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File: 165 KB, 750x893, 55A1D626-1397-4BC9-A34C-BE288827CEF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25026374 No.25026374 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf are tokenized stocks?

>> No.25026551

stocktrading on blockchain, nothing to see here, move on, just the biggest financial revolution since the beginning of mankind under the umbrella of one project. move on, nothing to see here, trillion dollar company stock trading as an alternative for Wallstreet and all the stock exchanges in the world, nothing to see here, must be worth nothing, falling asleep now ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz

>> No.25026587

Sir, have you heard of wCRES.
Bank stock on blockchain.
This easy 100x

>> No.25026622
File: 126 KB, 1057x1190, 5695BA44-7A9D-4030-8107-3774A0D2C58F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the future use case for api3 to allow nasdaq and other real world financial market operators to monetize their data.
API3 $3 -> $30 -> $300

>> No.25026625

Reminder that wCRES is in the erc20 scam wallet discovered last week

>> No.25026655

So fucking sleepy right now
Time for a good nap anon

>> No.25026687

Injective seems to be getting the first mover advantage though

>> No.25026788

DstoQ coming soon

>> No.25026804

SNX is doing the same thing with a western focus while INJ is doing it with an asian focus

>> No.25026849

Still don’t understand the concept of ”tokenized” stocks. Will I be able to buy google coins on injective or wtf

>> No.25026911

yeah that's why they posted a selfie with the president of the United States

>> No.25026951

So does it work like stablecoins but instead of fiat it's pegged to a stock instead?
Or do you trade the actual stocks?

>> No.25026954

it's nothing, just forget about it, go to sleep it's late anon

>> No.25026992

I suppose you trade the actual stocks but in tokenized form on the blockchain, I guess as an NFT, if they can lower commissions this way perhaps they can get a nice chunk of regular investers int he world using the protocol.

>> No.25027161

>"Injective is the first layer-2 DEX that unlocks the full potential of decentralized derivatives and borderless DeFi."

Does the UK's ban on crypto derivatives include this project's offerings? Or is INJ's main focus on non-crypto derivatives? Spoonfeed pls?

>> No.25027225

Mr JPow, can you also bail out these investors whose stocks are in INJ token?

>> No.25027248


>> No.25027286

Idk but nobody cares about the UK

>> No.25027313

Sounds bullish as fuck for INJ

>> No.25027348

nahh I am just making shit up

>> No.25027375

this is some jew ass shit just like all the .finance projects.

>> No.25027378

WTF did i miss. I was gonna buy the dip last night too. Gathering more now.

>> No.25027386


>> No.25027398

This will literally be one of the biggest exchanges.. are you retarded anon?

>> No.25027418

nothing to see here, just go back to sleep Zzzzz

>> No.25027423

a new way to rid you of your coins

>> No.25027443

Wow, not bad

>> No.25027463

SNX already is and the name makes perfect sense to anyone that knows what a synthetic is. Not fudding, just acknowledging the reality. They’re vying for the same seat at the table.

>> No.25027475

You can do better

>> No.25027511

I would imagine it gets wrapped and becomes an erc20 token

>> No.25027527

How do you idiots not know about Algo and how ASA works?

>> No.25027571


>> No.25027573 [DELETED] 

these aren't nobodies, these are the elite of the elite, very high credentials all of the team members, from the best universities in the world. Frontrunners and pioneers, the new Elon Musks and Zuckerbergs, yet like usual, people will only recognize them AFTER they have succeeded, nobody cared about Apple founder when he still worked in his garage, but if you recognized the opportunity and hodled for years you could have made tens of billions of dollars.

>> No.25027613

Who's providing the price feeds? WHAT ABOUT THE PRICE FEEDS?!

>> No.25027627

this is already active on SOLOGENIC
XRP accomplished this months ago.

>> No.25027699

Uncle Joe bout to plow

>> No.25027758

lolled and checked

>> No.25027797
File: 30 KB, 559x479, algo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>erc20 token
Right, imagine stock traders dealing with ETH gas fees...

This will run on ALGO.

>> No.25027823

It's called a web API, and you just need to parse the JSON.

An no, even though chainlink is a unironicaly a glorified JSON parser, they can also do without.

>> No.25027825

people comparing this to other garbage projects, I am sorry but you are miles behind

>> No.25027826

Imagine holding google erc20 tokens kek. I can already see this being the normie way of trading stocks.

>> No.25027840

literally a scam coin

>> No.25027854
File: 48 KB, 783x317, ItsAlgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you mention that. Take a look at this. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/algorand/

>> No.25027890

Algo is not fully decentralized though and doesn’t offer derivatives trading. Can you stake ALGO?

>> No.25027922

I earn 7.25% on my algo and I hold it on the ledger. It will become more decentralized. You need to be invested before that happens.

>> No.25028377

All these protocols do is write a whitepaper on it to swindle money, meanwhile tokenized stonks are already a thing and being actively traded on FTX for example: https://ftx.com/trade/TSLA/USD

>> No.25028470

Here’s their explainer for tokenized stocks

>> No.25028582

Unregulated instruments and probably illegal

>> No.25028686

INJ is already completely decentralized, ALGO will suffer a painful death when the INJ mainnet comes out. The defi space is fast paced, slowpokes will get left behind.

>> No.25028761

The thing is, INJ is the only completely decentralized layer 2 DEX out there. Backed by Binance and Pantera, has beem in development since 2018. It’s pretty clear who’s the winner here.

>> No.25028783

>backed by Binance and Pantera