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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 437 KB, 900x900, 1600124637846 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25069014 No.25069014 [Reply] [Original]

> Be me
> Musician
> 7 months ago
> Start my own record label
> Really start to focus more on turning it into a business and getting my name out there
> Fast forward to today
> Successfully sold my first shipment of tapes
> They're going to be in a little record store in Japan

Feelsgoodman... Hopefully this leads to a long term business relationship. Thanks for all the support and advice, /biz/ bros...

>> No.25069035

LARP. Your dream is dead and a thousand other knuckleheads dreamed it before you. Die

>> No.25069063

are you the same guy who told us the japanese business basically ghosted you after hearing your wholesale prices? gratz btw bro

>> No.25069108

Why do you use the word tapes? are you recording on a vintage analog tape system or something? Are cassette tapes big in Japan or something?

>> No.25069177

Nice job anon. Good luck with your business!

>> No.25069182

He's a lo-fi googoo boy with sugarplum fairies in his head who didn't realize he's five years behind the curve

>> No.25069204

i don't usually like asian girls, but that girl is legit a 10/10

>> No.25069222

I listened to some of your music OP and really it doesn't tickle my pickle if you know what I mean. I'm spoiled by classical music and nightcore compilations on youtube, I need either good music or fast beats.

>> No.25069224

Ya I remember this thread so he's probs not larping. Congrats bro.

>> No.25069228

>They're going to be in a little record store in Japan
Where? I'm in Tokyo

>> No.25069256

Looks like a Korean hapa

>> No.25069268
File: 14 KB, 250x245, 213EB69A-372F-4CE6-9FEC-8CF090F0C55F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats bro

Not a larp fag, lurk more, dude was ghosted like a week ago.

>> No.25069286
File: 11 KB, 586x206, sales2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I followed up with him and he sent a reply email.

Hipsters love tapes, analogue cassette tapes that is. See image.

See image. It's not a ton, but it's way more than I've ever made off of my music before.

Thanks anons! I appreciate it :)

No worries, ambient music isn't for everyone.

>> No.25069294

The music business is the worst business on earth, I would know- I’ve been in it full time for 20 years. Never give up but know in advance it’s a lifetime of heartbreak and desperation.

>> No.25069328
File: 141 KB, 499x499, 1455793711908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere called Kasai, Japan. In Hyogo. It looks like a pretty small town, but the store is owned by a popular ambient musician.

Thanks anon <3

>> No.25069371

same anon with his 5th thread shilling his garbage Brian Eno knockoff shit. Fuck off already nigtard

>> No.25069379

anyone know her name?

>> No.25069384

Yep, although it's very rewarding when you start to gain a fanbase and recognition. Two years ago I was releasing junk on my soundcloud for 2 listeners, and now I've got a couple of reviews, YT postings, and I'm selling a lot of tapes. Feels good.

>> No.25069404

Why are you so angry, anon? I'm simply updating my friends on what came of my business venture :)

I don't even listen to Eno.

>> No.25069638

ohh shit I remember that thread, congrats bro, what a nice way to end the year.

>> No.25069685

Thanks buddy! It's a small amount of tapes, but it was a major goal of mine when I started my label, to get it into a store somewhere (Japan in particular.) I've met all the goals I've set for this year.

>> No.25069695

Saw a day or two ago you werent hearing the responses and didnt give enough of a fuck to reply

but this is wholesome have some holiday spirit i guess

>> No.25070210
File: 66 KB, 1080x1413, 1579935732641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking it's Tobira Records what bought your tapes.

>> No.25070298

Thanks anon! You as well.

Yes sir, bought 6 of them.

>> No.25070329

Very based friend, other musician anon here, did selling at wholesale +20% production cost work out as planned?

>> No.25070368

Congratulations brah

>> No.25070466


OP should've went with the mentor...

>> No.25070498

Yep! Made a little bit of money from it. More importantly though, I made a business connection and also have my music in a record store.

Thanks anon

>> No.25070527

I'm glad for you man, but you really don't need to make a thread every day

>> No.25070591

Gratz bro. Go get that irl dough.

>> No.25071147

Glad to know that was the negotiation level! Thanks for updating us bro. I wish you the best.

>> No.25071181

Good job anon. Don’t lose that motivation and get comfortable until you make it.

>> No.25071184

Don’t you post variations of this same story once a week guy?

>> No.25071245

Any tips on starting a record label? Always thought it would be neat.

>> No.25071246
File: 22 KB, 250x377, 5eb9cd31d8d2411dad6b22163e7a1e19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello anon, I see your posts often but have just lurked. Glad your business is going well. I am also a musician and am in the process of starting a recording studio (went to school for recording technology. Not the best decision but I don't regret it either.) Hope we both prosper through covid!

>> No.25071520

Damn shes a qt, who is she?

Glad it worked out OP, we'll no doubt hear from you in the new year?

>> No.25072048

Thank you all for your words, I appreciate you all. I am sure you'll hear from me next year. Also I would love to start a recording studio some day, good luck.

I'd posted it here a couple of times asking for advice on how to close the deal, which I did thanks to someone who told me to send a follow up email.

Make it look professional, start a website, register it as a business... Send out as many emails as you can to press places. I mean as many as you possibly can. One or two will stick.

>> No.25072101
File: 925 KB, 1361x714, 1a7f336f2f38e2401ee1325958c9dea1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is Britty Drake, the singer of the band Pity Sex. She is my future wife.

>> No.25072159

Yo man you realize your supposed to be selling drugs and laundering the profits through the business, not actually selling music, right?

>> No.25072301

Am I seeing a bad monkey there? They are just green pedals so I am probably wrong. If it is, good taste!

>> No.25072346

people still buy tapes?

>> No.25072375

are you that guy who made the vending machine album?

>> No.25072412

congrats anon one of my best friends works in his own studio recording people and make a good living out of it, keep going anon

>> No.25072413

beat me to it

>> No.25072418

>an actual business on the business board
say it aint so
does your record label have a scammy ICO i can get in on? i want my pajeet dump NOW!

>> No.25072546

Congrats OP. Remember to offer a video call to each new biz contact you get.

Continue to build your trust with this guy

>> No.25072571

Just make a general I've seen you post this for the last 6 months now

>> No.25072827

Thanks anon! I will.

Yes they do, quite a lot of people in the U.K it seems.


Yes sir

Thanks for posting it for me anon

Not sure what an ICO is, but I'll make sure to let you know when the scamming start.

Thanks, anon, I will.

I've posted my music a lot on /r9k/ and /mu/, but the only time I've posted it here is a couple days ago when I was asking for advice

>> No.25073693

Congrats OP. I’m working on my debut album, posted a snippet of a song on /mu/ a few months ago and it kinda blew up. Really encouraging to get that positive feedback.

Not trying to make any money or get famous with my music, just want to spread some cool vibes. Certain albums have been like the soundtrack to my life at a particular time, would be cool to do the same for other people. 2021 gonna be a big year.

>> No.25073794

Is she wearing contacts in that? Those are some sparkling eyes

>> No.25073827
File: 63 KB, 460x500, this thread again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]