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2509270 No.2509270 [Reply] [Original]

please explain me the difference between proof of work and proof of state

i kind of understand proof of work but not proof of state yet i have 5 eth

t. brainlet

>> No.2509276


>> No.2509290

>proof of state
proof of stake*

sorry guys, as you can see im an unironical brainlet ;_;

>> No.2509310
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pls respond

>> No.2509434
File: 43 KB, 590x392, 8293674813299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-guys, i w-want to drive a lambo too...

>> No.2509447


>> No.2509448

I'm sorry dude, I won't be rude. But look it up yourself.

>> No.2509456

Dude noone here as a fucking clue of anything. Go to a decent forum. Only neets here, dreaming of lambos so they can stop dating their moms.

>> No.2509507


You really have to understand the blockchain and which principles make it work to get around the concept. It's not just another pair of buzzwords that has a simple meaning.

>> No.2509738

Proof of stake is a lie and will not work.
Proof of stake is base on stake that you buy from the beginning which will decide that you can create a new block or not (or they can choose randomly ... depends on the algorithm) instead of hashing to take the power of creating new block. Proof of stake can not prevent people from forking blockchain and it will not work just like your lambo dream

>> No.2509856
File: 66 KB, 1280x960, portal_-_the_cake_is_a_lie_474397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Proof of stake is a lie.
Henceforth "proof of stake" is bow referred to as "proof of cake."

>> No.2510405


>corrects his previous post
>makes another mistake
