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24992836 No.24992836 [Reply] [Original]

>underpaid for 3 years now
>responsibilities have grown while pay has not
>critical to my company's operations
>denied the raise I asked for the past 2 years
>asked for a 25% raise at my annual review
>boss told me nobody was getting a raise this year due to covid
Should I just threaten to quit? I am planning on writing his email to my boss on Monday:

Boss, I like you so I'm just going to be open with you. All weekend I was asking myself "why should I continue to offer my labour at a discount and sacrifice my financial goals for a company I hate working for? I was not able to come up with any answers to this question. Can you? If I don't get the raise I asked for, I will have no choice but to look elsewhere.

>> No.24992865

good luck finding another job wagie, covid is a real virus

>> No.24992907

Start actually looking before sending this.

>> No.24992926

You sound like a bitter little bitch. Just hand in your notice and say because you're looking for better pay rather than flailing around like an emotional little girl

>> No.24992949

Chances are you're not as important as you think. You can try the quit to get a raise email but there's a high chance of it back firing if the hiring manager / HR smells any blood coming from you. Chances are they will as you sound like a pussy.

Good luck anon

>> No.24992953

Walk in there on Monday morning and give him an egg and a whistle. You'll have the raise by the end of the day.

>> No.24992958

this, or at least skip the company I hate working for part

>> No.24992969

Find another job before you send this shut

>> No.24993017

Find another job and quit. Fuck them

>> No.24993073

too agressive, high chance your boss you get pissed and just fire you

>> No.24993085


Basically this, but it's possibly also true that you probably deserve more and since you're feeling this way may as well be cordial but apply for better jobs. Take a month or two applying to all jobs related to what you're doing but at a higher pay.

>> No.24993100

your boss will get pissed*

>> No.24993146

Remember that monkeys grab on to the next vine before letting go of the previous

>> No.24993167

That's good. You can collect unemployment for 6 months

>> No.24993175

I have enough money to not work for 5 years.

>> No.24993196

Ok? What do you want me to say. My answer doesn't change

>> No.24993224


So if you're being offered a bad deal quit. There is 0 need to be a whiny bitch about it, even if you are being underpaid

>> No.24993232

Buy bitcoin cuck

>> No.24993236

How old are you?
Studying might be an option for you.

>> No.24993269

Wagies will just keep waging forever even if they have enough to retire for ever since they like having a boss tell them what to do with their time.

Just go into your bosses office with your resignation letter and tell your boss that you feel you're not earning enough and will be resigning

>> No.24993280


>> No.24993341

if there's something worse than being a wagie is being an underpaid wagie, but you know what's even worst??

being an underpaid and retarded wagie. do not "treaten to quit" and actually start looking for a new job (good luck with fhat hehe...)

Once you have an offer you either leave or ask a ridiculous amount way over the offer to stay

>t. ex ragie wagie

>> No.24993355

Does your country pay for education?