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24987791 No.24987791 [Reply] [Original]

>my profits, your losses

Nice to see these “free market” faggots showing their true colors. Sorry your rent house isn’t like on HGTV. Welcome to the “risk” part of investing.

>> No.24987893

I see landlords, normally Jews or muslims or chinks etc with no hearts, regularly in the news putting 20, 50, 100 year businesses out of their buildings. Some of these are iconic restaurants. WHO DO THEY THINK IS GOING TO DO BETTER

They dont care, they arent getting money and so in spite - at their own long term loss - they want these people out. If they dont, its *ONLY* because they recognize its less profitable to kick them out and hurr durr this is an extreme situation that requires sacrifice BY EVERYONE.


Banks ALWAYS repossess not giving a single fuck about if its the best choice, fuck the (((banks)))

>> No.24987922

Nah. I will keep fighting the capitalism. Corruption is no problem.

>> No.24987998

I think that even most libertarians/ancaps would probably argue that the state has a job to protect private property. Since evictions have been frozen by the government there is no recourse for landlords who are stuck housing a bunch of parasites. they should be bailed out or at least compensated for property taxes, maintainence utilities that have been spent.

>> No.24988001


Kind of like how landlords always evict tenants?

>> No.24988024

corruption is the number 1 problem in the west today

>> No.24988079

If landlords and business owners aren't bailed out i fully expect mafia types of organizations to make a comeback and start breaking kneecaps to get the squatters the fuck out

>> No.24988119

I see no issue with this.

>> No.24988161


Then I’ll have fun watching you lot get prosecuted for vigilantism, assault, criminal conspiracy, etc.

>> No.24988390

Tbh landlords are parasites themselves, accumulating property and land which forces those without to pay to rent them with no real hope of ownership.

>> No.24988433

Landlords evict tenants because banks evict landlords. Stop the banks, take away landlords excuses and victimhood claims, muh I dont have enough money. Nigger, now you do. You dont need money. Get a real job.

>> No.24988522

You can measure a person's intelligence by their opinions on landlords.
This anon is low intelligence.

>> No.24988685

Landlords can provide a temporary living situation to someone who needs to live their only temporary. Not a perfect system but a necessary one.

>> No.24988687

just pay your rent lmao

>> No.24988695

I'm not dumb enough to be a landlord, I already knew the risks before all this chink flu stuff. Tenant protection laws in most states are too tough on landlords. It could take 3-6 months to evict someone under normal circumstances

>> No.24989384
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Don't care
My renters never stopped paying.
Pay your debts fags.

>> No.24989682

Maybe they should learn to code.

>> No.24989712


And stop getting Starbucks everyday

>> No.24989920

Imagine being this delusional that you think landlords are all kind-hearted people with the tenants best interest at heart.

>> No.24989995
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>> No.24990140

"Landborrowers" shouldn't even be allowed to rent using the banks money. That's the dumbest shit. If you can't afford the asset you shouldn't be able to borrow money to take it from someone else only to hold it hostage for rent.

>> No.24990182

lol get fucked landies and rentoids both

>> No.24990216


>large down payment

>> No.24990411


>> No.24990422

>local gub'ment shuts down economy
>no money generated
>landlord still responsible for utilities
>landlord still responsible for taxes
>"muh rent should be free"

you guys are fucking retarded

>> No.24990477
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>> No.24990590

any chance of a housing market crash if there's no subsidy for landlords?

I heard forbearance ends this year.

>> No.24990687

>Nice to see these “free market” faggots showing their true colors
Imagine being this fucking retarded and not understanding this has absolutely nothing to do with free market. Just fucking KYS

>> No.24990704

this, I am OK with someone owning a piece of property and renting it to someone. Not OK with someone going on a leveraged debt spree to artificially reduce housing supply and then turn around and charge exorbitant rents to people who would actually have liked to buy a house but couldn't afford one because of low supply and exorbitant housing prices that the landlord helped create.

It's very much an example of manufacturing your own customer base for your product. Without debtmaxxing landlords, there would be far less people needing to rent in the first place.

>> No.24990752

>>no money generated
money doesn't "generate" anon
it's not like rabbits in a pet shop
it's more like musical chairs
it's too bad the government had to stop the music, but it's also too bad some of you fat fucks are taking up multiple chairs.

>> No.24990803

Fuck off commie faggot!

>> No.24990875

get a load of this feudalist simp

>> No.24990903

You won’t be getting taxes to cover your overleverage landlord scum

>> No.24990936


AHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LANDLORDS ARE THE ULTIMATE LEECHES. Get fucked, enjoy going into default you opportunistic faggots.

The only way this could get better is if we seize all the property out of the non green card holding CCP/CHINK real estate across this country

>> No.24990985


This is what the chinks did but they came in with CCP cash in hand to artificially inflate housing markets in key financial sector states like CA and WA.

>> No.24991004

Not even close, the biggest problem in the west is the size of the government and all these legacy organizations having power and being unchangeable.
Unions, NGOs, International organizations UN, EU, NATO, etc.
They are all more or less unchangeable, an endless swamp of bureaucracy and organizations not wanting to give up power.

>> No.24991066

and all these organizations are corrupt fren

>> No.24991111

i dream of the day where i see these overleveraged landlords pay for their sins
if i put a 30x leverage long on bitcoin and get liquidated are the banks going to bail me out?
Fuck no.
the landlord bubble has popped government will take control of all the properties owned by those dumb fucks who thought it was free money

>> No.24991253

>government shuts down the market over the flu
>lol this is the free market why don't u be like Amazon xDDDDDDD

>> No.24991317


No don’t you see their Investments are supposed to make them money forever. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

>> No.24991365

There's no free market when the government shuts down your business.

>> No.24991422

Tick tock landies. Mr. Goldenstein at Goldman Sachs wants his monthly mortgage payment. Oh, can't afford to make the payment? Too bad! Guess that house is ours now!

>> No.24991520

>Portland Area Rental Owners Association
reap what you sow faggot

lmao who the fuck rents to people in portland?
these idiots probably vote straight democrat

>> No.24991842

It was a bunch of homeless people though, I think BLM sympathizers.

>> No.24992106


>> No.24992145
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>normally jews
>ran by jews
>banks, ran by jews, repossessing property of landlords, who are also jews

>> No.24992192

fuck these leveraged faggots
leverage can fuck up people in stocks, and these fools thinking their investments were "safe" when going on bank leverage should get fucked just as hard

>> No.24992237

Jesus Christ, the second landlords are mentioned, biz turns into fucking BLM.
Here's the cold hard truth: the majority of you dumb fucks would be homeless if your Reddit-tier "eat the landlords" strategy went through, because there would be a massive exodus that market, even from the landlords that are currently above water, and you'd still have the problem with the Boomers placing housing values too high. So guess what? You're living under a bridge with Tyrone who's going to make you his new wife.
And in case you haven't been paying attention for the past month, Pelosi and McConnell aren't going to help you. They don't give a shit about keeping your NEET lifestyle cozy or based or whatever stupid neologism you've come up with to justify your ghetto-tier-but-I'm-white-so-it's-OK lifestyle.
If the bank is just handing out free month to buy a house, like you all claim landlords are taking advantage of, THEN GO BUY A HOUSE.

>> No.24992248

>rented my house out to a couple military lads
>never ever have a problem with rent coming in
>if there is ever a problem I just call their boss who throws them in military jail and makes sure I get paid directly out of their paycheck
It's so comfy, you have no idea.

>> No.24992319

>free market
>forced by governemnt to KEEP THE FUCKING COMMIE FAGS INSIDE
>asking governemnt to pay them back for their sacrifice
hurr durr i thought you are FOR FREE MARKET
fuck off faggot

>> No.24992383


>> No.24992464

look faggot.
its govenrment fault.
they told landlords that they NEED TO keep the people inside their land, despite them not paying.
its the right of the landowner to be able to evict renters that wont abide to their contarct.
now, if government want to force landowners to do this, it needs to provide incentives to the land owner.
you cant have the cake and eat it too.

>> No.24992499

When the fuck did /biz/ get this influx of dirty socialists? If people get bailed out why not businesses and landlords. Eat shit, pinko fag.

>> No.24992515

>If the bank is just handing out free month to buy a house, like you all claim landlords are taking advantage of, THEN GO BUY A HOUSE.
this too.

>> No.24992534

Wah wah wah. Don’t like it? Go live in the countryside. Landlords are based.

>> No.24992575

>durr! Law enforcement is good when it does what I want it to!

Go back to /pol/. I left /pol/ so I wouldn’t have to listen to turds like yourself

>> No.24992640

no he is not from pol
he is from lefty pol
you know the "defund the police" type

>> No.24992661

busting kneecaps to get tenants out, when there's no one wanting to come in to rent that property
just because people aren't paying rent doesn't mean there's suddenly demand for more apartments
the issue is no one has money, and an impending 40% eviction rate doesn't mean "higher rent"

>> No.24992719

i'm okay with someone renting property that they own
it's faggotry when they get a loan from a bank to leverage up property to try and rent out
mostly the leverage typed are the ones getting fucked in this market, and would be the ones bitching about "bail outs"
fuck them. they took out a loan to buy something, and it failed
anything on leverage is a gamble and they rolled snake eyes

>> No.24992733

It's precisely because the free market *wasn't* allowed to function that this has happened. It stopped being a free market when the government introduced an eviction moratorium. If they didn't do this the renters would have been forced to pay or leave and the landlords wouldn't be out of pocket.
I mean I know that you aren't actually a brain-dead, drooling dipshit OP and that you are only baiting, but still.

>> No.24992736

but i have rifles.
if the governemnt would allow the landlord to kick the renters out, it would have not been an issue for landies.
for example, the place i am renting have free water policy, the land lord pays that.
so, me being here, and not paying rent would cost more for land lord, than keeping this place empty.
i dont know why you fags dont get this easy concept

>> No.24992764

Landlords are such whiny bitches

>> No.24992766

>hurr durr people shouldn't accumulate anything of value
why dont you go to to pmg general, and say that to them as well?

>> No.24992769

>they told landlords that they NEED TO keep the people inside their land, despite them not paying.
the thing is, even if you evict the non-payers, you still won't fill the spot with someone able to pay rent
no one has a fucking job right now

>> No.24992796


You got it exactly opposite. Businesses get bailed out. People don’t. Remember “too big to fail”? No one gives a fuck about some greasy middleman trying to skim 10% off the top.

>> No.24992810

>Get fucked, enjoy going into default you opportunistic faggots.
>renters using this coof for not working and not paying rent are not opportunistic
>jew bankers using this to foreclose are not opportunistic
>we seize all the property out of the non green card holding CCP/CHINK real estate across this country

>> No.24992898

i know that.
but think for a second.
for a landlord who pays utility (water bill, electricity bill) its better to keep the place empty than filled with no paying faggots
for example, my landlord pays my water bills no matter what
part of contract.
if it comes a time that i refuse to pay, me being inside will still cost him more, since he is going to pay for my water bill.
i absolutely have no issue for landies who bite more than they can chew to get fucked. i have issue with landies who get fucked because rentiers use utilities without paying.

>> No.24992937


Boomer rocks are a joke, fuckin Lego’s appreciate more kek

>> No.24992974

The government forced an eviction moratorium because they did not want millions of angry people out on the streets.

Because it would have been literally impossible to arrest that many people all at once. you fucking retarded parasite.

And then your landlord would have lost your lives as well as your rent in the ensuing anarchy.

>> No.24992981

what about utility bills? what about water or electicity bills that landies going to pay JUST BY KEEPING renties in?
my landlord abide to pay my water bills, literally free water, but if i refuse to pay rent, and government defend me and say fuck you to my landlord, he have to pay out of his pockets for my water bills.

>> No.24993011

though i've never understood paying for the utilities as the landlord
why not make the rentoids pay for that as well?

>> No.24993020

I agree, but do you think this should apply to people who leverage debt to develop and build new construction or no?

>> No.24993049

>governemnt and big pocket jew bankers fear that people would try to take their money back
>so they painted middle class landowner as boogie man, in order to redirect their anger to them, while they stay in their HUGE mcmansions.
i dont think you understand the irony, commie.

>> No.24993082

fair i hadn't considered those
i never understood paying the landlord paying the utilities instead of the rentoid
and i suppose "if you don't pay rent that's a breach of your contract" doesn't work the other way of "well if you don't pay rent i don't pay utilities either"

>> No.24993088

then no one would want to rent.
whats the point of renting, if you have to pay FOR EVERYTHING?
landlord providing a place, with utilities, and sometimes with appliances ready to go.

>> No.24993111

taking on debt to make more property deflates the housing prices because you're bringing new supply to the market
taking on debt to buy existing property inflates the housing prices because you have more money (given by banks) competing for the same resources

>> No.24993142

nice speculation there dipshit.
> Noooo I am RIGHT in my HEAD who cares what actually happened!
The point stands that this resulted from a disruption to the free market, and was not an effect of it you fucking retard, neck yourself you commie dipshit

>> No.24993147

appliances i get since they're in the house, and it's a "one time" purchase
but utilities i've always paid for as a rentoid
i've rented out 6 different places in two different states and never did i not have to pay water/electric/waste disposal
i guess going forward landing will have to write that out of their contracts and make the rentoids pay for thaat

>> No.24993163

"Wahhhh the landborrower will have to pay the 25$ water bill"

Or, if it was true free market landborrowers would realistically drop the rent to make some return rather than go crying to the state for a bailout because they made a shitty investment that didn't pan out for a year. Imagine if I went and took out a loan to buy all sorts of pajeetcoins under the premise that one could moon, they all tank, and then I ask the state for money.

>> No.24993192

IF, landies refuse to pay the utilites as well, then i understand, to keep the renties in, for a good of society and the situation.
later on, they can come up with a situation that renties pay 100$ extra for the rest of their contract to pay back for their "loan"
truth to be told, both sides have scummy, entitled, parasitic, opportunistic people, and hence why we have this clash.
dont forget about the renties that absolutely trash the place, before they leave.

>> No.24993211

well didn't government stop evictions? if they interfered with free market they should be paying for this

>> No.24993337

also need to cancel property taxes for 2020

>> No.24993346

i am in cali, south cali, so water is free in my apt.
>thinking its only 25$.
look bro. the issue with this, is that government forcing landonwers like this put them in massive issue. its not ONLY water.
when you know that big daddy government got your back, and told you that middle class land owners (and not the big bank jews) are the issues, you will be compelled to fuck up their apartment and then leave.
tell me, does the government trying to enforce a law to force renties to pay their dues in portions after coof is over, or they can just leave without PAYING ANYTHING?
because that's fucked up, specially because they can absolutely trash the place without any reappreciation.

>> No.24993384

landlords are just roach-like middlemen. the true owner of the property is the one you pay the property tax to.

>> No.24993458


>middle class landlords

aka small time kikes

>> No.24993478

im sure bankers think they are supporting society too.

you realize if renting out properties was illegal, property values would decline, right? then more people and businesses could afford to buy the properties they live on.

>> No.24993519

the fact that they pushed a class war between poor and middle class, to save their own ass (not your typical rich class, the ultra 1 percent banker class) shows to everyone who are the real kikes

>> No.24993526

yes of course taxes and utility payments should be cancelled too.

>> No.24993545

thats what they literally asking for.

>> No.24993561

>The point stands that this resulted from a disruption to the free market,

Millions of people out on the street will fuck up the free market far worse than some landlord bitching will. You Ayn rand kike loving cum guzzling libertain faggot.

>> No.24993644

when people "exit the market", land prices go down. that’s good for everyone who wants to buy a house TO ACTUALLY LIVE IN.

>> No.24993671

>Millions of people out on the street will fuck up the free market far worse than some landlord bitching will.
>its ok goldberg. see, we will paint middle class as bad, force them to keep the poor people in, that way, they wont be outside infringing on our god given right as "chosen people" to hoard money and collect taxes.
do you even understand this HUGE irony?

>> No.24993672

Imagine being so vile the kikes can easily paint as a scapegoat during a year of economic robbery.

They need to false flag the largest terrorist attack in history in order to scapegoat the middle easterner's. And those people were legit foreigners, But the common landlord? They can scapegoat them for free which means they are truly vile.

>> No.24993680

Libertarians, maybe but ancaps specifically not

>> No.24993715

I think you highly overestimate the amount of anarchy that would actually take place

>> No.24993720

>imagine being so vile that kikes can pain you as scapegoat
so you think white people are vile too? because they absolutely painting them as scapehoat as well
you dont understand the irony.

>> No.24993762

remember all the anarchy happend in 2008-2009 2010?
oh wait, people didnt murder each other?
they literally band together, regardless of race or religion, to protest against bankers, wall street and elites.
well thats something kikes dont want to happen again.

>> No.24993831

regular people arent getting bailed out either.

but still, fuck landlords lol

>> No.24993906

Based. Landphobia is a real thing and rentiods are filth of society that need to appreciate their landlords more for their hard work. Rentiods are literally a net drain on society.

>> No.24994035

No, you dense faggot I said that the landborrowers should recognize investments involve risk and if instead of thinking that big gub should come and give (((them))) money, they should lower rents to a sustainable level for the people they're renting to instead of thinking "I AM GUARANTEED X AMOUNT EVERY MONTH THAT IS WHY I BECAME A SLUMLORD"

>> No.24994071

Where I live the moratorium ends next week. Thousands of renters are already at the stage where the court proceedings are finished and they are going to be immediately on the street. Ok. Whatever. They didnt pay their rent. That puts the landlord in a tough spot allegedly. BUT, property prices here have risen 30% since March and if you didn't want to lose money on property you certainly didnt have to. Dont tell me rental units are an apex investment. That money can make more on the market than it can on a slum. These landlords are doing this purely out of jewish evil. If they wanted money they would have sold. They just want power over poor people.

>> No.24994113

When will you landy fags realize. This hatred of your class is organic there was no century-long psyop against you there was no Holohoax to frame you.

Your own parasitic actions are what causes the backlash against you. For your act of buying out the housing in your community (which in spite of the increase of technology has only gotten harder and more expensive to build due to crushing regulations.) taking in reckless loans in order to steal in an already rapidly inflating asset, and asset which in an ideal world is reserved for nations young. Just so you could live off dreams of being a king resting off the backs of others and never having to toil for yourself.

And you turn around in shock at the hatred growing against you from within the community. When for all intents and purposes you have already been at war with them.

>> No.24994153

>so they painted middle class landowner as boogie man
even middle class landowners are perpetuating the system by helping to drive up housing prices.

why do lolbertarians say that everything is better off when people own the property they use (to avoid the "tragedy of the commons"), but they dont seem to want to extend this to living spaces? as long as property taxes exist there will be no such thing as private property, and as long as the top businesses can get bailed out or pass losses to shareholders, the "free market" will never extend to housing prices because they will continue to be inflated by leveraged investing.

>> No.24994256

*doubt* there has been a large amount of unrest (both manufactured and authentic) even with the government's actions to prevent being people from being on the streets. And unrest tends to have an exponential effect where more people defying authority=authority struggles to enforce itself=more people being able to defy authority.
The nation is an order of magnitude less unified then it was during the early 2010s

>> No.24994338

anti-white indoctrination isnt nearly as successful as anti-landlord. fuckin everybody hates landlords lol

>> No.24994493

the only "unrest" that will actually work is when people stop paying their federal taxes. it’s much safer than armed revolution and much more likely to get results because it hit the jew’s shekelbag immediately. look up "tax resistance"

>> No.24994538

you i noticed the trend of "white landlord" getting the most heat.

>> No.24994749

>The nation is an order of magnitude less unified then it was during the early 2010s
and who is to blame? the benevolent bankers who painted whites as a boogieman, to hide behind, and to think those same jews are now "saviors" agsint "big bad landlord" is the magnitude of brainwash they did against npc
>understahding the risk
>risk of the banking jews and governemnt blocking you for kicking out people who refuse to pay you your rent and abide by the contract
whats next?
>stores should understand the risk of opening stores becasue nigger faggots will come and steal and police wont do anything, because govenrment said under 300$ is not stealing anymore
oh wait they doing that too and increased it to 1000$
you will never understand faggot
not even understanind the irony, that jew bankers get to live in mcmansions, and able to accomilate even more houese, as they are going to take even more assets from middle class.
your anger is misdirected, but again "white landlords" are good easy target when you are backed by jew government.
the npc population is just too easy to brainwash

>> No.24994777

here's that (You) you so kindly requested

>> No.24994798

Absolutely. Current system doesn't incentivize doing that though. They're adding to and not taking away. "Creating" something of value is the point of proper capitalism. Go build apartment complexes and rent those out. And now there's Airbnb niggers who make things worse.

Actually landniggers, why don't I just rent your property and then list it on airbnb myself for profit? Basically what you guys are doing. Shouldn't be against it, right?

>> No.24994876

>Actually landniggers, why don't I just rent your property and then list it on airbnb myself for profit? Basically what you guys are doing. Shouldn't be against it, right?
there's already aggregator services that do that for people

>> No.24994879

Almost as whiny as tenants.

>> No.24994886

No they wouldn't you brainless leftist nigger. Property prices would go up because people would have no choice but to buy. Letting interest rates rise (bankrupting every mortgage fag) will lower property prices.

>> No.24994910

You can thank the federal reserve and Democrat law makers for that, yknow, the folks that love government being involved in every aspect of American life.

>> No.24994962

If you have an adjustable rate mortgage you deserve to get butt fucked by lenders

>> No.24995065

In Canada you can't get a fixed rate mortgage. You can temporarily fix your mortgage up to 5 years on a 30-year variable rate mortgage.

>> No.24995104

this. they need to take what they got coming.
lazy parasite renters are shit and deserve to be evicted in some cases probably.
but ovelevereaged greedy fucks deserve to lose everything.
they are the reason that the rest of us can't buy a decent place just as a primary residence. these speculating overleveraging fucks bought everything up.
fuck em.

>> No.24995106

Checked. Look, most people hate their landlords but any arrangement with a landlord is consensual and, if services are rendered, one must honor their end of the arrangement ie paying rent. If a landlord is forced by the government to house non-paying renters then he should be compensated by the government. Anyway, idgaf because I don’t live in pinko enclaves like Portland. Where I live is booming. Everyone is working and very few businesses have shuttered. I’ll have the last laugh when socialist dumps implode because of their retarded policies.

>> No.24995138

Why does anyone live in Canada anymore? Canada makes Oregon look sane by comparison.

>> No.24995267
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>Corruption is no problem.

You're denying corruption being a problem because it's an argument against communism. Your delusions will never be real.

>> No.24995295

>these speculating overleveraging fucks bought everything up. fuck em.
this is the risk they took when they bought property on a loan, or even multiple properties on multiple loans
it was a gamble and they lost
they should eat their loss and move on

>> No.24995422
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My dad died back in April. The woman he was sleeping and got him hooked on crack with has been living rent free since April and I can't do anything about it as personal rep. I'm gonna lose bunches of homes because I can't sell them easily without booting these retards out.

Thanks, federal government.

>> No.24995552

Literally nobody here is arguing your point of the Jew bankers not being at fault you smooth brained dog fucker.

What I am arguing is that landlords shouldn't be able to take out loans on RENTAL PROPERTIES, end up getting screwed out by a black swan event, and then should be able to go to the FUCKING GOVERNMENT to help them pay for their INVESTMENT.

>> No.24995644
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Sure they should. If the federal government impacts your income for the coof, you also deserve to be compensated.

>> No.24995713

You've just described a scenario that would create yet another housing driven GFC

>> No.24995800

Thats why I only buy houses near colleges away from the city and only rent out rooms to pajeets and chinks that are like programing majors or something. Never have any issues

>> No.24995935
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This is very fair. If the government is controlling the economy and choosing which business live and die, then they too need to face the consequences and compensate those who were screwed over and playing by the rules. This includes more than landlords too. What sucks though, is that the government never feels the consequences of its actions, and average people will be fucked over most by a landlord bailout through continued devaluing of their dollar and inflated asset prices.
Democrats in particular love to legislate things to punish people, rather than encourage and incentivize "right behavior," which is why housing will never be fixed.

>> No.24995951


>> No.24995977
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>> No.24996038

you fucking moron the government mandated that tenants can't be evicted due to COVID. it's literally government overstepping its bounds that is causing them to ask for help covering their lost income.

if it were a free market the gov wouldn't step in to begin with and they wouldn't need to ask for assistance dipshit

>> No.24996075

Ok, then I demand all of my losses in the stonk market back in March back from the federal gub.

>> No.24996159

Stfu poorfag

>> No.24996488

>not even close
>describes corruption

>> No.24996714

>you smooth brained dog fucker.
not a canadian
if government didn't step in to FUCK with landlords, they wouldn't even TRY to ask for government help
thats the issue.

>> No.24996746

no dude.
thats not the right way to go.
then government need to pay all the stores, all the stonk holder, all the cuiseships.. etc

>> No.24996751

Very different, sorry friend.

>> No.24996906


It’s literally not. You want a handout because your gamble didn’t pay off. Maybe stop getting Starbucks everyday, or get a second job.

>> No.24997078

My gamble would have paid off fine. The government told me that i'm not allowed to do with my property as I wish.

Did the government stop you from buying or selling stocks? Did it stop you from collecting interest on your holdings, receiving dividends, doing anything with your shares? Of course not.

>> No.24997314

>State infringes on their right to manage their property
>State doesn't owe them damages
Anon are you retarded?

>> No.24998210

The country shut down and the companies I had invested in lost money at the end of a ten-year bull run, nothing I could do about it either besides selling at a loss or having iron bag holding hands. The same thing landlords could do also.

Gib me my handouts too.

>> No.24998236

Oops didn't mean to reply to >>24996906
meant to reply to >>24997078

>> No.24998971

Its hilarious seeing all the macho landlords in here acting like they would do shit to their tenants. I cursed the fuck out of my jew and pajeet landlords and threatened to beat their ass if they raised my rent. Guess what happened? I paid below market value and shitted up the place. So quit the tough guy act you e-gangsters

>> No.24999370

That brings up another valid point, 75% of landlords try to withhold your security deposit knowing you can't really take them to small claims court over it. So no matter how hard you clean the place, most of the time they'll still try and Jew you out of money. Think of the moratorium as the federal government not giving them their security deposit back. No sympathy is deserved whatsoever.

>> No.24999604

Why dont the lords just switch off the water and trash etc? If bailiffa wont execute evictuons then the defense of justification should still be available to a landlord who uses force to evict tenants. Isnt that logical?

>> No.24999663

landlords are fucking pathetic. get real jobs

>> No.24999678
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its a jewish doggy dog world out there

>> No.24999820

If you shut the water off all your shitters and showers would just be full of old piss and shit by the time you could evict them. Seems like the places would just be more trashed.

>> No.25000113

That makes no sense considering landlords expect to exploit profit off of renters, sounds like the landlords are the parasites.