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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2508605 No.2508605 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf is going on with waves biz? Bought in at €1 so still happy. But is it time to sell?

>> No.2508633

will post an ichimoku when I get home. Getting more and more bearish on this one. On the other side BMC swears by waves and I've made a ton of money holding it. Has been more stable than basically any other coin in these semi bear 2 weeks.

>> No.2508655

I still don't understand why it's not listed on Polo yet.


>> No.2508738

That would be appreciated. Stability is good, but this sideways movement is starting to grate on me.

>> No.2508829

its a shit coin and the centralized main exchange engages in cenorship of coins it doesnt like.

>> No.2508841
File: 84 KB, 2467x469, waves16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hodl! always do the opposite

hodl when scared
sell when euphoria

>> No.2508898

Thanks anon

>> No.2508924

np senpai

>> No.2508957

Same here OP. Bought at like $1.40 so its ok but its been doing nothing for me for a while. Its pretty stable so maybe the people sick of the btc swings will buy in.

>> No.2509136
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>this low quality bait again

You should really understand the tech you try to tear down before you get into it.

Nothing is in the dex is centralized

>> No.2509266
File: 307 KB, 1080x817, IMG_20170619_132837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought at 12ct, still hodling. Sasha prepares our rocket as we speak anon

>> No.2509581

Dammit nothing new yet. Havent even hired a new developer yet. I will be patient but its gonna hurt since i bought in near the ath. Fuckkk

>> No.2509672
File: 172 KB, 1416x624, Screenshot_20170619-202703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trezor is coming for waves

>> No.2510134

Hodl young anon

>> No.2510155

they banned nigger coin, so 4chan is killing the waves

>> No.2510165

that sounds pathetic honestly

>> No.2510207
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>> No.2510222

welp, time to spend that 20btc on waves

>> No.2510239

The actual DEX is centralized lying faggot, the devs can take your coin off the exchange anytime they want.

>> No.2510263

>so plebeian he doesn't understand how DEX works

>> No.2510398

>So pleb he doesn't realise waves is a coloured coin centralised exchange and not a true atomic swap dex

Kys wavesfag

>> No.2510419

The fuck are you talking about cunt? Are you denying that the devs can and will delist your coin off the DEX if they want to?

>> No.2510508

hahahahahaha why are people so butthurt
you werent seriously dumb enough to believe they were gonna let you trade something called NIGGERCOIN on their platform did you?
why would they allow that, a startup clearly would not want that kind of media attention and this was guaranteed to happen you deserve to lose your money for being dumb enough to buy it

>> No.2510521

The exchange isnt, the official client can superficially change coins from teenage edgelords like yourself. All they did was rename the call out; the actual token was the same "value" and hash sig.

If the whole point was to trade something due to a naming scheme, then you just got an education in shitcoins

When you make your own client program since it's open source (you won't) you can have every token named nigger. Niggerbux, watermelonwaves, buttcoin, the gutter is the limit here

You mouthbreathers really make this too easy, but I guess if you knew things, you wouldn't be in this position

>> No.2510602

Waves is getting a USD gateway tommorrow.
It should moon.. for real

>> No.2510657

No faggot, they banned trading of the original coin on the DEX (yknow, the one which actually had any value and meaning to people) and halted all trades on the exchange, bringing volume down to zero, and then re-issued it under a different coin with a politically correct name with zero value which literally nobody wants to trade. They made a coin with worth which people wanted to trade totally worthless because it didnt fit the PC criteria of the devs. Your level of damage control is fucking nauseating.

>> No.2510666

Okay great you've confirmed waves exchange isn't decentralised. Good job

>> No.2510706

>haha lol your so dumb just make your own shit
Yes, this definitely fits with the value proposition of a coin claiming to be a more accessible platform for crypto.

A technically decentralized exchange has no value if the way people interact with it turn out to be functionally centralized. Telling critics to build alternative clients is about as tone-deaf as "20xx will be the year of Linux desktop". If the company doesn't deliver, users have several actual decentralized exchanges to choose from and more will come with time.

>> No.2510707

what time?

>> No.2510726

literally 1 hour ago

>> No.2510944

what time will it happen tomorow

>> No.2510949

i dunno

>> No.2510967

>I'm bad at reading

The dex isn't, the client is. So wait for a new non official client.

Nothing about the matching system is centralized, so they can't do shit about somebody trading coins they don't like on the system


>I want a company to cater specifically to me, but won't contribute

It is accessible, and just as much as your Linux analogy, too. Don't go to Ubuntu or Debian and tell them which programs to make default, just compile your own shit and release it on your own corner is the internet. Ta-da.

Stop telling a company that wants international contracts and PR that you're mad about some minuscule bullshit that was created ENTIRELY for drama effect when they go out of their way to make this an open project that anybody can siphon off the code and do their own thing

The whole
>it's hard, I want it all and I want it my way and I don't want to work for it waaaaaaah
argument is asinine. Open source is WORK. help or don't, the choice is yours. If you complain without helping you can gtfo and stay o

>> No.2511001

gonna moon soon

>> No.2511058

>The dex isn't, the client is
And it being listed on the DEX so it can actually be traded is 99.99% of the value of making the coin in the first place you utter cunt.

>> No.2511061
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All you niggercoin crybabies, you can still buy and sell the OG, mildly racist, biz shitcoin!
So stop complaining, start pumping this thing!

>> No.2511067

Always cash out bits periodically desu, for trading.
Move your original investment back into btc, plus I don't know 20pc and let the rest shine.

>> No.2511143

>the client is the dex

You don't seem to be getting this. At all. Let me spell it out for you

Nodes maintain the chain. They run the matchers. Waves runs some nodes and some matchers, but are now in the minority. The matchers, and therefore the exchange, is out is their control. The client talks to the matchers and sends/receives trade data. That's it. It's the intermediary.

Official client =\= dex

>you utter cunt
The sign of an argument won

>> No.2511206

A decentralised exchange involves no deposits and no withdrawals. Just putting in orders and a transfer across blockchains i.e atomic swap. Waves is a colour coin exchange which requires deposits in exchange for a 'token' which is then traded.

This is the point i was making here >>2510398

Waves isn't fully decentralised as >>2510706 was saying.

I think you misunderstand that DEX means decentralised exchange and not centralised exchange with decentralised elements

>> No.2511261

>uses Waves to create coin to exchange on the DEX
>cant be used to be exchanged on the DEX
>B-but I swear it doesnt take any of the value away!
>rambles on about muh official client having some arbitrary value
You're in full damage mode control and you are an utter cunt.

>> No.2511386

Yes, I can agree in those points.

Waves real weakness IS in being a colored coin that relies on large adoption. In the alt community, that is the great strength of btc, and not a hurdle that is easily overcome.

The decentralized elements of the exchange I feel are needed at this time in crypto since single-point-of-failure exchanges have been our Achilles heel in the past and present. It does excel at this (for a beta program) and am happy to see constant updates implying work being done.

If it begins to wane, I'll have to reconsider my allocation,but this is the reason I invested in waves. (I don't go in for ICO bs)

If something else can come along and be like shapeshift, but with low fees and minimal arbitrage without being a colored coin system (like a piggyback block chain like fct), I'd be interested.

The issue is: block chain tech has few ironclad use cases that I can see (contrary opinion on this board). Currency is a no-brainer, as is anything else that requires an accounting system, such as an exchange. I don't know how you would run a truly decentralized exchange and incentivize nodes without a colored coin at this stage

>> No.2511396

>open source fanatic misconstrues business considerations for emotional squabbles over tech
Predictable. I'm bullish on Waves, but it will succeed in spite of philosophies like yours, not thanks to it.

Again: there are several projects offering decentralized exchanges. All open source. Nobody would undergo years of learning to fix a broken system over just using a working one.

You want to be personal, here's some life advice: I used to be a high intelligence low empathy kid too. Hacking human psychology is ten times easier than parsing source code, and yields a hundred times the results. Being inappropriately emotional about technology clouds your judgement, makes you lose money, and before you know it you will find yourself still writing code for a living by the age of 30.

>> No.2511407

Go cry about it in pol. I'm sure they've for some of those armbands you can use as a tissue

>> No.2511589

No it's fine I'm just glad people are finally admitting Waves isn't a decentralized platform so it can be known, and PC faggots like you can run and go tell your plebbit buddies.

>> No.2511636

We tether nao?

>> No.2511933

Nice trips, if I get some good profit off Bancor, I will continually be funneling gains into Waves. These are the only two coins I have, and the only two ICO's I've been in.

>> No.2512090

>Exclusively buys things with "nigger' in the title.
>Will not buy anything that does not have "nigger'" emblazoned on it.
>Bashes all products and technologies that are non-nigger.

The whole centralized/decrlentralized issue (that you do not understand) is not the problem, it is only a matter of "nigger-centricity" with you.

>> No.2512291

>hurr durr I'm so edgy i trade niggers

>> No.2512720

is this shit about to break out or do i suck at TA?

>> No.2512749

>closing horizontal triangle
>trending down volume
>USD gateway opening tomorrow

Sure looks like signs point up

>> No.2513059

bought in, hope you are right.
where do you think this can go?

>> No.2513145

if this is the actual developer then >>>dropped