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24953043 No.24953043 [Reply] [Original]

Bentobase is giving me GRT vibes niggers
DYOR before you KYS for not checking it out

>> No.24953092

i keep hearing about this shit
redpill me on bbase

>> No.24953108

No you fucking don't lmao, go back to nigeria.

>> No.24953141

Insituional investment niggers will be flowing their trillions into TVL instead of market cap; BBASE has everything worked out and they’re close to launch
What do you think they’ll use?
Don’t miss out

>> No.24953174

Lmao if you did any kind of research on it you would realize the potential this has, stay poor faggot

>> No.24953209

Any link for this shit?

>> No.24953246

Yeah i took these from another thread, looks ripe for the taking
bentobase.io - site
gg/VDTF2H2DEJ - discord
t.me/bentobase - telegram

>> No.24953445

thanks bro

>> No.24953618

oh yeah baby i'm ready for it

>> No.24953926

I'll throw an eth in just to spite you fag

>> No.24954284

nice, the site looks pretty good

>> No.24954528

more like BENTOBASED

>> No.24954823
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Ape season baby, where all these presales make a shit ton of money

>> No.24955491

alright this shit looks good but how do i get in? is there a presale or something?

>> No.24955513


>> No.24956187

Presale announcement soon, join the disc and telegram

>> No.24956528

it's a scam kek you idiots... DYOR
look at BBASE twitter kek created on JUNE 2020... used for other scammy projects

>> No.24957060

>implying huge projects like yfi didn't create their twitter account a few months before launching
you are a fucking idiot and a disgrace to this board
kill yourself

>> No.24957665

People just want everything to be a scam

>> No.24957865

What’s the pitch?

>> No.24958381

I know you're the same guy from the last thread so here's my response. It rebases above the peg right? So if the peg is increasing massively it will be difficult to positively rebase. It's very straightforward. Stupid fucking idea.

>> No.24958493

Can you explain for brainlets like me?

>> No.24958521

pegging to the TVL is based. if the sale goes well I might have to grab a bag

>> No.24958817

Alright so AMPL pegged to $1 (adjusted for inflation). If the demand for AMPL is above $1 then it prints more. $1 barely moves in value, that is ideal.

Now this thing pegs to defi TVL which is increasing exponentially. So say defi TVL is 20M it could increase say 50% in a few months. Now this coin has to increase in demand just as much to get over the peg and print more. If it doesn't it negative rebases into a death spiral.

>> No.24959181

which kind of worries me, but if you know how to play the rebase game you can make a killing. i know of a guy that did well on ampl and said the same.

>> No.24959513

powerful explanation

>> No.24959863

things like this pop off all the time. wait until china buys and you're left with your dick in your hand. the defi sector is going to grow well into the decade, so this is literally like free money.

>> No.24960029

defi bubble with pop soon, goy

>> No.24960368
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do you or anyone actually see that happening anytime soon? no.

this but unironically

>> No.24960785

If the bubble pops we all kill ourselves

>> No.24961027

Take some profits, please

>> No.24961043
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>> No.24961447

I don't think so, literal retard

>> No.24961453
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cheers brother

>> No.24961583

if this gives you grt vibes then i’d grab some before it sells

>> No.24961660

GRT is a pnd

>> No.24961809

GRT is doing retarded numbers right now - this is the fucking bull run pussy

>> No.24961958


>> No.24962115

It will dump eventually though and you will have to jump on something else to keep making those gains

>> No.24962267

How do I buy this shit?

>> No.24962376
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and then it will keep going you bitch ass bobo cuck. no one care about your opinion here defeatist cuck.

>> No.24962746

bounce presale will be announced in the discord

>> No.24962782

lmao seething

>> No.24962975

It will keep going after a long consoladation period. Just play other games until it is ready to go again

>> No.24962983

you need to calm down buddy. you’re embarrassing yourself.

>> No.24963633

We start seeing some real gains again and everyone is getting excited

>> No.24963645

it isn’t going down anytime soon. this in the other hand is gaining interested members quickly it looks like

>> No.24963858

People got in at 3c, eventually that sell pressure will come and people will want to lock in profits. We could reach $1 or even higher before that happens but when it does expect a long correction phase before continuation.

>> No.24964387

i’m fucking ready for it, i’ve been waiting for a good move

>> No.24964436
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>> No.24964710

Nice try retard

>> No.24964735

i haven’t seen any bad grammar so far bud

>> No.24965064
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We Jeb now

>> No.24965459

I am actually getting hype lately you’re not wrong

>> No.24965562

Its hard not to with so much easy money on the table

>> No.24966148

This coin makes me hungry

>> No.24966654

Hungry for gains

>> No.24967274

Man with how quick I jumped out of GRT I need something new to ride

>> No.24967740

Newfags getting out early or staying to long for the $1 meme. Just gonna cut at 75c, if this comes out around then I might ape a bit of my gains in

>> No.24968308

No one knows where this run is gonna end. Anyone who thinks they do is retarded

>> No.24969096
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Just buy AMPL

>> No.24969520

scampl more like it

>> No.24969748

Tell that to my coompounds

>> No.24970314

Nothing against AMPL but it is just trending to $1. I prefer taking that model and using it for something that would appreciate like what BBASE is doing

>> No.24970686

AMPL is king of rebase. BBASE might be a good for a pump but AMPL is going to top 5 minimum. Lots of rebases along the way

>> No.24971098

Being able to profit off of all of defi or the dollar. Which do you think has a real future?

>> No.24971783

The dollar is dead. 30% of all in circulation was printed this year

>> No.24972556
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Don't underestimate the jews