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24967299 No.24967299 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 29 and every faggot around me is sliding into the complacent "adult" "world" of """""settling down"""' with long term partners, getting married, having kids. I see this as the ultimate resignation and just a bunch of tired out faggots.

Meanwhile, I still want to "ball." I want to travel the world fucking hookers. The problem is, I didn't invest in myself so I have a worthless degree, no debt, and ~70k net worth (I have 1 btc). Life after 40 seems like you're just going through the motions and waiting to die. While I'm young and able-bodied, I want to make as many non-traditional moves as i can.
>but if you invest now you can be totally free when you're 50.
yea, ive seen those free faggots. their still ugly, old, irrelevant background noise. What difference does it make. Less mobile, less virile, more jaded, yada yada. My future isn't looking to hot. I'm a pretty neurotic person and I've only ever worked in grocery stores stocking shelves for 16/hr. Almost got a 25/hr job but got cucked by corona. Point is, I'm too lazy and hateful of society to learn to code. Clickity clack faggots can eat shit imo. Techfags deserve to die. I'm a kazynski schizoid wacko.

>> No.24967358

>20 pounds of P+A

>> No.24967368

Get a life dude. Stop venting online and do something useful with the world around you. Life is beautiful.

>> No.24967393

Tldr but yes you want to yolo into Chainlink and Bitcoin so you can actually ball out later instead of kys when you’re 29

>> No.24967397

anon, times goes by so quickly. dont waste it. go all in GRT and hold for a 200x. while you are waiting for the 200x workout to get a fit body. then when you are 40 you will be shreeded af and a multi millionaire. you can fuck hot 10/10 girls for the next 40 years of your life

>> No.24967434

you live till youre 80 on average if you dont plan to kill yourself at like 30, dont ruin the end of your life being a dipshit at the beginning

>> No.24967452

You sound like you're mentally about 12.

>> No.24967498


The true question is: do you fuck the fake ass first and then eat the pizza, or do you eat the pizza first and then fuck the fake ass?

>> No.24967545

imagine cooming into a silicon bag thinking thats based

>> No.24967563

you can't escape your humanity

>> No.24968018

How do you even clean the jizz out of that thing?

>> No.24968071

i was thinking 15

>> No.24968252

the ass hole and the vag connect inside like a big loop

>> No.24968280

shut up boomer
go drink root beer and wait for your death

>> No.24968297

This isn’t r9k French. Stop complaining and get your shit together

>> No.24968438

>I'm 29 and every faggot around me is sliding into the complacent "adult" "world" of """""settling down"""' with long term partners, getting married, having kids. I see this as the ultimate resignation and just a bunch of tired out faggots.

almost all those people will get bored of that life and go back to their old ways and cheat on their wives with younger women and be "immature". that's why the "i hate my wife" meme boomers come from

>> No.24968483

>I'm a kazynski schizoid wacko.
'kazynski' would recognise you as a damaged retard produced and coddled by technological society, you over socialised queer.

>> No.24968494

this. get a skill and grow up

>> No.24968522

Eat the ass first then fuck the pizza

>> No.24968628

I have the actual 20lbs of P+A and it's much bigger than OPs

>> No.24968745
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You can travel and fuck a decent amount of hookers for 70K. The same can't be said for 0K.

Invest carefully, hedge and take calculated risks but not more than you can afford to loose. You have 11 years left until you reach 40, make sure you've traveled and fucked enough to not feel a need to continue doing that by age 40.

The alternative is to either YOLO everything or work like a madman and live a frugal life that sucks so that by age 40 you have a house and a decent income, enough to attract a mate and support a family.

>> No.24968951

>The same can't be said for 0K.
You could travel the world and just to women to get laid for free. tell them you can bring them to america and get them a green card

>> No.24969509

both at same time sir