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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 250x250, Graph_Token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25109150 No.25109150 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone on /biz/ is coming out of the woodwork to gang up on XRP, calling it a scam with shill farms yet no comment on the massive paid shill campaign (the likes of which has never been seen before) on this absolute scamcoin pump and dump that came out of nowhere, is barely a week old and has no proven track record and an anonymous team.

>> No.25109262

>quick look over here to this other thing, p-plz stop ganging up on my jewish scam xrp
plenty of people were calling out the GRT shilling. Cope, I want you ripplefags driven off the board permanently

>> No.25109551

You are so fucking stupid the G stands for gains and you cant even see

>> No.25109593

grt is a legit working product being used by almost every reuptable coin / token on Ether

>> No.25109595

Both grt and xrp ate shit since you cant long either

>> No.25109716
File: 514 KB, 1361x925, 400million.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> no proven track record.
Your ignorance is truly impressive, pajeet.

400 million queries a day.
10 billion queries a month.
Uniswap and the majority of projects in defi wouldn't even be able to function properly without the graph protocol.

Truly fucking amazing how ignorant you are.
Maybe open a blog and start reading, you room temperature iq smooth brain.
400 million queries a day.
backbone of defi
>>came out of nowhere, barely a week old and has no proven track record and an anonymous team.


>> No.25109748

Which means there's nothing to look forward to except incremental updates overshadowed by 800% inflation.

>> No.25109809


>> No.25109835

Xrp fucked everyone tho

>> No.25109838

You have nothing to look forward to except the sweet embrace of death which allows you to finally be free of your XRP bags. faggot.

>> No.25109845

"the likes of which has never been seen before"
poltard trumper confirmed. how soft must your mind be to start talking like him too?

>> No.25109844

There is a lot to look forward to, They will start charging to use their product, and the token will make the data decentralized

>> No.25109881


>> No.25109923

Oh yes? Do they need the coin? Lmao how were they used before the coin cAme out? Fuckin epic cuck dude. Hook, line, and sinker.

>> No.25110942

what are you even talking about? This is a cryptocurrency board and you're making weird references to Trump? Rent free. Sad.

>> No.25110975

>I lost money so the projects a scam

>> No.25111027

If it was a pump and dump this would've immediately fell to .10c, considering the entire market tanked. Instead it's holding up reasonably well for a new crypto

>> No.25111034

its not an anonymous team, why lie about something so easily refuted? what pilpul is this?

>> No.25111047

Get out Stinkie.

>> No.25111060

moving the goalpost now i see

>> No.25111140

who's on their team then?

>> No.25111144


Can you please check your facts before spitting shit from your mouth? Are we fudding again?

>> No.25112298
File: 67 KB, 392x294, 1556013196-idiot5[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25112351

This. Supply fud will come in very shortly and there's little to no news to counter that. Team is also autistic so they won't release any meme news like the regular shitcoins do.

>> No.25113174

>This is a cryptocurrency board
Never come back

>> No.25114346

I’ve been trying to tell you faggots it’s a Coinbase IPO valuation scheme for a goddamn week now and everyone listened to the redditors instead, calling it baseless fud
Now with the newly-minted Tether fud, Coinbase officially controls the only legal stablecoin in the US (USDC, because they have a federal banking charter valid in SF) as well thanks to the orange Omegakike
No one fucking realizes how quickly Coinbase is getting kingmade by our representative dual-citizenship friends, it’s already way too fucking late
They just cornered the entire country’s market as well as the entire international stablecoin market as a result

>> No.25114376

That's because most of us made money on it with uniswap retard

>> No.25114384
File: 42 KB, 722x490, toy frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wah wah it didnt make me instant millionaire wah wah scam scam !!

>> No.25114405


>> No.25114431

dev exit pump inc

>> No.25114445

Glad someone noticed.