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25003225 No.25003225 [Reply] [Original]

I have a small investment business. I make around $500k per year doing around 25 hour weeks. Assistant 1 makes around $250k per year doing around 40 hours. Assistant 2 makes around $60k per year doing around 8 hours per week.

The person needs to be decent at math, good with logistics, and competent. Most important, must be trustworthy, as he’ll have tons of opportunities to steal from me.

I want to find someone young energetic and ambitious. How would I set about finding someone? My first couple employees were just friends at first.

>> No.25003272

university nerds
look for some dudes with masters in some technical fields, preferably complete aspie nerds. they are smart, diligent and too pussy to do anything bad. stroke their ego a little bit by saying "that's impressive" once and they'r eyours.

>> No.25003279

Half true job posting to grab viable candidates and then vet with or without their knowledge after you pick one to start with.

>> No.25003278
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>Most important, must be trustworthy, as he’ll have tons of opportunities to steal from me.
Dear lord in heaven

>> No.25003301

Best of luck finding someone, hopefully there will be plenty of trustworthy people available after this is all done and dusted.

>> No.25003400

>assistant number one
You are a nightmare to work for and nobody likes you. Any gas got who calls their employees “assistant” is a narcissistic faggot. You will never be happy or likable lol sorry to break it to you kike

>> No.25003502


Jesus, are you ok honey?

>> No.25003699

I’m great, why are you projecting? Having hired dozens of small time employees for my own business, and having a social circle full of various wealthy types, I know who this faggot is. I would never stamp my employee as an assistant, I give them a job title relevant to the industry I’m in. I know the type... OP is a sick puppy lol. I’ve known many of them, “my assistant, my assistant will call you” they get off on having a paid bitch, it’s rather pathetic. The most insecure and irrelevant types who usually inherit money from their kike criminal parents. Very sad that OP will never experience joy

>> No.25003745

idk about where to hire, but you should use the whole BS Kleros thing and take them to kleros court, pajeet or not.

>> No.25003758

I’ll work for you I have a degree and work in finances

>> No.25003796

I have a math degree and will work my ass off for the opportunity to learn good skills regardless of fat paychecks

>> No.25003862

I'll work for you! You don't have to pay me until I prove my worth to you. I'll do a week trial run for free. This is the best way to find dedicated employees IMO. How can I contact you?

>> No.25004922

>I want to find someone young energetic and ambitious. How would I set about finding someone?

tell them you'll pay in PNK

>> No.25005108

Manchester Business School grad with a very international background and an interesting CV. Korean by blood. I'd work for you for less than what the others make.

>> No.25005373
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10/10 will guard stock against marauding niggers. Unless useless 2nd/3rd generation.

>> No.25005458

>Manchester uni
Lel, good joke lad