations. a delisting is imminent. it will probably dump to sub 10 cents before it gets delisted. it wont go all the way to zero, exchanges wont take that risk.

>> No.25121570

How were they warning me about it when they were yelling how we’re going to $100 next year and $1 by January? Why didn’t we get notice about the lawsuit? Why does it look like whales dumped prior to it being announced today? Insider trading?

This is so fucked up am trying not to let my family know. Wasn’t anything we needed to survive but seriously how much more are we gonna bleed :/

>> No.25121588

What are they blaming the discord group for? Organized PND? Thank you for an actual response trying not to cry

>> No.25121591

you weren't paying attention.

does your mom know you post on /biz/?

>> No.25121672

How much did you lose OP?

>> No.25121676

people telling you it was going to $100 were shilling you their bags or fell for the schizo memes. $1 by jan would've been very possible if it wasn't for this lawsuit. the team was hiding the lawsuit to the last minute so they could dump the top, that's why they created this airdrop so that they could get fresh money into xrp, i almost fell for it but it pumped so fast that I figured I missed my chance and went in on something else. it worked out in the end. whales were just doing their thing, it was going to self-correct "buy the rumor sell the news" but the correction was hijacked by this bad news and now they want to blame discord for the dumps instead of taking responsibility for lying to their bag holders. like i said, xrp will either be delisted or at the very least all the xrp trading will be frozen until further notice. if SEC rules it an unregistered security they will use that to come after every single exchange that has ever sold it or that was selling during the lawsuit. the team will still manipulate the price to make it look like it's going to recover but the dumps will get bigger and more destructive very soon. good luck man. im sorry this happened to you.

>> No.25121689

I quit coming to /biz/ after I realized its 90% of the threads are blatant shilling of shitcoins to no end.
I was here a lot in the summer and the XRP community was a major factor in my decision to not come here anymore. Linkies did to an extent as well but XRPies are worse.
Someone could give a long drawn out and factually accurate explanation of what would have to happen for xrp to moon to even 3$ and why it was fraudulent. The post would get a dozen responses of
>stay poor
>when you know you know
>he doesn’t know
>keep coping faggot
Or some equally long schizo post explaining numerology, using bible scripture and random posts here explaining how by end of year we will be at $150-2000$.
Here we are.
After seeing the drop today I came here just to watch the seething and suicide letters. It’s EOY, trump didn’t win(unfortunately) they are in court and about to be BTFO, no more use cases and all the dirty laundry is out in the air now.
It’s not the standard, it will not be the standard. The world will not be adapting it as a reserve currency (as was obsessed over for months/years) it will be going to near 0 and delisted.
I will enjoy watching it burn every step along the way.
Because you fucking idiots deserve it all.

>> No.25121706

They've got tons of xrp twitter bots spamming about discord pnd group yes. I'm sure these groups exist but most of them are poor pajeets and wouldn't be able to affect the price like this. They want to deflect from the fact that they held on to this news until the very last minute before the "airdrops", these people are literal terrorists at this point. Financial terrorists. I hope they go to jail but it wont happen they will just pay a fine with money they got from dumping on their holders.

>> No.25121765

I got the fuck out at $0.45. There is no way they recover from that, even if they win the suit. Their reputation is tarnished forever.
I'm only holding BTC and ETH now, not ever touching shitcoins again. At least I can sleep at night.

>> No.25121780

yeah I wish all cultist would fuck off but sadly these types seem to be drawn to biz

>> No.25121796

>almost -200% in a couple days

>> No.25121800 [DELETED] 

Like $200 worth

>> No.25121813

Extremely based. Fuck xrp faggots they can burn in hell. Link is probably next.

>> No.25121818

Wasnt ripple backed by FED? And now SEC did this.. Are juice juing juice?

>> No.25121870

I'd love to say if you hold long enough you might go back into the 40 cents or 50 cent range but honestly it's looking worse and worse every day. This new cope about the discord group makes it very obvious that things are about to get even worse. So let's say that your coin is subject to a PND but you can't do anything about it why would you advertise it and talk about it and promote it unless you're just using it to hide something else? They clearly would rather pretend it's some PND group than take responsibility for what they did to their holders, they would rather take the political hit for being "manipulated by discord groups" than admit any wrong doing from their own side. Fucking criminals.

This lawsuit will be a lose-lose situation no matter how you look at it. If they win the lawsuit they prove that they don't have any banking connections and come out looking like liars. If they lose the lawsuit they take a huge reputation hit and have to pay millions in fines which means more dumping on their holders to the point where we might see 5 cent XRP soon if they don't get delisted first. What an embarrassment of a company.

>> No.25121927

I told you already, retard. /biz/ is overwhelming anti-XRP and always has been. You fell for a few shills who have been raiding here since July.

You lost! Good day!

>> No.25122006

You can safely buy more right now, the 25c support is strong and I cannot see it boring breached anytime soon
For example when it reached .21 it bounced back up immediately to .25c
And now it's trying to breach the 30c resistance!!

>> No.25122119

>buy the dip

Maybe it will pump back to 30 cents, maybe it will pump back to 40 cents too, but if it gets delisted none of that will matter. You will never be able to sell, you will never be able to make a profit. The same with freezing. If they freeze trading instead of a full delist you still have to wait for after the SEC lawsuit to be over and done with before you can access your XRP, why would you do this to yourselves?

In the best case scenario you will get dumped on by the team to pay fines. Like. Do you enjoy being a financial cuck? Holy fuck, there's no hope for some people I guess. Good luck.

>> No.25122186

sell now or cry later. this is not done dumping.

>> No.25122206

>this is not done dumping.
See >>25122006

>> No.25122232

This. When the soft support at .24 is broken we're gonna see a big dump to .21 and then if that can't hold it will probably hit .12, at that point if it's still listed it could dump down to 5 cents or exchanges will panic and remove it / freeze it before it dumps even more.

>> No.25122275

note that I hope I'm wrong. I have zero interest in seeing this play out, I'm never going to touch xrp, but for the sake of your own mental health I would strongly suggest keeping as little of this shitcoin as possible until things are cleared up. once the lawsuits are over then it might be safe to jump back in if you're a gluten for punishment and dont mind holding another 2 or 3 years before seeing any possible gains after people forget about this latest disaster.

>> No.25122489

thanks for playing

>> No.25122640

>circulating supply: 45 billion coins
100 * 45 000 000 000 = 4.5 Trillion $ market cap
If you really thought xrp would ever go to 4.5 trillion $ mc, then yeah just buy more or eat your fecal matter or jump in front of a train etc... You're unironically that retarded

>> No.25122650

>fixating on dead cat bounces in 5m and 15m charts
This post won't age well.

>> No.25122726
File: 52 KB, 321x543, 20201222_130128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xrp is unironically an abusive relationship. I made money off link then split that shit up into a bunch of shit coins including xrp and since then I've focused more on stock trading.

I'm so unbelievably lost on how anyone on this board manages to even take pride in owning link xrp or the likes because the market for this shit is based on nonsense. I have 2000 xrp and even after this bullshit i dont care enough to bother looking into other shitcoins to invest into.

Hopes are, woo hoo they win this case and maybe are declared a us currency? Massive longshot but I just dont fucking care anymore regardless. I dispise this shit.

>> No.25122803

Nice copy pasta, are you going to post that in every thread?
Honestly, how much do you get paid?