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25054421 No.25054421 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25055249

jesus christ those things are horrifying.

>> No.25055294

Imagine if it just snapped and decided to eat her head, it could fit half her little torso in its mouth in one bite

>> No.25056126

fake and gay

>> No.25056233

Caucasians spec'd into beast taming literally thousands of years ago anons, stop freaking out every time you see a white person with a large predator.

>> No.25056334
File: 109 KB, 634x693, bald bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you haven't seen what they look like under their fur

>> No.25056379

Whered you find this pic of me?

>> No.25056404

that shit is so badass dude
its the penultimate predator
imagine if it was as smart as a human being

>> No.25056560

Eh, I'm not impressed
>doesn't hunt in packs
>can't use tools because no opposable thumbs
>reproduces slowly
>has to sleep through winter rather than hunt anyway

>> No.25056611
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Fuck bobos

>> No.25056623

seems like a based lifestyle to me
a bear could fuck up a bull in real life ez

>> No.25056732

I dunno man, if a bear gets gored by the horn I don't know if the bull's claws/bite would be able to take down the bull or even fatally wound it before the bear succumbs to it's massive puncture wound. Even humans have to rely on piercing weapons (spears and rapiers) to take on bulls and only avoid being gored because they train speed and evasion. Bears aren't nearly that quickfooted.

>> No.25056807


>> No.25056823


>> No.25056850

You're literally describing the people that lurk this board

>> No.25056853

that last pic where she kills it really got me

>> No.25056950

This is absolutely right. One quick swipe up of the bulls horn in the right spot would end a bear instantly.

A bear would try going for the neck of the bull, which is already massive in size anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if a bull's main neck vein and artery were protected by a mass of muscle too.

>> No.25057154
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"what is that? he went long? release the South African strain and close ALL the borders."

>> No.25057220
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>> No.25057571

a polar bear could easily overwhelm a bull dude you are smoking crack if you think otherwise. it would easily be able to bite giant chunks out of the bull. bulls just have high defense, their attacking stats are garbage.

>> No.25057679
File: 64 KB, 270x344, 1574359710667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much leverage short for a QT like that?

>> No.25057892

You've obviously never seen the bull vs lion cage fight.
I'm too lazy to google it for you. The lion got absolutely fucked in a few seconds, the bull's attack power is insane you mong.

>> No.25057944

>bite chunk out of bull
>it's all muscle and leather and nowhere near vital organs or blood vessels
>you are now close to the bull
>get gored repeatedly
>bull still has enough neck muscle to shake you around on his horn which fucks up your internal organs
Anon we may need to take this to kleros court to resolve.

>> No.25058133

I've underestimated the bull as well until I saw it gore a big lion male. The so called king of the jungle didn't stand a chance.
A bear is a fatter less agile lion with weaker claws and stronger teeth. Doesn't stand a chance.

>> No.25058280

that lion was obviously super old and weak already. plus a bear would fuck a lion up too.
Polar bear would just have to swipe its massive fucking claws and the bull is fucked, bears outrange bulls, and they can stand up on two legs and smash that fucking stupid bull

>> No.25058676

Dude, this isn't the knife-edge death match from Yu Yu Hakusho, they're not standing still and swiping at each other. Bulls charge. You don't "outrange" a charge attack. And unless the massive fucking claws are 2 feet long they're not going to hit any vital organs on a bull.

>> No.25058748

Jews really are

>> No.25059364

I love how this turned into some JRE shit

>> No.25059419

Joe Rogan? I forgot he still existed. Have the Spotify trannies neutered him yet?

>> No.25059883


>> No.25060435
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>> No.25060526
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howl at the moon baby

>> No.25060728
File: 84 KB, 1300x1237, jzfjhf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found one at least. Kinda interesting. Seems to play out roughly as >>25057944 says.

With that said though, a polar bear is around twice the size of a lion. There is only one court in the land which can settle a case like this...

>> No.25061361
File: 425 KB, 2406x1814, double trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not happening.

>> No.25061392

you just know

>> No.25062008 [DELETED] 
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>> No.25062362

Bears are strong but it ain’t taking on a bull that easily. You have no idea the strength of a charging bull with that horn. a bear cannot just swipe that away it would be mauled and over in one charge. Only way the bear has any shot is if it got to the side of the bull or behind it and clawed it and took chunks out from side and back and wore it out over time. But odds are the bull would have space in beginning to charge or at some point have enough distance between to get a proper charge into the bear ..both could end up being dead by end but most likely bear dies.

>> No.25062438

>the penultimate predator
Don't use words you don't know the meaning of, you sound like a retard.

>> No.25062500

I will notify the village.

>> No.25062792

now i want to see a girl fuck a bear