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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2506319 No.2506319 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this coin so fucking stable right now? What's about to happen? Are we going to see another dip? Another crash?

or is it straight to $50+...

>> No.2506326

straight to 100 and then straight to 1 most likely

>> No.2506511

strait to 1$? you think it will crash that hard?

>> No.2506523

ltc gonna moon to triple digits. don't have much time but all you ne

>> No.2506578

I predict $60+ this week, $100 next week. There will be sell offs but everyone who missed the ETH and BTC trains wants to ride a LTC train. It's sitting there at $40 just asking to get pumped. Buy some coins niggas and HODL

>> No.2506664

no I'm literally just shitposting.

desu i think it's going to begrudgingly rise slowly because of its notorious stability
>whales fuck ltc after I say this

>> No.2506682

did my phone actually just change that to desu or is it the board

>> No.2506707


>> No.2506731

Litecoin's stable as fuck. It's like pushing a boulder up a mountain to get prices to move up, but once it's there, it's hard to come back down.

>> No.2507046


>> No.2507081

>being this much of a fucking newfag
>and mobileshitter
I hate cancer like you.

>> No.2507095

you mean just this weekend? cause its been stable at least a couple months. if anything its volatile this weekend

>> No.2507339


legitimately kys I'm in another state right now with no pc

also I left to go to eightchan years ago and came back since it's dead.

>> No.2507454


>> No.2507477

Only real crypto among a stream of shit-coins

>> No.2507489

>tfw wanted to buy last week at $30 but i had just signed to bitrex and didnt knew how to buy there

Feels bad

>> No.2507496

same for me pls tell how

>> No.2507514

NOPE! LTC has achieved stability and it is the first coin to do so. This will prove that crypto is a viable currency and millions will see the potential and the benefits, and will flock to crypto.

This will increase its value again and cause everyone to lose hope and litecoin will fall through the floor!

Moral to the story, buy now were going to lambo land, boys and girls

>> No.2507532

>coins niggas
What are "coins niggas"?
Did you mean "coins, niggas"?

>> No.2507533

will we be hitting 50?

>> No.2507539

hitting $50 2nite

>> No.2507587
File: 30 KB, 498x326, Snip-it_1497856508185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior LTC race post current gains

>> No.2507608

dont think thats a whale , just some idiot legitimately trying to sell off his ants

>> No.2507623

Check the help section "how to trade" its a youtube vid, dont buy ltc at ath

>> No.2507664
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I bought 10 at $32 on jewbase I just genuinely don't know how to use buttrex

>> No.2507701

so did Litecoin just open on bitstamp?

>> No.2507706

Sell at $50?

>> No.2507707

Not yet.

>> No.2507710

People saw how stable it was during the latest correction, low price relative to how long it has been around&availability on fiat to crypto markets, and it's fas, on to 100$.

>> No.2507714

don't you dare fucking sell just HODL until the normies take us to 100

>> No.2507717

The real value of LTC is at least 1/4th of Bitcoin.

+ LTC has no ASICBoost problem
+ LTC has SegWit already enabled

>> No.2507724
File: 360 KB, 1162x850, f8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 700 LTC, we going to the moon lads!

$1000 by 2018

Check em

>> No.2507730

I have a fear it will get dumped once it's added on bitstamp, so I'm thinking about selling at $50 and buying back at the dip. BUT there's the possibility It will moon non stop and then I will want to kill myself.

Decisions, decisions

>> No.2507733

So I already have 10 LTC. I'm currently a poorfag with only 10,000USD total and unemployed. should I risk buying more? I feel as if the jewbase commission would probably make buying more pointless.

>> No.2507743

Don't spend what you can't afford to lose.

>> No.2507759

maybe it's best to just look for a shitcoin that's bound to moon so I can gain enough to make significant profit from main coins.hmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.2507762

Don't. You might just as well play the lottery.

>> No.2507864

how many hours till its on bistamp?

>> No.2508024

this shit is gonna go over 100

>> No.2508330


that's what I always figured as well

>> No.2508357

why do people keep saying that? its not even hit $50 yet.

>> No.2508435
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>> No.2509145

>Why is this coin so fucking stable right now?
because its not one of the flavor of the day pump coins /biz/ talks about

stop fucking around with the market so much, people really believe in litecoin and it's been around forever, king of the alts, stop treating it like a meme coin you utter twat.

>> No.2509177

If you roll a boulder up a mountain, it'll roll back down quickly unless someone's there to keep holding it.

>> No.2509226

just got all in, as soon as bitstamp+LN news gets spread this will overshoot 50$ with ease. setting my sell orders between 60-70$

hell it might go to 100$

>> No.2509241

Bitstamp is likely already priced in desu

>> No.2509277

What prices was it hitting last night? It was nighttime in the US

>> No.2509303
File: 53 KB, 450x451, wbzZNeRKtpJAxfoQ3uXR_-tQTXQetKvAqIYfDtUPTVs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im ready

>> No.2509312
File: 545 KB, 1600x1200, 1497133630558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's about to happen?
august 1st

>> No.2509319

you were supposed to buy in at 0.012 like biz told us to

i bought 7 the last time it was 0.012 anon after someone put a chart here