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File: 37 KB, 600x600, dexg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25053696 No.25053696 [Reply] [Original]

You are buying this...right biz?

>> No.25053754

Sold my XSN stakescam bags for this. Feels good.

>> No.25053933

No what is it?

>> No.25053937


>> No.25053964

jeez man stop scamming people...

>> No.25053963

tomorrow boys, tomorrow

>> No.25054020

Already have 114 and getting another one from staking just so I get a few of the secondary tokens as well. All there is for me to do now is hope

>> No.25054065

not sure how the flowchain foundation and jollen chen are scamming people with a beta launching tomorrow, locked liquidity on uniswap and a market cap of just $4.5M, but okay.

>> No.25054120

you're just staking 1? i have a stacklet, but it looks like its not worth staking at this point with only 2 low return rounds to go when you price in the USD cost of the stake - thoughts?.

>> No.25054170

A defi ecosystem that utilises a sophisticated self-designed automated market maker and the IoT off-chain capabilities of the Flowchain network. This will enable their DEX to utilise advanced features like limit orders and massively reduce slippage.

>> No.25054225

No im staking around 30 of my stack. Again mainly doing it for the planned secondary tokens they have, im getting 1 more dex as a result of staking 30 for a grand total of 115

>> No.25054304
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You would have been better spending the time it took to write fud, doing some research and buying a bag, your future self would have thanked you...shame.

>> No.25054464

This project literally only needs to fulfill ONE of its goals to 10x MINIMUM, and that's solving the slippage issue. Add in fee distribution from the platform, limit orders on a DeX and off chain capabilities for enterprises, and you've got a solid 100x project. This is one of the most over looked project on biz, and it's because the team isn't trying to over sell hype and release things inadvertently professional manner. This hold is my comfiest and I can't wait to see how well this project develops.

>> No.25054480

Just checked the chart, why has this pumped so hard recently anons?

>> No.25054533

The beta for the exchange comes tomorrow and there have been a handful of AMAs to increase exposure I believe.

>> No.25054544

X10 is fud, and I’m not shilling when I say that

>> No.25054548

How to stake? How much time do I have until last round?

>> No.25054631

I know I'm just saying even if they fucked up hard and all they did was make it cheaper to trade on their platform people would still use it for that alone. You're not wrong, 10x is fud, 100x is easily doable.

>> No.25054727
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There was an initial pump when it listed on UNIswap in August, which died away while Flowchain were working on the exchange, they're about to launch it and staking will finish soon with the supply capped around 55,000 tokens. Basically holders aren't selling and people are slowly finding out about it. The attached picture kind of sums it up.

>> No.25055017

Yes, the most likely 100x for 2021 in my opinion

>> No.25055131

I heard Jollen spelled backwards is nelloJ, can someone pls confirm

>> No.25055154

I'm going in lads.

>> No.25055193

Can’t confirm that but an Anagram of Jollen Chen is Jesus Christ, fact check it.

>> No.25055484

Seems decent desu. Maybe I ape in

>> No.25055699
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Very wise choice, I promise you. Come back and thank me in February anon.

>> No.25055736

Not to forget they have regulatory advantage since they're Singapore based

>> No.25055901


>> No.25056074

It looks like the total supply will end up being around 55 thousand which is nothing, as soon as this starts getting traction the price is going to move up in to the thousands fast.

>> No.25056231

Next round is in january. Staking is kind of weird, you have to have 90% of DEXG and an equivalent 10% USDC you add to a liquidity pool and get something called BPI (dont submit "max" to stake because one transaction will throw the balance off while youre waiting and you'll lose the ETH fee and the transaction fails)

You then get the BPI in your wallet, head over to the stake.dextoken website and deposit your BPI. The amount of liquidity you have in the pool will becoming the share of the overall rewards you get, they are dwindling with each addition though - atleast for staking you get a secondary token who's purpose is unknown.

I had a hard time staking myself, so i would be more than happy to help you out if you want to email me at hotdiggitydangdoo@gmail.com

>> No.25056448
File: 79 KB, 744x364, dexg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DEXG exchange will only need 20 million daily volume for DEXG token to hit 55m market cap = 1k $ per DEXG - 10x from now
in 2021 this will bite in the ass Uniswap so hard pink unicorn will need to reconsider its existence

- DEXG exchange will reduce significantly slippage compared to Uniswap
- Exchange trading fees will be paid to all DEXG token holders in ETH when exchange is live in end of January
- DEXG - 55k max supply. Holding token gives you % of trading fees from whole exchange
- Low 20m daily volume with 0.15% fees (half of Uniswap 0.3%) equals 0.54$ per 1 DEXG paid daily
- If they solve slippage issue 20m daily volume will be joke. Real daily volume can be in hundreds of millions. Whales will use platform with lowest slippage.
- DEXG Exchange will offer first time in decentralized space cost-effective limit orders with off-chain trade execution. Yes that means real time limit orders that don't cost more than normal transaction on dex.
- Dextoken protocol have the IoT capabilities of the speculative AMM, which serves several benefits, like tokenization of assets and processes for enterprises
- Flowchain network enterprises can tokenise assets or production processes. DEXG and FLC tokens are needed as collateral to mint these tokens. The IoT sensor network employed will then use these tokens to follow production task X or issue signal Y.
- Connecting DeFi to IoT allows DEXG team to eliminate many limitations of the Ethereum network by taking actions which would cause ETH fees and transaction times off-chain before pushing the result back onto the Ethereum chain again
- DEXG exchange will offer advanced trading tools that the DeFi space still lacks because of the limitations of the Ethereum network. Among the topics on internal development roadmap are cost-effective limit orders and other advanced order-types, as well as open-source bots usable on the platform to perform trades and pro trading tools (like dextools).

>> No.25056470
File: 57 KB, 741x721, 1587266731250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Flashes of becoming a millionaire after being on /biz/ for years*

dear god please let me make it

>> No.25056905

bump, newfags ought to see this

ugh time to report to my wage cage

>> No.25057004

You don't expect me to read this, do you Anon?
Just tell me if this will pump or not. Looking at the chart volume is low as fuck and it already pumped in August?
Looks like a scam to me.

>> No.25057035
File: 190 KB, 950x874, watching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're going to make it bro, I've never been more certain of anything in my life, especially at a market cap of 5million giving the possibility of a x100 from here or more in a bull run.

>> No.25057043

This is how i will make jt, x200 in 2021

>> No.25057122

you're right, its a scam - whatever you do DONT BUY

where would that put us in the top 100

>> No.25057139

>- Exchange trading fees will be paid to all DEXG token holders in ETH when exchange is live in end of January
This is only partially true. Not trying to FUD but the rumour in the telegram is that some of the fees will be paid in ETH and some in the secondary token, the secondary token is supposed to reduce trading fees and can be staked if I remember correctly. I was skimming through the telegram yesterday and that's what I saw. Either way I'm unbelievably bullish on this project long term and implore any anon to at least grab one token as a suicide stack.

>> No.25057151

I should add that a X10 from here is as close to certain as I've seen

>> No.25057182

Sorry anon, but... you're never gonna make it :(

>> No.25057204

kek @ 1 token being a suicide stack

>> No.25057218
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It was explained by admin on telegram yesterday:

The secondary token is only airdropped to stakers and received via the LP liquidity mining. The final tokenomics are still under review currently.

A part of the incurred trading fees will be distributed in WETH/ETH to the dividend pool. The dividend pool will then distribute the fees to the dexg holders.

>> No.25057254

This is it anons, finally

>Looking at the chart volume is low as fuck and it already pumped in August?
>Looks like a scam to me.
It pumped during the big defi hype in the summer. Now the product is about to launch so get ready to see some real pumping. The reason for low volume is that nobody is trading this coin. Everyone is staking for months already, and now there are only 2 staking rounds left.

>> No.25057257
File: 93 KB, 999x749, ffse3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read or stay poor

>> No.25057273

How can I buy this through uniswap, I don't see it but it's supposed to be there. Or do I need to buy USDT first? I'm a complete newfag

>> No.25057286

not sure about all that, all I know is holding 650 of these will make me ridiculously rich with the added bonus of passive income from providing liquidity for a state of the art Dex!

>> No.25057385


Thanks. So the stakers basically hold all the tokens and are waiting for this to reach August prices to dump on the rest?

Yeah, not falling for this one.

>> No.25057454
File: 84 KB, 631x800, 1608051238132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least one retard less that will not enter DEXG family who fuded himself out


>> No.25057507

We don't need to dump, with the extra tokens taken in to account from staking there won't be many people left that aren't already in profit and it hasn't dumped. Genuinely why would we dump on people at a market cap of what, $10,000,000 ( times 2 from here), when I know for a fact that the majority of holders expect this to hit $50,000,000 and a lot higher pretty quickly?

>> No.25057513

How's the weather in Bangladesh, Ranjeet?

>> No.25057519

Sell news tomorrow kek!!

I dont see anyone really would want to use this coin unfortunately

>> No.25057540

go to the coingecko page, markets, click the uniswap link

>> No.25057589

"use this coin" amazing evaluation sir.

>> No.25057606

said pajeet dexglet

>> No.25057639

this coin will pay % of fees from all trades on DEXG exchange in ETH to DEXG token holders in end of January. Try better Fud next time

>> No.25057692
File: 57 KB, 512x512, comfyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel exactly the same. soon. soon.

>> No.25057835

>Thanks. So the stakers basically hold all the tokens and are waiting for this to reach August prices to dump on the rest?
Why the hell would we go through the trouble of staking for months, just to sell the only serious Uniswap competitor at a pathetic 2-3x gain?

In order to win, you either have to be first (uniswap), or you have to be best (dexg). All the other shitty uni clones bring absolutely nothing new to the table

>> No.25058010

Thank you anon this helped

As a final check: I can do the following right?
>buy ETH on some big platform
>use Uniswap + Fortmatic wallet to buy DEXG using the ETH from the aforementioned platform

>> No.25058032

Also don't forget DEXG holders earn a percent of all fees, so there is incentive to hold this shit forever lol.

>> No.25058450
File: 500 KB, 2083x1079, Screenshot_20201222-180528_TradingView.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always remember I was here trying to tell you absolute degens to buy this in the 30 dollar range, and I think a few bizlets did.

>> No.25058520

I read the white paper when I saw your post, and got in as fast as I could.

>> No.25058708

Glad I helped brother.

>> No.25058745

got most of my stack then but kept buying on the way up. thanks for putting me on

>> No.25059080

put my 2x off of GRT into DEXT. New King in town tomorrow.

>> No.25059171

Yes. Balancer might have less slippage last I checked

>> No.25059410

hands down the most exciting opportunity on bizshill since I bought chainlink and obsidian in 2017.

>> No.25059807

true that anon. i’ve staked every round so far and have a pretty big bag of dexg but i’m not planning on selling and definitely not selling soon.

>> No.25059950

Jollen solves the slippage problem of UNIswap.

>still gets slept on.

>> No.25060268

And it's just one aspect of the protocol. Hard to believe this isn't shilled here non stop. Just a thread once a day that dies pretty quick usually

>> No.25060616

This is your chance to make it anons

>> No.25060720

Is there cash on the line for the bug hunt when the beta drops?

>> No.25061224

I think so, join the telegram and the Twitter, I remember there being some kind of Incentive to bug hunt the beta

>> No.25061818

Yes there definitely is a bounty

>> No.25061957

Agreed anon, definitely maybe a 10000% here in 2021...

>> No.25062077

top 10 holder reporting. Holding this to a $XXXM Mcap. Not a chance I sell a single one before $100M

>> No.25062348

Every single reason for buying this is predicated on actual adoption of the platform.

>> No.25062408

I’m convinced these basic niggers don’t understand what the market cap of a decentralised exchange with little slippage, order books, limit orders, inbuilt dextools and no price oracles should be. Wake up biz you’re an absolute disgrace.

>> No.25062548

exchange tokens are so 2017

remember coss.io?

>> No.25062551
File: 81 KB, 300x306, 1_lzrlKJXg6wFEs3G3obNNPw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top 15 holder here - congrats Anon, you're going to make it

>> No.25062809

I disagree with your basic premise, but you only have to look at the caps of Kyber, Pancake, Sushi etc etc not even mentioning UNI, in comparison to DEXG, to know how wrong you are.

>> No.25062886

And that is why it has a market cap 1/5th the size of pancake swap and is far superior tech.

>> No.25063040

As someone who owns 115 people should have skepticism. I am taking the gamble that these promises are delivered on but a lot of what is presented sounds too good to be true. Should they come to pass though im never letting go.

>> No.25063912

nice stack still dexgbro, let's hope they can deliver!

>> No.25064089

I’ve got a feeling that with what i’ve seen of the beta launching tomorrow, the increase from $100 to $300 will be nearly as quick as the 3 weeks it took to go from $30 to $100. DEEPTHROAT.

>> No.25064151

im hoping, I might sell off a small stack of 15 and reallocate it into parsiq if there is a huge pump tomorrow, if only because I see Parsiq growing faster in the short term and that a stack of 100 dexg will compliment anything I need it to

>> No.25064157
File: 347 KB, 2048x985, Screenshot_20201222-161307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dropped a couple Eth on a bag. Let's fucking go boys. But why is the price all fucked up on blockfolio?

>> No.25064200
File: 248 KB, 540x676, 1604240538366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm buying KAI.

>> No.25064211

I was wondering the same, I think it might be the other token that gets paid out to dexg holders but I'm not in the tg so idk.

>> No.25064220

for some reason the USD price is fucked, forgot what the reason is, set it to USDT or USDC

>> No.25064839

Liquidity is in usdt pair