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24981788 No.24981788 [Reply] [Original]

Let me explain what is happening. Tether needs dollars and lots of it before 21st january. If they haven’t money by then it’s over for bitcoin and crypto and the whales behind the whole scheme.

The only way for tether to get money is if whales pump in money into tether, and the only way whales can do it is to create a pump and dump. It’s that easy. Hope you understand nothing will be the same in 2021.

Anyone buying now is going to lose 90 % of investment, if not more. The whales have to cash out to save themselves from life in prison.

>> No.24981830

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.24981861

>tether fud
>almost 2021

We are going to be in 2040 and they will still be using the tether fud.

>> No.24981960
File: 37 KB, 400x400, 1606981132763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happens on 21st of january

>> No.24981999

When you buy bitcoin your dollars are first exchanged for tethers. The tethers are then exchanged for bitcoins. For every tether there is supposed to be $1 in reserves. However tether has been unable to show these reserves when asked by authorities. They have until 21st january to show that they have the reserves. With the current market cap that means tether needs to have reserves of $20 billion by 21st of january 2021. They don’t have that at the moment, so the only thing saving them is if the whales can squeeze out many billions from this bubble.

>> No.24982001

take your meds peasant

>> No.24982035


You realise tether is not longer the only stablecoin.

>> No.24982100

Exactly, usdc has grown 10x in the last 12 months it’s growing faster then tether, but meanwhile Muh tether fud still circulates, it’s all about Uncle Sam wanting to leverage tether to get information on people dodging taxes you can be sure on that, it’s all it’s about they wanna leverage tether to get Bitfinex logs also

>> No.24982101
File: 60 KB, 602x423, 1607813100509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tether is backed by btc

>> No.24982116


>> No.24982127

kek maybe it's idiotic as fuck seeing how bitcoin behaved EXACTLY the same after the last two time and tather having a ridiculously small market cap in comparison but ok

>> No.24982164

Don’t care not selling, big money will ensure their bags don’t collapse

>> No.24982212


Shut the fuck up you absolute brainlet nigger mong, have you even considered the fact that a lot of people trade directly against the pound and euro?

>> No.24982236

The market cap is simply the number bitcoins x market price. In order to change the market price by say 10 billion you don’t even need a billion tethers.

>> No.24982254

Whale here
He is right. But we are not going to cash out we are going to buy LINK
Everybody who buys link now is going to be rich.

>> No.24982322

Nice try, vishna thomas.

Also don’t forget the gap at 3500

>> No.24982412

Are you sure about the date (21st January)? Can't find anything about that date in the news

>> No.24982519

>tether is backed by btc

>Be me
>Parent company tether inc
>Create tether
>Create trading pair
>Pamp btc
>Sell for real dollars
>fund tether
>Pamp more
>Print more tether

And everything worked out fine.jpeg

>> No.24982561

How come they’re never using these tethers to just short the market and let it fall, according to these fudding tards?

>> No.24982700


Use your eyes. Every time 100-200M is minted, Bitfinex volume jumps up and within an hour or 2, you'll see the pump on the charts. It's so reliable you can set your watch to it. Enable notifications from that twitter bot, then verify it yourself.


I've been able to make a few good trades from it, but I'm under no illusion about what's happening. It's musical chairs with a Sword of Damocles on a platform suspended over a pit of acid. To be the last holder is to lose.

>> No.24982733

Poor fag trying to sell his bags. Link is dead You must love Sergei dumping on you on a regular

>> No.24982734

how come we had a bear market when they kept printing through most of it?

>> No.24982815

As much as they print they can only only manipulate the market, they can't completely paint the charts without making it too obvious.

During bear, they serve as a price floor -- causing people to be more comfortable to buy back in. During bull, all they need to do is buy during dumps to show a solid bounce and let the FoMO carry it the rest of the way.

They pad the numbers to draw more people in. They need to draw people in to keep the scheme going.

>> No.24982865

USDC is going to topple USDT in 2021 and the Coombase IPO announcement is the canary
It’s already happening

>> No.24982894

It really is the bull run! Weak Tether FUD confirms!

>> No.24982900

tether unironically changed the crypto game. none of these zoomed out charts are going to be applicable. there's liquidity like never before but what happens when it's not enough anymore? i honestly have to read more about this. the days of absolutely making it with no effort ended 5-10 years ago. we obviously all just want to cheat the system, we just want free money. anons, we can't be too greedy about this.