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25041349 No.25041349 [Reply] [Original]

I got selected as a juror for Kleros case 532. I need to decide whether Biden has officially won the election. How the fuck does your electoral system work?

>> No.25041379

Trump will become president

>> No.25041384

There was no election. What happened was a coup.

>> No.25041404

Biden can’t win because Trumps ego supercedes any electoral process.

>> No.25041445

The jurors are usually Indian, so just figure out who they like more and pick that candidate. If you pick right you can keep your curryImean coins.
Thank you sir please play again

>> No.25041484
File: 687 KB, 1284x1114, 1F4C4B36-7DB1-4759-819E-6809AF5CDA01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t be that guy

>> No.25041558
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I thought about staking my 60k to get this case, then I realized I have no idea what the right answer is lol

>> No.25042561

Do you have to decide between yes/no or is there another option? Our electoral process isn't over yet so it's weird that a case is being resolved now

>> No.25042804

The other option is "Invalid". The entire case hinges upon whether Biden has already won, or whether the market finished too early for an answer. The spirit of the market is clearly "yes" - whoever created it clearly had the electoral college numbers in mind. But a lot of people who hold PNK are autists and will screech about the literal wording of the market, and if Biden isn't sitting in the White House then they say it's invalid.

>> No.25043052

Ah. Well it's weird to me to resolve such a question before it's been fully resolved by the constitutional process.
It's a few paragraphs, but if you read Article II section 1 of the constitution, the election is officially decided by the VP counting the electoral votes in front of Congress.
It'd be a lot easier if a candidate had already conceded, but with both still trying to claim the election it's weird.
I'm glad I don't have money staked on this lol, I'd lean towards invalid. I don't really see an argument for "no" and "yes" is hard if you care about the document the election is based on.
Does Kleros tend to go towards literal interpretations or interpretations in line with the "spirit" of the law?

>> No.25043105

No sir you're not allowed outside help for your jury decision!

>> No.25043269

>Does Kleros tend to go towards literal interpretations or interpretations in line with the "spirit" of the law?
This is an interesting question when it comes to decentralised jurors, from many jurisdictions which have different ways of agreeing on things. I imagine most jurors come from a civil law system (SA/EU) so they might lean more literal, but then again those people are the ones most likely to think Biden won. MAGA americans seem to be the ones in favor of invalid.

It's a hard question and my pinkies are on the line here.

>crowdsourcing answers to vote in a system which crowdsources answers
sir this is not very open source of you

>> No.25043331

What?? Kleros is being used to decide the US election? Shouldn't this make PNK worth more than BTC?

>> No.25043431

>It's a hard question and my pinkies are on the line here.
Yeah I don't envy you. I think you're just gonna have to make a call on whether you think the court is going to go with a literal interpretation of the constitution or a more nebulous metric.
I imagine the relevant data will be uploaded as evidence, so people that have a laymen's understanding of the US electoral system might see the constitutional argument for the election not being over.
If you don't think they'll see that, or you don't think they'll care about the most literal interpretation, go yes. If you think the case is getting pressed better for a ruling based in constitutional text, go invalid.
I don't think there's a good argument for no so you shouldn't have to worry about that.

>> No.25043500

Hardy har har har

>> No.25043632

I worry that with huge cases like this, a lot of people are going to wait and vote last minute so they can vote with the crowd. Nobody is going to spend the 100 ETH or so to appeal it. Both arguments are equally valid.

In a very strange way, now that we know a Tyrone video is on the way, maybe people are waiting for that. If he can get a video out soon enough, that might decide it.

The memes about Kleros lawyers are becoming reality and e-celebs are the lawyers. In a year or two we might be seeing tiktok videos having actors and actresses off Cameo telling me how to vote. Richard Gere might be a Kleros lawyer. We are living in clown world and I kinda like it.

>> No.25044033

Yeah this is gonna be fun to watch no matter how it goes.
I'm glad I get to watch as an external viewer though lol

>> No.25044048
File: 159 KB, 500x300, tyrone_saluting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here OP, take this

>> No.25044058
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 235235623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it

>> No.25044490

no one "wins" until january 6th that is when the electoral votes from the state electors get counted. However several states sent dueling electors and this legal furball is far from over