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File: 1.88 MB, 876x1078, Cute girl holding gun to your face. POSSIBLE AD TOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25035731 No.25035731 [Reply] [Original]

With the Ledger leak of your physical address - How are you protecting yourself anons?

And whyyyyy did the hacker have to post all physical addresses publicly. Like, what was the goal of the hacker in doing that...

>> No.25035800
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I don't have to because I'm not retarded enough to use a hardware wallet.

>> No.25036026

What do you use then? How do you securely store your crypto?

>> No.25036502

>Like, what was the goal of the hacker in doing that...
forcing people to use throwaway email addresses at all crypto companies, or just manipulate the market some way we don't understand, or make it harder to track him down when he starts shooting up ledger owners next week...

>> No.25036580

>what was the goal of the hacker in doing that
So nobody could profit from it. It was being offered for sale for $100,000 minimum.

>> No.25036590
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>> No.25036627
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Coinbase is the safest option. They already were - soon to be publicly traded, so they'll have to be immaculate. Private wallets will all get KYC'd to oblivion thru new laws too, so may as well make the switch now. Soon banks will be holding all our crypto. Decentralised dream is OVER! :p

>> No.25036709


>> No.25036820

>bought a ledger last month but not in the leak
Feeling comfy

>> No.25036826


>> No.25036840
File: 26 KB, 923x713, 1531957917325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like, what was the goal of the hacker in doing that..
Promoting the value of privacy.

>> No.25036841

Sleep with the chopper under the pillow nigga grrrrrt
I think i'm in the clear, I'm not on haveibeenpwned.com

>> No.25036905

btw where can I see if my address got leaked?

>> No.25036919

give me your email, i'll check for you.

>> No.25036959

yeh nice try, fuck you

>> No.25037002

yeh nice try , fuck you just tell me and don't be a faggot
And why are ledger so unmoral faggots that they can't even protect people properly, is there some way to sue a company for such retarded security ?

>> No.25037109

This almost guarantees all crypto will now have to be KYCd and properly regulated. Hardware wallets will be banned. I suppose everyone is safer that way.

>> No.25037195

Yea it's called a civil lawsuit and it goes something like, a large group of people that fall victims to cooperate negligence get together and sue the company all at the same time.
You can check by going on haveibeenpwned.com and entering your email.

>> No.25037276

On haveibeenpwned.

>> No.25037412

is it bullshit or something other which I have to worry about ? I mean this is the internet

>> No.25037471

Where did you get that pic? I think I know her?

>> No.25037651

sure let's ban personal computers, ooga

>> No.25037708


That's my GF, I took this picture in one of our photography sessions :')

>> No.25037723

imagine not using a notepad. i never had a single breach security in 4 years.

>> No.25037753

With a gun and a security camera so they can show up and realize I don't have one anymore

>> No.25037755


Notepad, but what type of wallet are you using?

>> No.25037780

WinRAR password protection

>> No.25037842


>> No.25037911

I've demolished my house, selling the land and moving. I'm changing my name and having a divorce. Never using Ledger products again. Just moved my 300k LINK to Metamask.

>> No.25038012

If I get rid of my Ledger, am I fine with using MetaMask only?

Or should I buy a different cold storage wallet like Trezor?

>> No.25038144

Does her name start with an R ?

>> No.25038168

r/buttcoin is probably having a field day with this

>> No.25038189

Based and RARpilled

>> No.25038223

this, i have 14 btc and just keep em on binance, funds are safu. Imagine nerding out and buying one of those, get rekt midwits

>> No.25038327

>Or should I buy a different cold storage wallet like Trezor?
What a fucking moron, your data has already been leaked, people can find where you live easily if they care about you enough.
Why buy a Trezor so it can get leaked again? Lmao.

>> No.25038588
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>> No.25038595


This is for storing my actual crypto, and converting my original ledger into a dummy ledger that only has ~1K worth of crypto in case I get burglarized/tortured

>> No.25038617
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>i have 14 btc and just keep em on binance

>> No.25038635

I sold all my crypto. I'm a really bad liar and I know they wouldn't believe me. I'm out the game for good lads, my wife saw the article and would never forgive me if I harmed her son

>> No.25038648

and I even get 1% APY on them doing that

>> No.25038666 [DELETED] 
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>her son

>> No.25038676

No one wants your shitcoins.

>> No.25038704

Based retard, they will torture you and rape your wife anyway

>> No.25039505

U lost

>> No.25039676

Get goxxed nigger

>> No.25039715

haha you fucking fags. all those reddit cunts saying shit like "bro get ledger, you'll want max security". enjoy tyrone n' friends come raid your house while raping your gf.

>> No.25039841
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>you ever watched the movie "home alone"?

>> No.25039949


Yes this looks sketchy, I promise it's not. Click tree view and look at the 8 address pages. You only get like 10 free views so use wisely

>> No.25039983

>And whyyyyy did the hacker have to post all physical addresses publicly. Like, what was the goal of the hacker in doing that...

Some dude who bought the ledger dataset saw his seller sell the ledger dataset to other people when that wasn't a part of the agreement they initially had.

So he sperged out and rendered it valueless to screw over his seller.

>> No.25039984

>search all the addresses in my city
>they're unironically all in the hood
Is...is it true frens? Is crypto really just for niggers

>> No.25040044

You can backup your seedphrase and store it someplace or memorize it and create a new wallet on your ledger. Then when someone kidnaps you for your measly .00001 BTC, you give them that.

>> No.25040079

>How are you protecting yourself?

I'm about to open a case in Kleros court about this shit

>> No.25040286

youre giving binance liquidity to influence price. pull em off there and stick them in a paper wallet

>> No.25040513

Luckily I bought mine from Amazon. Thanks Jeff :)

>> No.25040591

It’s alright i let my fists do the talking

>> No.25040627


Good analysis, this is likely what happened

>> No.25040748
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Gimme all yo bitcoins, wyboi

>> No.25041259

Leaf fag here. Im more worried about CRA now having access to this list.

>> No.25041392


Canadian, just because your country can't own guns, doesn't that make you more scared? Only criminals would have guns in this scenario and they would be more brazen in home burglaries

>> No.25041729

One thing to watch for is SIM swaps. Basically if they have your info it may be possible for them to call up your phone provider and tell them you're switching providers. Then when they have a new sim with your number use it to access google/binance etc. Definitely move your crypto off exchanges and activate 2FA with an authenticator. Also change emails

>> No.25041773
File: 1.51 MB, 695x1006, 1608555818875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt use trezor

>> No.25042147

i'm only worried about 2fa. i have multiple guns and two big dogs that like to bark.
i use authy and it's tied to my phone number. that's really it. i don't use sms for anything though. and i don't live at that address anymore anyways.

>> No.25042155

Protecting myself? lmao I am the one scamming niggas

>> No.25042612
File: 1.28 MB, 1739x1893, Leleak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How can I profit from this?

>> No.25042634
File: 2.12 MB, 3010x1840, LeLedger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can I profit from this?

>> No.25042662

This, I don't want fucking chinks influencing price with MY fucking fake money.

>> No.25043097


Damn, where the hell did you find/pull this?

This is truly scary.\..This makes me want to get a gun license asap

>> No.25043557
File: 183 KB, 1400x934, bad-santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some based motherfucker posted torrents of the leak here https://anons.ca/p/the-ledger-data-leak-mirrors-and-a-post-mortem/

>> No.25043612

holy based
/biz/ seething

>> No.25043635

Merry Christmas you fucking ledger faggots HAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit

Enjoy the holidays while living in constant fear some nigger ROBBER might crash in any moment demanding your crypto HAHAHA holy shit
