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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24977164 No.24977164[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck is GRT doing

>> No.24977191

What it's done since it's inception, go up in the most wacky way possible.

>> No.24977215

Idk man.
Either this will end in pure hysteria and bloodshed or ... You know, I have no fuckin clue.

>> No.24977219

>what the fuck is GRT doing
turning every anon on biz into a millionaire

>> No.24977228

Finding it’s true value.

>> No.24977232

The euphoria and mass shilling out of nowhere had me skeptical so i passed on it. Regret it but at the same time there will be others. Always are

>> No.24977236

.74 in the short term.

>> No.24977254

>there will be others. Always are
and you/we will miss every single of them

>> No.24977265

Same. This was way too crazy and inorganic. Still a bit crushed for missing out

>> No.24977269

this, don,t get in now, full euphoria going on right now

>> No.24977278

i got in at 46c, time to HODL my stack and hope for the greatest

>> No.24977280
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This is one of those times where we got caught in the middle.

>> No.24977284

Reminds me of UNI airdrop hype honestly, I don't see it going much further, but still I am salty for not getting in

>> No.24977299

been saying that since .17

>> No.24977306

sold at $.44 and bought PRQ, glad my fellow GRT frens are still mooning though.

>> No.24977319

New paradigm baby

>> No.24977321

It's due to Coinbase basically shilling it on their front page. It's right in normies faces and they're gobbling it up.

>> No.24977322

buyers will get tired eventually, this won't x3-x4 anytime soon, it's too big now

>> No.24977330

I've made enough money this year which is why I don't autistically sit and hit F5 all day anymore. Best trading advice I ever learned is not to fomo, acknowledged you missed it, and wait for the next one, because there always is a fucking next one, there has been for 4 years already

>> No.24977338

keep saying that.
They're taking this to $2-3 by monday

>> No.24977347

>governance token for an AMM
>indexing protocol for all DLT that is already adopted
Yeah those look exactly the same to me.

>> No.24977354

Also with MATIC

>> No.24977370

This has to end in a massacre, right?
Unironically this

>> No.24977380

Nope. THis >>24977338

Stay poor faggots

>> No.24977382
File: 275 KB, 1589x948, OHnononononon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Man i know how every token will work out, Ive seen my fair share of shills, i don't even research, but i know. trust me on this . Sell". OHONONONONonononononon PepeLaugh

>> No.24977388

Holy fuck I didnt know it was on the actual normie version of Coinbase

>> No.24977389

I have asked in several threads.
When I go to their page, i don't find a team. So, is it anonymous? I've learned to never invest in anon projects. No one seems to care though or I'm too retarded to find it

>> No.24977455


>> No.24977461

>$2-3 by monday

Just wait until America wakes up to a x2 tomorrow morning, all the people that invested 25-250k USD are gonna dump THE FUCK out of this (as they should). This coin is in full Euphoria mode right now

>> No.24977467

lmao after all this hype so few know.

>> No.24977482

Complete hype push. Scam.

>> No.24977484

>what is linkedin

>> No.24977487

ok man

>> No.24977500
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>> No.24977506

What linkedin. On their github there's a guy with a dog as a picture.

>> No.24977521

yeah that's why it was listed on literally any coin base you could think off within 6 hours. You fucking retard pajeet.

>> No.24977522

you are irredeemable...


>> No.24977526
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Funny if we see this again

>> No.24977547

Ty, but their main guy has this as his own website

>> No.24977549

Co-founders are Yaniv Tal (Project Lead), Brandon Ramirez (Research Lead) and Jannis Pohlmann (Tech Lead). Yaniv and Brandon studied Electrical Engineering at USC and worked together at MuleSoft, an API developer tools company that IPO'ed and sold to Salesforce

(taken from their TG)

>> No.24977568

>MuleSoft, an API developer tools company that IPO'ed and sold to Salesforce
Actually big.

>> No.24977619

did uni generate 2bn of volume?

>> No.24977634

Years ago when Coinbase first starting adding new coins they would pump like crazy. That stopped happening around the 5th or 6th coin listing. A coinbase listing meant it would dump. I guess in a full blown ATH bull market we are back to new listings getting normie fomo pump'd. I'll take it tho I bought at 18 cents

>> No.24977636

>there will be others

>> No.24977648
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>> No.24977655

The Graph is only the beginning.

>> No.24977669

not sure. this is slightly bigger comparing binance to binance volume (uni was 1b on binance, grt is at like 1.2bn)

>> No.24977687

this is insane.. someone make it stop...

>> No.24977692

You need to go back or learn how to trade, there's a new shitcoin pumping every week

>> No.24977717
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not like this 1.
this will do in 1 day what took link years.

>> No.24977752

>$3 billion volume
>listed on Coinbase, Binance, Kraken and Huobi immediately
>duuuh shitcoins pump like this all the time

>> No.24977756

I fomoed in this morning and it's already 2xed kek

>> No.24977825

Either setting up for a HUGE dump the likes of which we’ve never seen, or it will take everyone to the promised land. For free.
I’m leaning towards the latter since I sold way too early.

>> No.24977890

You mean like they did yesterday and nothing happened?

>> No.24977902

still only 8k wallets, holy fuck this is mad lads

>> No.24978069

This was not a FIL launch. You’re being memed by the fully diluted mcap fud until you sell into whale diamond hands at $1 with 10-20yr conviction levels. The graph might be bigger than we all think.
Gold inflates at 2% a year. $GRT inflates at 3% per year (depending on governance and other factors etc) but instead of being just a rock that does nothing it’s aiming to become the global api for all of the worlds data, the backbone of web3 and enabling serverless applications
Dapps. That. Never. Go. Down.

The graph was a single entity. Now there will be a full blown graph council that can determine inflation. I’m telling you people will get BTFO by fully diluted mcap meme
>Query volume drives the value
You should read everything about the graph very interesting
Curators need to be high IQ
Indexers need to be half Ai galaxy giga brains
I believe delegators just need to be farmers looking for a job 99% sure if you can send email you should be able to delegate

>> No.24978109

what does it mean.
is 50k enough

>> No.24978118

no, I don't mean like yesterday

>> No.24978131

is that enough for the promise land.
god. save me.

>> No.24978180

If this thing goes below 50 we might not see 60 for a while

>> No.24978222

Imagine missing the following runs

If you miss any of those, you are not going to make it

>> No.24978260

lol imagine a fuckin dip. I can't.

>> No.24978270

Coinbase wont dump on normies on christmas no way they are this incomptent ,we going to moon

>> No.24978322

Checked. What do you think about beans?

>> No.24978352

I actually can't imagine being in the middle of a moon and not going in, shitcoin or not. I'll never understand faggots on biz who get emotional and play favorites with fast money coins.

Go in. Accept you won't sell at the exact perfect point. Take what you get and enjoy the whole ride.

>> No.24978402

>Accept you won't sell at the exact perfect point.
fuck you
entry at 10 cents, ride a 5-10x then exit
otherwise there's no point

>> No.24978415

And you keep fucking missing them lmao

Anybody here doubts GRT will hit 0.90 in the next 72 hours ?

>> No.24978417

i love to pick em

>> No.24978431

This. Got in at .35, still late, but I’m at 2x and way past profit so will enjoy the ride

>> No.24978434
File: 17 KB, 385x397, yuyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah fuck 2x, 3x or even .52212x! Only 5x - 10x tickles my nuts!

>> No.24978445


lol retard

>> No.24978462

>he thinks jewish venture capitalists are going to let him get rich easily

enjoy getting dumped on waiting for your "target"

>yeah fuck 2x, 3x or even .52212x! Only 5x - 10x tickles my nuts!

>> No.24978483

Buy DDIM or BDT to be part of such presales in the future...

>> No.24978536
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What ever it's doing, it's doing it fast.

>> No.24978565

What is scammy about irrational market behaviour?

>> No.24978575
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Making me rich

>> No.24978611

Newfag fudder, isnt used to the volatility of crypto

>> No.24978649


Gb2 robinhood

>> No.24978655

Could it reach $1 by tomorrow??

>> No.24978677


If this keeps up. Likely no, but not impossible

>> No.24978687


>> No.24978698


>> No.24978740


>> No.24978742

Checked. But wait...is it today, today or tomorrow today? Anyway it's practically $1, everything between is just a formality.

>> No.24978834

Fuck it's about to hit .70 already.

Likely safe to trade before a dip. If you want to risk le swing

>> No.24978913

Just launch it already

>> No.24978987

I am never been so tied to my phone, checking the price every few minutes... This anticipation is killing me and greed is consuming me. I want to put more but I'm already winning why would I want more... But must hold myself. Patience is gold. Or is it? How do you cope with this greed?

>> No.24979029

rip in piece, anon

I held, but like an idiot I only put $500 in to "play it safe".

>> No.24979125

Well fuck me. I sold at the first big dip. Congrats anons. I don’t wanna be a sore loser about it. I’ll get it next time.

>> No.24979158

This. I'm so tempted to just throw so much more money in, because I WANT MORE.

>> No.24979185
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I feel you anon. Idk how im gonna sleep tonight

>> No.24979204

I’m about to fall into pot of greed
Help cryptovets
There are two traps in there

>> No.24979270

anons i went all in at 10 cents. when this hits $1 im gonna yell "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" as loud as i can. you will probably hear me

>> No.24979326
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based. I spent $65k on IOUs which ended up being more than 10 cents anyway, but then bought even more at 10 cents. I've gone from worrying I was going to get scammed, to a $900k folio, in the course of 72 hours. What a ride.

>> No.24979435

Creating a new generation of bagholders and some winners.

>> No.24979451

I absolutely 90iqd this one. No fucking idea what it does except for muh google of blorhkchins, or really how it's worth more than $1. Still, I have 100k which is nice, and all thanks to my brother. Jumping off the rocket at 4k sats.

>> No.24979543

Wtf guys

It’s already $0.72

>> No.24979556

it just crashed from .74 to .66 in like 5 minutes then came back up to 7.1 in another 2 what the fuck is happening

>> No.24979586

I can't tell whether to buy the dip or cash out and buy the dump

>> No.24979639
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We're all gonna make it frens

>> No.24979682

All the dips are being bought.

>> No.24979715

Yeah, I I bought in. Only had $140 left but this shit is so crazy it's worth the gamble.

>> No.24979758

long hunt that will be followed by short hunt. Place your buy orders at 59-61c