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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 184 KB, 483x470, 45984728-2595-48C0-82CF-2621586E4BBB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24945475 No.24945475 [Reply] [Original]

In order to make money and predict markets and financial flows, you need to to have a good grasp on how the world actually is and what the people in it are like. /pol/tard beliefs often give you the opposite of how the world actually is, they said Trump would win in a landslide and he lost, they say coronavirus won’t make a difference and yet it’s causing huge changes to the world. Now they’re saying the new vaccine will sterilize or kill you and yet again nothing will happen.

If you’re being memed into having beliefs that don’t have anything to do with the real world, how will you ever get rich? /pol/cucks aren’t the same breed as they were 5-6 years ago, they get everything wrong now. I made money betting on an election that already took place because /pol/tards were convinced of a bunch of things that were never going to happen and they even put their own money on it.

>> No.24945524

Take this thread to pol faggot
Fuck kikes
Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes again
Fuck jannies
Fuck you
Link 1k eoy

>> No.24945606

Nigga you are retarded to think that /po/ or /biz/ is one person.
But really.
>women shouldn't vote
>Blacks are retarded
>The average Jew is evil
>Chinks are insects
These are the traditional values that build Western society and the more we stray from them the more we suffer

>> No.24945616

hmm? /pol/ was one of the first places on the internet to take coronavirus seriously.

>> No.24945672

actually true... If you read one iota of a /CVG/ thread in january you would've known shit was going to get uber fucked this year.

>> No.24945675
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>> No.24945796
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I just hate that liberals become anti-science as soon as something involves genetics. The world would be a much better place if they acknowledged that different demographics are fundamentally different, not just because of their environments. Instead they do stupid shit like putting incompetent women in STEM positions just to make everything 50/50. I would be a democrat if they didn't have a cult-like obsession with diversity.

>> No.24945851

If /pol/ is so wrong, why don't you go dump all your money into investing in the Congo.

>> No.24945980

The worldwide unbelievable lowest deadly gangster kosher- bosher vicious "medical profession"; worldwide unbelievable instant plastic surgery BUTCHERYof the body and brain - especially the face! Wipe-on hormones and laser beam surgery causing instant ugly deep wrinkles, scars, arthritis, freckles, blemishes, pimples. Red, brown, black or even sick white face and body. Worldwide dark negroidic-colored male sex organs to brainwash inferior female brain for overall plan: intermarry with niggers! Total graying and balding, even hairy body and furry body. Mustached, bearded women, even wipe-on synthetic hormones causing cancerous growth. Bloating, swelling, deformed big pickle- nose. Bulldog hanging cheeks and jowls. From teenage gradual wipe-on yellowing, browning and blackening of teeth and instant grinding and acids leaving hollow brown stumps, so vocal chords are made raspy, aged; creating a wrinkled, ugly gargoylic clown-booze- face worldwide population by age 70. Computer God computerized brainthinking sealed robot operating arm surgery cabinet machine removal of most of the frontal command-lobe of the brain - gradually during lifetime and overnight in all insane asylums (after Computer God kosher-bosher one month probation period), creating helpless, hopeless Computer God Frankenstein Earphone Radio Parroting Puppet brainless slaves resulting in millions of hopeless helpless homeless derelicts in all JerU.S.Alem cities and Soviet slave work camps. Not only the hangman rope Deadly Gangster Parroting Puppet scum-on-top know this top medical secret even worse deadly gangster Jew disease; from deaf Ronnie Reagan to U.S.S.R. Gorbachev know this oy vay Computer God Containment Policy (top secret)! Eventual brainloboto-mization of the entire world population for the Worldwide Deadly Gangster Communist Computer God Overall Plan - an ideal worldwide population of light-skinned, low hopeless and helpless Jew-mulattos; the Communist "Black Wave" of the future.

>> No.24945985

Nu/pol/ barely discusses race and IQ and doesn’t even understand the arguments for it

>> No.24946134

polfaggots are such a cancer on this website there are so many sheltered faggots who believe everything they read on the itnernet

>> No.24946182
File: 117 KB, 283x351, DJDenton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please suck my dick harder you colossal faggot nigger.

>> No.24946201

is this timecube

>> No.24946209

You seriously have to go back

>> No.24946386

what bet did you win?
did you make a x1.5 in 2020 or an x500 in 2016?

>> No.24946525

4chan is mostly idiot savants. High IQs for "pattern matching" but no real world experience so they can only pattern match a small number of things within their limited world purview. Some of the threads on this board are really painful to read, considering how everyone here claims they are 130+.

>> No.24946546

It's true and I didn't believe them. It wasn't even 2020 yet and people predicted the death numbers and the lockdown going into 2022

>> No.24946553

have sex manchildren

>> No.24946600

Yeah they were but since they're contrarian faggots as soon as it turned out they were right and corona started fucking shit up majorly they reversed course and started to whine about muh freedoms because they have to wear a mask to stop the spread of a virus they rightly predicted would be serious. What retards

>> No.24946607

I had my /pol/ phase back in 2015-2017 like most people here. Grew up a little since then, but hung on to the useful portions of /pol/ ideology.

Having a /pol/ phase is a perfectly natural coming of age event. It teaches you the ability to question long held conventions and taboos. 10/10 would recommend

>> No.24946634

Why must you do this.

>> No.24946663

They literally came out of tribal society less than a hundred years ago. Give them a chance kek

>> No.24946667

I remember at the beginning of the pandemic when governments were telling people that masks don’t work, /pol/ was circle jerking about getting stares from normies at the super market for wearing gas masks and then the government changed their mind on masks and over night /pol/ was anti mask.

Contrarianism truly is the fools game.

>> No.24946709

Why do you think they're the last ones to come out of tribal society? Because they are the lowest IQ.

>> No.24946730

Because they started out in a fucking sweltering shit jungle in the middle of nowhere

>> No.24946758

It really is pathetic, can't they just enjoy being proven right? They simply have to own the libs no matter what, even if it means flipflopping and being an absolute retard

>> No.24946759

And clearly the evolutionary pressure in that jungle was selecting for aggressive behavior that let them beat the shit out of each other.

>> No.24946778

Niggers are nobody's problem. Foreign aid is garbage and you're a fucking retard.

>> No.24946830
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>nooo you can't just hold the niggerinos to the same standards as everyone else
>we have to let them be scientists, doctors, and politicians even if they are retarded, it's only fair

>> No.24946829
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The difference between market winners and losers are the ones able to identify the things /pol/ sees, but knows the wave at which those things surf on.
It's one thing to scream and bitch about it, but it's another to utilize it as information to make your decisions.
Conspiracy is profitable if you can identify it and capitalize on it.

>> No.24946980

Quit going to /pol/ after the election. So full of cope/shilling/faggotry, hard contradictions and so forth. Honestly my life is better for leaving but it's hard to shake off the mindset.

>> No.24947021

Trump did win. It's not covid it's the leftist fear mongering that put us where we are.

>> No.24947048

Any gold or diamond mines there?

>> No.24947054
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tl;dr go back

>> No.24947080
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>> No.24947142

I gave up on pol when I realised most people there have paranoid schizoid disorders, it can still be useful for some information when there’s a happening. I’m better off on biz trying to make my fortune

>> No.24947219

I wonder who is behind this post

>> No.24947242


>> No.24947260

Im just gonna hate jews and niggers in an independent freelance kind of way, no autist community to tie me down. Besides i have too many mexican and arab friends for a /pol/tard.

>> No.24947290

>making money
You are a walking frying pan analogy

>> No.24947347

I’ve been frequenting biz for a long time it has made me a lot of money already

>> No.24947362

Because its edgy counter culture.
When everyone downplayed it, /pol/ treated it as massive habbening.
Now that everyone is forcing shutdowns they are complaining.

>> No.24947379

I remember when pol was full of tankies saying that bush was a colossal faggot. And here we are 15 years later. Fuck me you zoomer cunts fucking piss me off. Vape yourself to death you little shits.

>> No.24947397

I noticed there's a lot of overlap between maxis and Trump supporters. Does that mean Bitcoin is a scam?

>> No.24947426

/pol was freaking out and pro-mask in January/February when we barely knew anything about the virus. All we had were videos of chinese nurses crying and houses of infected people getting their doors welded shut so they wouldn't leave. And the fucking CDC was telling people there's no need to wear a mask so it was all extremely shady. Once it turned out >99% of people survive the virus more people became anti-mask. I don't personally agree with that because wearing a mask is effortless for me but whatever. Keep in mind that a lot of posts on /pol/ are made by shills to be intentionally retarded in order to discredit the real info there.

>> No.24947569

don't waste your time trying to reason with these dumbasses op, just take note of all the stupid shit being said by /pol/tards in this thread and apply the same amount of "how do these people even dress themselves in the morning" to the rest of the shit on this board, it's eye opening, 4chan went from libleft in the 2000s to 'any belief that makes me feel superior to others even if those beliefs are contradictory' in the 2010s, pretty sure it was the result of a psyop if I'm being honest

>> No.24947614
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>how can anyone be annoyed with the left's obsession with putting niggers on a pedestal? It must be a psyop

>> No.24947800

>If you’re being memed into having beliefs that don’t have anything to do with the real world, how will you ever get rich? /pol/cucks aren’t the same breed as they were 5-6 years ago, they get everything wrong now. I made money betting on an election that already took place because /pol/tards were convinced of a bunch of things that were never going to happen and they even put their own money on it.
Amen. In my country I make money narc-ing on these dumbshits and then they get a visit. They are hopeless.

>> No.24947936 [DELETED] 

Contrarianism is good in investing that’s about it.
I literally bought 500 shares of Jumia stock at $13, cocksucker. Still have them.

>> No.24948037

>they said
Why do you keep telling me what "they" said? I support Trump and didn't say any of that. You're more brainwashed than the dumbest burger rednecks you can find.

>> No.24948066

omg you said the word, you're not supposed to say that lmfao, so edgy wow, I remember when I was 13

>> No.24948141

/pol/ is overrun with shills/ idiots nowdays, it was the first place aknowlege the dangers of corona

>> No.24948147

>Grown niggers say 'nigger' everyday
>only 13 y/o say 'nigger'
pick one faggot

>> No.24948254

No sympathy for /pol/, they literally support mass-shootings of unarmed civilians. I am glad I have pocketed a free €2.000 so far from narcing on them eventhough I was a content creator there off and on going back to oldfag times. I’m antisemitic and antigay, but I’m not defined by it. /Pol/ ideology is screwed even worse now with the christian larpers who despite living in overwhelming christian countries are unable to form their own movement so out of desperation they latched on /pol/. Now /pol/ is against all non-whites including christian non-whites and all non-christians including whites. Can’t wait til they get wiped out, they have lost the plot.

>> No.24948352

i mean china is doing it and my country got rich of it so yeah

>> No.24949283

Fuck kikes
Fuck niggers
Fuck jannies
fuck trannies
Fuck you

BOND will moon

>> No.24949516
