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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24969012 No.24969012 [Reply] [Original]

>Tell me about yourself.

>> No.24969049
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>Tell me a time you overcame a challenge

>> No.24969061

i fap to anime girls and rant about niggers online

>> No.24969065
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>and what was the outcome of that challenge

>> No.24969076

FUCK just hire me or dont jesus christ

>> No.24969094

I've just started getting into music, because I've commodified my animation skills into a job skill for 75k a year and it makes me feel creatively drained. I need a creative outlet that is only for me. I once enjoyed drawing and animation, but after 10 straight hours of doing it for money, I just don't want to after work. I feel like I've sold off a piece of myself that I may not be able to get back.

>> No.24969209

I fap to furry m/m porn, am I finished?

>> No.24969279

imagine not being able to describe yourself
just give a history of what you've been doing for the past few years
you're not some shut in loser who jacks off to hentai all day are you?

>> No.24969330
File: 33 KB, 474x567, heeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always start off with 'Well...it all started a long time ago, when I was born at an early age...' ...boomers eat that shit up and a laugh always break the ice.

>> No.24969364

i've been talking to myself a lot lately. when i'm doing this, i use the nigger word a lot. kike, too. i think i'm going insane. but i don't care.

>> No.24969376

>I'm looking for something to sink my teeth into

>> No.24969396


you're dangerous and highly employable unfortunately lol jk

>> No.24969481

What is with this faggy fucking hiring process these days?
It should be as follows:
Can you lift over 50lbs?
Can you count money?
Welcome aboard! Don’t fuck up or we take it out of your paycheck. Now get to work!

>> No.24969527
File: 1.42 MB, 4200x4800, binance-whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitmex, binance, ftx whale (do you EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT IS NORMIE HR STACY?!)
>uses 101x leverage because my utility function is exp(wealth), not log(wealth) - again do you even understand you dumb HR stacy
>does hundreds of millions in notional value each month

>> No.24969914


How would your friends describe you?

>> No.24970536
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remind me the moment they asked me that i got so nervious i couldnt go on and the guy just hang out the phone. so embarrassed but atleast i got 3 calls until i finally landed a job KEK

>> No.24970766

Alright, when can you start?

>> No.24970846
File: 470 KB, 640x480, SOI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey buddy you can't just say all stoners are worthless parasites, you need to get out into the real world and meet people and then you'll see that stoners are just cool normal people and your narrow perspective is wrong

>> No.24971608 [DELETED] 

>doesn't mine SFT
>doesn't have a laptop
>can't mine SFT

>> No.24971660 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 400x400, glitzch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with your set. You are not experiencing technical difficulties (yet).

You have brain problems and will not understand anything beyond this point.

The Defi OS
Glitch is a blockchain agnostic super protocol, purpose built to facilitate trust-less money markets.


You will not make it.

>> No.24971685

stoners are nigger tier human garbage white trash, fuck you

>> No.24971865


>> No.24972221

I know :^).

>> No.24972248

>"well I really hate niggers, like really hate them. Like everyone would be better off if we just exterminated them and crucified on the side of the interstate."

>> No.24972320

>I'm a strong follower of the writings of Adolf Hitler and Brenton Tarrant, they really spoke to me in a way that Deleuze and Kant never could. Don't get me wrong, I've got a strong fetish for Asian women, but viva la Aryan imperium, right?

>> No.24972764

Puff puff

>> No.24972796

I work at an airport as a baggage handler and Im learning about planes / playing alot of flight sim at home. might become a pilot or something idk

>> No.24972800

That's like 4 lines and even a few words made it just too boring to read.

>> No.24972826

My dad is trying to sell my car for one year now and no one seems to buy it?

>> No.24972863

im trying to cure cancer

>> No.24972962

I dont believe it either

>> No.24973103

your hired

>> No.24973156

I have OCD and every time I use a washroom, I do multiple checks for dead bodies in every stall, fearing that if I miss a dead body, I'll become a prime murder suspect.

>> No.24973424
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>Puff puff
*Click, clack -- BOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

>> No.24973437

>be me
>live in shithole rural town
>schizo mom
>physically and mentally abusive father
>judge gives dad custody of me and sister when I'm 5
>dad remarries and moves to the south
>negligent and mean step mother
>barely have food to eat or clothes to wear
>sister commits suicide
>turn to drugs and alcohol at 13
>hospitalized at 18
>drop out of school twice
>friends only exist on 4chan
>met up with friends in IRL
>fistfuls of MDMA and psychedelics for years
>able to conquer the fear, pain, anxiety, and self-doubt
>decide to teach myself how to code
>wander around for a few years working dead end jobs while still learning to code
>get my first break as software engineer at startup
>work like a slave code monkey 80 hours a week
>meet the love of my life
>get fired for not bending the knee to suck my narcissist bosses dick
>get even better job
>invest in crypto
>marry the love of my life
>build the company into unicorn
>get fired for not bending the knee to new management
>get even better job
>have 2 kids
>2 mil net worth

Fuck you mom and dad you miserable pieces of shit I hope you fucking burn in hell for everything you put the kids through.

>> No.24973582

you guys see that?
>It's the Thuggish Ruggish Bone

>> No.24973592

I can't stop masturbating to old ladies. It's the only relief I get in life, but 90% of prime AAA grade grandma fap material is gone thanks to the pornhub purge. I don't know what to do anymore. I put all my money in XRP. I either make it so I can pay any grandma I want or I

>> No.24973619


Well I'm originally from [a], went to school for [b] at [c], did [d] for a little while and then got into [e], recently moved here to find work in [f].

>> No.24973623

or you what, im interested now.

>> No.24973691
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, skull face jeep ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born in a small village. I was still a child when we were raided by soldiers. Foreign soldiers. Torn from my elders, I was made to speak their language. With each new post, my masters changed along with the words they made me speak. With each change, I changed, too. My thoughts, personality, how I saw right and wrong. Words can kill.

>> No.24973929

Wel, be honest with yurself about A and B and C your self out. Dad Kek.

>> No.24973971
File: 311 KB, 460x298, GMIT hahahahah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to make crypto gains and then creampie asian women. That's what I'm about.

>> No.24974020

I have 4 kids. I am on the dole. I have erictile disfunction from an autoimmune disorder. One nut is bigger than the other but i think thats normal. I am 23

>> No.24974188

>Makes tea with .1 of mushies
One love

>> No.24974191

nice work lad

>> No.24974268

stay well anon

>> No.24974372

Thanks anons. All we have is each other. My hardest days are long gone. Hoping the best for you too.

>> No.24974695

THE NEW AMERICAN DREAM we made it anon cause you made it. There is hope because you are hope. MUch love. One love.

>> No.24974927

Get your private pilots license

>> No.24974989

I wish the best for you and your family fren. Hope you can find generational wealth so your kids don't have to go through what you did

>> No.24975071

>I install sheet metal flashings and cladding on all sorts of commercia/industrial buildings like skyscrapers, hotels, walmarts, hydrodams, nuclear reactors, etc
>Travelled all over Canada for my job from coast to coast, and all the way to the Arctic ocean
>Have about $2k in crypto
>Cash out most in February when I heard whispers about what covid-19 was going to do to the world
>Used that money to start a business
>Currently making about 15-20k/month revenue with said online business
>Some months I'm profitable, some I'm break even or a slight loss
>Scared to quit my job because I'm basically bring paid $100k/year just because my job is super dangerous. I think it's either the 3rd or 4th most deadly in north america right now, basically behind pilots and commercial fishermen.
My job's death stats are usually combined with general roofing work even though I'm quite a bit more specialized (I can also do every kind of roofing application though, and have extensive experience with flatroofing)

So ya, basically my life is hell. I'm either neglecting my job for my business, or neglecting my business for my job.

>> No.24975164
File: 56 KB, 222x222, Dr-Gino-DiGiannantonio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I graduated with a dual major in marketing/ business admin, worked as a rental car stooge for nearly two years, then was going into a contract job that fell through, did nothing for nearly a year and now I'm a delivery driver.

>> No.24975201

what online business?

>> No.24975218


>> No.24975285

New sky king

>> No.24975288

If you could do anything what would it be?

>> No.24975307

I like to singa about the moona and the juna in the springa

>> No.24975427

The one that's making me the majority of my money is basically just dropshipping. The memes are real as long as you get a good supplier and can make a half decent looking website. I have sales experience which i think helps a lot. I old to start private labeling in the new year, which should increase my profit margins by 5x (the bulk order discount is very VERY real)

I also have another online "business", but it's basically just writing sports articles on topics I actually care about (I'm a huge sports nerd, looking at stats lines gets my dick hard), and trying to jew readers out of ad revenue. But this is more of a passion project, and I make like $3/day or something pitiful like that off of about 450~ unique visitors a day to my sports blog. I do think there's potential though, since the daily visitors only seem to be going up, and there's tons of affiliate marketing potential with sports related content.

>> No.24975439

Also, I'm not usually so retarded and generally way better spoken, I'm really really drunk right now

>> No.24975457

Based. Do a barrel roll

>> No.24975486

Quit calling your moped a car.

>> No.24975506

I jack off to real whores thank you very much.

>> No.24975562

Sending good vibes your way brother

Thanks fren. I'll be hustling until I die. Never going back to the life I had.

>> No.24975564

That's not what your ugly ass mama thinks nigger

>> No.24975609

Nice man.

>> No.24975610

I beg people on /biz/ for their spare XRP and LINK, and sometimes I accidentally click on a different board.

>> No.24975930

Arent most commercial roofs like 1/12 pitch?

>> No.24976075

Sort of, but it kind of depends. Most newer roofs for large buildings are built with a sloped deck which ends up averaging out to roughly a 2% slope to the drains (with backslopes and crickets to prevent water ponding), which would probably be close to a 1/12 at the steepest. Older roofs will have a flat deck and be sloped entirely with the insulation (usually EPS which is basically like packing insulation).

But ya, it really depends. I've seen some buildings with no slopes and ponding water everywhere, and some with ridiculous 4/12 slopes and stuff like that where they basically make a halfpipe out of the roof going to the drains

>> No.24976101

But the "1/12 pitch" style of measurement is mostly used for residential roofs. Commercial roofs will have varying pitches and slopes

>> No.24976104
File: 277 KB, 500x375, arpamall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe ARPA is the next major bubble (MPC) and I will die to defend my girlfriend Bella ((protocol))

>> No.24976143

Dont go back down there. for me