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25054013 No.25054013 [Reply] [Original]

Is becoming a scientist a good career move? I love science.

>> No.25054051

depends, do you spend 4+ hours a day watching bill nye?

>> No.25054104

There's a wide range in average salary, depending on the field. Chemists and physicists do pretty well from what I hear, while fields like environmental science or astronomy don't do as well.

>> No.25054169

Scientism is a cult that leads to atheism and the disbelief in anything that can’t be directly observed. The scientific method is a rational approach at making educated observations (in a best-effort manner) only with regard to the tiny portion of reality that humans can interact with. To believe that scientism is God or has disproven intelligent design is ignorant and foolish.

>> No.25054198

medicine is not science, the M in STEM stands for Math

>> No.25054207

become a pp scientist

>> No.25054230

>occupational therapist

>> No.25054289


Only if its within compsci desu, all other fields can be learned by AI and by the time you are finished (5-7y) all that is needed is someone to make those algorithms

>> No.25054298

Why are women like this? This is literally my older sister, a med resident.

>> No.25054328

he's right don't go into astronomy, rather astrology, if you are charismatic, you can make bank.

>> No.25054363

Reminder that all science is bought to push certain agendas. If you trust any scientific research or paper, it's over for you.

>> No.25054399
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they never invent, they never create (except babies).
very, very few exceptions.

>> No.25054455

Jesus Christ you fucking weirdo. Just 1000x your money on uniswap tokens and masturbate all day like a normal person.

>> No.25054492

Yes - they're will be a lot of job openings in a few years after all these people become permanently sick, disabled, or die.

>> No.25054501

No one should put absolute trust in any one specific scientific research paper. People should seek a variety of sources, ask questions of "who is doing this research and do they have an agenda or reason to manipulate the data?"

Critical thought is necessary in all things.

>> No.25054649

What the fuck are you rambling about? Quantum Mechanics explicitly can't be observed which is why we ended up with the probabilistic model that we currently have, it also fucked with the Victorian Era view that the world was inherently knowable and logical. Most of theoretical physics is like that as well. Black holes and gravity waves were nothing but theory for a long time.

>> No.25054763
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I'm assuming you are talking about the natural sciences? Fuck no OP. Biology, chemistry, physics, geology, etc. are completely over saturated. To get a real job requires going to grad school at which point you will be steamrolled by Indian and Chinese graduate students who mastered Calc III when they were 10 years old.

>> No.25054783

Science is the new religion

>> No.25054882

Except that it actually produces useful products and predictions.

>> No.25054896

There's no such thing as a science career.

>> No.25054902

I have a bs/PhD from johns hopkins. If you stick with bio you'll hit a hard cap. Get a Master's in bio/ BCM or orgo and then pass the patent bar. You can be 23 making 105k starting, work one year then you can have law school paid for by a law firm, free law school while making 135k, you graduate no student loans making 230k.

>> No.25054945

I know it's bait
but being a scientist is fairly comfy
I'm an engineer, but as a grad student I was essentially doing scientific research in a lab.
It's a lot comfier than most other jobs.

>> No.25054998

not in the moral and philosophical realm which it's fans can't seem to stay out of

>> No.25055046
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Look into the research used to promote circumcision (genital mutilation).
A lot of it is published by "researchers" active on circlist and other circumcision fetish groups.

>> No.25055086

if she got the vaccine why does she keeps wearing the muzzle?

>> No.25055115

its systematic brainwashing but pretty much every career path is

>> No.25055116

to virtue signal

>> No.25055161


>> No.25055165
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>> No.25055201

Becoming a scientist is hard as balls.

>> No.25055246

Why would you expect a hammer be good at polishing? Stop misapplying the tool and you'll get good results.

>> No.25055388

Science at scale (done through corporations) has created a cultural institution similar to religious institutions in the past. The high-octane circle-jerking, psychological conservatism, and bike-shedding involved in published academic science is semantically better/similar than religious elites of the past.

The aesthetic repulsiveness of modern
pleb science comes from the re-branding of a corrupt church to a "best we can do! progress!" pretend-logic cultural institution. This new cultural institution is authoritarian, pointless, conservative, just like all the others.

>> No.25055562

To follow up: just read about impact factor in scientific journals. 900 AD vatican bible scholars would be jizzing their pants at the thought of such a system

>> No.25055565
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>> No.25055600

This post just told me you are a commie liberal cuck, kys

>> No.25055709
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Aren't good scientists supposed to be critical and imaginative? We're breeding the exact opposite kind of scientist. Closed minded donkeys who worship conformity and authority and don't stray from the beaten path.

Guys like Newton were swallowing poison and playing with their eyeballs, no? Obviously "believe science" is a joke of a catch phrase too when the entire point of science is to constantly question.

>> No.25055726

You may like science, but you should love God.

>> No.25055737

Newton was sealing poison because it wasn’t known as poison at the time.

>> No.25055965

Science should be destroyed.
I long for technological obscurantism, were technology will destroy science and usher in a new age of cyber-medievalism.
It looks like a contradiction at first sight, but its pretty possible. The scientific method was destroyed by the scientific cult. The best way to bring it back is to destroy science in the name of technology. Feels so good to be ignorant.

>> No.25055987

This is some either some low quality bait or it's some retard who's fallen for the s.o.y.jack so hard that he can't formulate his own thoughts anymore. Everything's just an automatic contrarian reaction. NPC 2.0

>> No.25056114

>Is becoming a scientist a good career move? I love science.
More details required, but in general no.

Legit hard af, competitive af, not well rewarded. It also takes too long to get started. Realistically, you'll need to be partway through undergrad to even qualify for a bitch-pig tier role (lab rat). You'll then need to waste prime earning years in grad school.

Science is so far advanced that you'll be training into your mid 20s just to get to "the frontier" and get working on some new shit. I can't stress how much earning $ is worth in your 20s vs 30s and later

If you just want money, learn software engineering or start a business. Let's say you make it within 10 years. You can now go back and "do science" at your absolute leisure, with no pressure

>> No.25056121

I get the hate for the normie I love science thing. Lots of physics theories were only theories and not based on observable phenomenons, for instance the most mainstream one, generalised relativity. Gravitational waves were a corrolary of this and never observed before a few years ago. I won't start rambling about maths but most of maths theories are just that, theories, sometimes a physicist can find some utility to it but that is all. Nothing to do with the observable world as you say. I would even go as far as to say mathematicians could be considered as gods as they do create universes, with their own laws and interactions.

>> No.25056181

>medicine is not science
what is chemistry?
what is biology?

>> No.25056191


Who's taking those risks now anon

>> No.25056245

*But lots of physics theories...

>> No.25056298
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Seriously I'm sick of these damn thots they can't go ONE SECOND without posting some virtue signalling BS. If cutting your head off went mainstream they would be the first to do it.

>> No.25056336

No, but it will allow for interplanetary travel and a lot more land to role play your gay little fantasy

>> No.25056348

It wasn’t considered a risk because it wasn’t known to be poisonous.

>> No.25056433
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>Vaccine is 99.99% effective
>but I'm not IMMUNE! If it were white people researching it I would emit negative-coronaviruses and cure people by coughing on them! This is the problem with Jews, never able to do anything right. You're a degenerate whore nurse fuck you and fuck masks. I just want to cough on waitresses for fucks sake!

But I have to agree, fuck American companies.

>> No.25056476

oof i would cure this whore with my cock if you know what i mean ;)

>> No.25056492
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You're missing the point. Scientists today only try to prove contentions of the global democratic elite, thought to them by the liberal university system. Scientists do not take risks these days because they would go against the echo chamber.

>> No.25056577

Scientists get to play around with chemicals, laboratory machinery, microscopes, and statistical models.

Health care professionals have to follow strict guidelines before they mass produce something that effects everybody's health in order to ensure that physicians first do no harm. Unless you have a better idea than the system of clinical trials (which start out via experiments on people who are otherwise dead men walking) then stop talking shit.

>> No.25056586
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today's average """science""" morons can only process things with a manual, but literally no out of the box thinking. there's literally zero academic discourse anymore so hardly anyone can do critical thinking and reflecting on some bigger scale. they learn facts in books by heart but don't get the bigger picture, eg that everything in science is just an approximation, an observation and a MODEL to describe reality, but not reality itself. instead of understanding that everything always depends on the context, they prefer black and white thinking because they are educated to do so. good working bees. but its also today's useless Marxist-disease ridden faculties that allow nothing else. so you get hordes of trained monkeys.

also women are far worse in critical thinking and reflecting than men on average. they literally only know their standard procedures and freak out when they need to think out of the box

.t scientist in medical research

>> No.25056614

You are upset because scientists don’t study phrenology.

>> No.25056649


Yeah I have a better idea suck my dick lol

>> No.25056752

Go into science after you have made it. Science doesnt pay

>> No.25056772

its exactly this self-limiting idiotic understanding, that blocks people from being anything other than trained monkeys. just because you cant observe it, it doesnt mean, its not existing. but also not that it does on the other hand if you observe it. atheism is anyway the most idiotic thing that is more contradicting to actual scientific evidence than many religions. they have good clues, but religious zealots are usually just uneducated idiots too. however religions like buddhism always were proven right by science, especially the more quantum physics comes into play and its not smart to ignore it, just because it doesnt fit your monkey-atheism narrative

>> No.25056780

>Scientists today only try to prove contentions of the global democratic elite

All from front page of Nature today:
>Small-molecule inhibitors of human mitochondrial DNA transcription
>Fat1 deletion promotes hybrid EMT state, tumour stemness and metastasis
>Entanglement on an optical atomic-clock transition
>Targeted wetland restoration could greatly reduce nitrogen pollution
>AI weighs in on debate about universal facial expressions
>4th Growth Factors in Regeneration and Regenerative Medicine Conference

You don't even read the research, what the fuck do you even know about scientists today?

>> No.25056899

The rush they get for being praised online is just unreal for most women. They probably get a dozen people telling her how brave and great she is for getting the vaccine, because that’s just how society works now.

>> No.25056945

Seething christcuck

>> No.25056968

how does your quote from nature today disprove him? of course science is a big echo chamber, but to be fair, always has been. its the same since the medieval ages. then one guy of thousands comes up with a theory that cant be refuted and therefore overthrows the world scientific world. happened again and again. will happen again, but today is even more difficult because of the shitty state universities are in. also quantum physics was very much ridiculed in the beginning by small minded morons.

>> No.25057014

>Moral uncertainty and the farming of human-pig chimeras

>Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

>Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Research

>Topic Collection: Bioterrorism and High Consequence Biological Threats

>Ethical and Scientific Pitfalls Concerning Laboratory Research with Non-Human Primates, and Possible Solutions


>> No.25057075

>doctors and nurses are responsible for the insane cost of medical care in the US
>doctors are responsible for circumcision
Yeah sure, fucking doctors (((right)))?

>> No.25057082

You're an AI. Those aren't quotes. Many of those are research papers that have nothing to do with democratic global elites. He said something about scientific research that has major flaws the second you even glance at the headlines on the most mainstream scientific journal.

>> No.25057304

What? You're literally proving my point. Most of those articles are about """ethics""". Each article has a hugely liberal spin.

You have to be taking the piss at this point.

>> No.25057336
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fucking thots and their attention whoring do they always have to force their ugly mug in our faces it burns in my brain fucking shills influencers reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.25057370

What am I looking at here

>> No.25057402

So, actual physicist here.
Science in the university is a soul crushing endeavour. You know how video game developers talk about how they work 10 hours a day, 7 days a week during crunch, and that's such a human rights violation that they can't even? That was every. goddamn. day. of my postdoc for five years in the university system. For 45k USD a year. What a McDonald's manager makes.
There's a reason that scientists in universities talk like religious zealots, it's because only the religious zealots are brainwashed enough to survive it.
That being said, being a scientist in a mathematical discipline is super cozy once you're done with your PhD. National laboratories pay much better than universities, and they only expect 40 hours a week like normal non-cultist human beings. You'll easily make 6 figures while still being able to do research, and industry scoops up any PhD that did math if you decide you really want to start making big bucks.
Just don't stay one day past your PhD in the university system.

>> No.25057459
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This anon knows the ugly truth.
t. Molecular genetics grad student

>> No.25057471
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>there's literally zero academic discourse anymore so hardly anyone can do critical thinking and reflecting on some bigger scale. (>>25056586)
>Posts 5 topics (heavily cited reviews of articles) that are the subject of heated academic discourse, critical thinking, and reflection for the future of research around the world


>> No.25057487

Do you have arthritis on your thumb already?

>> No.25057539

The AI and stem cell ones are more on the implications of the use of such tech and how it affects humanity on a philosophical level. Only retards will blinldy hate or love it because of the use of the 'ethics' buzzwords.

>> No.25057640

Looks like Ceasers Legion was right

>> No.25057769
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No, i spend my time day dreaming what it’s like to not live in soul crushing poverty while working 70 hours/week

>> No.25057885

Am I fucked if Im doing bioinformatics? Ive finished my MSc and intend of doing a PhD in it (wouldve been this year if covid didnt happen).

>> No.25057906
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It's aight passing some weekends measuring particle beams
Yes, I hold BTC and PMs
Yes, I will get the vaccine on the 28th to reply to your bait OP pic

>> No.25057917

Yeah it's pretty shit, looking for a job now at the end of my PhD and it's rough. Thank God I have Link.

t. plant scientist

>> No.25057927

I guess youre one of the monkeys I talked, if you dont understand it.

>> No.25057996

From what I've heard it's less well paid than an equivalent software developer or whatever, but I always see loads of openings. Depends if you like staring at a screen and screaming at poorly formatted data all day. My PhD involved a lot of bioinformatics (bulk segregant analysis, gene expression, etc) but I was guided through it mostly by someone more experienced with it.

>> No.25058025


Why dont you just make your own plant and sell it

>> No.25058038

become a genetist/bioengineer, mRNA stuff is hot as fuck right now, unironically manipulating genes/proteins/dna in human sperm/fetus will be the norm for rich people

>> No.25058041

dried egg alcoholic roasties have nothing to lose by getting the sterilization vaccine, and everything to gain by virtue signalling to the new world order that they are on board with the program

>> No.25058127

That's my long term plan, start a small farm using permaculture-based strategies.

>> No.25058169

I absolutely hate nurses.

>> No.25058231

I couldnt hack normal software dev as it looks so boring dealing with shit customers that my friends who went that route tell me about, and I already did biomed undergrad. I hope the openings you mentioned are still there. I liked the lab stuff but I dont want to end up like >>25057459 even though I do have clinical lab experience and even if its slightly less Id be happy with the challenge of the shit data so long as its interesting.

>> No.25058290

its usually best to stay away. In 10 years I hardly met any nurse who is not an illiterate vegetable. Exception are sometimes some old nurses, if they are not grumpy fucks.

>> No.25058359

Scientist here. H-index of 10. Honestly, if you don't really like doing science, it isn't worth it. If you just want to make money, this won't be the field for you. I spend all of my time working. It's okay. But the culture is competitive and people will steal your ideas. You will have to race another lab to finish your own research idea if it is good enough. If you're a woman, you will get lots of recognition for your work. If you're a white male, you will be ignored. There is an over-abundance of jews in science-not because they are smart, because they are nepotistic and prefer to hire other jews. These are the people most likely to steal your ideas, too. There are numerous chinks that seem to work for chinese government and clearly have military training with the way they march while they try to walk normally. The poos are generally nice, but they are not the smartest.

>> No.25058497
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based true to science, and I mean real science, man
not the puppets who have a PhD but are a joke compared to the greatest minds throughout human history
and they almost always believed in a higher entity
and modern people especially nihilistic fucks have the audacity to think they are more intelligent than those great minds and ridicule them for having the understanding there has to be something higher

>> No.25058816

The worst part of this covid shit, is that the government keeps moving the goalposts. I remember in the early days of this back in February, and all the experts were telling us that everyone will inevitably get infected with covid eventually as is the case with most viruses that spread this easily. The only reason we apparently locked down was to "flatten the curve" and keep hospitals from overloading. We did that, but now with the vaccine they are essentially trying to do the impossible by preventing large segments of the population from ever getting the disease now.
They're just going to expect people to get numerous covid vaccines a year indefinitely now. Absolute absurdity. We never got rid of the flu, and we're definitely not getting rid of this. Let it run its course.

>> No.25059001


>a vaccine is literally a weakened version of the virus so that your body can develop an immunity

Good God stop being a fucking retard.

>> No.25059119

Nope I'm a right-accelerationist.

>> No.25059233

>What you think you are
>What you really are

>> No.25059285

>disbelief in anything that can’t be directly observed.
Not true, these faggots blindly believe everything told to them by perceived figures of authority. In fact, they haven’t actually observed ANY of the things they believe.

>> No.25059354

Anon nails it.
What does don lemon or anderson cooper think about xyz

>> No.25059405

And I’m not just talking about science. Their entire worldview is dictated to them through some actors on television. There is not a skeptical bone in their body. They believe everything because they are the most gullible people.

If we lived in a religious age instead of a secular one, they would be the biggest zealots because of the peer pressure and the need to be praised.

>> No.25059455

I know what a vaccine is and does, but it's an exercise in futility to make the public feel better.
The shutdowns and masks won't end with or without it.

>> No.25059503

>reddit spacing
Please go back
>Literally a weakened version of the virus
This is the dumbed down version, not literally what it is. This is the first mRNA vaccine ever tested for humans. It inserts genetic code into you cells. Then your cells make a protein from the virus. Then your body develops antibodies to that protein, which gives you some immunity.

>> No.25059916

that's correct.
But as scary as it sounds, mRNA dissipates quickly enough after doing it's role (asking cell to produce protein).
It's not lingering in your DNA after it did the job or it degraded.
Also it is already used in immunotherapy for at least a decade, which is nothing I know, but that's a start.

>> No.25059994

Yes, and if you even have the slightest basic education in quantum physics, maybe just quantum entanglement, it is almost impossible to stay a """nihilist/atheist""" faggot, because then you're really just an indoctrinated and stupid puppet. It literally proves that we are connected, that everything is in constant interaction. Literally all concepts of modern science start to dissolve, also the classic understanding of time being a constant flow. However it is more likely, that past, present and future are constantly interacting as well and therefore our perceived reality is not as real as we think.

>> No.25060007

validation to women is like heroin

>> No.25060055

Haha i had literally this guy in a train station telling me to wear my mask correctly, freaking turks lol.

>> No.25060293

And simply believing that God exists doesn't actually take you any closer to knowing, you fucktard. It just makes you feel confident that you do.

>> No.25060561

But it's never been used for a vaccine before. This vaccine(s) are being released with absolutely no information on side-effects and their rate of incidence.

This is the opposite of science. They're not working on observed data, just on suppositions.

>> No.25060586

these vaccines have been tested since may of last year, we arent just hoping that this is safe

>> No.25060611

its a good career, you dont even need to know what the fuck your talking about and you can get the govs to do whatever you tell them because the title of scientist is enough to compel them to do whatever you tell them to

>> No.25060627

Well if you trush the governments that imported millions of third worlders for decades then yes for you its save.

>> No.25060630

virus wasnt discovered until December, faggot

>> No.25060657

>COVID is so contagious that it traveled back in time to May 2019 so scientists (OH MY FUCKING GOD SCIENCE I'M CUMMING) could make a vaccine
Sure thing buddy.

>> No.25060676

There's no jobs. I'm a chemical engineer who switched into software. Don't fall for it. Science is a pajeet scam

>> No.25060751

You have a 99.9%+ chance of survival from COVID19 if you are under the age of 40. You have an immune system.
The vaccine has never been tested on pregnant females.
YET, pregnant females are now getting the vaccine too.
What potentials risks are being introduced to the baby?
The vaccine is a risky, unethical experiment on the masses.
When is fauci, gates, their families, etc.going to get the vaccine on live TV? No skin in the game for these academics.
So no skin in the game for me.

>> No.25060794

RIP anon. I would say that we'll remember you, but you are lost.

>> No.25060815

Wasnt always this way, but around 2010 something happened. I think they exit scammed.
I trust generally no scientific result after 2010 and trust most before 2010. Obviously with exeptions depending on various factors.

>> No.25060913

Exactly. Doctors are not inventing new stuff they just keep repeating what they have read in a book, basically a search engine and not even a very good one.
Chemists and Biologists make the science happen for them.

>> No.25060937


>> No.25060962
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>> No.25061055

The greatest scientists in the world were deeply religious. Atheists are brainlets.

>> No.25061247


>> No.25061536

I don't think there is a way around if not waiting and studying for several years.
and in silico studies are a thing today, though not sure how much they used them for this one.
that's fair, but consider we also don't know the long term effects of COVID on pregnant women or fetuses either

you can't discover stuff without first, well, discovering it

>> No.25062019

>Yes, I will get the vaccine
This is how we all know you are a bad scientist.

>> No.25062256

I'm a bioinformatics developer, I make mid six-figures. You're making a very smart move, but you need to maximize your understanding in machine learning and general purpose programming so you can always fall back on being an actual software engineer.

Oh, and for anyone reading this thread, there won't be any jobs in 30 years. You either make it by then or you're living in a shantytown. How? Look at African countries where 99.9% live in absolute shit except for the top players. It can happen anywhere.

Make it or die.

>> No.25062996


>> No.25063407
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>Scientific consensus is constantly changing and evolving
>Science can be manipulated like statistics to get a desired result to propagate a narrative

Why do normies treat science as a cult?

>> No.25063436

>>medicine is not science
>what is chemistry?
>what is biology?
Medicine is science like your auto repair guy is a mechanical engineer

>> No.25063705

I was literally about to say this.

>> No.25063741

I can't tell if you're retarded or just naive. You implying biologists "invent" new biology? Because if so I'm going to laugh my fucking ass off.

>> No.25063779

its the same concept as debasing yourself for upvotes
they feel good when they get likes
feels like probably everyone does, its hardwired, but not everybody is able to set that aside and recognize it for the distraction it is

>> No.25064092

While I did get a distinction in my masters for it Im not from a comp-sci background so I cant really fall back on full software development.Id do a comp-sci degree via open university for the sake of actually enjoying the field/theory side of it but I dont have any more or want to waste another 3 years. Plus between R and Python I much prefer R, is there still hope? Especially if I wanted to help with new research projects?

>> No.25064448
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>> No.25064502

If I could do it all over again I think I would just become a pharmacist.

>> No.25064691

science is cool. I am nurse. If i could do it again i would opt for a pharmacist or dentist.

>> No.25064714

I fucking love science

>> No.25065098
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>> No.25065836

They are always grumpy fucks

There are few work environments more toxic than healthcare

>> No.25065954

That's what I did. I got my degree in Chemistry and then went to pharmacy school.
I get paid nearly $200k a year to sit on my ass and verify that my wagies put the correct pill in the bottle lol