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25021880 No.25021880 [Reply] [Original]

GRT has a fully diluted supply of 10 bil, with roughly 1.25 bil circulating. What is the dilution schedule? 17% went to “early backers” and another 17% to “backers” with a lockup of 6 months to 2 years. Although the public sale was October, the early backers all invested end of June, meaning they are about to release the tokens locked for the 6 month period. Interesting that all these exchanges listed the coin right before the 6 month mark. 23% went to founder and early members on a 4 year vesting schedule, but they don’t disclose that schedule (for example if its front loaded) and when that schedule began (team has been working on project since 2017 so theoretically 2021 could be the end of the schedule). So you have 57% of the tokens allocated to founding teams, early backers, and backers. Best case, backers were vesting equally over 6-24 month schedule (every 6 months) and 25% of their tokens (850,000,000) are about to be unlocked. Founding team has 25% unlocked as well on their 4 year schedule, so another 575,000,000 are unlocked. So best case we are about to double the circulating supply. Worst case, you could see 4 bil+ tokens unlocked.

Can someone convince me that 1 billion+ tokens aren’t about to be dumped?

>> No.25021907

didn't read bought more

>> No.25022041

Do you remember 3 years ago when all the link post were like lol fucktards are going to seethe because sergey owns 75% of the supply. Here we are 3 years later with more dilution, expect chainlink is up 1000’s of percents

>> No.25022215

Link is going to 50 cents

>> No.25022279

Yes but 35% of link tokens were sold ICO. GRT was 4%, with 34% going to VC ahead of ICO

>> No.25022311

by 18m about 75% will be circulating. The bullrun will likely have peaked by then the way things are heating up now.

This thing will reach 40-100b mcap by then if not more, that's compared to shitty alts like XRP and BCH and XRP and LTC during the last run getting to mid 50b or more in mcap. This has actual use, staking/delegation.

I think conservatively each token will hit $5 at some point. This is a long-term play.

>> No.25022554

how tf would 35% of link be sold to ico if sergey himself owned 75% of supply you fudding lying seething piece of shit

>> No.25022595

Ok so you see a 10x from here on token price while circulating supply is increase 4x over the same period for a 40x increase in market cap. What is your BTC target for that same period?

>> No.25022671

He doesn’t..... distribution was 35% ICO, 35% allocated for node operator incentives, 30% to the company (including Sergey)

>> No.25022856

Damn the volume dropped to a 1/3 of what it was at its peak. Do I keep on holding? I bought at 78c btw

>> No.25023199

If you do I think it’s a long term play, short term I think there is a very real chance we see a massive dump in the next week.
The June funding raise was $5.1mil for 17% of tokens ($0.003/token). The seed funding was 2.4 mil for 17% ($0.0014/token). I don’t see them holding long term when they are up 150x+ and 300x+ respectively on their investments

>> No.25023346

Total amount of GRT staked: 407,815,810.56 GRT
Total value of GRT staked: 294,936,472.36 USD


Close to half the current circ supply. There's going to be more staked tokens than circulating tokens soon because vested tokens can be staked.

I’m thinking the market irrationality was the price at which the token launched and not the move up
This GRT price movement toward the upside has been the rational move unironically as counter intuitive as it seems.

Potentially massive cope not financial advice for falling for the FDV meme. These people will get BTFO.

If chainlink launched today at 10 cents with the network it has today I’m thinking the chart would look something like GRT

>> No.25023376

Yeah man, don't look at it. I'm stoked to be able to buy more at this price ( .55 ).

Nobody even bothered to look at it. It's been on the exchanges for less than a week and is rocking the charts.

The more you dig into it, the more you see how big it really is. I truly believe the shakeup last night was to secure tokens on the cheap because everybody in the biz will be using them and wants to secure future expenses.

>> No.25023388
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In the meantime, thanks pajeets for increasing my XRP stack, which I can exchange directly to Credit Suisse for their precious metals. It's their preferred method of payment now. So that tells me XRP is worth gold.

>> No.25023401

I mean... they were right in the end. Just in a wrong period of time. Like Peter Schiff

>> No.25023417

I belive in the product. i dont even read these anymore.. I know your worth GRT. Fuck the linkies they just mad Yo.

>> No.25023455

almost forgot to share this. coinbase is the amazon of crypto wether we like it or not. https://ventures.coinbase.com/

>> No.25023723

Yeah the question is will coinbase dump it’s “backer” share of tokens as soon as the unlock? The investment was announce June 30th so if announce same day they unlock 12/30. If anyone was wondering about the timing of the coinbase listing, it’s just in time for the to be able to dump their holdings at a 150x profit

>> No.25024318

I don't think it would make any sense. They understand this economy and actually give a shit about crypto. They make plenty of money and have a vested interest in the future of crypto. If anything, they would hold bags of it and use it to help develop new projects. Dumping it would not only drive the price down, it would make coinbase look like they don't know what to invest in. I'm sure they will hold because it's useful now, will become more expensive to use in the future, will help it gain attention and will make them look like they know a good thing when they see it.

>> No.25024842
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Stop be mad Linkie´
How much is it Sirgay got.- is it 70% himself ?. HE dumps a fucking mill every week. HIM ALONE.
Do you even understand how its used today ?. Do you understand the Tokens how they are already in use ?.
Do you just buy Link and hate on GRT For actually having a final product that is in use. Fucking linkers...

>> No.25024855
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, parsiq vs grt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why even mess with GRT. VC investors are up over 20,000%. They all bought at .003c

What meme is anyone falling for thinking a $4+ billion token with not even a working decentralized platform is worth it.

I thought 2017 taught people something.

>> No.25024948

Okay. So now that Link finally have some competition. you are so fucking mad you hold link and want GRT to disappear. i understand. You are so emotional attracted to Link that its getting fucking weird.

>> No.25025146

First, they don’t directly compete and are more of complementary services.

Second, this whole thread is asking for input on the dilution schedule. I was looking at buying GRT, came across this info, and it seems like a red flag for me. Please explain why early VCs and the founders are going to dump on me

>> No.25025210


GRT is no competition to LINK.

LINK literally SECURES over $100 Billion of financial products a day. LINK is so much the standard that a whole financial system is being built on top of it.

If LINK failed tomorrow all of Defi would collapse. Think about that for a minute.

Graph doesn't even have a working decentralized platform yet and if Graph went away tomorrow there would be a dozen companies any project dev could go to to querrie the data they need to make their front end work.

my god. some people are so gullible.

>> No.25025218

You are calling out a million link dump and ignoring that a billion GRT are about to be unlocked to dump?

>> No.25025378

They inherently are bagholding based on the vesting schedule. They can’t dump all their holdings, but why wouldn’t they dump the tokens that unlocked at 6 months (end of December) to lock in 150x profits on the original investment? Even if the dump tanks the price and they only net an average sale price of $0.20, they still net a 66x profit.