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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 309 KB, 1073x1892, 1604331977012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24963463 No.24963463 [Reply] [Original]

who needs altcoins when you can buy 10,000 shares of your favorite sub 5 cent stock for $500!?

shill ur fav OTC pink sheet stocks

my current pump:

Ultrack Systems Inc
Ticker: $MJLB
Price: 0.0701
Industry: Fleet GPS Tracking/Communications
About: We help our clients locate, track and manage their assets using todays leading edge wireless and GPS based technologies. This means we are able to provide an accurate and affordable means of tracking moving assets. Our compact trackers, and our easy to use tracking software allow us to monitor or track any asset virtually anywhere in the world.

Recently partnered with $TELUS -- they will also be in BMW i8 & Tesla EV's in 2021.


>> No.24963589

>censoring the name
god I hate nu-4chan

>> No.24963641

Mallika Sherawat. First result from reverse image searching. Imagine calling others newfags when you need spoonfed.

>> No.24963659

I've seen the uncensored image countless times. That the censored version would be posted at all here is what I was bemoaning, smoothbrain retard.

>> No.24963671

Wow who plays chess with pieces setup like that, pathetic

>> No.24963686

There was this one dude I followed on Instagram that would troll guys in the marine corps. They would write him just absolutely seething and coping. he would screen shot the convo and post it calling them a retard without censoring the name. I know he would do it on purpose because these faggit ass boots deserved it. It was always funny. But yeah stop censoring shit, that’s literally redtoid tier cucking.

>> No.24963710

You mean posting her cleavage like the whore she is.

>> No.24963748

Im embarassed she is arab. Stupid bitch

>> No.24963876
File: 95 KB, 645x514, 1597070935913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you never know she might actually be pretty good at checkers

>> No.24964162

im also looking into $MINE https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/mine/profile