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File: 108 KB, 480x608, 78D02DFA-CA77-45D8-A5CF-BB7AFF326372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25023323 No.25023323 [Reply] [Original]

Is holding BTC, ETH, and LINK really our only way to make it bros? Some roastie I went to school with just made the LinkedIn humblebrag post about getting the FANG we both applied to over me, even though I know for a fact I had a better GPA, portfolio, and everything else. Are men being phased out of corporate positions?

>> No.25023471

What is a FANG? Maybe she could write an application that applied over you with better writing skills.

>> No.25023670

Facebook, Apple, Netflix, Google. It’s dumb Silicon Valley jargon. The fact I actually use it makes me hate how much I’ve become ingrained into their whole culture.

>> No.25024542

>Are men being phased out of corporate positions?
Have been for decades, but it's become outstandingly bad starting around 2015.
It's called FAGMAN for a reason you dumb nigger.

>> No.25024743

if you're in crypto rn you'll be wealthy enough

>> No.25024840

What a pretentious faggot.

>> No.25024888

Yes, but drop the ETH
If ethereum does well next year, chainlink will do better

>> No.25024927

What's the M?

>> No.25024966

probably microsoft

>> No.25024981

Oh ya, should've thought of that

>> No.25025013

Facebook, aple, google, microsoft, amazon, netflix.

>> No.25025077

Actually the popular acronym is FAGMAN these days

>> No.25025376

Why though? I'm just starting to get into crypto and wanted to make ETH the bulk of my portfolio. I know that bitcoin just mooned, but Ethereum seems to me to be more advanced on the technical side + the ability to host all of the tokens. Should I reconciler and go for BTC?

>> No.25025666

Check my digits, trips of truth
There are a lot of reasons why eth is not as interesting an investment as it was in 2017
I bought that shit at $40
But look, you're new so maybe you haven't heard this yet but you have to start thinking in sats, don't get confused by dollar value gains
Long term you have to stack sats

Look at the chart of eth/btc long term, it peaked in June or so 2017 and has shit the bed ever since, it never recovered
A similar thing is happening right now with chainlink but it still has nice dollar upside for poorfags, which is sometimes important for getting the ball rolling in accumulating wealth come the next bear market in 2022

Even though I made a lot of money back then with eth I wish I had just bought the bitcoin
I had 40 eth buying it with from $40-$80 but if I had just bought btc I would have had 3 bitcoins then and you can do the math to what I would've had now in eth vs btc, even just holding for years

>> No.25025683
File: 150 KB, 899x406, Kung Flu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>25023323OP, I have one question. Does the Sentinel keep you up at night?

>> No.25025772

Yea but being an ERC-20 token, isn't the price of link dependent on price of Ethereum? Or did I get it wrong completely and it just provides the software for the coin to work, and they are not connected by price?

>> No.25025841

this image hypes me up for some reason

its like something out of metal gear rising

>> No.25025877

Nice digits btw

>> No.25025919

Yeah they're unrelated as we've seen given the fact that link went from under a dollar to $20 in the last 2 years
Though if something bad happens to ethereum chainlink is probably going down as well, but that's a given

Haha, Kek is trying to tell you newfags something

>> No.25025932

No, and being stupid is why you'll never make it. It's BTC, ETH and GRT.

>> No.25025955
File: 309 KB, 657x527, 1592013630147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit a will to live just flew over my house

>> No.25026131 [DELETED] 

because he's mad frightened he'll never be able to recover his eth networth for not selling that utilitiless scamcoin at the top, kek

>> No.25026153
File: 85 KB, 1380x1000, chainlinketh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he's mad frightened he'll never be able to recover his eth networth for not selling that utilitiless scamcoin at the top, kek

>> No.25026196


>> No.25026270

thanks for the real advice anon. to clarify when you say prioritize sats over dollar value gains you're essentially saying all gains need to be evaluated against bitcoin to determine if they were worthwhile investments or not? and eth, while an okay investment in a dvg vacuum, is a weak investment in terms of sats value?

>> No.25027103

Bitcoin is the surest bet in crypto and yet still has unworldly upside
1 sat = 1 cent unironically by 2037 at the latest

Therefore if you can make it by gaining in dollars while btc is stagnant or bearish, great, or if you just stack sats constantly throughout the market cycle, great
But you'd be killing yourself in 5 years if your shitcoin of choice happens not to get left behind and you sit there watching yourself get priced out of smaller and smaller fractions of a bitcoin you used to be able to afford when you know you could have just bought bitcoin, blind to the price at the time, and done NOTHING and still be richer

Sometimes even I look back at my old transactions and think "God, how rich I was, but didn't know it"

>> No.25027763

Ty anon. Since you're out here spewing knowledge, and that's pretty rare here, there is one more question I wanted to ask: if I have a small (sub 1k) sum I can play with, is it worth going the bitcoin route that you mentioned for guaranteed gains and then start looking into altcoins for quick money, or is it better to play shitcoin roulette and hope to get lucky for a head start?