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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 313x250, ark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2495166 No.2495166 [Reply] [Original]

I just read the whitepaper for this

How have you not invested yet? This shit is insanely ambitious enough and could seriously be the missing link that crypto needs to integrate into the real world.

Not even shilling, once you get a few pages deep you really start to get a sense that it has MAJOR potential to be the next big thing.

>> No.2495171

no shit sherlock

>> No.2495174

Can we chill the fuck out on having 5 threads for the same coin?

>> No.2495203
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Sorry, I'm just excited. I cannot believe how low the market cap still is.

I mean just look at this, they break every phase of the roadmap down too to where it makes sense

>> No.2495223
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>> No.2495233
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Last one.

This could really change the game if they succeed.

>> No.2495289

>How have you not invested yet?


>> No.2495299

Welcome to last month, everyone that sees the potential is already in, we even have a /biz/ delegate that is offering 100% of mined coins for the first month of minting.

>> No.2495312

>Welcome to last month, everyone that sees the potential is already in, we even have a /biz/ delegate that is offering 100% of mined coins for the first month of minting.
Is it me or the biz delegate is shitty as fuck ?
They forge 10% of what others do.

>> No.2495313

If it's that good, then where are all the investors? I want it to succeed too, but nothing has happened for 9-10 days. Is it just because it is still new?

>> No.2495322

I'm waiting for the second payout to do the math but it looks shitty due to too many coins in the pool.

>> No.2495327

Yeah it's a good idea. It combines the powers of all the coins. I invested already. I think most of /biz/ has some ark

>> No.2495329

Being new is part of it, and these things take time. A billion dollars doesn't just go into the market cap overnight.

Shit, Ethereum was at $1 for a year and then ~$10 for another

>> No.2495332

>BTC traded under $1 for a year
>ETH traded under $1 for a year
It takes time anon, its faster than stocks but still not instant.

>> No.2495362

Don't remind me. I wish I knew about ETH. I for sure would have kept enough for proof of stake. :(

>> No.2495367
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It could be worse.

>> No.2495379


>> No.2495389

how does it feel?

>> No.2495392

I'm sorry dude. You couldn't have known what would happen.

>> No.2495395
File: 427 KB, 2006x1055, Hold_on_to_the_sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was my expensive lesson in HOLD, now I hold everything I think has potential.

>> No.2495404
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It's a little disheartening but it has taught me patience.

>> No.2495406

Yeah. Right now I'm only buying long-term holds and waiting till I have a million before cashing out. Life-changing sums or no deal is my motto. If it doesn't happen, at least I tried.

>> No.2495409

It's okay anon. I sold 300 of my ETH out of an original 400 two months ago, there's no way anyone could have known.

>> No.2495446


missed out around 200k with NEOS
damn i was pissed

>> No.2495456

How do you invest in ark?

>> No.2495468

It's only on Bittrex for the time being.

>> No.2495469

Why exactly are you shilling this shitcoin?

>> No.2495490

big potential, good dev structure, large community, passive income

>> No.2495497


it's on cryptopia my main man

>> No.2495509

I see it is. My mistake then.

>> No.2495523

and litebit and coss

if we get it on polo, it will moon

>> No.2495685

>this shit is insanely ambitious
So was Swarm City lol

>> No.2495707

Swarm City is a shit name with shit devs and a shittier concept.

>> No.2495722

Can some1 explain this image? I'm new to crypto and stock.

>> No.2495738

Agreed. It seemed like an OK concept but looking into the dev team and what they already have did not instill much confidence. The same cannot be said about ARK.

>> No.2495749

Are you me ???

>> No.2495774

At the same time, don't get greedy. If you manage to get to a hundred thousand or two then consider cashing out half.

>> No.2496031

There is a great interview with the dev team in YouTube. It was posted a few months ago.

>> No.2496577


>> No.2496612

He would have about $700k in ETH right now but he sold for $2k.

>> No.2496643

No fuck you, next month my wage will come to my bank so i can buy more ark. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.2496741

rip and ty

>> No.2496787

I am holding my ARK tight.

>> No.2496814

How long of a game are you guys playing? 1 year?

>> No.2496825

So let's say there really is a whale bot keeping the price down.

Once they decide to stop the bot, does it just steady rise to like $5 and plateau, or shoot up ETH style?

Also someone explain in layman terms what the long term value of this coin is and I'll buy 2 ETH worth.

>> No.2496826

so if this is used as a bridge between crypto coins then where exactly does the value of ark come from? if you can change your btc into eth without even needing to hold ark then what is the point of having it?

>> No.2496911

In part one of the things that make ARK so valuable is the desktop client is very "normie friendly." This coin has huge potential for bridging the gap to the normies. It's slick and intuitive, and they are even planning to upgrade it. It's super fast and responsive. If ARK can follow through on their own exchange which runs through the client, it will be even more "normie" accessable.

The team has been involved in Cryptos for years, and the lead dev was on the LISK team. He left to start his own currency when he was not able to integrate his ideas of what he thought was best for cryptos.

The smart bridge technology will be first of it's kind, and it will make ARK a relevant player just because it will be able to interface with the blockchains of already more successful coins.

Not to mention it's delegated PoS concept, and PoS just by the nature of the coin means more money will be flowing into it, because that's how the currency is strengthened. Instead of money being spend on computer hardware to mine the coins, all that money will be spent just buying the currency instead, thus driving up price.

Not to mention, they did not offer an "ICO" so to say. Everything about this coin seems very well thought out, and it seems they are trying to tackle the biggest problems that are currently associated with all other coins currently namely : Increasing blockchain size, Inabiity to interface with other blockchains, and not normie friendly, among other things.

I can't invest enough right now, and ARK has inspired me to hustle harder in real life to make more money to invest directly in it, because I think it has such huge potential if they can even hit 50% of roadmap's goals. Even the website gives you an idea of all the things they want to build and implement, and the status of the projects.

>> No.2496922

>The smart bridge technology will be first of it's kind

Blocknet already has this running retard

>> No.2496935

Cool man, really productive post.

>> No.2496952
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>Ark achieving more then block ever did in a few months

Block who?

>> No.2496997

Nah he's right. That's why I'm bagholding both and will no sell those bags for at least 1-2 years. They've already made me decent profit so far.

>> No.2497014

2-3 years, I am not in hurry.

>> No.2497450

Ok guys here's how you suggest ARK to Poloniex. I've also gathered all the information needed to suggest it to the exchange.


1. Ark coin

2. ARK

3. https://blog.ark.io/tagged/news

4. https://ark.io/

5. https://explorer.ark.io/

6. Just say what you've seen other people say about this coin. How a lot of people think it'll be the next ETH and how versatile the coin is. Mention how strong the community behind this coin.

>> No.2497466

because it's not on polo

>> No.2497473

They haven't delivered on any of their promises
>Hyping this shitcoin

>> No.2497533

>getting it on polo this early
>not accumulating shit tonnes of ARK cheap

>> No.2497546

I estimate a comfy stack to be around 2k

Gonna sell some ETH for more soon

>> No.2497556

Nigga, im getting 10k max or 5k minimum

>> No.2497569

after my recent cashout only BTC and ARK remain in my coinpurse, both long-term holds
I've come to find that actively trading on a 24h market, constant blockfolio checking and the recent happenings are bad for one's mental (insecurity, success/failure) and physical health (sleeplessness, staying up)

>> No.2497659

>he means 20k

>> No.2497718

When do they release news about adding coins?

>> No.2497733

no cunt i didnt.

>> No.2497739
File: 12 KB, 225x224, 1480742597952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He meant (me)

and y-yes I did...

>> No.2497744

youre a fucking idiot...

you could have bought ark at a cheap artificially controlled price and held it for 1-2 months and tripled your money

>> No.2497746

When do delegate payouts start?

>> No.2497752

You have bag to sell OP ?

This coin is fucking useless

>> No.2497766

I already dumped everything I have into this and I have already tripled my money on this. Do you want to me take out a loan?

>> No.2497769
File: 6 KB, 790x96, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not buying shit from people who can't properly format.
Scamcoin confirmed

>> No.2497770

I'm sorry, friend. I guess i am bad person

If youve read the whitepaper and think this coin is useless, then it must be an ever recurring theme in your life. Considering the sperm you shitbag father shot into your mum was virtually useless as well

>> No.2497775

Lmao technology takes time it doesn't just happen, faggo.

>> No.2497777

every monday.

also you block shills. they dont even have a whitepaper in their ANN and if they really had something good working it would already be at least above ARK. seems really sketchy to me

>> No.2497790

fuck i wish i had more money to invest into crypto in general, only have 100ARK right now.
Talked to my dad today, he's got like 50k€ in the bank and told him he could maybe invest into crypto to make easy money.
He wasn't buying it at the beggining, and kept telling me that all of this crypto thing is too complex and looks like a scam to him, but i convinced him to do some research on the subject and maybe he'll change his mind.
Got any advice on how to get him started?

>> No.2497798


I'm only saying no to the polo because people are trying so hard to get it on there so early to turn a profit quicker. This isnt a pump and dump, ARK will profit.

If we delay getting ARK on polo, then more of us can continue to get it cheap and /lamboland/

>> No.2497802


Tell me one thing that isn't useless with this coin ? What I've understood after I read their white paper : "Hi we have nothing to do on cryptocurrencies and no real project but we are here if you want to buy our shit"

>> No.2497816

Tell that old faggot a story about ETH in 2015 and then show him this.

>> No.2497843
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>> No.2497852

>he fell for the sleep meme
Who /insomniac master race/ here?

>> No.2497862

Inter-Planetary File System.

>One thing that isnt useless with this coin?

Integration of delegated proof of stake so holders are able to make passive income, solely through the possession and use of the coin. as opposed to spending x amount on x gpus, or whatever to mine.

SmartBridge, Anonymization, smart contracts, IPFS Integration.

Also, wallet is based. Normie-friendly, even for myself and they're going to redesign it. this is a group that wants to achieve

> "Hi we have nothing to do on cryptocurrencies and no real project but we are here if you want to buy our shit" (citation needed)

>> No.2497864

I already have 1.5k, I have more than enough time to get 500 more aerk by the time it moves to polo.

>> No.2497874

But, i dont to get 5k before polo

(read as: vested interest)

>> No.2497907


Thanks man, I was actually too lazy to really read the white paper.

But still think this coin doesn't offer anything new.

Passive income is a really bad idea.
We already have real good coin based on anonymization
And.. A wallet is a wallet, if you're too fucking stupid to correctly use a wallet.. How will you manage to buy coins ?

>> No.2497949

You've literally picked the least important points of all of that, read the whitepaper and then fud if you want to be a povo cuck. My point is, ARK and there team are branching out and making the appropriate steps to become a powerhouse of profit. If you could even risk it, buy $50 worth and sit on your hands. Wait a year and thank me later.

>> No.2497958

Anyone complaining about grammatical errors or the white paper, needs to understand that they are more concerned with building the tech right now than they are marketing.

>> No.2497977

LOL. have you seen their dev team? hold on to those bags for a few years i don't care.

>> No.2498019

Shieeet nigga.

>> No.2498023

What about the dev team?

Who was Vitalik in 2013

>> No.2498053


>> No.2498103
File: 97 KB, 1080x1181, 12142451_965950600144606_855432337_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 11eth on coinbase. How do I turn this into ARK??

>> No.2498115

transfer to bittrex account and then exchange it for ark there

>> No.2498117

withdraw ETH to bittrex
sell ETH for BTC
buy ARK with BTC

>> No.2498118

im creating a decentralized exchange, send some to my eth address and i'll send you some ark

>> No.2498132

I dont understand this whale theory. Ark has fallen to page 3 on bittrex , with only 225 btc volume. No one is accumulating this coin, no one cares about it, it offers nothing new, and it's not pumping or anything anytime soon. Stop with this "whales are holding it back" bullshit. The volume is going down steadily and not up. This coin is irrelevant to everyone other than nerds who shill it on biz every day

>> No.2498151
File: 32 KB, 688x578, 1471259864202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls refrain from saying mean things this is a safespace for bagholders

>> No.2498153

because people are putting it in their wallets and holding, rather than keeping it on the exchange

>> No.2498168

I hope that's true, this thread convinced me to buy someones bags.

>> No.2498181
File: 15 KB, 600x375, 555 come on now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>offers nothing new

>> No.2498197

all the numbers you see are not on exchanges

>> No.2498198

you MAKE ark coins for holding them in your wallet and burning one to vote for a delegate, whats the benefit of keeping them in the exchange if i can let them sit and get paid for it.

this board literally pooled over a million US fucking dollars to get into the top 10 delegate in under a week.

Do not worry my friend, we will make it to the Promised Land

>> No.2498211

lol ark.

blocknet is cheaper and has the ark product actually live and working..lol

>> No.2498235

then why is blocknet's marketcap miniscule compared to ark
do you have any data on how many actual transactions happen through their wallet exchange?

>> No.2498253

Can confirm. Their wallet is fucking cool man.

>> No.2498254

How do I transfer ARK from Bittrex into the desktop wallet?

>> No.2498268

the question is if it's the same retards who made threads 2 weeks ago, or if those guys already cashed out.

every ARK post reads like movie review by someone who didn't watch the movie but likes the actors. "INSANELY AMBITIOUS" "MAJOR POTENTIAL" "NOT EVEN SHILLING" I honestly hope these people are living paycheck to paycheck in India or something.

>> No.2498309

I'm going to read the whitepaper.

But if its good, I'm going in $5000

>> No.2498318

notice they only pump ark when its down

>> No.2498406

Someone? Anyone?

>> No.2498414

It's at 30k sats, should I wait for 27k or buy now?

Afraid it's going to dip lower and return to last weeks price

>> No.2498493

They are shilling this coin because they bought into the ponzi scheme which is the biz delegate.
They want more people buying the coin, to raise the value of the ARK so they get a greater ROI.
So back to your question on why there are ~5 threads on biz, it is because the volume of ARK is decreasing and the coin is in a bearish trend since the whitepaper is just trigger words no substance behind it.

>> No.2498495

3k sats won't make a difference in the whole scheme of things. If you want ark, just buy it.

>> No.2498501
File: 282 KB, 1838x634, arkbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying this is impossible due to obvious bot use. I hope the fuckers using bots die a horrible death by cancer, but only after watching their children and family die of it first.

>> No.2498512

Seriously dude?

On bittrex click wallets, then click the minus symbol next to ARK. Then paste your address you copied from your ARK wallet.

>> No.2498528

its 20% to a bot.

>> No.2498585

1.5-2 years, here. Hoping for a faster payout, but not holding my breath. Hoping to build up about 10-20k.

>> No.2498710

Yeah, I'm a bit of an idiot. Thank you!

>> No.2498870

Someone post the info of that guy running it

Ark isn't the only coin being affected by it either

>> No.2498923
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>> No.2499020

What if somebody took this screenshot and just spammed his social media and e-mails with it?

>> No.2499145


I want cheap ARK; This man is a blessing to me

>> No.2499275

Buy into the sell orders if you're so impatient.

>> No.2499335

When is the weekly payout happening?

I've had a vote since last Sunday (straight after we crossed 51) but haven't received anything today :(

>> No.2499342


>> No.2499375

Cheers senpai