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25057774 No.25057774 [Reply] [Original]

as you all guys know tokens and indexes are growing like mushrooms after summer rain in the year of 2020, so which Index or indexes are yor picks

>> No.25057828

Anon such a gaylord hahahhaaha

>> No.25057971
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Ah ah ah , ya did ... so many opportunities, so many fails, how to pick em right? For me it was always the idea, then the people behind it, and companies who collaborate to finish project. This year was loaded with them, but kept on waiting, didn’t jump in most of them, so the end of the year rewarded me with a scifi index and a token from the same house, which means double the action

>> No.25058422

Anon and anon shitting on a tree . Hodl the stuff where the money is, classic oldie goldie Btc and Mr Vitaliks Eth

>> No.25058545

Tokens are good for a publicsale buy and then when they do couple of X you are good to go. And this anon tells you not to be fukin greedy or you will loose all, but the first time you will get massive gains, but second time is the way around. Thats why be as sure as u can be for the long run , in space(not with elon musk) but spice and scifi tokens, pure winners of q4

>> No.25058623

Hell yea tokenized spice and scifi, who ever is such a dumb fuck not to have some couse one mints the other=passive money. And then you have 13tokens left to combine them with, do your own arbitrage win baby .

>> No.25058763

Oo ho hoo i smell a dickbreaths here . Whats your retirement plan you dumb fuck, there is none couse you will loose your funds on a scam rekt shitcoin rip, and then rip to you to and enjoi your tokenbag in the dirt

>> No.25058886
File: 22 KB, 257x196, 6BD2137F-E70B-4888-B0ED-1AC9F5820AF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see just a few spiceheads ,better few then just fud army and their hatersde breakfast+lunch. So this project is sure on the long run - they postponed to pay their Team(in tokens) for the sake of market price. They offer liquidity farming , choose your pair and provide , and if you like to gamble, there is an inivative part called arbitrage and decentral market making . Now go read into it deeply

>> No.25058987

Who pickes the tokens for pools and why, isnt it for the best just to trade, why complicate.

>> No.25059136
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Its not about complicating its about using the possibility of diferent platforms and utilities. Why pool just scifi and spice when you can combine then however you want . , . , scifi/spice spice/sushi or easy idle pickle utk - name your pick. The index will be balanced and may be reconstituted on a monthly basis

>> No.25059325

it combines the best of curated investment strategies, expert curation and decentralised ledger technology. SCIFI is one of the best out there to look into.

>> No.25059545

Polkastarter spice and everything is nice ... specialy your bag of tokens and coins when u look at them on moon

>> No.25059613

Has anyone able to mint SCIFI? with the list of tokens in the basket, i'm sure some senator would already have minted some. those expert would have.

>> No.25059795

SCIFI has a galactic council consisting of experts and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) that have deep knowledge and experience in the Crypto space. Tbh i'm really impressed seeing the list, for me SPICE is a must hodl.

>> No.25060225

Rekt plebs, you all gonna be crying soon from buying shitcoins, team would dump on you fu*kers in less than 6 month.

>> No.25060377

Would the SPICE also be involved or use to elect the next set of senators? i would love to see my favorite influencer

>> No.25060424

All in DOGE

>> No.25060577
File: 90 KB, 1200x602, photo_2020-12-18_11-40-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, SPICE governs SCiFi, SPICE conveys governance over SCIFI and any future missions to the SPICE DAO. The SPICE DAO will effectively take the responsibilities of selecting the Galactic Council, defining potential future missions, deciding on the usage of the Galactic Treasury and other governance related topics.

>> No.25060970

SCIFI is a scam, most of it tokens in the basket are shitcoins, that explains clearly what you pajeet would get.

>> No.25062040

Haha someone did not do their homework on basic defi and dao projects ... fudarmy on the loose and you guyz gonna realize when it gets 20x<xyz

>> No.25062053

I'm very glad SCIFI recently came into play, I've had my mind a perfect index to close the year on a good note and I found SCIFI, projet looks solid and will be around for a long time

>> No.25062193

On what basis are your claims? SCIFI is 100% collatelarised index token that features the possibility to both mint and redeem the token against It's underlying assets

>> No.25062210
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and the Senators will also change, they will not be the same all the time, so spider dao voting will do its job. Do you smell smthn burning , oh thats just the spice leftovers from sale

>> No.25062335

Samething I've been telling them but no one listens, team is going to dump on them all and I'll be here laughing hard when that happens

>> No.25062474

What are the long term plans for SCIFI? I'm finding difficult to believe in some of these new projects, would be nice to know the long term plans put in place for this.

>> No.25062668

Project looks great to me, from what i know, SCIFI is an open-source and data oracle platform for the DeFi ecosystem

>> No.25062797

It's funny how you guys keep coming with different new projects with the aim of convincing people to just fall for it, I'm much wiser now, had to learn my lesson the hard way. Not in for this Sh*t

>> No.25062865

Where can i find some info about SCIFI? been seeing it all around and i might just be interested to know more

>> No.25063002

SCIFI looks like Christmas gift for those who believe, I'm glad I got in on time for the moon bound ride.