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24976031 No.24976031 [Reply] [Original]

Time for end of the year Coinfess edition:
What was your worst investment in 2020
Your biggest regret

>> No.24976044

I only made $150 on crypto this year, feel like an idiot

>> No.24976050

I converted my entire portfolio to ETH and stake it

>> No.24976062

not buying linkies even though i knew about it way before august.

oh well, got bags now.

>> No.24976063

My only regret is I didn't buy more

>> No.24976066


>> No.24976093

I didn’t dump all my link for GRT at 10c. Sergey has financially ruined me.

>> No.24976127

I got exit scammed on MINDS and BAGS and lost 10eth in total. Although I made up for that getting into BUIDL at 1c.

>> No.24976160

Got btfo by OMG and BZRX so badly i became extremely afraid to make any trades. I missed the Uniswap pump, the Bitcoin pump, the Eth pump and now the GRT pump. Fuck my life.

>> No.24976207

I am un Ironically super bullish on BNB and have it as a majority of my portfolio.

>> No.24976727

I just bought into GRT at 56 cents. Going to sleep and checking once I awake. Not enough money to care.

>> No.24976749


>> No.24977329
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I sold my 1.2k in crypto a month ago and fomo'd back into ETH, squandering ~500 in earnings.

>> No.24977469

What a faggot

>> No.24977979
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I've tried swing trading this shit all year and got burned so bad, you wouldn't believe.

Did not expect for it to surpass ATH without a single goddamn 25% dip.


>> No.24978107

Buying a newly listed binance launchpad shitcoin at 2.60 hoping to make a quick buck. That coin was FLM and it dumped to 1.00 by the end of the night. I lost 6k on that trade in a matter of minutes.

Also shorted YFI before it went parabolic from 14 to 17k
Also shorted Filecoin before it went parabolic from 20 to 38

Im very tired.

>> No.24978221

Lost 40k buying Tesla puts at the market bottom. Lost 110 ETH by holding BAT. This year made me realize I’m retarded. All I have left is 2 BTC. I hope the real bull run doesn’t happen for a few more years so I can try to re-accumulate.

>> No.24978236

i just fomo'd into graph. its over for me.

>> No.24978247

Congrats anon, you won a rope

>> No.24978248

Lost 7k on options trading. Was up +14k at one point. Had a Tesla contract go up to 10k. Lost it all.

>> No.24978355
File: 375 KB, 1279x1279, 9C281DA9-9C4F-40D5-95C2-83CF45BC68CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost 100 LTC in margin trading
Lost 400 UNI & 100 NEO on Trumpfeb

>> No.24978428

I bought STA this summer. I bought more instead of selling at ATH. I sold at a 1.6k loss a few months ago.

I converted 90% of my portfolio into XRP before the snapshot. I sold at a loss, hoping to buy back lower. This cost me 3k and I'm still rebuilding my portfolio.

I just bought a stack of GRT at $.57.

>> No.24978448


>> No.24978469


I was laid off in March and got lazy. Made twice my normal income through crypto and biotech but if I woke up reliably on time I would be a millionaire if I made the same moves a few hours earlier, it has led to some self contempt but my girl and her parents think I'm a genius and she fucks my brains out because she thinks I'm a catch so that's nice.

>> No.24978478

I bought rlc at 30 cents and didn't sell at all.. Watched it hit 18k sats.. I would have so much btc if I had sold it.
I lost 7k buying the top of dhedge just recently.
Made it all back on GRT not selling til $3

>> No.24978506
File: 35 KB, 480x463, D82B7362-6217-486E-ABF3-8ACCBB97629E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sent to a behavioral health counselor when I was 8 after my dad walked in and caught me letting the family dog lick my penis.

>> No.24978551

-only noticed crypto/stocks in June/July, didn't actually get into it until August
-invested into some shitcoin memes like STA and XMM because people kept posting them
-literally bought some uniswap shit on the last day of august so I was in on the Unicoin launch, liquidated my shitcoins and put it into Uni thinking it would memepump to 20 dollars
-got fugged by whaledumps and supply increases that crippled Uni, lost the remaining money trying to make it back on some shitcoins
-ironically I would have been up like 3x if I had taken profits at the right times and not tried to ride the shitcoin roulette
-in stocks I was way up because of the post-november pump on stuff like PLTR and CRSR, decided that THIS time I would take profits while I was up
-waited 1 day and then everything was down, sold while I was still in profit, everything rebounded the next day and I was fucked because of my weak hands (but if I had strong hands and it dipped back to IPO price then I'd just be retarded)
-could have ridden a bunch of coin and stock pumps that I passed up on

Now I am just holding and preparing the next move. It's been fun but I'm done losing.

>> No.24978605



>> No.24978629

some guy shilled ETC and I bought in

>> No.24978694

try lowering the volume nigger