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25004110 No.25004110 [Reply] [Original]

I have $80,000 to dump into crypto. I have been reading about this for a while and just need a bit more guidance before I go all in. Do you guys think this is going to correct a bit more from here? I really want the best buy-in I can afford. Is it worth it to stake all of my PNK in the court? Is that even how it works? If I do that do I lose ALL of my PNK if I choose the wrong side in the court?

>> No.25004265

You only lose a tiny part of it

>> No.25004279

Nothing beats The Graph

>> No.25004299


>> No.25004386

DYOR, but I'd ride that wave before buying Kleros

>> No.25004400

Aight, I think you might be right. I'm in the GRT thread and you know what, fuck it.

>> No.25004526
File: 687 KB, 1284x1114, 2A0E286C-DC1E-4900-974A-6A10E9E80A92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Idiot you like buy things that pump 5000% and are going to dump next week?

Buy PNK you missed GRT if you buy you’ll be bag holding

>> No.25004539

>paid shills shilling to eachover

>> No.25004569

I just have a hard time understanding PNK, its been around for a bit and has already done over 1000% this year, its hard for me to justify buying it. GRT chart doesn't look terrible for a quick 10-15% gain, but who knows.

Not a shill, I've read a lot about both projects but I'm making late decisions cuz I got cold feet.

>> No.25004580

lol GRT tokens are literal "good job!" for the indexers and validators
it is unironically a token not needed. you can use the system FOR FREE without it. these tokens are for curators to give to indexers as a validation of their good services. you do NOT need to use them or pay with them
wtf you're going to pick a literal kindergarten "5 start for effort!' after a 20x pump in 48 hours over a decentralized dispute resolution mechanism?
are you serious?

>> No.25004601

I just wanna make more money to buy more PNK fren.

>> No.25004625

can you explain how pnk works? i'm getting into crypto

>> No.25004643

i feel that, but buying something that cooled off over the last 12 hours after doing a 20x in 48 is not the way to do that. id understand if it was clearly still pumping furiously upwards and you'd want to ride the wave, but now?
feel free to dump all your 80k there and let me know how it goes. hey, maybe you're right

>> No.25004657

Wise token in 10 days, will have one of the largest liquidities on Uni, wait for profit takers to dump and go all in

>> No.25004696

I am waiting for it to go back down to 13-14k vitaliks (or whatever eth sats are called)

>> No.25004743

My gut is just telling me for whatever reason PNK has a bit more correcting to do. I think the GRT hype still has another 10% left in it, but I very well could be wrong. Thanks for talking me off the ledge, honestly, I thought about it and think you're right overall and I'd rather be conservative.

Can you explain why it will have a huge boost in liquidity?

Kind of my gut feeling on this. I read PNK has "the largest case its ever had" soon but I honestly have no idea if that's bullish or not.

>> No.25004802

is it because of that biden shit? i mean publicity is good, i don't know if it'll blow up...

>> No.25004803

this is the case in question, everyone. approximately a couple of million of degenerates $ is on the line. trumpers won't let go of their loss so they somehow think this will resolve in "invalid". the last bond was posted, the next bond will be kleros court
ETA ~1-3 hours. maybe les

>> No.25004838

HAHSHAHA BIZ Actually convinced someone of dumping 80k Into a fucking shitcoin like kleros damn the sky is the limit.

What does it do again, a crypto court or some shit, Hahahahahahahahahahahagahahahahahhaha
This shit doesn't even have real world applications and fsggots already buying into crypto courts of law I'm absolutely deceased.

>> No.25004857

Yes. Yes, and yes. Pay attention, learn, grow, just use Kleros.

>> No.25004869

>literal several millions of dollars awaiting arbitration in a single case
>no use case
get fucked
for what its worth, i've been with kleros since mid january, and this feels like the bottom.

>> No.25004875

Please sir, will you not do the the needful?

>> No.25004886

truth on the bag holding part. it could go crazy in a year or so but for now Kleros is the right move

>> No.25004898

>I think the GRT hype still has another 10% left in it, but I very well could be wrong
You're making an asymetic bet, betting all your cash for a 10% profit. Even if there is 80% chances you're right it's still a bad bet.

All in in one go is never the way to go anyways, if you're interested in PNK, buy a little everyday, this way you reduce your exposure to risk

>> No.25004904

OP, PNK is a promising project that will eventually reach $1 for sure. But we don't know when, most people are guessing it'll be around late 2021 or early 2022. Problem is, clement doesnt want to pay the scam exchange rate (which he shouldnt, he told CZ to fuck off), and the coin won't moon unless it gets on binance and coinbase. Def a good long investment, but I'd focus on other investments for now.

>> No.25004948

For usd i think it is the bottom, but I think it will go down on the eth chart, seeing as eth should be fucking exploding in the near future.

>> No.25004973

Kleros is the real deal, the people involved in it are pretty much all genius tier and its possibly the most interesting project in crypto right now.

Thanks for your input, I appreciate it a lot.

Yeah, I've been looking into Kleros since it lost to ORN to get put onto KuCoin and heard about Clement telling CZ to fuck off. I will eventually buy into this with at least 80% of my portfolio but yeah, I think you're right.

>> No.25004979

Any link or screenshot of Clement saying he won’t pay the exchange fee? How much was it anyway

>> No.25005027

i know thats how it feels considering ETH is indeed about to blow up, but over the last year pnk pumps furiously WITH ETH instead of the other way around. I suspect it is because the sale was in ETH not USD, so for a lot of holders (yours truly) they think about PNK in ETH terms. PNK only loses ETH when it cools off by itself, not when ETH pumps
really, just DCA in with a couple of grand every day. you won't be able to buy $80k worth anyhwere with 1 tx without increasing the price insanely anyway. certainly not uniswap

>> No.25005030

>clement doesnt want to pay the scam exchange rate (which he shouldnt
Shouldn't he? 1 million token isn't much when they have half a billion on their hands, and being added to binance would have provided a much needed liquidity

>> No.25005046


>> No.25005071

Id put it in KAI.

>> No.25005085

it was about $1mil in tokens
the team barely has a few dozen mil pinkies left, and I'm not kidding you. their majority holding is ETH and EUR because of all the grants. this is one of the most decentralized projects by distribution in sapce
they wanted to print more, but the community told them to fuck off, and since dec 9th all pnk printing is solely within the community's hands.
one time the team members even tried to sway the decision of the court in one way (fabled case 302) but they got fucked out of their pinkes and everyone got it as a reward lmao

>> No.25005106

it was like 1 million dollars worth of kleros

>> No.25005124

Pretty based not gonna lie

>> No.25005134

Buy 20% of each:

>> No.25005182

Interesting. Still it seems, and iI have a very amateur eye in this regard, that it has a historic level of support around .00014 so I’m thinking there’s a good chance for it to touch that again before booming again.

>> No.25005204

I went back and forth on whether PNK would replace actual lawyers for a few months until the other night. I’m dicking around on 4chan watching “Back to the Future 2” reminiscing about the good old days, but barely paying attention to the movie. And there is a scene in the timeline shift where instead of Marty being arrested with him on the cover of the newspaper Biff gets arrested at the courthouse instead while the newspaper changes from Marty being arrested to Biff being arrested, AND he’s tried and convicted instantly. And then Marty says, “doesn’t he get a trial?” And Doc says “in this new world there are no lawyers with the technological advances.” Immediately my head snaps up from looking at some /pol/ thread and my undivided attention turns to the movie and I utter... “sirs?” That very second I unironically fired up Uniswap and bought an extra 50k PNK. Because “Back to the Future” is one of those movies where like conspiracy theories come true and they show they know. I think there’s a reference to 9/11 in it?

>> No.25005236

i mean, who the fuck knows really. you might be right. maybe this case will make kleros blow up. maybe it will cause an insane dump. who knows
bro you got any more pastas? maybe the OG Kleros SJW team steals tokens from your wallet pasta?

>> No.25005295

I might wait until after the case and there's a shit more liquidity to kick off a pump before I ape in, I don't know why but DCA has never really worked for me in the past and I'm either really lucky or just pick good projects.

>> No.25005413

OP you're literally, literally retarded if you think pnk is something that will ever be taken seriously long term. Why, WHY would you trust literal who nobodies to be "judges" with zero qualifications to decide serious matters. I'm only saying this as a poorfag who knows the value of money and I do not want you to burn your 80k into the ground. My best advice if you're honestly just now coming into this space to to do NOTHING. With your money. Not until luou research research research for Ike a month straight. General consensus is were all due for a correction and crash in January anyway, so maybe you can try time the bottom for a better entry anyway, into whatever coin (s) youre investing into, once you've felt out the space a little bit. Do your due diligence or you will lose your money it's that simple

>> No.25005451

Very few really "get" Kleros. It's happening now a bit, which is why it's 14X IDO price, but yeah. Early.

>> No.25005471
File: 11 KB, 850x97, top web3 applications.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Graph described it as a top web3 application on their blog, which is a good sign.

>> No.25005629
File: 808 KB, 1174x942, 041410A0-47F7-4CEA-B1C5-AD44E833318F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go read the white paper

Google “Kleros white paper “

>> No.25005663
File: 892 KB, 1284x985, 833C809A-B44B-4A2E-8D1E-F065EBBF1918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who type like you deserves to be poor. You are a complete faggot and you know it.

>> No.25005680
File: 140 KB, 900x675, 1582407392881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones who have bought by now are high IQ individuals and retards. Midwits will finally FOMO in at Coinbase but they will be paying way above $1 by then.

>> No.25005716

>literal afro samurai as a sidekick
>the rest are like the 3 musketeers and clement as d'artagnan
just take me, clement, im yours

>> No.25005720
File: 1.03 MB, 1159x1363, D9C3F825-D9E1-41FD-8BF7-BD63314E7B16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg another fucking moron that didn’t read the white paper or do any research into how PNK works. You are the reason I’m going to get rich and you will stay poor, faggot.

>> No.25005751


>> No.25005977

It’s really the memes that sold me on Kleros. Couldn’t give fuck less about DeJustice or any of that other bullshit, but if things keep heading in the direction they are going, then it will only become ever more relevant and more widely adopted.

>> No.25005980

See you zero

>> No.25006007
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Where do you guys see the price in the next 2 years?

>> No.25006014
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>> No.25006040

$4 to $20

>> No.25006209
File: 62 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok it says I need to pay gas fees to stake PNK in order to become a juror
wtf I didn't know that I'm probably a brainlet

>> No.25006234

Every time you're doing something on the Ethereum blockchain you have to pay a gas fee.

>> No.25006278


>> No.25006330

You’d have to buy gas to drive to the courthouse irl. Don’t be pennywise pound foolish. The payments are great and my wife is french, I signed up as a translator and will pay her to do Kleros translations and resolve french Kleros disputes.

>> No.25006385
File: 258 KB, 750x763, FC02B5AC-B4ED-4244-B180-BB723863E452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol kek have Tyrone come over to say “yo” to the entire family.

>> No.25006650

lel this

>> No.25006801

bro, i bet you're ecstatic that you didn't put it all in graph because of this thread. look at what's happening with GRT

>> No.25007005

>Kleros is the real deal, the people involved in it are pretty much all genius tier and its possibly the most interesting project in crypto right now.
You understand and are going to make it. Very few people on /biz/ actually care about the development and real-world applications, so they shill vaporware tokens. Kleros is very different to most of the crypto market, so most of /biz/ doesn't understand it and will miss out. Just buy PNK and wait for the market to catch up, it'll moon eventually. If you're worried it'll dip further, just DCA in over the next few months. But don't let it moon without you.

>> No.25007099

Alpha: it wont dip because of the huge exposure by the omen case going to court and PoH being released after

>> No.25007218
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My fellow pinkies.
Been too many of these oh so sincere spoonfeeding threads. We need to go back to mumbai mode. Half of us need to act indian and the other half FUD.


>> No.25007348
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when moon sirs ,,

>> No.25007479


>> No.25007503

>10% gain
Dude just do stocks.

>> No.25007656

Kleros was the best move I made all year and secured a top 60 wallet in January. FOMOing into The Graph at .777 may be worst move I have ever made. Let's see what happens.

>> No.25007710

it literally has bounced back from 10-15 cent dips, only to slingshot into a new ATH. just enjoy the ride to $1. GJ not selling the bottom anon

>> No.25007729
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>General consensus is were all due for a correction and crash in January anyway,

What sources are you reading, fren?
I'm not saying you're wrong but most peoples time horizens are pretty short so I haven't heard about a predictable January crash.

>> No.25007730

Copy this fud


It's a pajeet curry nigger scam, an anon lived in India went to investigate after he gathered some info from several different places. He finally ended up in a huge warehouse/office building in Noida, Delhi. There were about 30-40 pajeets in there all hooked in, shilling PNK all over this board for months. They had all filled their bags around .01c, and then you can see in July when it took off to .16c. They dumped it all, and now we never see them again. It was a very good organized pump and dump. Also, the Kleros team literally never updates anything, and half the team has left the project. Very sad.

>> No.25007765


Fair warning to newfags, this is an old scam pump and dump shitcoin from 2017. The team behind this one are beyond a joke. at least with LINK we know the team had skills and that the project was going somewhere.
The pnk team has never built anything before this.. They were garbage men, welders, and other shit before they became desktop grid enthusiasts turned "Token Founders"..
Not to say those jobs don't take skill, but they have no business running a software team, let alone building a decentralized platform.
Every kleros side project has been borderline a scam/heavily mismanaged. Some of those by pnk “Founders". Kleros has 0 chance at success. It is a shit show used to enrich the founders with very little given back to community for actually keeping it going and contributing.

Kleros founders keep their stash in BTC for the most part(some 6,000 BTC). Should be all you need to know in their own faith of their project.
I'm a worker who has seen the show from the inside.. I only keep my node running to turn it into other more valuable coins at this point. Trust me when I say it's a complete shit show. If it weren't for a few very smart worker pools, the wheels would have fallen off already.
"Invest" at your own risk, but i assure you it won't end well.

>> No.25007837

More fud, only reply with sage


Original Link Marine here. Hey Newfags notice how these spammers can’t even speak English? That should be a MAJOR red flag. PINK is a Pajeet/Shitskin scam that is trying to copy the look and feel of LINK before we mooned.
I retired early from selling half my LINK when my trailing stops triggered at 17. Consider listening to my advice and be safe.

>> No.25007942

$7.96 ATH

>> No.25007990

Hi, I'd buy a bit of xrp, grt, eth and Hex.

Stake at least 5-10k usd in hex and choose a period of 1-5555 days.

>> No.25008064

Just checked and yes I'm happy. Sometimes talking things through with other anons is the best decision one can make and I thank you again.

>> No.25008219

This is a meme project anon. Just look at the 24h volume. It's not even $100k. Even absolute shit coins like RARI manage a $1m volume
The only good thing about this is the memes and they've taken it as far as it can go.

>> No.25008245

in on a subtle grt shill thread

>> No.25008281

This. Really it will be 5 dollars in a few months and 1 here soon. Every crypto that gains will pump GRT. Join the billionaires club today with 80k. Only need 10k by 2025.

>> No.25008410
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>Just look at the 24h volume. It's not even $100k.
anon are you havin a giggle?

>> No.25008433


>> No.25009083
File: 215 KB, 752x880, kleros anti-virus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kleros is the real deal, the people involved in it are pretty much all genius tier and its possibly the most interesting project in crypto right now.
Tfw. I'm a genius. It isn't hard to realize that a working product with real world implementations possibly around the corner and new exchange listings coming is a great bet for a long term investment. If you have more than 100IQ you should see that this pajeet fud is just a way, to give others more time to accumulate. I even think, that thanks to this big case and eosfinex, we should see nice pump in the next few days.

>> No.25009196

man just go all in into BTC, LINK, ETH, DOT and you; ll be fine

>> No.25009597

>go all in these multiple coins
You dont know what all in means then

>> No.25009953

Don't pretend that you don't understand what he means you nigger.

>> No.25010592
File: 51 KB, 512x512, 8KLc57_4moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to make it

>> No.25010912

80K USD is a lot now in Kleros. But that will definitely buy you a seat in any court ATM, if you want to see how it works. There doesn't seem to be very many people here who really are staking with any significant amount of PNK. I have so far been selected to only one case as a juror, and the given the current status of few whales getting selected pretty often (http://klerosboard.com/)) won't get much cases unless there comes significantly more cases to judge.

You should stake quite a lot to get selected as a juror. But there's maximum amount that you can lose in a case, which depends on the court, but if you put some effort in the case trying to understand it, in the long run you should not be losing your stakes. Also, on top of the stakes (judges voting in minority lose their stakes for judges voting in majority) you get the juror reward, which again varies by court. You won't get rich, at least not yet, by acting as a juror. But of course the thing is to wait for 4$ PNK.

>> No.25011146

just buy 2 btc, hold the rest in cash in case there is a dip.

>> No.25011879

Elaborate fud, bought 700k just now. That green stick is me come at me bitch.

>> No.25011982

Current price is near my price point, there is a psychological buying wall at 0.1 and a selling at 0.125

>> No.25012004

And your welcome!

>> No.25012067

Retarded question: when you stake I understand you get eth for each coherent case, but how long does your staked PNK stay locked for? Just the duration of the case, or within the selected court for a while?

>> No.25012169

PNK is the same type of scam 4chan peddled as what statera is....i wouldnt fall for it.

>> No.25012200

PNK is locked per case. Once the case is closed, your locked stake is freed. You total stake is staked as long as you want, you can always unstake it.

>> No.25012246

>Also, on top of the stakes (judges voting in minority lose their stakes for judges voting in majority)
So people aren't incentivized to vote for truth, they're incentivized to optimize for popular opinion? How is this genius?

>> No.25012319

Checked and thanks

>> No.25012379

PNK elephant here, not selling until $10 at least (or until BTC is $100,000, whichever comes first).

>> No.25012395

PNKies on sale right now

>> No.25012457

People are incentivized for voting with majority. Without knowing how others are going to vote, game theory suggests that people try to vote for what they think is the most reasonable outcome, since most probably others will come up with the same result. Of course you can try to be smart/manipulative. On average, you'll lose.

>> No.25012583

>On average, you'll lose.
Have you looked outside? Majority is retarded, average us voter can't decouple religion from politics, or are seriously debating Trump vs Biden. Average jury member has absolutely no fuck idea what they're doing. Game theory to my limited understanding implies actors are rational and sane, neither is true in real life?

>> No.25012641

The thing I'm worried about is that you can actually see what others have voted for from klerosboard.com

>> No.25013202

i'm hoping for 5$ anon

>> No.25013313

How's 500k sound? Buy Rari

>> No.25013871
File: 70 KB, 320x500, 61-siJElpjL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is klerox?

>> No.25013917

A way to financial freedom

>> No.25013925

Pnk is gods coin and if you can’t see it then congrats you have a low iq

This didn’t age well kek

>> No.25014295


>> No.25014550

God I can't believe you fags got this fucking retard to invest 80k to just slow watch hos money bleed out top kek. Biz will never seem to fail to make laugh

>> No.25014633

sir,,, kindly refrain

>> No.25014855


Find a cryptocurrency with a fucking use case that is already being utilized. Today is the day to buy.

Don't buy some bullshit coin that isn't being used by either a business or normal people for some kind of purpose like Monero.

>> No.25014908

I just woke up and thankfully I didn't buy anything yet, I had a feeling the market was going to dump and I'm glad my gut was right. I'll get my buy in for this after all it seems.

>> No.25015007

Of course people are, on average, normal people. But you can always appeal for your case to be reviewed again, if you believe the ruling was wrong. There'll be more/different judges on the next round. Sure, your risks are getting higher, but so are your rewards, if the initial ruling is overruled.