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25068794 No.25068794 [Reply] [Original]

Why are normies so incapable of understanding life without needless consumerism? I work in a warehouse making $18/hr. Nothing special but enough for me to live comfortably.
I was talking to a girl today and when I told her this she immediately began claiming that I must be "starving" myself or living in poverty. I try to explain to her that I live fine, I just don't buy shit I don't need but she can't even fathom it, at the end she even hits me with the "this is why you'll always be single"

>> No.25068816

You now understand the gender wage gap.

>> No.25068854
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>> No.25068901

in the end she didn't get any of the money because people complained to onlyfans about her not providing nudes like she said she would.
still pathetic though. these incels need to be killed.

>> No.25068909


And this is the day toby learned that all women are whores and whores demand payment

>> No.25068946

You should have told her she would never be a woman.

>> No.25068959

Consumerism is fine, you just need to not be a poorfag so that your consooming doesn't significantly impede on the money used to generate more money (investments, businesses, etc).

>> No.25068964

OP do I really have to point out your mistake here?
>I was talking to a girl today
Stop doing that. Women are trash who should only be told what to do and should remain silent at all times in the presence of a man. You need not waste your time talking to them any more than you would waste your time trying to have a discussion with a parakeet.

>> No.25068992

what an absolute cunt. that said i would try move up the ladder some how to more money. i don't consoom, but money is a tool and having a higher income gives you more options

>> No.25068999

>18 an hour in a factory
I'd kill myself

>> No.25069017

well she sounds like a run of the mill cunt and a pretty unpleasant person if that's the case and if you didn't antagonize her in some way.

also a lot of people who live beyond their means for years are too stupid to realize that working for many years and saving most of what you earn even if your wages are super high is enough for you to live super comfy. I mean theoretically 18 an hour if you had no bills or very low bills and you got to keep most of your wages you could do pretty much whatever you want on that salary. 18 an hour is only shitty if you have like thousands of dollars of bills per month.

>> No.25069031

That's $3k/mo, do you really spend more than $3k each month?

>> No.25069040

Honestly, paypigs should just be executed and their funds allocated to a worthy cause.

>> No.25069101

Normies watch TV
TV shows normies six figure income lifestyles and calls it "average" or >70k a year.
Normies think that is what their life should look like.

>> No.25069119

Uh yeah. Weed doesn’t just magically show up, the Doritos don’t make themselves, and the budlight doesn’t come free.

>> No.25069139

females are hardwired to accumulate resources
that's why ads mostly target women, if men were left alone consumer spending would collapse. Most spending by men is either to impress women or proxy buying by women

>> No.25069147

The fact that median income is 50k and the average normie doesn't have next months rent in there bank account astounds me. I've only had a decent job for 2 years and I now have 60k in crypto and cash all while being cucked out of 1k a month in jewdent loans. I get 5k a month from a median income job and I have literally no idea what normies spend there money on to make that much money disappear each month. I even buy some vidya and go to reseraunts and buy myself stuff like Kayaks and bow and arrows.

>> No.25069173
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>tfw would have twice as much btc if I didn't smoke weed

>> No.25069191

God she looks so ugly. Literally looks like a swine

>> No.25069225

lol, ye
She was taking inventory.
Maybe if you had enough recourses for her to take advantage of then she'd let you have your turn with her for a year or two till she moved along to someone else with more shit to pamper her with.

>> No.25069237

Haha goy, yes you are so above me! Keep being spiritually superior! I am truly humbled by your work ethic.

>> No.25069239

follow up on my own post, is there any data on what the fuck normies are buying every month? I understand if they have kids, but what the fuck is the average kidless normie buying a iFag phone only comes out every year or so. and even if they buy every shit game console, they ought to still have money.

>> No.25069290

You people sicken me

>> No.25069301

Because American culture is obsessed with consumerism to an almost religious degree.

>> No.25069330
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>I was talking to a girl today
Anon, take the twinkpill.

>> No.25069350

Credit card companies definitely know. They might share that data with the government or researchers, it's worth a google.

>> No.25069359


>> No.25069362

thye take outdebt to buy shit they cant afford. cars, electronics etc. those monthly payments add up.

>> No.25069425

I do know how females spend. Dumb shit like purses. I know from my gf.
>Anon should I get a 500 dollar purse?
>What does it do?
>.... it holds things and looks nice
>Its your money, spend what you want
>Well I can resell it later if I want, bags are kind of an investment. My friend bought a 1500 dollar bag can you believe?
>I doubt it. Women will just spill something insode the bag or damaged it. The ones reselling it are keeping it mint. I bet they lose all value the moment they are used once.
>.... well I'm going to get it. Im going to splurge
>Okay, boo whatever makes you happy

I dont know why I have to have these conversations with my gf. I have accepted that women cannot take to heart investing and are too retarded not to CONSOOOOOM. Accept this fact and be happy to have a gf that pays half the bills. Let them do whatever retarded thing they want with their money and get them to set up an auto-IRA, its the best you'll get out of a female. Don't look for a financially based gf, they aren't real. Look for one that takes care of you emotionally and cooks. Women invest socially and you ought to invest socially in a woman. Get a gf that takes care of you, and you take care of the finances. This is the only path.

>> No.25069444


this and also laziness. My parents buy take out nearly every day because they're "too tired" after work to cook.

>> No.25069472

I dont have anything concrete, but I would assume they are nickle and dimed by frivolus shit. $6 Starbucks coffee everyday before work alone is a little over $2000 a year. Add in eating out for most meals, car payments, compulsively buying newest phones, and the high rent in urban areas...

>> No.25069498

But what? I do know normless like having car payments. They like leasing cars for 500 a month instead of buying a used one for some reason, but that's only 500 a month. I know they love paying 100+ a month for an iPhone instead of buying an android upfront and paying 35 a month. I know they see BIG PRICE TAG and SMALL MONTHLY and choose small monthly rather than calculate that they will end up paying for the phone 3 times over.

>> No.25069668


It’s $2880 and then taxes take more of that away. Want to live somewhere non ghetto, no roommates, drive newish non shit car, new computer/phone every 5 years, health insurance, retirement savings, utilities, car insurance, food, maybe the occasional restaurant, new video games, outings with friends, vacations, etc, etc???

Most of the time gonna cost you way more than you’re making now with $18 an hour.

I own a single family house, no roommates, drive a 50k car, built a new PC this year (last time was 2015), have an iPhone 12 (upgraded from the 6), have a 4 year old MacBook Pro, eat out at restaurants literally every day, don’t really travel because I don’t like to, have health insurance and all that bullshit, and max out my 401k.

My monthly expenses are somewhere around 4k a month not including what gets taken out of my paycheck automatically for retirement. I live well. I still save 70% of my paycheck

>> No.25069750
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>> No.25069775


Good goy don’t take out a 0% interest loan on a phone or 2% interest on a car. Save up for 3 years stacking worthless fiat in the bank that gives 0.01% interest and finally buy that car in cash like a Chad.

>> No.25069813

I make a little more than that, and don't splurge. Manage to save a few hundred a month. Still feel poor.

That said, definitely not the reason you can't get a girl. I've known some broke ass dudes that could pull left and right. Sure, having money makes some things easier, but not the only thing.

>> No.25070078
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>> No.25070602
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A high IQ person has their own amazing brain to toy with. You can think! You dont need new shiny objects to distract you every waking moment because you have Gods greatest tool at your disposal. An average IQ person is a fucking moron. They cant think they merely function like gears in a machine. If you want that gear to keep spinning you need to apply oil.

As an example. When I was a kid I used to love action figures. They were a relatively new invention back then. At the time was a pretty huge glut of action figures, the ninja turtle era. I noticed how the new figures were becoming more and more mechanized. This really bothered me. I thought it defeated the purpose of these figures. Why should I play with my toys the way they want me to when I have my own imagination that can do more than their stupid springs. But all they were doing is catering to the average IQ kids that needed those springs because their dysfunctional brains could not make the rocket fly. Now as an adult I can see the same trends with grownups. They need the new thing to fill the void in their own hallow souls.

>> No.25070647

thats a man.

>> No.25070703

Answer to your question is therapy. People buy shit to cope with being wagecucks.
The answer to your second question is, getting a GF and maintaining wealth are opposing concepts.

>> No.25070744

This is why I fucking hate simps. Stupid mother fuckers get my blood boiling. Do those faggots not think about investments? Fucking retards

>> No.25070833

Good goy, buy the shiney 3 times over over the course of 2 years!

>> No.25070837


>> No.25070886

Holy fuck are you me? I loved articulate GI Joes, and they started making "HURR DURR KARATE CHOP WITH SOUNDS!" I fucking hated it.

>> No.25070960

They will learn. Everybody learns, eventually. For most it will be too late however.

>> No.25071039

Can always tell who the NEETS are with stupid questions like this. Imagine not considering taxes and necessary bills to survive.

>> No.25071046

They will be like "shit. If I had bought bitcoin sooner, I could have simped harder!"
I've lost faith in humanity long ago

>> No.25071090

>bow and arrows


>> No.25071310

My gf is asian, athletic, a doctor, and has less debt/is better with investments than I am. Do I win?

>> No.25071347

Women are monsters.
Film at 11.

>> No.25071407

unironically ngmi unless you're asian too

>> No.25071439

what do you get out of that arrangement? it sounds miserable to be around someone so fucking stupid

>> No.25071480

What about having children?

>> No.25071505

Ohh yes, the sounds and the lights, forgot the other features. It all took away from the heart of them, which was an aid to abstract thought. They could have just made better figures but they make garbage instead. This is probably why Legos are still a thing, every time they make some new glamor set, all they are doing is adding in to pieces to cater to creativity. I think I grew out of the figures when I saw that new shows were getting action figures and they were skipping the basic models cutting straight to lights and mirrors.

>> No.25071509

I mean that's what trogger her idiotic response.

>> No.25071562

A girl left me because I was stingy with money and only invested with it

>> No.25071645

This thread gives me hope. Reminds me that this is the average. You get lulled in to a self defined reality when you dont spend much time around normless and you start thinking that what you are doing is the norm, which isnt the case. Most of these tools just spend and spend.

>> No.25071651

If you live somewhere with low cost of living, no, $3k/mo is enough to live decently. You're not gonna be able to buy a house or support a family on that wage though.

>> No.25071669

>Weed doesn’t just magically show up

It does though. You just need water and light.

>> No.25071716

>Do I win?

You win, an autistic child!

>> No.25071731

My wife grew up poor and refuses to consoom.

>> No.25071786

First thing, don’t have these sorts of conversations with women at work. Interaction with women in the workplace should be a simple greeting at the most, you open up the potential for a world of hurt going beyond that.
Secondly, women are like cats or children and like shiny things dangled in front of them. They will never connect any neurons and understand not consuming.
Third, living minimalistic and frugally is high IQ. People are too concerned with income and give no fucks about outgoings. You don’t need that extra 150 pay rise and the accompanying shit ton of extra work and stress if you don’t eat expensive (and unhealthy) take away food every other day and start cooking properly, you have balanced out.

>> No.25071877

Lot of truth in that. Even white people are losing their sense of delayed gratification. Proof enough right there mankinds DNA is devolving.

>> No.25071948

As a kid, I used to lay in bed at night and my imagination would take me on a wild ride and then I would spend the other half of the night remembering the series of thoughts that occurred and how they tied into the next thought.

>> No.25072018

Here's where you went wrong OP
>talking to female about yourself
>female challenged you, aka shit test
>"What how can you survive on that?", or insert some other challenge
>OP fell into it and started justifying his existence to her and selling himself
Never let the female dictate your frame

Here's for next time
>soo uhh, lieek what do you doo?
>I work at the amazon factory
>Isnt that..... lieek a... ewwwww?
>Nah it's actually pretty sick, for what I want to do right now it fits the bill, I get decent shifts etc and allows me to focus on other things I'm trying to do right now

>> No.25072041

But you'd be miserable so it was worth it.

>> No.25072075


>> No.25072245
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>> No.25072351

Buying in cash gives more leverage to negotiate the price bros

You don't have to pay the purchase price on big ticket items if you buy in cash

>> No.25072407

To expand, my non-work shoes cost £20 in 2016 and are worn all the time as my casual wear. I clean the fabric with all purpose cleaner and the sole with a bleach based cleaner. They are absolutely fine and will be worn for the foreseeable future. It would be absurd to say this to anyone, you would get seen as some sort of weirdo.
Yet to suggest someone who has a “shoe cupboard” full of expensive and barely worn shoes is wrong would also make me seem strange. We have strayed too far into consumerism.
My net worth is within spitting distance of 7 figures and I would not be here without this mindset.

>> No.25072477

this. lmaoo

>> No.25072494

>South Texas
>90% non-hispanic white

>> No.25072572

Thats exactly how I get to sleep. If I dont go there I can lay there for hours thinking of mundane events.

>> No.25073264
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>> No.25073889

GF pulled me out of depression and wanted to off myself. Cooks evey day and fucks everynight. That's enough. I dont need her to like everything I like.

>> No.25074306

Based anon with a based gf, just keep her happy and she will do the same.