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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25048731 No.25048731 [Reply] [Original]

Btc broke ath and we are still trading in the same channel for 4 months

>> No.25048753

and we will stay here until they release a new feature, like tsigs or just pick one

>> No.25048763


>> No.25048788
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Zoom out

>> No.25048792

It’s a dead project anon. This is bitshares.

>> No.25048808

>the same channel

Did you even look at the sat value?

>> No.25048822

honestly, i dont own any Link and will probably not but why should it go up are there any news? why do you all here expect this coin to moon its like yall retarded

>> No.25048835


>> No.25048844


>> No.25048888
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>> No.25048928

thats your face when you wake up and link went 5% down again

>> No.25048941

Crypto is valued on speculation. Chainlink has been speculated on. People have moved onto other coins now.

Chainlink will either continue its dump, especially in sats, or it will remain stagnant for years to come, similar to XRP.

>> No.25048959

I don't own any link but ..face it you lost that one there.

>> No.25049001
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Anon, link will only pump with news/features and hype for now... and there isn't a lot of it right now. Untill staking is released or wider adoption occurs over the years (with crypto/smart contacts/delfi in general), the price of link is irrelevant. Have a think about the big crypto players, they all have a working product or are a currency/store of value. While Link is technically a working product, it's just not used widely enough to be profitable... yet. Tsigs and staking will change this eventually, as with the adoption of smart contacts and delfi. This will take a while and we're not going to see the same pumps we did before (untill staking/Tsigs that is).

>> No.25049008

The absolute state

>> No.25049030

Tsigs and staking are likely years away. The market will abandon link long before those are finished.

>> No.25049064

we're getting t sigs next week but I doubt it will have any effect on the price

>> No.25049105

Fuck off nigger

>> No.25049113

You scammers have been saying that for 4 years. Nobody will ever believe anything you say again after this ordeal.

>> No.25049128

Probably not. Adoption and staking are the only real things that will pump the price over the long term

>> No.25049161

Just sold.
t. pre-sibos-google conferencenouncement ICO buyer 500k LINK GENERAL.

>> No.25049219

We're still at double digits and you're still priced out even if it's bleeding sats

>> No.25049284

Yes, that christmas new year week known so well for development.

> "Guys i know we're several months behind already on all these deadlines and care so little about our holders that we haven't even let them know why but it's absolutely VITAL you come in on christmas and boxing day in order to hit the non-existent new deadline!"

>> No.25049307
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>> No.25049316

>several months behind already on all these deadlines
please show these deadlines that has been promised and broken

>> No.25049574

We will stay until after the bull. Know your history—And you will know where your coming from.

>> No.25049941

Q3 - oracle integration
Q4 - arbitrum mainnet
Q4 - tsigs
We've also had vague allusions to staking eoy but i never thought that was likely.

>> No.25049985


>> No.25049996

>Q3 - oracle integration
no one from chainlink said that
>Q4 - arbitrum mainnet
no one from chainlink said that
>Q4 - tsigs
correct and it will come
>We've also had vague allusions to staking eoy but i never thought that was likely
nothing pointed to staking this year that interview from Sergey was spun way out of context by discordcucks

>> No.25050036


Link ICO was 3 years ago dumbass

>> No.25050305

Clutching at pretty flimsy straws to claim these things are bilateral so chainlink hasn't missed the targets. Then you don't even have the weak excuse of someone else being involved for tsigs and that's not happening this year, but it's only a few days so put a tripcode on for prosperity will you.