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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2510699 No.2510699 [Reply] [Original]

That's what you get for investing in a thing called bancor. Nigger, did you even Google the definition? You deserve to lose all your eth to the shekelmasters


>> No.2510782

Bancor is pretty legit. Can't wait til it hits the exchanges so I can stock up.

>> No.2510801

>jewcor is going to be the next mtgox
short ETH right fucking now

>> No.2511189

Moron. Hope you lose all your eth

>> No.2511220

You too

>> No.2511230
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>> No.2511255

Wow it's EXACTLY the same FUD that preceded the release of Gnosis.

Good to know.

>> No.2511277

Would you look at the article?

it's poorly written FUD.

>> No.2511279

>that article
Holy shit, Bancor got rekt. Glad I didn't buy into their jew memecoin.

>> No.2511355

What a fucking savage article. RIP (((bagholders))). This may end up being the straw that breaks the ICO back.

>> No.2512034

Goddammit, tricked by the green-jew again. When will I ever make a good investment and make it to lamboland? First I bought DGB at 2k sat, then fell for bitbean when they were 300 sat, now I'm holding 1k Bancor at .01eth per. Am I destined to be a poor fag

>> No.2512068
File: 26 KB, 621x195, prism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bancor always felt like a get rich quick scheme. prism is a much better (and real service) that people will be using to exchange coins.

>> No.2512083

absolute fucking garbage article written by the little faggot boy kissing his masters ass on campus doing bondage parties on the weekend and making plans to shill their btc stash and tezos even harder. oh did I mention tezos? oh did I mention this guy works as advisor for tezos? ohh did I mention tezos ico launches pretty much the same time bancor was supposed to go live today? what a fucking coincidence lmao.

>> No.2512159

read the last part of that article:

>We are grateful to Vitalik Buterin for his insightful feedback on earlier drafts of this document.

>> No.2512223

literally, doesnt mean anything at all.
Nice wording
>insightful feedback
>earlier drafts

feedback could be even debunking the arguments of the author.
an earlier draft could mean absolutely everything.

>> No.2512235

bruh the author already cucked out of this statement, look up the discussions on reddit, he admitted vitalik's stuff was just him being positive about what bancor is trying to do

>> No.2512270

t. I bought Cuckor during ICO

>> No.2512300

fucking called it lmao>>2512223

>> No.2512306
File: 79 KB, 300x234, bancor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

justify harder and enjoy your inflated shares.

>there is nothing wrong with raising $3.5M per line of code

>> No.2512331

link please

>> No.2512369


>> No.2512374
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Oh man I've seen this before. And the fact this this scam was orchestrated by a bunch of Jews is icing on the cake.

>> No.2512389

top kek m8. all the chinks currently buying antshares will also be buying bancor when they realise they're partnered on the 22nd

>> No.2512404

the kikes who made it are already selling off their primined coins then they will just go inactive.

Probably make like 5mil each for a few months work

>> No.2512415

Lol people wants to get rich quick.

This shit is gonna get hacked like the DAO and it will fuck ethereum and some other alts in the process.

>> No.2512461

still does not negate the fact that bancor is perpetuating a major problem with the crypto/blockchain space: INFLATED ICO.

gov regulation has always been on its way, but you can thank irresponsible startups like bancor for expediting this process..

>> No.2512481

Ok. The only thing I have done in this thread is disprove your bs about the vitalik statement.

>> No.2512539

I know and we are proud of you

>> No.2512581

It would be more profitable to hold that to dump immediately. This is a valuable feature to the ERC20 network of coins providing better liquidity and accessibility. The only way you can take it down is to make an ERC20 called "Nigger'" and try to pull a Waves. Bit enjoy living your life of not really making profit, and just trying to ruin others' because you're salty.

>> No.2512741

LOL this only makes me more happy that I got in. This is poorly thought out spaghetti fud. Here's an unofficial response from the team


>> No.2512874
File: 86 KB, 687x653, silly goyim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>automatically dismiss this because it's controlled by jews

Didn't even have to see this article to know this would happen

>> No.2512886
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He is not pleased....

>> No.2512959

You can't take it down, all they could do is remove it from the interface they provide which is separate from the protocol.

>> No.2512965
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Is it a coincidence that Emin Gun Sirer is an advisor to Tezos? Tezos is just jelly

>> No.2512990

Tezos has nothing to do with Bancor. Tezos is a whole new blockchain. If anything, they would be hating on ETH it self, not some ERC20 shitcoin

>> No.2513013

coincidence of wants ;)
want to shill tezos and want bancor down for more profit.
Using vitaliks name like he would approve this article when he never did is such a joke and devalues it by 100+1% what kind of journalism is this. 1/10 pure fud shitpost article

>> No.2513031

screencaped for future keks.

>> No.2513037

yeah sure BANCOR open for buy
TEZOS ICO in 3 days.

HMM where do I draw the line? HMM INVESTORS MAYBE?

>> No.2513040
File: 19 KB, 258x245, lmaoingirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bancor ontop of eth ontop of neverending stream of shitcoins
>goyim still fall for it

>> No.2513051

screencap for justifying your future self-harm habits that came as a result of missing the best project in 2017?

>> No.2513112

jesus fucking christ. wouldnt touch bancor with a ten feet pole

>> No.2513170
File: 24 KB, 512x512, FtMw4Uhc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANS and BNT will be moon brothers :)
Below is from antshares conference schedule on the 22nd
>16:50 - 17:00 "New digital currency exchange platform"
prepare for chinese whales lads

>> No.2513654

>chinese whales
only if party says so

>> No.2514995
File: 2 KB, 126x97, 1491342893328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Bancor literally feels like TRUMP right now and /biz/ is the main stream media

can just imagine Bancor slowly creeping up in value while screenshots of mad FUDDERS slowly fading in and out while this song plays over the top;

>> No.2515033

Yeah for sure. 150 Million Dollars for some untested javascript code.

>> No.2515073

hehehehee keeping em coming boy

>> No.2515329
File: 15 KB, 587x100, EnjoygettingFUCKED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOLOLOL I can't wait to see all the red angry wojacks from bancor holders once this hits an exchange

It's what you get for not using predictive linguistics.

>> No.2515353

T shabos goy


>> No.2515368

bancor racetraitors will be first in line for the guillotine once crypto nazis instill the fourth reich

>> No.2515395

This lol.

>> No.2515410


you mean the guy that did a 180 and betrayed his entire base in a matter of months?
yeah sound analogy

>> No.2515450
File: 18 KB, 343x450, 129958-004-C9B8B89D[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he tried to warn you faggots, but you wouldnt listen


I cant wait until this shit hits exchanges, crashes -400% in seconds and we can all swim in a sea of salty tears

next time buy a true aryan coin

>> No.2515471

worst article ever written.
shit arguments/mostly debunked
misleadingly using vitaliks name like he would approve the content.
author is shilling tenzos which launches its ico really close to bancor activation... pure fud fud fiesta. that guy is a fucking joke.

>> No.2515491

Yeah, and the bancor team is already debunking it ATM. We got some info about that in the telegram group, no worries bancorTEAM

>> No.2515505

we gonna be so rich

poor fags BTFO

Specifically, the Triffin dilemma is usually cited to articulate the problems with the role of the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency under the Bretton Woods system. John Maynard Keynes had anticipated this difficulty and had advocated the use of a global reserve currency called 'Bancor'. Currently the IMF's SDRs are the closest thing to the proposed Bancor but they have not been adopted widely enough to replace the dollar as the global reserve currency.

>> No.2515511

T shabos goy

T shabos goy


>> No.2515515


> kikes are already in damage control mode

well colour me surprised

>> No.2515521

fud is big business when you take on the most successful ico ever

>> No.2515535
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Lol what a load of nonsense

>> No.2515551

bancor smelled like a scam from a mile away

>> No.2515570

That shit is going to tank so fucking hard lmao.

>> No.2515595

Are you saying they should rather not respond to the know-it-all professor's fud?

>> No.2515648
File: 31 KB, 480x360, IMG_3677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw BTN hits exchanges and I make mad gainz from short selling

>> No.2515695

Relax, /biz/ isn't always right.

>> No.2515719
File: 49 KB, 306x467, Shekels_Intensify.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2515793

I'll be there to turn a quick buck if that happens
Until then you can use your bags as crying pillows