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2510202 No.2510202 [Reply] [Original]

Who is hodling/ buying Iconomi here?

They're about to go public for ICO investors on july 1 and general public at august 1.

Good time to buy now?

>> No.2510214
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>> No.2510219

I bought yesterday. I did the thread asking why no one was talking about it. Holy shit.

>> No.2510223

I am a believer. Just went on Liqui and doubled my holdings.

>> No.2510225

Any idea oh how high it will go?

>> No.2510249

nope, but I am betting I will make some money even at today's high price. It isn't on Poloniex so I think it has flown under a lot of people's radar. I see Iconomi as a way normies are gonna want to buy into the craze. People don't want to learn about wallets and all that shit.

>> No.2510260

Sold for huge gains not long ago about to hop back in

>> No.2510271 [DELETED] 

Step up the crypto trading game, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna

>> No.2510276

why? you gonna stuff bitcoins up your ass?

>> No.2510300

Agreed. Goes up without private key hassle.

>> No.2510303


>> No.2510313
File: 29 KB, 360x560, iconomi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic is the CEO a young steve jobs if u ask me.

theyre sitting in ljubljiana of all places... this coin can be the unexpected joker

rec: buy

>> No.2510335

For real. Only serious project without fucking FOMO promotion. Just steady work with real progress.

>> No.2510354

So does this coin pay dividends as an index fund, or is it just a platform to build index funds on?

>> No.2510355

I believe these guys are the ones who will make me the most money - not this year, perhaps, but in the long run.

>> No.2510397

Source? About going public etc?

>> No.2510444

At least they will still be there in the long run, which is already a massive pro in this thing.

>> No.2510459

check out their subreddit /r/iconomi

They first said they were going for dividends, but decided to go for buying up ICN shares and burning them. A didivend system wouldnt work as they'd need agreement with all exchanges selling ICN

>> No.2510498
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>tfw only 50 ICN

>> No.2510539

Only got 100... i am not sure to put more money in it. I have 1200 available on Kraken. Don't know if this thing is going to 5, 10, 50, 100 or 1000.


>> No.2510553

Speculation said $10. But speculation also said ETH 200 by eoy and BTC 2000 by eoy. I'm sitting my ICN.

>> No.2510583

I'm holding $5k of these bad boys.

>> No.2510590

OK, just siwtched some ETH to ICN on kraken. Lets hope that this was the right decision.

>> No.2510639

>Speculation said $10.


>> No.2510642

some crazy on reddit thinks they can become the Merrill Lynch of crypto and end up $10K in 10 years. That'd be nice, but I am certainly not expecting that.

>> No.2510664

Some guy on Medium. But the point of my post was to remark how speculation in crypto is useless.

>> No.2510686

By the way, does anyone store ICN in a Ledger Nano S? I'm scared of losing it to a bug/glitch.

>> No.2510694


How would you lose it to a bug/glitch in a ledger exactly?

>> No.2510714

Not being able to transfer ICN out. Ledger doesn't have native token transfer support.

>> No.2510737



It's only 'stored' on there. Just check your wallet balance on MEW and it'll show your ICN.

>> No.2510839

This seems more like buying traditional company stock than coins to me.

>> No.2510870

I want to be able to transfer it out without MEW. MEW is mostly fine, but I'm not 100% sold.

>> No.2510946

What is MEW?

>> No.2510988

Holding 1k since about 0.3$, slow but steady gains so far.

>> No.2511057

Damn, i only bought in a week ago. I wonder how high it can go, the market cap is still pretty low at 230 million.

>> No.2511114

i've had this one on my watch list for a while. kinda waiting for a dip, but it just keeps going up. i'll bet anything it drops like a stone right after i buy

>> No.2511157

>Sold 8k ICN at 40k sats

oh well, can't have em all.

>> No.2511316

It's booming right now.

>> No.2511397

I just sold a couple eth and finally unshackled myself from that bitch XRP at a small profit to buy in to this. Already making money. I got into LTC right before the gravy train and ANS two days ago and this is clearly big.

>> No.2511429
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ICN launched me into crypto. First crypto I ever got. Bought with EUROS. The company is legit. I only invested in stocks before that. I bought at the ICO for 500 €. Sold some when high were reached.

Still holding 2500 and holding forever.

They are doing many things as well as consulting (where the real money is,e everybody will be asking advice about the blockchain very very soon). I diversified from there and got about 12K now.

>> No.2511456

This guy founded a crypto exchange before starting this. Obviously has a ton of experience in the field.

>> No.2511661


>> No.2511674
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It's not like we didn't try telling people about it.

>> No.2511749

HAHAHAHA these morons say the same thing every time, nice screen shot

>> No.2511841

Got in in March when I started investing. Was promised bright future with ICN. Only 45ICN though, but who knows.

What do you think of IOTA in comparison, Anon?

>> No.2511946
File: 170 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170619-172212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also picked up 5k ANS 3 days ago.

Loving life right now

>> No.2512455
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might as well start my new pick for the next 9 months

>> No.2512530

Muh negro. I Also have ICN and Monaco. What other coins do you have?

>> No.2512554

30,000 ICN.
Some blue chips like Bancor.
and couple dark horses that are gonna do sub $10m icos. Waiting for their icos to end so I can start the campaigns.

>> No.2512567

I like the ring to the name Monaco. Easy to market.

>> No.2512590


I have 40k ICN. Also Bancor but not much. Would like to know your dark horses but i guess that's secret ;) . I also have sub 10 million coins that i think have a lot of potential and i freely tell people about them. I wish you were the same ;).

>> No.2512597

before i bought any crypto i was looking into a sort of index fund of various coins, from what I understand this is something sort of like that? If so, ill definitely be putting some money in

>> No.2512611

nice, we're gonna be shit rich with the right campaign.

>> No.2512631

Been holding since ICO bitches. I was poor back then so only 3,600 ICN, but its getting to be worth a good bit. If crypto bubble doesn't pop for another 2-5 years, this coin could hit $100

>> No.2512633

Why Monaco instead of TenX?

>> No.2512640


Yeah it think this could be really big, I also like the name Monaco as you said.

What do you think about the future price of ICN? Will it go up or down after the release of the platafor? What price could ICN have at the end of this year? I always like to know the opinion of fellow investors.

yes it is. ICN is profit ownership and ICNX is fund ownership.

>> No.2512664

Tenx guys are crypto guys doing fintech
Monaco guys are fintech guys doing crypto
Both are fine and i will probably buy on Tenx too, but i put more money into Monaco.

>> No.2513320

Where can I buy ICN??

>> No.2513337

$100 sounds a bit too high, considering the circulating supply.

>> No.2513345

I'm holding and shilling since it was 0.50$

>> No.2513367

Kraken and Liqui.io

Unfortunately not great exchanges. Kraken is very safe but terrible layout/buy process. Liqui is medioce layouy/buy process and quite small but they're always the first with adding new ETH tokens.

>> No.2513381

Thank you!

>> No.2513413

In 2-5 years nah not at all. Especially considering the supply will be decreasing every year.

>> No.2513570

All ICN holders, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna

>> No.2513585

why would we do that