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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 200x200, combtiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24956193 No.24956193 [Reply] [Original]

Haircomb is literally the most bullish fucking project in this entire space. Everyone that knows of it wants some. Everyone that has some wants more. Even when you swing you will think about haircomb because you know what you arent holding onto. And if you dont know then you're letting yourself remain ignorant to gamble on smaller projects. I dont feel anything for you if you sell its your choice but when you miss out and cry because of that i am certainly going to laugh. Stack haircombs and buy shitcoins if you want but keep the haircomb and use your extra cash to gamble. If you cant do that then youre too poor to do either.

>> No.24956324

How do I mine this?

>> No.24956368

Haircomb? What? That's a fucking stupid name. I've never heard of this before. Is it new? I've never seen it mentioned anywhere.

>> No.24956392

Oh, what does it sell for? Fucking hair comb idiots what a waste of a thread. Fuck your keylogger

>> No.24956421
File: 342 KB, 1441x550, 1608224496821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tee Hee Hee Hee

>> No.24956445

they dont understand do they

>> No.24956520
File: 2.95 MB, 960x540, 1572696130403.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.24956538

Sirs, only Kleros is blessed by Vishnu. Comb is non-curry, a बुतपरस्त

>> No.24956580

a good point well made

>> No.24956609

american education

>> No.24956630
File: 8 KB, 740x95, x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24956730

is this what i think it is

>> No.24956825

What is it and how do I get some?

If you're gonna shill something, provide some info.

>> No.24956873

you need to run a modified bitcoin core and claim by sending 330 sats to specific addresses (where it is proveably burned)

read more here

>> No.24956904

waiting for the sync is the hardest part
it can take over ten days but its worth it

>> No.24956987

i don't know what you think natasha has 21 teeth

>> No.24957009


>> No.24957512

Alright, and what happens after you send 330 sat?

How are these combs distributed? It's all a bit esoteric to me at the moment, please explain it in a clear and concise manner.

>> No.24957579
File: 12 KB, 250x246, 1540824487244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The price rise forced by subsidy halvings is not exponential like the one in
Bitcoin but sub-exponential. The full supply is to be released over a period of
nearly half of millenia. The reason is if Bitcoin fails for some reason, the
likely reason is that the Nakamoto pot spurred quantum research that led to the
demise of ECDSA close around 2140 when the singularity hits (or earlier).
I predict that haircomb is the logical next step that would last ideally very
long, so it won't matter if comb token is very cheap for 20 or even 50 years,
it will get there, and could eventually outlast Bitcoin.

>around 2140 when the singularity hits (or earlier).

>the singularity

So she is a clever girl but also a bit of a nut job. I don't see the short to medium term upward potential for something as eccentric as this.

>> No.24958073


liquidity stacks are more interesting than the quantum stuff
the potential for payroll function has a bit more immediate value. its hard to do one transfer (21 addresses need to be fed) but one transfer can contain ten million comb payments the same price as one payment

its ingenius

>> No.24958115

one anon transfer on the bitcoin chain for 21 330 sat payments I SLEEP
ten million simultaneous anon transfers on the bitcoin chain for the same I WAKE

>> No.24958135
File: 299 KB, 990x681, 1535215949418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people itt who would unironically download a precompiled exe from github without scanning for malware

>there are people itt who would unironically download a precompiled exe from github without scanning for malware

>there are people itt who would unironically download a precompiled exe from github without scanning for malware

>there are people itt who would unironically download a precompiled exe from github without scanning for malware

run it through virustotal and see for yourself

>> No.24958172

haircomb is so good
a token on the bitcoin chain where being quantum proof is just a neat extra feature and not the main event

>> No.24958201


>> No.24958247

when the address is funded with 330 sat it is swept. if it is the first new address funded in that block that is seen by the comb client then sweeping will get you about 1.58 combs.

its an auction system. you need to 'outbid' other claimers by having the highest tx fee and being the first 'seen' in the particular block. you can only claim once per block

>> No.24958338

how much have you made scraping the wallets of sub 80 retards so far?

>> No.24958364

so smart