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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 129 KB, 1512x1110, PONG_GORE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25081976 No.25081976 [Reply] [Original]

rekt thread ? rekt thread.

i'll start

>> No.25081988

Jesus christ.

>> No.25082007

I thought it was LINKBTC at first

>> No.25082015
File: 160 KB, 500x563, 703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that 15 mins a step? Crap son.

>> No.25082038

can't unsee, still haunts me at night

>> No.25082042

This is recent but already an absolute classic in my book:
Read the thread title and then pay attention from the picture of Don smoking.

>> No.25082065
File: 244 KB, 1024x1537, BB36E682-C018-4F5A-9FE9-736604790F3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d post a screenshot of the GHOST chart but too lazy atm

>> No.25082082


>> No.25082092

It's not a general "trump bets rekt" thread, read what actually happened.

>> No.25082106

>Who Are the Founders of Marlin?

Marlin is the brainchild of developers Siddhartha, Prateesh and Roshan, all of whom have extensive experience in peer-to-peer networking.

>> No.25082110

Already closed, cbf

>> No.25082129

Nigs drowned in the pond

>> No.25082263

I don’t get it

>> No.25082282
File: 322 KB, 512x512, jjjjj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i lost 200$ with drumpf

>> No.25082355

c'mon faggots show me some gorey charts

>> No.25082441
File: 165 KB, 1055x545, Screenshot_20201223_111519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25082460
File: 22 KB, 575x415, newton_south_sea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute classics

>> No.25082523
File: 22 KB, 488x447, Screenshot 2020-12-23 121958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

angriest bagholders in crypto

>> No.25082579

so they used to torrent porn before they could afford pornhub premium

>> No.25082645

The list is endless.

Nyan finance
Kush finance
Hippo finance
Cockroach finance

Anyone remember these? All gay nyan clones, copying the quote genius tokenomics which were horrible and didn’t work. All have failed.

I also had a huge chart of cvault clones that flatlined but I’m not on my pc.

>> No.25082742

Look at this fucking pajeet trying to shill that free falling shitcoin: >>25080750


>> No.25082917

the idea of the thread was more like /b/, or /gif/ rekt thread, simply posting /biz/ related IMAGES of REKT.
Sometimes this board doesn't feel like an imageboard.

>> No.25082979

Actual Pajeet coin, no lockup for lockdroppers anything. Free for all

>> No.25083006

Someone post hot dog

>> No.25083038
File: 465 KB, 1242x1379, 224132ED-74F3-480F-BC2A-5ED7F5DAFE7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25083077

a /3 ? you can do better anon.
didn't even flinch

>> No.25083131
File: 54 KB, 748x745, 32B2EB66-9F12-426E-A333-08B145EE3C91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine I’ll do it

>> No.25083160
File: 57 KB, 1134x496, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ree this was 1/3 of my portfolio

>> No.25083168
File: 54 KB, 1411x613, dentacoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25083171

did he died ?

>> No.25083176

the current xrp graph lol

>> No.25083215

years of XRP memes and still tons of people fell for it. That's gotta hurt

>> No.25083313


>> No.25083322

Srsly tho none of this other shit comes close to Dentacoin, 2 billion dollars down to 5 mill. Theres like what 6 zeros on there, like a 100,000% drop or w.e

>> No.25083367

holy shit that's grim

>> No.25083464

It was the emission schedule, whales picked up on it. Soon after launch it had a scarce supply, driven by pure fomo it rocketed up and then what happened is they were putting out a shit ton of this stuff all the time. When the crash happened other people werent aware how much was being released, through the first years, they are still releasing a shit ton of it. Pretty much they should be arrested for devaluing their currency that much.

>> No.25083466

5000 to nothing I’m sure a lot of people did

>> No.25083490

Like it was to the point the market cap could double but the price goes down.

>> No.25083530

i feel like i got put on some watchlist for seeing that

>> No.25083555

Not the fact it was a stupid ticking idea pushed out by obvious scammers?

>> No.25083589

what i don't get is who decided at 0.000009 it was finally time to sell?

>> No.25083614

Honestly its not a bad idea, its a crypto that cuts out insurance companies. Its attractive to dentists because it gives them a steady income instead of being reliant on their patients whenever they happen to suddenly need big work done, and it would save the patients money. Reduced costs, more pay for doctors because no insurance jobs and it also incentivized taking care of your own teeth, paying people to not end up in the dentist chair. Something like 90% of dental work is preventable so if theyre paying into the system, they get a lot of their money back but the dentist still gets paid.

Id actually use it and that means it passes the test, but yea sadly ruined by a horrible emission schedule and whale manipulation.

>> No.25083646

The people who they give it out to for filling out surveys and shit, which they use to optimize the platform. The dentists who are being paid in it, its actually being used.

>> No.25084374

I was not ready Sir.

>> No.25085519

this looks like my walton stack

>> No.25085703

I checked it out, It's alright but nobody seems to have lost more than some pocket cash and there aren't any fun charts to look at.
Overall I rate it rug/10.

>> No.25085768

Someone post the swipe/btc chart. Biggest rugpull of 2020.

>> No.25086104

bump for interest
is it weird if i fap to gore charts

>> No.25086140

The virgin Isaac Newton vs bitcoin gigachad

>> No.25086188

Nah dont im still holding

>> No.25086221

I've been holding eth since 380 and my stop was filled last night because of some faggot scam wick at 595. Awesome.