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24963867 No.24963867[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the best occupations for your waifu?

>> No.24963985


>> No.24964052

Housewife and mother

>> No.24964061

Work in a supermarket or work as a school teacher at a girls only school. Otherwise you are getting cucked

>> No.24964090

this and only this

>> No.24964096


>> No.24964113

stay at home mom

>> No.24964131

wagie ragie


>> No.24964134


>> No.24964153


>> No.24964156


>> No.24964212

Unironically runinng an Equestrian facility; only women go there, horse riding keeps her tight, wholesome trad occupation, and if you own the land you can make half decent money out of livery etc

>> No.24964232

definitely not a nurse

>> No.24964316

Right looks like she lets the guys she invites round on tinder spunk on her face.

>> No.24964398

Preference would be someone in a /lit/ profession. Journalist, author, academic, etc. I'm open to any white-collar job though.

>> No.24964421


>horse riding keeps her tight
in general or in the pussy?

>> No.24964540

Anon, they... they tend to do inappropriate things with the horse that do the opposite of keeping them tight. It’s more common than you think

>> No.24964593

if you like commies so much you can just go down to your local antifa recruitment center and pick up an anime tranny for a small fee of like 3 rice krispies treats

>> No.24964597


>> No.24964622


enjoy your dull wife, who loses her beauty and zest for life after shitting out several kids that go on to eventually leave, and comes to realise she has nothing going on in her life now that babby doesnt need mommy anymore

>> No.24964625
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Based and only acceptable answer. Anyone saying otherwise is a Jew

>> No.24964655
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>Sir, it's for you

>> No.24964657

Nah, queers might do it for fun, women will only do it if coerced into it by pornographers.

>> No.24964660

Pfff. FUCK that. Never get involved with horse women. They develop intense emotional attachments to horses and will end up loving the horse man than you or your family.

Horses stimulate their genitals and can give some women orgasms just from riding, which is the same biological mechanism that makes women pair bond with men, and why women go crazy and psychotic for good dick.

>> No.24964677

Hey rabbi

>> No.24964688

Mass replying Reddit spacing retard faggot, just leave.

>> No.24964699

Happy hannukah.

>> No.24964716

Based, gonna have to look into this once I get a self sufficiency oriented property to run. Didn't even know it was possible to maintain tightness like that lol.

"beauty and zest for life" i.e. being a whore who loves the diversity of cocks she rides. Real beauty and zest for life is awoken in a woman by loving and caring for her young, who she gave life to and continues to do that as her "job". Plus having kids causes embryonic stem cells to mix with her blood during pregnancy through microchimerism giving her health throughout the process, otherwise pregnancy would be very stressful on the female body

>> No.24964769


>> No.24964790

if you are chad you find the 1 out of 50.000 girl that has a developed personality (without being a promiscious slut) and has something going for herself.
blunt women will fuck up your kids

>> No.24964852

Whatever will support my lifestyle

>> No.24964860
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My waifu works at my mom’s bakery. She brings me home cannolis sometimes. 10/10 waifu.

>> No.24964928
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definitely not pic related, because she would have to get the shot at work.

>> No.24964951

You will never be a real woman

>> No.24964953

Women are harpies. Keep away.

>> No.24964966

>t. Blue pilled beta

>> No.24964991

fucking this.

>> No.24965035
File: 34 KB, 428x429, 1608353063694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random twitter post with an image void of context or source
>reliable information

>> No.24965137

I wasn't 3 of 4, I think 3 of 30, but they did develop bells palsy. How did you miss this?

>> No.24965179

This picture was debunked. The % of Bell’s palsy in both RNA vaccines (Pfizer and moderna) groups is in line with the overall population. Fake news.

>> No.24965238

> Pfff. FUCK that. Never get involved with horse women. They develop intense emotional attachments to horses and will end up loving the horse man than you or your family.

This. Only fuck equine sluts

>> No.24965240

Even your faggot fact checking site Snopes admits it's real. Show me where it's debunked rabbi.

>> No.24965249


>> No.24965284


>> No.24965303

Cringe and boomer pilled

>> No.24965312

The proportion of people in the study that contracted facial paralysis after being vaccinated is consistent with the proportion of the overall population that develop it spontaneously

>> No.24965350

Yes because people consistently develop bells palsy on a regular basis.
Lmao post proof faggot, show stats. What a rediculous statement.

>> No.24965354


>> No.24965384


>> No.24965387

Professional virgin and professional faithful monogamous partner

No career

>> No.24965407

How much 15 years old are you?

>> No.24965425


>> No.24965460

>Imagine a lovey wife and mother
>Realize most women hate the idea of being lovely
>Post this
Post your tits already.

>> No.24965462

let me guess you out source finding your mate in east europe / asia

>> No.24965510

Typical blue pilled beta crab in a bucket reply.
Better yourself anon.

>> No.24965554

1-4 people per 10000 contract it
Trial was something like 15000
So the number that experienced (temporary btw) facial paralysis is not significant
You're going to have to find another straw to grasp

>> No.24965668

ok, thanks for informing us, senpai. what about dog women, then?

>> No.24965705

>What are the best occupations for your waifu?
a chef, that way when i seed her she will know what to do

>> No.24965724

>It just happens
Why did no one in the placebo group develop it?
Post article, stats, let me decide. Don't just regurgitate your favourite twitter faggot.

>> No.24965780

post a picture of your nose

>> No.24965782

One in Pfizer’s placebo group did develop it. Did you even inform yourself or see you just spreading alt-right alternative facts

>> No.24965808

>it was debooncked

>> No.24965813

Dangerously based

>> No.24965858

It’s not that there’s some odd unicorn around that you can’t find, it’s that the true chad makes women that way around him, compliant and feminine . A bitch can be a thundercunt to a blue pilled beta and completely submissive to a chad

>> No.24965884

Hmm. Maintain ownership of the horse and she'll never leave?

>> No.24965896

i am not going to repeat myself over.
feminism and all of that empowerment agenda could only flourish and prosper because women were used as birthing machines right from their parents homestead. the idea sold to them that they are missing out sold like hot cakes. and as retarded as the common people are they reacted by going full pendulum to the other extreme. you have to find a family oriented girl that can interest herself for things that go beyond the current new show on netflix

>> No.24965905
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It’s clearly fake, buzzfeed said so

>> No.24965964 [DELETED] 

>I slowly started to hate them

>> No.24965968

Ok, yes but your original response seemed to indicate that you agree with "your dull wife, who loses her beauty and zest for life after shitting out several kids" from >>24964622

>> No.24965999

What this King said.

>> No.24966049
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I never said shit about a girl who can't interest herself beyond Netflix. The fuck you on about? You agreed with the beta and emphasised his points further.
Fuck these goal post moving retarded plebbit faggots. I'm fucking out.

>> No.24966250

High school teacher for inner city youth.

>> No.24966317

One in the moderna placebo my bad.

> Throughout the safety follow-up period to date, there were three reports of facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy) in the vaccine group and one in the placebo group
Source: https://www.fda.gov/media/144434/download

>> No.24966362

>Housewife and mother

>> No.24966438

omg what ethnicity?