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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2497233 No.2497233[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mom is talking about kicking me out again
>I'm only 21


>> No.2497239

Go back to /r9k/

>> No.2497254


It's an idle threat OP. Her way of telling you to sort your shit out.

>> No.2497267

>/biz/ - Business and Finance

>> No.2497328

you're still a baby. You must get out there and do something, anything. it gets tougher the older you get. Your brain won't stay good forever.

>> No.2497339

I'm scared of the world though

>> No.2497345

Get out there, what's the worst that can happen, you fail and have to go back? She'll be much more understanding and helpful if you AT LEAST TRY.

>> No.2497356

WTF. How old are you guys supposed to be to leave your parent's home?

>> No.2497363

Baby boo boo bitch

>> No.2497378

>fail and become homeless

>> No.2497403


>> No.2497419

Why americans hate their kids? Also get the fuck out to /b/ or /rk9/

>> No.2497451

I really like my parents, but how can you not want to move out on your own, being your own boss?
I even moved 700km to study at an university, shit was great.

>> No.2497462

>How old are you guys supposed to be
What a weird way to say that.

There's no recommended age, if that's what you're trying to say. Or socially accepted exact year.

>> No.2497506

I want to but scared

>> No.2497517

She's not going to do it idiot, she just wants to get you to grow up and get a life, she can see her son's turning into a loser and that's not the life she wants for you. Get in gear fag

>> No.2497534

Scared of what?

I shared an apartment with a guy I went to school with and we spent many nights playing games, going to friends (who also moved there and had their own apartment), drinking etc. We had great times.

We even finished Contra 3 and Hard Corps in co-op.

>> No.2497536

Yes there is. 18.

>> No.2497551

Not everybody is going to be finished with education on their 18th birthday.
You're not even an adult at that age in every country.

>> No.2497563

>can live with my parents as long as I want
>Get along with them great
>Save $25k a year with a medicore job paying my dues in my field

Feels great man

>> No.2497575

I don't have any friends and I'm a virgin

>> No.2497576

You're done with high school. That's the normal age to move out and the socially expected age to move out.

>> No.2497589

>I'm scared of the world though
you're 21. You're tough, full of energy, no health problems, hopefully. You have a big advantage over so many people. There are so many old, worn out, sad, feeble-minded, people out there You can run circles around them. Be more confident. You is a great asset.

>> No.2497601

>You're done with high school.
Nice, completely ignoring my second sentence.

>I don't have any friends
Did you not go to school?

>I'm a virgin
Not an excuse for not doing shit.

>> No.2497602

>You is a great asset.
Youth is a great asset, I mean.

>> No.2497651

But I don't have any skills and haven't worked in like a year

>> No.2497658

you make too many excuses, quit being a fucking pussy

>> No.2497688

Give me actual advice please normie

>> No.2497699

Who gives a fuck about your second sentence.
You're a loser if you don't more out after high school.

>> No.2497700

>mad crypto gains
>still live with parents
>tis the life

Only a virgin 4chan neet could have memed the market this well.

>> No.2497715

That's good. The world is scary. Now get out there, fall on your ass, get back up.

Don't wait to be in your thirties. At that point, you will be scared by your own failing body, and suddenly concerns about the world will seem quaint. But it'll be too late by then if you sat on your ass during your twenties. So get out there and do stuff. Nobody is going to bail you out of becoming a man.

(unless you buy bitbean and sprout them until you're a millionaire)

>> No.2497723

>go apply for job
>talk to fucker in charge of choosing cunts to hire
>impress him by showing him you can have a good drive and ethic towards your interests
>feign interest in his shitty tier job
>get job
>socialise with people that you work with and aim to build good rapport with people
>be active instead of sitting on your ass making excuses about the problems your having and find solutions

>> No.2497760
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How do I get over the selfdoubt and move out of my parents house?

>> No.2497844

I believe in you anon. Even getting a Mcjob is a big step-up. You are young, work your ass off, be better than the other losers working alongside you, it's easy, you just have to do your fucking job. You will be noticed by management and, in time, you will be given promotions. Maybe you will never get a 5 figures salary, but a management position of a local chain of fast food is enough to support a middelclass lifestyle. If you show your parents that you are willing to put effort into becoming an adult, they may let you stay at their home for longer. Contribute in in keeping the home in order, save most of your paycheck, and in a couple years you will have enough for downpayment on a small house.

>> No.2497904

You walk with purpose, know your objective and use every fiber of energy in your body to accomplish it. you dont move out yet, show your mum you can make an attempt. ask her for help, talk to her. no one knows you like your parents (provided they raised you)

>> No.2497969

thank you fellas

>> No.2497992

And don't top yourself in the house. It'll break your mum's heart.

You've got the underlying desire to do this, why else would you make the thread. take care, friend

>> No.2498060

Bitch pls I had to move out at 16 to go to highschool. Now stfu and earn some dosh

>> No.2498063

Remember, treat it like a competition, a race. Maybe right now getting the first place is too far-fetched, but once you make some baby steps? Hard work and a bit of luck will put you in front of many other people. Finishing first when you are now in the last position? Very hard. But wheb you are 3rd or 4th place? Not so much.
Clean your room, sort yourself out, get a job and keep a good relationship with your family

>> No.2498128
File: 178 KB, 888x1120, thebookofkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get over it and move out. You move out and get over it. A big part of why you are feeling bad is the circumstance you live in right now. Now matter how much you want to feel better you won't unless your circumstances change. You can do it though anon. I believe in you. I am sure you have heard the saying "fake it til you make it". This is a powerful tool. Act confident even when you don't feel it. Walk with your head high. Look people in the eyes when you speak. When you stumble laugh at yourself before others can point and shrug it off. Eventually, if you act happy and confident, it will become habit.
You can do it anon. There are a lot of fucks on this website and IRL who will try to drag you down and try to make you believe that our society is holding you back and that there is no hope. If you work hard though you can do anything.
One last note: develop a plan. Write it down and start small if you have to. Maybe your first goal should be save $500 in a savings account. You will accomplish this quickly. Make your next goal 2,500. Then a nice, reliable cheap car. Then an apartment or a down payment for a home. Whatever your goal might be focus on it every day. Do not let a day go by that you do not do something to further your journey towards that goal. Tell others your goals so that they see you have aspirations and the fact that you've told someone makes it easier to hold yourself accountable. The sky is the limit anon. You can do it.
This anon has good words.

>> No.2498145

Explain to your mom how impossible it is to live on your own unless you're making at least 100k a year.

>> No.2498159


>> No.2498243

Thank you anon...

>> No.2499073

this is good.

>> No.2499215

This stupid faggot creates these bs threads from the beginning of the day to the end. I shit you not, this guy simply stays on 4chan ALLLLLL DAY long. Everyday
Is this considered a mental illness?