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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25112429 No.25112429 [Reply] [Original]

>half rich anons tell me to dump ETH and put everything into BTC
>other half of rich anons tell me ETH is the future


>> No.25112462

Put half of ETH into BTC and keep the rest in ETH. Less gains but less risk.

>> No.25112475

They got rich from duping people like you lmao.

>> No.25112518
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one group is more desperate than the other, and ETH already shined earlier this year.

>> No.25112621

think for yourself
btc is fomo: the whole investment thesis is to buy before others buy, which is supposed to repeat indefinitely
eth is based on adoption: it becomes deflationary from fees after mining is gone, which means prices goes up with adoption
eth is definitely the safer long-term option, but it requires mental strength to hold until the thesis is complete (after mining is gone in 2022 and deflation starts pumping the price) while btc dominates pumps before that.

>> No.25112864

We are experiencing an unprecedented massive worldwide inflationary event with no end in sight. JPMorgan, BlackRock, Fidelity, Guggenheim, MassMutual, Square, CitiBank, MicroStrategy, PTJones, Druckenmiller, Ruffer, Paypal and others I can't think of off the top of my head are all buying and/or shilling it. The narrative of Bitcoin becoming the new de facto store of value is hammering into your skull in at this point and if you still don't get it, realize that Millenials only hold 5% of the wealth and Bitcoin is only worth 1/30th the market cap of gold. It's going to eat up finance. Full stop.

ETH is arguably improving its own use case as being a platform for other cryptocurrency projects to exist on. It does this job fairly well, even with gas prices at absurd levels. There's this minor issue however that is the fact that there isn't a single adopted, utilized or profitable project on ETH. There isn't a single useful project outside of ETH either. Regardless of a decade and billions in funding and technophile genius' all working on implementing blockchain into every fucking avenue of possibility conceivable.

It's a really tough call.

>> No.25112947

Besides btc success, ask yourself: do you see eth vanishing in the foreseeable future? Act accordingly. I won't even mention 'eth killers' because that's something risible

>> No.25113131

>It's going to eat up finance. Full stop.
I kind of get what you're saying overall, but what do you mean by this?

>> No.25113350

Look at the stock market. Traditional means of valuations based on earnings have flown out the window. We are in uncharted territory. Value investing is dead. It's more emotional investing now, having a share of the company doesn't mean what it used to anymore, it's just about an arbitrary number that grows steadily over time. This is not only QE and inflations fault, it's because of the immense detachment from reality via the stock buyback paradigm.

Real Estate is the same. I love Real Estate and advise everyone to get in as soon as they can, but we are looking at an ATH during a recession simply because people are looking for stores of value and assets while their savings gets devalued. Rates have become so cheap that it's become a no-brainer. However cheap rates means things are not good, historically it means we are in deep trouble.

Bonds have negative yield in Europe. NEGATIVE YIELD. If you hold the bond to maturity you're guaranteed to lose money. Experts are saying the US will see negative yields next year. Suddenly one of the most popular investment strategies ever devised, the 60/40 portfolio, has just lost the 40.

Pokemon cards went up 500%+

All this money that's going to these broken systems suddenly has somewhere else it can go. It's going to eat up finance. And now it's being espoused by institutions. This is the first time in history, and may be the last where the retail investor has been given the opportunity to front-run the institutions. Like buying Google pre-IPO. This explains the past volatility of Bitcoin, as retail has no fucking clue what they're doing. With institutions, who hold most of the wealth, the all time greatest hit "volatility" argument just went out the window. The writing is on the wall.

>> No.25113646

I love you

>> No.25113666

Create blog pls baws

>> No.25113694

I think eth had an infinite supply that would be mined indefinitely?

>> No.25113715

Truth is you should put it all into thether.

>> No.25113753

You should create a username that only you have access to and post more stuff like this. Top grade hopium, and also perfect amount of /biz/ doom. I need more.

>> No.25113824
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I don't understand what the smart man is saying. is this pro Bitcoin or pre eth?

>> No.25113831

>Pokemon cards went up 500%+

>> No.25113856

he's saying the general reasoning of what is value has been placed in things like btc and eth may or may not follow the rise in prices but


>> No.25113867


Almost everything I've said is regurgitated, you just have to spend time listening to much smarter and more fascinating people talk. Michael Saylor, Raoul Pal, Jeff Booth, Saifedean Ammous, Lyn Alden, Preston Pysh, Anton Antonopolous.

>> No.25114132

BTC, XMR, LTC, Gold, and Silver will be the only survivors when this is over. IFYKYK

>> No.25114377


>> No.25114456

theyre both gonna go up either way does it fucking matter you greedy bastard

>> No.25114628


>> No.25115342
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Buy more yuan faggot

>> No.25115612

The go to real vision crypto and watch all of rauols interviews

>> No.25116125

75% in btc and rest eth

>> No.25117029

Add PNK and you're golden.

>> No.25117099
File: 11 KB, 300x225, ti-83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTC compared to ETH is like a TI-83 compared to a new Thinkpad.

Get a fucking grip. Buy the fucking ETH.

>> No.25117234

if bitcoin moon to 50k you only got 2x from this
unlike those secondary coin

>> No.25117238

Follow your heart desu

>> No.25117330
File: 1.75 MB, 2500x1354, The Art of a Ponzi Scheme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit hopium: the post
r/BTC is down the hall and to the left, where you can successfully circlejerk with all the other deluded retards who think bitcoin will go to $1m let alone $30k

>> No.25118225

btc price in that fud is 8k, lul

>> No.25118280

Cause Alts aren't bought with tether. Ok dipshit

>> No.25118288

Wall Street is buying BTC. They are barely comfortable with it. ETH is farther away.

If you don't have strong view just buy market cap weighted amounts of BTC and ETH. So that would be 1 dollar of ETH for every 7 of BTC. That way you are indifferent to what happens.

>> No.25118314

Diversify your assets my nigga

>> No.25118362

Why would you speculate your investment strategy based on current market cap?

Do what you think makes the most sense on current technologies. Bitcoin is a well-adopted platform for storing wealth undergoing a halfing. Ethereum will have some issues achieving fully decentralized PoS, as it's already an established network undergoing major changes while still running.

Cardano would be a third option to think about as a layer 1 investment, but Charles doesn't have full scalability and smart contracts implemented yet. Also, ethereum has many dApps available already and is several years ahead in terms of network inertia. Who knows what will happen?

>> No.25118920

If you are OP and you have no special conviction or insight on coin performance then market cap is the way to go. It's like buying an index fund. It makes you indifferent to relative performance.

If you have special insight or strong opinions then you fiddle with the weighting. Personally I'm overweight BTC but there are many ways to skin a cat.

>> No.25118983


>> No.25119015

>There isn't a single useful project outside of ETH either.

I find lending platforms like Compound and AAVE to be pretty useful

>> No.25119045

I guess, but it's really...a bad move?

You'd have ended up holding Ripple if you used this methodology, despite its constant endless dumping.

>> No.25119136

Currently Im 60% ETH 40% BTC but looking at the chart it should be opposite, but whatever.