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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24997330 No.24997330 [Reply] [Original]

I learned from LINK marnies over the last 3 years, if the project is the future, just hold and the price will catch up. I got in GRT at 11 cents and im still holding. 7x'd my networth in 3 days. not selling until $3.50. thanks link marines.

>> No.24997559

Ignore FUDs, aquire currency. Rinse and repeat. GRT has legs you either see it or you're salty

>> No.24998339

Yeah except LINK crabbed at $0.2-$0.6 for a year and a half.

>> No.24998357

it's over

>> No.24998363

What does it do?

>> No.24998536

Agreed. If anyone is worth their salt you better have learned from the linkies 3 years ago they know. And the few know that they know that we know so basically we know. Even linkies didn’t lose in the dips that threatened back and eth during critical times bc the force is strong with link, but even stronger with grt. Learn before you post salty ones. Learn.

>> No.24998550
File: 405 KB, 1010x1600, yourfuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything chainlink cant

>> No.24998563

There's a chance of a GRT J curve but if you're holding long term it's literally guaranteed money. Unbelievable usage already.

>> No.24998565 [DELETED] 

this project just skipped the crabbing phase because they decided to spend time developing the product first for 2 years and actually having hundreds of clients, extremely based

>> No.24998690

These images are all obvious marketing material. Is shilling on /biz/ really your best strategy?

>> No.24999101

$3.5??? After token unlock in 6 months thats like $12 Billion dollar market cap.

Bruh you haven't really thought about this have you.

Chainlink is literally the standard and th AAVE, YFI, and 90% of defi doesn't work without it.

What does GRT secure?

>> No.24999151

LINK and GRT are completely complementary, anon. Anyone setting one against the other is a retard.
LINK securely brings external data on chain. That's massive. GRT organises on-chain data in a way that makes it useful for far more complex applications.
They are both foundational protocols of the Web3.0 tech stack and they are both chad as fuck.

>> No.24999175

Lol Chainlink uses it.

>> No.24999228

>lurk here for years
>still so broke you have to all-in your whole net worth into something with no intrinsic value in hopes a greater fool will buy your bags

you're welcome I guess

>> No.24999528

Not how it works

>> No.24999556

chainlink stores and recalls data on the blockchain using Graphs framework

>> No.24999597


They are complimentary yes but only ione is foundational.

Don't get it twisted. What does GRT secure? nothing. It is used in a network that is currently dominant but also in a crowded space.

Because there is no network moat like LINK anyone can come in with a cheaper better uptime service for data querries. If your a developer what are you gonna choose? the better service or GRT just to say you use it?

>> No.24999655

of course they use it. They are currently the best service for data querries. Lemme ask, can you guarantee that Chainlink will use it in the future?

I can guarantee that every defi product will in someway rely on Chainlink. I can't say that about GRT. There is nothing stopping any dev from using a better service than GRT.

>> No.24999690

wtf argument are you making, dude. Saying "competition will just take their lunch" makes as much sense with GRT as it does with LINK. GRT is already adopted, already serving billions of queries, already the darling of tons of developers who are singing its praises on Twitter, like the guy from SNX and half of ETH.
GRT has as strong FMA as anyone.

>> No.24999738


No, There is no competition with LINK because of LINKs network effect. Thats what you don't understand and anyone that thinks comaparing LINK with GRT is just delussional.

Think about who can complete with Chainlink. Think about how hard it would be to have all of the sudden get over 300+ companies to switch networks at one time. They can't

With GRT, companies can switch services at any time. There is nothing stopping them.

Change my mind.

>> No.24999775

yeah why is there an assumption that "a better service" will come out of nowhere anytime soon?

>> No.24999785


Also, im only here saying that Chainlink and Graph are nothing alike when it comes to monopolizing their respective space.

Graph is dominant but saying it is the future standard in some way is delusional. They can be replaced in 3 months if a better service comes out.

>> No.24999818

because its a crowded space and Graph already crashes daily. ask any project developer.

and there are already better services that continue to improve. Watch this space closely.

screen cap this.

>> No.24999822 [DELETED] 

chainlink nodes also get paid in link for oracle queries?
literally, what the fuck is the difference between their 2 business models nigger?

>> No.24999845

normie link cocksuckers your shitcoin has over 200,000 holders GRT still has less than 10k. GRT has the room to grow.

>> No.24999850 [DELETED] 

>graph crashes daily
it was a centralized testnet dumbass
this entire decentralized 100% uptime, starting at 200+ nodes mainnet is the entire fucking point
seriously, come up with better fud, this is pathetic

>> No.24999868

Switch services to what? As a blockchain project you currently have the choice of: use GRT subgraphs or write your own.
So let's say a new indexing protocol gets born today, this very moment, how is it going to take market share?
Well if it's operating on the same principle of an incentivised market of subgraph indexers, then the first thing is has to do is recruit a shitton of people to do the indexing, which people are doing on The Graph already. Thousands of indexers and curators already lined up to use The Graph, what is this putative new product (which doesn't even exist yet) going to do to incentivise indexers across AND offer a better product, than the project that is already doing it at scale?
In the same way that Chainlink has an absolutely immense moat because of the training and calibre of its node operators, so The Graph has literally everyone who wants to, and knows how, to do the profitable work of indexing a subgraph already doing it on their platform.

>> No.25000024 [DELETED] 

the fud of "use something else" or "use your own" is retarded lmao
do you even know what "use your own indexer" implies?
nigger all you have to do is spin up a GRT indexer to nearly the exact same result, versus spending thousands of business hours to try and set up this "fork" of yours that's (IN YOUR BEST CASE SCENARIO) going to be "free" and "better" than the graph, which will cost you not just time, but money, maintenance, server costs, server maintenance, and of course, is in no way secure against downtime, because again, it's just your own singular node running
seriously, shut the fuck up about this, if you keep spouting that "make your own fork" nonsense, you're literally insulting chainlink because surprise nigger
>chainlink is open source too

>> No.25000051 [DELETED] 

unrelated, just want to consult the 4chan gods

>> No.25000115

That's a yikes from me, newfag

>> No.25000181

Its already at 3.5b mcap though. PRQ is the token that can truly make a LINK journey and do a 100x from here.

>> No.25000287

I have 800 bucks worth of ETH I want to convert into GRT. If I do that am I taxed in the US for that conversion?

>> No.25000292


Is everyone here retarded? Go read the blog about LINK and GRT integration. You use LINK's oracles in tandem with the subgraphs. GRT seems legit and will become a standard for the "stack" that is being developed. I just can't buy because it did 7x in a few days. I'll wait or miss out maybe but either way I'll make it with LINK. I bought in 2017-2018

>> No.25000303

you could say the same about chainlink retard

>> No.25000366
File: 148 KB, 626x1280, potential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GRT will do in 1 month what chainlink did in 3 years.

>> No.25000478
File: 61 KB, 888x894, 1603383276344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


say it with me, ranjeet,
future. trillion. dollar. marketcap. gem.
$100 2021

If you don't understand that, or the hype your piss poor room temperature iq smooth brain ass better start reading. And you better fucking hurry. This will be top 10 marketcap within a month.

Literally the foundation upon which web 3.0 will be built. Utilized by millions of apps. Truly Amazing how fucking ignorant and short sighted you pajeets are.

>> No.25000530

graph secures the ux you fucking brainlet

>> No.25000799

Where do you get wallet numbers per coin from?

>> No.25001207

Oh i found it on etherscan