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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2495884 No.2495884 [Reply] [Original]

>Half asleep
>Selling last little bit of LTC before I call it a night.
>Type extra 0 after decimal without noticing.
>Hit send
>"Order filled" instantly
>Wow that was fa-

tl;dr: Lost $300 in half a second because of a typo.

So /biz/ what potato tier moves have you done that make you die a little inside? Help me sleep tonight.

>> No.2495917
File: 160 KB, 1280x982, IMG_1702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us see Anon.

>> No.2495933

>last night
>half asleep
>buy xmr on heavy leverage
>immediately realize it was a stupid idea and set close order
>fall asleep
>sell order was too high, xmr dropped and entire investment liquidated
Never crypto on 0.5 hours sleep

>> No.2495943

Bought £220 worth of dgb at 2300 sats

>> No.2495946


check to make sure it sold at that price/

i did this exact thing on kraken once and even though it said i sold $500 worth of whatever coin, it was actually sold at market price of $50. lost my mind for an hour before i realized what had happened though. so check to make sure.

>> No.2495950
File: 135 KB, 780x623, 1480744416466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless you sold on a shit exchange with no volume, then you simply filled the buy orders

>> No.2495970

No shit you fucking retard. What's the point of your comment?

>> No.2495996

>extra 0 after decimal
literally makes no difference to the price

fuck you nigger

>> No.2496002

didn't you see that my comment is a direct reply?
It looks to me as if OP fears that he lost 90% of his capital because of the extra 0.
>implying /biz/ actually knows something

>> No.2496042

0.1 = 0.01 seems about right

>> No.2496058


I did the same shit with BAT. Sell order at 8400 it only dropped to 8500

>> No.2496060

>Type extra 0 after decimal without noticing.
Holy fuck OP! How can you be so stupid!

you wanted to type 0.1 but you typed 0.10 lol that's a 10x times loss

you fucking moron lol

>> No.2496065

Doesn't matter. It'll sell at the highest bid price regardless

>> No.2496251

what's the point of this fake roleplaying thread? your story isn't even that interesting. $300 who fucking cares? small time, anon

>> No.2496282


>who the fuck cares

Anglo get out.