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2495812 No.2495812 [Reply] [Original]

Mining General?

What service you using? What's your daily production rate looking like? Tips and tricks?

I prefer minin w/ nicehash because it cuts a lot of the bullshit out. I'm sure I lose a dollar or two on their end, but it's fine for me desu. I was able to get my card to 33MH/S ~6.40 a day. No opportunity costs here, no required rate of return.

Anyone else here mine for a mining service?

>> No.2495845

i use giga-watt. dont have to setup shit, never even seen the rig and i get 1.2k a month lmao

>> No.2495904

What are miners going to do at the fork?

>> No.2495910

Thinking about getting some solar panels and byilding a few rigs to mine some etc.

>> No.2495913

I make about 10 cents a day passively by mining LBC with my shitty computer.

Stay poor nocoiners.

>> No.2496007

>degrading your hardware dramatically
>electric costs
>could combust at any time from running 24/7 and burn down your house

lel im sure that 10 cents a day will pay for the new cpu and gfx card when they burn out way earlier than expected

>> No.2496017

If nothings overclocked why in the fucking world would they "burn out sooner" you spoon fed inbred. How retarded are you?

>> No.2496020

its only 10 cents because im running it so low and only for about 10 hours a day you dunce. It's not gonna burn my GPU any worse than normal use.

>> No.2496046


c o p e

>> No.2496063

Just bought a smaller 2nd hand supercomputer to do cpu mining (20 480 cores) . Will give me about ~$60k/m, for an investment of $80k. Electricity is $0.02/kwh. Might setup some sort of mining service later on.

>> No.2496083

im on Genesis mining, bought a monero mining contract and im getting daily payments in DASH from it...bout $1.25 a day for the next two years

>> No.2496158

Op here.

I'm considering building a second cheap rig (cheap mono and CPU) and a bunch of GPU's. Gotta see how the fork goes, etc. you m optimistic though. This is hilariously ez passive income.

Just have to find the gpus...

>> No.2496240


this is a ez way of getting into crypto market without putting alot of skin in the game

>> No.2496257
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Trying to keep an eye on my dual 1070 rig from my phone, it's like nothing wrong ever happens until the moment I leave the house.

Anybody ever have Nicehash try to start multiple algos and then freeze your system? I think I fixed it but idk.

>> No.2496269
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What would I make more money mining with dual 1080tis? Nicehash pools or Zcash?

>> No.2496270

Aren't those mining rigs super noisy? And don't they make your internet slower? How do you cope with that

>> No.2496296

I don't do 10 card rigs and my internet's never taken a dip. Dual 10xx cards purring in the corner is comfy af.

>> No.2496299

Im in university, and during the semester i never have time to play vidya like i do on break. This basically financially incentivizes me to continue to study instead of dicking about on my rig.

>> No.2496324

Is this shit actually legit?

>> No.2496358

It produces 140kw of heat, 10 racks. Draws as much power as 20 homes.

>> No.2496359

Well, ive a few machines that i can cpu mine and gpu mine in places that i dont pay the bills tho cant keep them up 24/7.

Been mining DGB skien and have done like 10cents last 2 days.

Kinda want to step up and buy a mining think but done some math and unless i find a good shitcoin to mine cant have any profits.

Found a pretty nice BTC miner that does 480GHS for 480W for 50€ but would take me like 1year to get those 50€ back, sucks that i cant mine LTC with it cuz if that was possible i would have the lambo in no time

>> No.2496387


yup, they're running an ICO right now, if you buy their token you can run your mining rig rent and electricity free

i bought a shitload , they have the largest mining facility in the US

>> No.2496392

So what do you rent a small office or garage or something?

>> No.2496402

look to a service that lets you mine an easier coin and pays you out in BTC (like nicehash).

Im not fully heartedly recommending, because I dont want someone else to fall for a meme if I did.

>> No.2496404

all you pay for is maintenence/upkeep - and i saw the photos on instagram its a massive data center looking warehouse,

the total running cost of my rig after august 7th will be $0.033 per day, ill rent out my spare WTTs to you goys

>> No.2496556

I've got my shit setup good. every night i set a preset on my bios and put my cpu into one core and disable all my hdds apart from my boot disk. I've configured all the power shit perfectly and then i mine all night. Use about 150 Watts at full power from the wall and get about 15MH/s on etherum.

>> No.2496578

Seems like a nice thing tho im on DGB cuz i kinda feel like i want to invest on them but not "waste money" on them

But i will check if that is worth

>> No.2496590
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More of a something.

>> No.2496604

How much do u mine avg per day?

>> No.2496641

You think the long run roi on solar will be worth it? Going to get a power bank or connect it fully to your system?

>> No.2496642

Oh wow. Holy shit. That's a very serious investment. Good luck

>> No.2496686


>> No.2496716

how does one initiate getting into the crypto market?

>> No.2496725

About 8 dollars a day of revenue.
Electricity is expense here, (Australia), 0.26USD/kWh so it cost about 2 dollars a day.

So a profit of $6 a day. It's a nice side of income to invest in crypto and turn it into $50 in a couple of months.

If you include deprecation on my GTX 760 I'm probably making nothing though.

>> No.2496728
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mfw I'm stealth mining on my unis supercomputer

the gains have been unbelievable

>> No.2496744

You actually serious? What's your major?

I'll be majoring in either Mathematical and computer science or Software engineering next year, and i might be able to do that.

>> No.2496951

how did u start off making money doing this? also bump

>> No.2497008

Another bump

>> No.2497054

another bump my good man

>> No.2497108

which coins can you mine? also can you tell how much your plan costs?

>> No.2497122
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I just got so bored that i wrote a python script on how much profit you'd make mining Ethereum or any other coin for that matter.

>> No.2497140

Nice i'm new to python and i understand the code just need to practice and write something like this for my own

>> No.2497147

Remember the saying about mining:
>It's all fun and games until your house burns down.

>> No.2497176

What an absolutely useless piece of shit

>> No.2497178

I use to write stuff like that all the time when i just started learning in 2014. You just got to keep watching tutorials and then try to make something without copying.

I'm a little bit rusty at python so the way i wrote it was pretty inefficient.

If you want to get good a python i recommend you make a pygame game without copying something online. It'll be a challenge but you'll improve your skills by a lot by doing it.

>> No.2497206

Cunt was it meant to be?

Shut your fucking mouth before i come over there and stomp your shit talking poofter mouth.

>> No.2497230


>> No.2497297

Also on my miner I'm getting 7% stale shares.
Is there a way to reduce it?

>> No.2497316

use EWBF's miner, 1500 sol/s, $20-25 per day

>> No.2497355

How much 1 token and what does it give you? Do they just rent GPUs?

>> No.2497412

Is there a way to mine with the google cloud shit?
They give you $300 free worth of server time.

>> No.2497612

A stale share occurs when you find a share and submit it to the mining pool after the pool has already moved on to the next block. The percentage of stale shares should be very low if everything's working correct, around 2 out of 1,000 shares or so.

Several factors affect the stale share rate. The three most important are long polling, pool load, and miner-to-pool latency.

Any shares found based on old work units after the pool controller receives a new block will be stale. Long polling is a technique that allows the pool to notify all of its miners when there's a change in the block chain so they can immediately request new work units. If your pool or mining software doesn't support long polling, you will finish out the old work units, generating stale shares.

When the long polling notification goes out, all miners that support long polling request new work units at about the same time. This generates a massive burst of load as the pool has to manages lots of network traffic and do several SHA-256 operations for each share it issues. If the pool is slow to issue you a new work unit, the window in which you can generate stale shares increases.

The long polling and subsequent share request process requires a few network operations. Latency between the miner and the pool can slow this process down. Picking a pool with a controller near you (network wise) can reduce this part of the stale share window as well.

In addition, some pools have had bugs in their software that produced stale shares. The pool checks if the share is stale by seeing if it has a record of the work unit and clearing all work unit records when the chain changes. So if something goes wrong with the work unit tracking process, that will result in a stale share being reported.

>> No.2497629
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>Set up solar panels
>buy ASICS
>move to a cheap rural area and subsist solely off mining promising alt coins

How viable is this?

>> No.2497657

Very viable.

>> No.2497736

country internet kind of sucks ass and the climate isnt always bucolic

>> No.2497859

not to mention the fact that you have to buy a fucking miner for $1600 first you faggot

>> No.2498532

What would be a good miner to purchase for just starting out? an asic of sorts?

>> No.2498759

Depends on your budget.
But a decent oen would be as follows:

$150 motherboard, decent with plently of PCI-E slots
As many RX 470/480/570/580s you can get your hands on
$50 dollar new Pentium or Celeron.
4 or 8 gigs of ram
40-80gb SSD

>> No.2498850

wrote that down, uh what would be absolutely ideal regarding rig stuff

>> No.2498894

So lets say we waste 500$ with that setup, how long and farming which coin do u think will take to get it back?

Also 500$ is just one VGA cuz u need a good PSU aswell if you are thinking on upgrading later

>> No.2498927

It'll probably take a two months after you start to make your original return on a decent rig.

If you spend $500 on a rig though, it'll take like 4 months. If you're gonna spend $500 you might as well spend a little extra on another gpu, because it'll make the time it takes to get your money back so much quicker.

What do you mean?

>> No.2498929

mining isnt as bad for hardware as people think. constant, steady workloads are much less stressful on the hardware then the crazy up and down shit you get in actual gayman.

>> No.2499199
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>> No.2499222


It's not that degrading to your hardware; it was built with target temperatures in mind. Running 24/7 is better for the clock than the bursts you get from usual stuff (rendering/gaming/simulating/etc.). It's also good that nearly every single CPU/GPU now automatically reduces its own clock if temps get too high. Shit is not like it used to be, you can mine your heart out with newer rigs and even high end gaming rigs.

>> No.2499246

that seems a little low. What's your power profile like?

>> No.2499273

Its a pyramid scheme in which you have to mine to get the money to get more gpus to mine profitably.

>> No.2499282
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Pro Tip: Unless you can get an AMD GPU for actual MSRP, you're better off getting an Nvidia 1070 or higher. All AMD cards are out of stock nearly everywhere, and marked up 300% or higher on ebay. If your RX580 is marked up even 200% over MSRP, you're making ROI at about 150 days. (A GTX 1070 makes ROI in 80 days)
55% power target, it's a bit more efficient and it's hot as balls here (104F) so I don't want to have to run AC.

>> No.2499286

Here's the deal:

>7-9$ per W peak solar panel performance
so per gpu, you need around 100W + other system functions (assuming a 470), which will end up being about another 150W or so. So to just start with 1 GPU, you need 250W, or 7*250 (assuming cheapest solar panel cost) or 1750 bucks. For that 1750 bucks, you'll mine 4 bucks a day, but actually less since you won't be able to mine at night (you're not going to have any stored power since you're pushing the solar panel to its peak). In order to make any kind of money you'll need to invest in the 6 figures, but even then, you'll need a lot of land to fill with those panels.

its probably worth it to just stick with on the grid power.

>> No.2499299

ah gotchya. I live in a cooler climate so I can push mine upto about 70% power usage without baking my house.

>> No.2499704

Pretty easy to find AMD cards where im from, nobody likes amd and theres only gamerfags round here

>> No.2500031

I got a 1060 and two 970s arriving in a few days. I should make about 10$ a day mining eth until the PoS shit starts, that's the plan anyway.

>> No.2500119

how to use a 1060 or 1070 ? i dont want to overclock, i want her to last longer, thanks bro

>> No.2500174

Where is that place on earth?!!

>> No.2500326


>> No.2500335

Download MSI Afterburner or EVGA PrecisionX
Adjust power target to your preferred power level (maybe 80%, depends on your temperature and your power costs)
Download nicehash miner
Click Benchmark so it knows which coins to mine
Click Start

>> No.2500666

i dont want to use nicehash, seems like to use a miner for some coins gives more profit than nicehash, thats right ? calculators shows me 2x more profit than nicehash. my country is hot +35C and powe costs are about 0.2 usd per kwh, what would you suggest ? thank you for being kind

>> No.2500780

with those power costs, honestly nothing.

>> No.2500793

Yeah but the 1070's are currently double the price of the RX580's...

>> No.2500863
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>these variables

>> No.2501143
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>> No.2501157


>> No.2501188

you're a pedo.

>> No.2501232
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Exactly. RX580 at MSRP is great if you can find it. You're a sucker if you buy one at current prices.

>> No.2501256
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>> No.2501301

i was wondering if you could say something, i will invest on mining anyway, my powercosts are not my biggest problem, i guess...

>> No.2501326
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>> No.2501359

Sorry for the late response, buddy. Hope you're still lurking.

I've just started and only have two rigs running, a dual 1070 and dual 1080ti. My mindset as a broke college kid is that after 100 days these things fully pay for themselves and subsequently generate 30+ dollars a day simply running in the background.

I'm greedy and want to see how far I can go as an amateur but making the paycheck of a part-time job by doing nothing besides keeping an eye on two expensive computers is easy, easy money.

Speaking of money, it's fucking expensive to start up, but after that mental barrier you are golden.

Hope that helps.

>> No.2501454
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RIP your prices

>> No.2501524

Just picked up an R9 390 for $350, did I fuck up?

>> No.2501543

Planning on ETH mining then switch to zcash after, cards are supposedly coming end of June, what you think, I bite the bullet and get 1070's or wait maybe 2 weeks for the cardsavailabiity for rx580 8gigs?

>> No.2501615

Just for 1-2 year old used cards for cheap. They'll give you the best profit.

>> No.2501631

hi bunker anon, how's everything doing? any new home improvements? haven't seen you in a while

>> No.2501632

also what site is this ?

>> No.2501635

>pre order

lol good luck with that.

>> No.2501639

i don't know man. how much is your electricity?
Over 100 days to earn back the cost of a 580 is a bit high, especially with VEGA coming out soon and prices for older cards may drop. Then again, 1070 prices are jacked up for you.
Find all the prices for cards you can get and plug them into a calculator like https://www.nicehash.com/?p=calc
Buy whatever is the shortest ROI

>> No.2501646

don't get caught because you will get expelled for sure anon. Try to not shit where you eat.

>> No.2501673
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Lots. But mostly high voltage related, utility rooms.

Friend talked me into doing some crypto currency mining, will see how it goes.

>> No.2501729

Is that you bunkerbro?

>> No.2501737

Pre-ordered mid may, dates changed from 6th June, 16th June, then 30th... so yeah, hence why im asking if I shouldn't just get the 1070's

>> No.2501789

that's fucking awesome. Good to see everything is going fine and wish you the best when you get the mining rigs up and running.

>> No.2502076

Hi David (:

Welcome to the fun, I'll be home in 15

>> No.2502179

Could I mine UBQ with an old-ish XPS laptop w/ GeForce GT 420M?
I'm not looking to invest in new hardware right now.

>> No.2502200

Likely to make a dollar or less a day. Not worth desu

>> No.2502375

That's bad thinking

"I'll go without mining for a few months waiting for cheaper cards to come out"

It's not about ROI it's about longterm profit potential. Taking 3 months to pay off is nothing - you own these cards forever until they break

Buy ASAP, every day you go without mining is lost profit, even if you pay $50 extra markup on the cards that's like 1.5 weeks per card to pay off, it's nothing.

>> No.2503283


Thinking about keeping a miners general up, seeing as it's a way to make a huge ROI with minimal speculation

>> No.2503434
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I love how I'm managing to pull this off: I've been GPU mining with two computers using a NVIDIA 970 each, and long story short, I've been mining around 0.00161 BTC/day, with some recent daily max rates at around 0.00254 BTC.

Too bad electricity in California is super expensive, and DGB is kinda weak lately... but despite that, I'm still able to mine decent rates. Like, in just a shade over 2 weeks, I've generated maybe $65 (though only $25 is pure profit). I thus look forward to see what my earnings are after a couple months or so.

Pic related: it's the data of my earnings.

>> No.2503454

Of course, my next question is... should I HODL the coins I mine as-is, or should I convert them to Bitcoin ASAP?

>> No.2503587

That's a good idea, go for it. Although I planned on mining ETH for a few months and then selling off the hardware, I think I'll keep adding equipment as long as there's other coins to mine.

>> No.2503662

I agree, we should have a mining general... just the share notes, rig ideas, GPUs which mine well, good mining servers, etc.

>> No.2503722

So whats the best coin to mine with sha256? I might be able to get mine hand on something that does 450GHS but not sure what to mine

>> No.2503740

Largest pump & dump /biz/ has ever seen. Join and be a part of history.


>> No.2503773

dual miner work on nvidia cards ?

>> No.2503868

no, that's for amd cards only afaik

>> No.2503959

Why no love for ZEC?

I had mined XMR and recently started ZEC. Nearly tripled my earning. It makes more money than any other coins in terms of BTC, and once ETH mining is over, most of the miners would go for ZEC mining for that reason, pushing the prices up.


>> No.2504081

Can you mine it using GPUs?

>> No.2504147

yeah, it's no harder to set up than eth

>> No.2504293

Hey anon. Cheers for posting. I've got the founders editions water cooled and they sometimes rum back to stock rather than OC.

Good to see that this happens to others

>> No.2504442

which miner do you use ? amd or nvidia ?